Hi, kids. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla. Today we have on our show a very, very cool guest, Paul Dixon. We both met at the New Media Summit, and he worked for Disney and Target. He published books with his cousin, and they’re called The Adventures of Papa Lemon’s Little Wanderers. So without further ado, will you help me welcome our guest, Paul Dixon. Hi, Paul.
Hello, Neva. How are you today?
I’m amazing, how are you?
I’m doing fantastic.
That’s good, that’s good.
So, what are your superpowers?
My superpowers. One, listening. I have really good listening skills. I try to pay attention to people when I’m talking to them, and the second superpower is I love numbers. Ever since I was a child I would count everything, add things up, keep score at the different type of sporting events, so I really love working and dealing with numbers.
Cool. That’s really cool. So, today we’re talking about entrepreneur ideas for kids. Here, how about I show them the book that you gave me?
This is called Papa Lemon’s Little Wanderers, and it’s the first successful open heart surgery. Yeah. It’s a really cool book.
Thank you very much. Want me to talk a little bit about it? Is that okay?
Actually, Papa Lemon in real life is my grandfather, and my cousin, Lehman Riley is the author. The concept is five friends go back in time, and they visit a different historical figure in history. In this book, they meet Dr. Daniel Hale Williams and learn about the first successful open heart surgery.
That’s cool, I like that. I thought we could do a superhero pose-
A superhero pose, absolutely. How’s that for a superhero pose? I like your pose, too.
Thank you. What is your plan for the books in the future?
The plan for the books, there’s seven that have been completed thus far. Actually, we just started a new illustration style, and we’re reprinting the first book about Dr. Martin Luther King. That book will be available in January of 2018.
Cool, congrats.
Thank you very much.
I’m actually writing a book, and I thought we could call it When Pigs Fly. That’s actually my mom’s idea because I thought when I make my first million dollars I’m gonna buy a pet pig and name him Hamlet Recla.
That’s a fun name, and I’m sure you’ll make that first million before we all know it.
Thank you. What advice do you have for kids who want to publish books?
My advice for kids who want to publish books is used your creativity as much as you can to write whatever story that you’re interested in. So once you write that story, then you can work with maybe some adults that you know and get your book published, but most importantly just try to foster that creativity and come up with an amazing story.
I really like that. Thank you for that advice. If you could change anything about the world, what would it be?
What it would be is I would want every person to have more compassion and empathy towards others. So if you could really feel how everyone else felt, then you would probably be kinder and nicer to other people.
Yeah, I agree. Where can people go to find out more about you?
Actually, they can go to my website, which is papalemonedu.com. Go to the papalemonedu.com website and there will be information about the books, and myself, and cousin who wrote the books.
Awesome, thank you. We are gonna take a quick break, so we’ll be right back. We’ve been talking with Paul Dixon about entrepreneur ideas for kids. We’ll be right back.
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