Hello Sister Is there power in being a kid entrepreneur? On today’s episode of Super Power Kids, host Neva Lee Recla speaks with Hello Sisters about fun it can be to be a kid entrepreneur. Hello Sisters is a pop rock band of three sisters; Grace, Gabriella, and Scarlett Mason. Starting a business when you’re a kid allows you to bring a fun and different perspective compared to an adult. Tune in to today’s episode to learn about the fun of being a kid entrepreneur.

Hey everyone. This is your Super Power Kids, Neva Lee Recla. I’m super excited for today’s interview.

We’re going to be talking all about the power of being a kid entrepreneur. Being a kid entrepreneur to me means, you have a lot of fun in everything, no matter what you’re doing. I think our guests certainly know a lot about that. They are called Hello Sisters. Their names are Grace, Gabriella and Scarlett Mason. They are pretty awesome. They are singers, songwriters, actresses, and models, and I’m super excited for this conversation.

So without further ado, will you help me welcome our guests, Hello Sisters. Hey, guys.


How are you all?

I’m good.

We’re good. How are you?

I’m really good. I’m excited for this interview. So let’s jump right into it. What are your guys’ superpowers?

Well, as you know, we’re a Pop Rock sister band, so I guess our superpower would be changing the world with our music.

That’s a really good answer. I think, obviously I’m not really into public music, because that’s not what I do, but I think how we’re similar in that sense is, as I was speaking about beforehand is being a kid entrepreneur means that you can have fun in everything. And I think that’s a huge part about changing the worlds.


Also I love how your guys’ shirts say superpowers.

Thank you. We were looking through what to wear like, “Oh, this is perfect for today’s interview.”

That’s perfect. So my other question is, do you guys go to public school?


Yes, we do.

Cool, and then how old are you all?

I’m 14.

I just turned 12.

And I’m 13.

Awesome, that’s really cool. What would you say your favorite part about being in the music industry is?

Well, we’ve always loved music since we were a kid and it’s just one of our passions. So it’s awesome that we can turn that, one of our passions into something we could do as career, so.

That’s really cool. Yeah, that’s a huge part about what I do in the sense of, a lot of people ask me, if I miss out on my childhood because I’m in business, but then on some level, I think that I’ve almost gained it because you’re doing so much more and you’re able to learn a lot, because you’re doing a lot.

So many fun and experience as well.

Yeah, exactly. And also, again, like I was talking about earlier is you can bring a different side to the table because as a kid, you can have a really fun perspective on things. Versus business can be perceived as kind of boring or something that only adults should do. And so I think being a kid entrepreneur, especially starting at a really young age is really awesome because you’re able to go into it with that kid mindset.


Yeah. Now, also, before we do get into the break, what advice would you give someone who is wanting start in the music industry, or is even wanting to just start business as a kid? What would your, and all of you can answer, what would your main points of advice be?

For me probably is be yourself when you’re doing it. It has to be something that you love and if you just go for it, it’s always going to be possible. And it’s really important.

Yeah, and also you have to be patient as well because it’s going to take a long time, a lot of songs for one hit song or-

Yeah. It’s not going to come like your first song will be on the radio.

So just keep on believing in yourself and-

The hard work will pay off.


Yeah. That’s really awesome. I like that advice. And also I’d add to that. Like you said, a little bit is be yourself because having fun in it is really important. And if you’re not being authentic and if you’re not being yourself, it can be stressful. It’s even more stressful when you’re trying to pretend to be something else.


Awesome, but we do have to get into the break. So where can people go to find out more about you all?

You can follow us on all of our music platforms from Spotify and iTunes at Hello Sister and on Instagram we’re @hellosistermusic and on TikTok we’re @hellosister.

So it’s pretty much all social platforms @hellosister or visit us at hellosistermusic.com

Okay, awesome. So definitely go check them out. Awesome. Yeah, definitely go check them out because they’re really awesome. We’ve been talking all about the power of being kid entrepreneurs with the Hello Sister band. So we’ll be right back after the break.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.