Hey everyone. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla and I’m so excited for today’s interview. We are going to be talking about finding your passion for kids. Finding your passion is so important. I think a huge part about podcasting and being in business at a young age is you can have so much fun with what you’re doing. I think our guest today knows exactly what that’s like. Her name is Patricia Marseille. She is an executive coach with years of experience of enhancing the performance of lives all around self-mastery tools, which I think is awesome. That kind of sounds like what we’re doing within Super Power Experts. It’s like finding your superpowers by doing something really fun and awesome. She also helps people develop team building, which I think is also a huge part about finding your passion. You have to have the love and you have to have the team in it or else it’s kind of boring. So I want to get into this interview. So without further ado, will you help me welcome our guest Patricia? Hi.
Hi. Hi everyone.
Thank you so much for coming on. I’m super excited for this.
Yeah, my pleasure. I’m super excited as well.
Yeah, this is going to be a ton of fun. So what are your superpowers?
Let’s see. So these days, because I seem to morph every now and then. I grow into something new. So these days it’s leadership guidance, eliminating limiting beliefs, and definitely flowing in self-love,
Those are all really good superpowers. I think a really amazing part of it is how you mentioned self love, because I think a huge part about finding your passion is you have to have self loving. You have to have that self courage. Also you’re kind of wondering, well, what am I supposed to do next? Or how am I even supposed to do it,
For sure. If you can’t come into the space of actually identifying your own kindness and compassion towards yourself, that’s actually the opening of coming into your place of purpose and gaining clarity.
That is so true. Also I think another part of it is you have to kind of like you said, you have to have these priorities. So with passion comes also responsibility. So with this podcast, I’ll use my podcast as an example, I’m also doing things behind the scenes because this episode can’t be published without me putting in the correct information in the information form. If I were to say that this is an interview with Bob from Bob Build that happened, and we were talking about building things, it will be totally off. So you have to also have those steps.
Yeah. With everything there’s that process of really reviewing a lot of the background first, before you step out into the forefront. I think that’s part of that journey in seeking out your purpose and then knowing that your purpose now may not be your purpose later. Right? It falls. So having a little grace on yourself about that too.
That is true. I like how you mentioned grace, because I think a huge part of it is you have to have the grace. You don’t think you’re going to stumble, you’re going to fall. You’re going to get back up again anyways. You’re going to keep on doing it. One of our favorite movies is Captain Marvel and it shows how she is a human. That’s one of her powers. She is a human. So she does fall, but she stands up every single time.
Yep, exactly. Exactly. I love that. I love Captain Marvel as well. One of my favorite, but what’s your superpower?

Neva Lee Recla is on a mission to inspire 1 million kids to start businesses. Get the tools to inspire your young entrepreneur so they can go out and change the world. The book gives you the insights you need to support your child, while the monthly Messages inspire and support your kids on their entrepreneurial journey. Give your child the gift of Super Powers and join Neva in changing the world today!
Oh my gosh. I love when guests do this. One of my superpowers is chameleon ability. I used to call it gecko ability, but chameleon ability pretty much means that I control my energy so I can move. So if I’m with someone who’s more energetic, sometimes I can match their energy. Or if I’m with someone more calm, I can match their energy. Or I’m also really good at big events, really centering because there’s an event that we go to called Media Summit, which I absolutely love, but it’s so energy filled. So everybody’s go, go, going. A part of it is when you’re an icon of influence, oh there’s my timer, when you’re an icon of influence, people will come and pitch you to see if they can come on your show and stuff. So you have to kind of set that bubble. So I’m really good at moving my energy, but then another part of it is I’m good at sensing other people’s energies. So if I’m noticing sadness, but I’ve had a great day, sometimes I can realize, oh this isn’t mine.
I totally get that. It means you’re very strong in your intuition, which is beautiful.
Yeah. Thank you. I think it’s really awesome to have, because it’s really easy to connect with people in that sense and sense where they’re coming from and if they’re even interested in it. Yeah.
Yeah. It immediately lets you know through your connections kind of where that next growth spurt is for you.
Yeah. Yeah. That’s true.
So it’s a beautiful space.
Yeah, it is. It’s also really awesome to play with during this time. Oh, am I picking up on someone else’s anger about being in quarantine and stuff? Or is this mine? Or am I picking up on someone else’s sadness that they can’t go to their fun places or is this mine? Then I can release that energy. It’s so much easier to live in this time right now because I can sense oh, this isn’t mine. I can release it to the world.
Due to the current platforms that we have, the fact that everything is virtual and online, are you finding it easier or harder or the same to function in that superpower?
Oh wow. That’s a really good question. I would say it’s a little bit of both. Where am I putting my energy and how am I putting it into those places? Also it depends on the people I’m working with within it. So it really depends like how is it shifting and shaping?
Yeah. Well also before we get into the break because my timer did go off and I have to stop talking at some point, I’m just going to say, I love that you’re asking me questions because like I get it. I’m the podcaster, but when you come on me flip it around, it’s so much more fun. So thank you for doing that.
Yeah. It’s a dialogue. It’s about community.
Yeah, exactly. It’s not just like, I’m going to talk to you. You’re going to answer my questions. We got to have the conversation.
Yeah. We’re both fun being. So it’s all about the fun.
That’s true. That’s a huge part about finding your passion is finding what is fun for you. Awesome. So we do have to get into the break. So where can people go to find out more about you?
Oh sure. So there are two places. There’s my website pmmarseille.com, which is ultimately my name. Or you can find me on Instagram. On Fridays we have some live interview sessions, which I’d love to have you come on.
Awesome. I’d love that. That’d be so fun. Awesome. Well, yeah. Well, definitely go check her out because I’ve been having such a fun conversation with Patricia today. So we’ve been talking all about finding your passion for kids with Patricia Marseille. We’ll be right back after the break.
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