In this pivotal time of ascension on earth, what are the tools that will best support you to move past density into balance and ascended well-being? Join us for this uplifting and empowering conversation as Amorahki chats with “The Goddess and The Green Man” healing center co-owner Catherine Green, who has been helping clients far and wide to achieve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual harmony for more than 40 years. Listen in as Catherine shares where we are at with ascension frequencies, and why the work of removing the contracts people take on to experience lessons, emotions, and relationships on earth is so important right now! 

Ascension Frequencies

Amorahki: Hello beautiful beings, and welcome back to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. I’m your host, Amorahki, and I am extra delighted to be inside of this wondrous episode all about Ascension Frequencies with our incredibly lovely and inspiring guest, Catherine Green.

Catherine has been helping clients far and wide to achieve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual harmony for more than 40 years now, drawing from a large client-specific collection of tools, as well as her astounding intuitive gifts. Among many other things, she helps with the removal of contracts that people take on to experience lessons, emotions, and relationships here on Earth to bring balance and ascended well-being. She is here today to talk about why this is so important during this pivotal time of ascension here on Earth.

Catherine lives near Ottawa with her amazing husband Allan Green, where together they own a healing center called The Goddess and the Green Man and often work as a team to remove Implants, help spirits who are stuck, and give advice and healing tools that enable people to find their truth more completely. She’s also a facilitator and teacher of the five levels of Zenith-Omega, a modality that was brought to this planet between 1986 and 1992.

I’ve got to tell you that being in Catherine’s energy is like visiting the most loving home you can ever imagine! I know with her on the show today, it will be overflowing with empowering insights, information, and inspiration for you, so let’s bring her on! Catherine, welcome to the show!

Catherine Green: Thank you Amorahki, and blessings to you and the audience. It’s a gift to be here and to share about this, as you said, pivotal and wondrous time on the planet. I’m honored and in great love and gratitude. Thank you.

Activate Your Superpowers

Amorahki: I’m so thrilled you’re here. I’m hearing from a lot of people lately, which is currently almost smack dab in the middle of 2024, from people who are really feeling the pressures and sort of density and uncertainty of living on the earth these days. We’re all really moving through something and so, before we shed some inspiring light on how we can move past the densities together, I’m wondering if you could share briefly just about what we’re talking about today. What are ascension frequencies?

Catherine Green: Well, many of you probably know the earth is coming into new frequencies out of a 26,000-year cycle. As we’re doing this, we’re coming into lighter frequencies. As earth is raising her frequencies, we’re to raise them as well. There’s so much energy coming in to shift what I call ‘our matrix’, our whole body into light well-being. And to do this, we’ve got the Schumann Resonance bounding up and down. We have coronal mass ejections flying around. Today, we have six planets aligned. We’re all part of the one and we’re all flowing into new beings. I have lots to share, expanding on this, as we come to learn lessons, emotions, and relationships, at this time we can move contracts, some people call it karma, with ease with our own knowing. So, this will support any of the ascension symptoms, which could be aches, pains, vertigo, nausea, emotions, and there’s a lot of emotions coming out. We’re clearing past lifetimes as well as this lifetime. So, it’s, it’s amazing and I’m looking to support with information that will empower people to move forward with more ease and ‘surf the incoming waves’ of light love frequencies of ascension. That’s just a basic little intro.

Amorahki: I really appreciate that. I think that naming what people are feeling and talking about the symptoms that are going on is important. Especially when things aren’t working to alleviate or relieve them and it’s because we need something new, we need a different perspective. What you have to offer today, I don’t really want to interrupt so I think we’re going to go ahead and take our short break now, and when we return Catherine will be free without interruption to share more about taking on contracts to experience lessons, emotions, and relationships and offer us some tools that we can use to really move past densities during this very pivotal time on earth. There is so much relief available, and inspiration and cause for so much hope and so much joy, while also really naming and attending to some of the difficulties and challenges that we are experiencing both individually and as a gathered people.

Just before we cut to a break Catherine, where’s the best place for people to go to find out more about you, to connect more with you and all the greatness you’re up to in the world?

Catherine Green: Thank you for asking Amorahki, my website is and my email, which is the best way to reach me, is [email protected]  

I’d be happy to connect with people to share and help empower in so many ways.

Amorahki: Catherine is one of the most dedicated, generous, and loving people I’ve ever met. When she welcomes you in, she really means it! If anybody wants to but is feeling shy or hesitant to just send her a message, I really encourage you and invite you to do it anyway. She is the most welcoming, loving being and there’s only good there for you.

All right everyone, you are listening to Superpowers of the Soul here on the Superpower Network and we’re going to take a real short break and then get deep into Ascension Frequencies with Catherine Green when we return.

Activate Your Superpowers!