Hey, everyone. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla, and I am so excited for today’s conversation. We’re going to be talking all about girl power. I think that this is a really important topic because I’m all about girl power, and I’m also all about uplifting others and uplifting everybody and seeing them for who they are.
I think that’s kind of what girl power is all about. I think our guest today knows exactly what that’s like. Her name is Jennifer Keitt. She is so awesome. She’s known as one of the most powerful voices on airwaves. She’s a 30-plus year media vet, which I think is pretty cool. We’re definitely going to be asking questions about that today. She’s been on things like today’s Black Woman and so much more. She is so powerful and so amazing. So, without further ado, will you help me welcome our guest, Jennifer? Hi.
Thank you for having me. How are you?
I’m good. How are you?
Wonderful, wonderful.
Awesome. I’m so excited for this conversation. So, let’s jump right into it. What are your superpowers?
I would think that, first and foremost, my superpower is communication. Since before I was your age, asking questions, talking, being able to present ideas, and get people excited just through my voice. That is one of my biggest strengths that I use every single day. I consider that a big superpower.
Yeah, that’s a really good superpower to have, and I think that’s one of my superpowers. So, I’m 10. I’ve been in business since I was two. I’ve been used to asking people questions that sometimes they’re uncomfortable with me asking. I asked my parents for business cards at two. Their first answer was no, and then they realized, “Well, why not?”
Why not?
I’ve been wanting to ask a ton of questions, and that’s part of the reason I love being a podcaster. I think that’s a really great superpower to have, as well as I think that really ties into what’s going on right now. I know with quarantine and stuff, sometimes how you mentioned your superpower is communication, sometimes I forget how to communicate with people, if I’m honest.
Oh, that’s interesting.
Not necessarily as much because I’m doing my podcast, but when I’m not doing it, sometimes I forget. We’ve been in quarantine for a little over three months now, so it’s been stressful to the point where I forget I’m wearing a mask and I’ll go to put on lip balm, go to smile at someone, get a drink of water, realize you can’t do those things.
Exactly. It’s a little trick. I’ve got four kids, three girls and one boy. All of their lives, I’ve been a broadcaster. What we had in our home growing up is we have a professional persona and then just who we are. I can turn on my radio voice or turn it off. I can turn on my professional presentation skills or turn them off. That kind of switch up, that code switching, I mean, it really helps, especially during quarantine because I’ve been doing a whole lot of talking this way online, lots of folks. But when I’m not online, I can just switch it off. So I think it’s like using seriously superpowers. If you think about like a Superwoman or Wonder Woman or someone like that, they’re not always fighting the bad guys. We can turn them on, turn it off. That’s what I love about communication, because it is something that you can kind of be flexible with.

Neva Lee Recla is on a mission to inspire 1 million kids to start businesses. Get the tools to inspire your young entrepreneur so they can go out and change the world. The book gives you the insights you need to support your child, while the monthly Messages inspire and support your kids on their entrepreneurial journey. Give your child the gift of Super Powers and join Neva in changing the world today!
Yeah. That’s awesome. I love how you mentioned how you do that with your kids. I work within our business as well. So, I edit my dad and my shows. I do a lot of the pre-production things. So how each guest, if they want it, they can have a thank you card sent out, and it’s a personal message from the host saying, “Thank you for coming on our show.” I’m the person that does that. I got to make sure all the addresses are correct. I got to make sure it’s going to the right person. If the address and the name next to it is different than the name next to the one that the host wrote, I got to switch those around and all those things.
Also, sometimes, I mess up. I’m not perfect in it, and so my parents get to be my bosses as well. But then also, they have their boss hats and they also have their parent hats, and I know what’s different. When I’m on shift, I know that I probably shouldn’t be asking them questions about like, “Oh, what should I eat for dinner?” Like all those things.
And realizing it’s different.
That’s so true.
That’s a huge part about communication. I think that’s also a big part within our families. Because right now, there’s been a lot of time together. You can’t always go and escape to a coffee shop because sometimes that’s not open.
You’ve got to find the different types of personality. I would consider it your personality, like what personality are you being right now?
Right now.
Are you being my boss, or are you being my parent?
Right, exactly. But knowing that you can do that switch up, I think that’s really the key because I work with my daughter too. My oldest daughter and I run our nonprofit together. So when I’m a mom, I’m a mom; and when she’s a worker, she’s a worker. When we work, we work; when we’re not, we’re mom and daughter. So yeah. Being able to switch it up, I think that’s a really cool thing.
Yeah. That’s really awesome. I would love to keep talking about this more because I think communication, in my opinion, is a huge part about girl power. You got to have that communication, and I can speak for myself. I’m a kid entrepreneur, and so sometimes people don’t even really recognize you as an entrepreneur because of my age.
Yeah. So, sometimes I got to work even harder to get people to even see me as an equal. And then I can continue doing that.
Well, I think that’s interesting being a woman period. Because I’m an African-American, I’m a black woman, and so being in an industry like communications my entire career, I’ve always had to work harder. Anything that I’ve done, you have to prove yourself first. Unfortunately, it’s still that way, but then it also makes you stronger. I think it’s something that we have innate as women, this ability to be able to be strong in our strengths, those things that we really are good at doing. So you are definitely on the right track with being able to say, “Hey, you got to work a little bit harder.” But then you know what? It’s worth it. Because when you have to fight for it, it makes it that much sweeter when you get it.
That’s so true. Also, I think a huge part about it is realizing that there’s some people who are women who have faced that. Sometimes I think the belief is that women and men aren’t equal. So, either we’re below or above. I think it’s a huge part of you may have to work harder to get people to take you seriously; but also, I think a huge part of it. Something I’ve learned is treat others how you want to be treated.
If I’m working harder, I’m not going to go and try to pass someone. Because even though we’ve had different experiences, I know they’re working. They’re still working hard, and they’re still going at it.
Absolutely, putting the grind and putting the hustle in there. Absolutely. It’s one of those kinds of things, if you intend on having longevity, if you intend on being around or being an influence in people’s lives for a very long time, you got to watch how you’re treating people. Even when we’re hustling, even when we’re grinding, even when we’re out here using our superpowers, we still have to be cognizant of the fact that, hey, you never burn bridges. You never treat someone in a lesser fashion, especially if you want to be around for a long time. I’ve seen a lot of things, and what goes around does definitely come back around.
That is true.
You want to make sure that you’re doing the right thing at all times, and then you never have to worry.
Yeah, exactly. Keep the hustle and keep the loving it as well.
That is so important.
Well, we do have to get into a quick break, and I would love to keep talking with you more. So where can people go to find out more about you?
You can find me at jenniferkeitt.com. All roads lead right there and will take you everywhere that I have some kind of presence online.
Awesome. Definitely go check her out because she is so amazing, so powerful, and so inspirational. We’ve been talking with Jennifer Keitt all about girl power. We’ll be right back after the break.
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