A lot of people think that creativity for kids is an inborn talent, either you have it or you don’t have it. Although creativity is genetic, it can still be learned, that’s why parents and teachers should always encourage kids to use their creativity. In this episode of Super Power Kids, host Neva Lee Recla explores creativity for kids with guest Wendy Gilhula. Wendy is the author of the Pika Bunny book series for kids. She made a Pika Bunny kindness tracker app where you can earn points for being kind. Join them now as Neva and Wendy talk about the importance of kindness and how you can start molding your kid’s creativity and help with their development.

Hey, everyone, it’s your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla. I’m very excited for today’s interview. We are talking about creativity for kids.

Creativity is so, so important, and in my mind, if you had the chance to be creative, go for it. You can teach others so much and you can learn so much, especially in business. If you’re able to be creative, so many possibilities open up.

So, our guest today knows exactly what that’s like. Her name is Wendy Gilhula. She’s awesome. She’s the author of the Pika Bunny book series for kids. She talks all about creativity and kindness. So, I’m very, very excited to have her on today. So, without further ado, will you help me welcome our guest, Wendy.


Hi Neva. How are you?

I’m good. How are you?

I’m doing great. I’m so happy to be here today.

Me, too. I’m really excited to talk to you. So, I already know that you have a lot of superpowers, but can you share with our listeners what some of your superpowers are?

Well, I have a kind of unusual superpower. It’s untangling things. I’m really good at untangling Christmas lights. I don’t even have to look at it. I can be to having a conversation and the next thing you know, the whole thing is untangled.

So, when I’m with a lot of younger kids, they always know that and they always come up to me with a knot in their shoe, and I can get it out right away.

So that’s one of my superpowers. Who knew? Are you good at untangling things?

Sometimes. I do sometimes have trouble with my earphones because the wires, one moment you’re looking away and then the next moment they’re all tangled.



And how does that happen? I don’t know.

I don’t know. Maybe they have minds of their own and it just kind of happens.

Maybe. Well, we can use our imaginations and figure that out, right?

That’s true. So, what other superpowers do you have? I think that untangling things is a pretty good superpower.

If I have another superpower, it would be, sometimes it’s to ask the right question at the right time. And it’s really random. It’s not something that I can plan, but that happens a lot, too. So that’s kind of fun. Maybe that’ll happen today.

Yeah, I think that that’s a really good superpower to have because I would say that’s pretty close to a chameleon ability, which is a superpower that I have, which you’re able to shift your energy into a bunch of different areas and aspects of your life, which is so important, and you’re able to shift your energy based on different situations and ask the right questions at the right time.

You know, I never thought of it that way, but, yeah, I think I have that superpower as well. I can adjust to different and different energies. Yeah, so that must be another one I didn’t realize I head. So thanks. I’ve got a new one. Another one.

Yeah, and also a good way to find out your super powers is really tap in and you’re able to see all the different creative sides of yourself. Also, we have a quiz on our website, on the Super Power Experts website. There’s a quiz to find out what other superpowers you have.

Okay. I’ll have to check it out. I hope everybody else does, too. I’m interested for them to leave that in the comments. That’d be pretty cool.

Yeah. And finding out what superpowers you have is really awesome. You’re able to see all the different aspects of your life that you can shift and that you can help and how you can help others, which is really cool when you’re able to do that.

Exactly. And the sooner the better, right?

That’s a true statement. That is a really true statement because, some people, it’s scare you to embrace your superpowers, and I think that there’s nothing to be afraid of. So, like you said, the sooner the better. Excuse me. And I think that it’s so important to just go for it and have fun.

Neva Lee Recla is on a mission to inspire 1 million kids to start businesses. Get the tools to inspire your young entrepreneur so they can go out and change the world. The book gives you the insights you need to support your child, while the monthly Messages inspire and support  your kids on their entrepreneurial journey. Give your child the gift of Super Powers and join Neva in changing the world today!

That’s right. And sometimes my younger friends are afraid to really get into that superpower because they think that maybe they would be different. But you know what? Being different is your superpower because you can’t be like everybody else. You can’t be like your best friend. You can share interests, but you’re not going to be exactly like that person. So just being brave and trying it out and little steps and then you’ll feel more confident and then you can really find your superpower.

Yeah, I definitely agree with you. And having superpowers is a way that makes everyone different. You can have the same superpower as somebody, but you could be completely different, which I think is pretty cool.

You and I both share the chameleon superpower, but we use it in different ways. And I’m 55 years old, so you probably don’t have multiple things in common with me, but we do have those things in common, so that’s pretty cool.

Exactly. Yeah. So, I’ve been loving talking with you about creativity because it is so important, and setting yourself different from others is a really cool and it’s a superpower that everybody has. So, do you have any last advice before we get into the break?

Oh, about creativity?

I would just, if you’re afraid to be creative, you can test it out on one of your family members first and get a little confidence, or you can test it out on one of your best friends.


And that’s how I started.

That’s some good advice. I like that.

So, before we get into the break, will you also tell our listeners where they can go to find out more about you?

Sure. You can go to my website, wendygilhula.com.

Awesome. Definitely go check her out because she is so, so awesome.

We’ve been talking with Wendy Gilhula about creativity for kids. We’ll be right back after the break.


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