Adam Schaeuble is on a million pound mission! Adam refers to himself as a PHD (previously heavy dude) because he once weighed 327 pounds and lost 100 pounds! He then went on to help others reach their goals. Have you ever wondered how you can make a change in your life? Well, listen in as Adam and host Neva Lee Recla talk about how you can make an impact in your life and encourage others!

Hi everyone. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla, and I’m so excited for today’s interview. We are going to be talking about the Million Pound Mission. So what is the Million Pound Mission?

Well, our guest today is going to be sharing that with us. His name is Adam Schaeuble. And he is just so awesome. He was an Icon of Influence at Steve Olsher’s New Media Summit Event with me and my mom, and a bunch of other cool people. He is a coach, an author, and also a podcaster. He’s just an amazing person. 

So without further ado, will you help me welcome our guest, Adam. 

Hi Adam!

Neva, I am so excited to be on your show. Thanks for inviting me.

Thank you so, so much for coming too. So what are your superpowers?

Well, I’ve been thinking about this question, and I think my main SuperPower is I let people borrow my energy and my momentum until they can kind of build up their own. Because I deal with a lot of people that are having a hard time and I say, “Just plug in to my energy and what I have and I’ll help you out, you can borrow that.”

So I think that might be my best SuperPower.

That’s cool. I think that I’m kind of similar but I have something called community ability. So basically, I tie into other people’s energy and I’m a sponge pretty much. So walking into places like the Media Summit can be kind of challenging for me as I don’t have this kind of barrier built in with myself, because I can pick up on a lot of people’s energies.

So if someone in the room is stressed or scared, sometimes for me that comes off as just 10 times worse.


But that means I’m also really good at giving my energy away because I’ve gotten good at collecting what I need to collect, but also I don’t take energy from other people. Which is challenging because my parents and I are very spiritual. And so, we kind of consider it like if you take someone else’s energy then they can’t manage it from themselves, even if they’re hurting or something.

Because I also pick up on people’s like physical pain. So if like my friend is sick or something, it’ll come off to me and then I realize that if I take it, they can’t handle it. So we do the return to sender, and that’s what we do.


Yeah. So what advice would you have for kids on how they can eat healthy and stay in their active mindsets?

I think that’s important for everybody to have choices in front of them.

Well, I think with kids, and I’ve got a son that’s getting ready to turn nine. I’ve got a daughter that’s four, but what I focus on with them is just giving them lots of healthy options, and educating them on what is healthy versus what isn’t healthy, and letting them make choices. I think that’s important for everybody to have choices in front of them. And it’s not always fun for adults or kids or anybody to be told, “You must eat this or you will always avoid that.”

But I think it’s important for kids and adults to understand that there’s balance. So we can’t eat donuts every single day and expect our health to blossom. We can have them every once in a while, but we have to find that balance of, “I’m going to mainly fuel off of healthy foods.”

And when I talked to my kids about that, I’m like, “Let’s pick things that grow in the ground or things that don’t come in a box, and things that are in their natural state.”

And I will explain what that is and that’s a great foundation. And then we talk about how to make those things taste good. Neither one of my kids like spicy food, they will not, they just don’t like heavily spiced food. My daughter’s like, “This is spicy daddy and I won’t eat it!”

So we are learning the flavors that they enjoy and don’t enjoy. I think it’s really important for kids to understand that because it tastes good doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy. So we have to figure out how to make something that is healthy taste good so it fits both categories, and that’s super important. But if kids can make sure they’re drinking lots of water, make sure that they’re moving, and they aren’t just sitting in front of YouTube and things like that. I know that kids love that. I used to love playing video games and things like that when I was growing up.

But if we move, if we can get a sweat going, if you drink lots of water, if you get a good amount of sleep, and you eat healthy, that’s a great foundation for growing up and having just kind of maximize your health.

Yeah, I think that’s good advice because especially as a kid, if you can learn how to be healthy and how to make certain foods, and how’d you do that at an early age, that means that when we’re adults it’ll be a lot easier for us.

Exactly right.

Exactly. And so for me, I really enjoy cooking. And it’s about like every other night I ask if I can cook dinner. And so my parents are on a Keto diet, so they have a different diet than me. So it’s like a fun challenge to see how can I work around to get what I know I like and tastes good, and how to get what they do with their diet, and how it tastes good for them.

And so, it’s a lot of fun. Like, especially if they can sneak something healthy or a vegetable or something into a meal, and it’s kind of a fun challenge seeing how maybe you can hide it a little bit, you know?

Yeah. I do that. I make a protein frosting that my kids love and it’s only two ingredients, Neva! I get a chocolate protein powder, like the powder, and I’ll dump that into a bowl and then I’ll get a tablespoon of almond butter and put that in there. And then I just drip a little drops of water. And when you stir it with a fork, it just turns into this frosting and you can put it on top of anything or just eat it as is. And it’s just healthy fats and protein and it actually tastes really good. And my kids ask for that. They like a bagel with special frosting or sometimes, they just want the frosting by itself. So it’s awesome.

That’s cool. Yeah. We do something called cauliflower mash.


Which is really amazing and it’s really easy to make and most stores carry them now, which is awesome. And we used to do that a lot in the past. And so we made it one day and that was my first time trying it that I could remember, and it was so good. And if you get it right and make it right, it tastes exactly like potatoes, which is really awesome.

Yep, it is. I’ve definitely made use of some, some cauliflower in my day, Neva.

Yep. I think that it’s cool how you’re teaching your kids, “Use the things that maybe come from the earth.” And like for me, I do organic fruits and vegetables because if I don’t I have a reaction to them, which makes sense.

And so, you stay off those things and then it’s kind of nice just being able to almost feel like more connected on some level. If I’m eating the things that I know come from mother nature, I immediately feel it.

Yeah. And also growing your own, just having a little garden or even just like a pot where you grow some strawberries. We did that this past spring where we had a potted strawberry plant out on our porch and the kids help take care of it, and they got to pick the strawberries and eat them, and they tasted how good they tasted, and they took some ownership over that. So I think that’s a really, really good idea.

That’s cool. We have a compost in our backyard, which I absolutely love composting. It’s just one of my favorite things to do because it’s not just trashing all of those eggshells. It’s putting them back and then we’re thinking of growing basil in it, which would be really awesome. So I enjoy growing things. My grandfather, I call him Papow, he grows jalapenos and tomatoes and all that in his backyard. It’s a lot of fun helping him.

You sneak over there and take them out of his garden?

So I want to keep talking with you more about the Million Pound Mission, but we need to take a quick break. Will you let our listeners know where they should go to find out more about you?

Yeah, if you head on over to that is the main hub for all my contact and I’m always very active on Instagram, @millionpoundmission. I love to interact. Send me a direct message and I’ll message you back.

Awesome. Definitely go check him out because Adam is so, so awesome. So we’ve been talking with Adam Schaeuble about the Million Pound Mission. We’ll be right back after the break.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.