Hi everyone. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla, and today we have here a very, very special guest and her name is Serena Denmark. She is a flight nurse and we met at Steve Olsher’s New Media Summit Event. Also, she is a hypnotist now, which is awesome. Today, I thought we would talk to her about cool powers. So, without further ado, welcome our guest, Serena Denmark.
Hi. Thank you for having me on Neva. I’m super excited to be here.
Thank you for coming.
Alright, so, what are your superpowers?
So my superpowers are figuring out … I have a few, but one of them is figuring out what’s wrong with people, and then helping them fix it. So when I was a flight nurse, I had to do that really fast. I had to figure out if they were dehydrated, or if they had a heart problem, whatever was going on, so I knew what medicine to give them and how to help them. And now, I do that with people with helping them figure out how to not feel sad anymore, or how not to feel anxious, and stuff like that, and how to just feel happy and help them change it really quick.
That’s really cool.
Thank you. Another superpower is that I can help people with some of those spooky things that I know you like to talk about. So sometimes I know that you talk to fairies and maybe if you like lots of things in those other realms, but sometimes there are things that might not be as friendly that people have to deal with. And so I can help them heal those and get rid of them.
That’s cool. That’s really cool.
It’s pretty cool.
So, alright. So I thought, since we are both superheroes, how about we do a superhero pose?
Sounds great. I’m gonna do mine in my chair because otherwise, I get out of the house. I like this one.
And then Wonder Woman.
Can I tell you something funny about those poses that I just learned?
What’s really cool about those poses is that they actually change your hormones and they make you feel more confident and they really, really work to make you feel more confident and by even changing hormones in your body. So they can do blood work before you do that superpose, and then two minutes after you’ve done it, and it changes your blood work. That’s how powerful those are.
Cool. Cool. That’s really cool actually. I didn’t know it did that.
You just keep being a super kid and your power just keeps growing. It’s awesome.
Thank you. Alright, so, what do you do in the world?
Well, I do hypnosis for people. Whether they want to quit smoking, or like I said before, if they have anxiety, or they just have something that they want to feel better about, I can help them figure out what’s going on in their unconscious mind and help them do that. But what I’m about to start doing is I’m going to start teaching other people how to do what I do, so I’m really excited about that.
That’s awesome.
So that, they can help even more people.
That’s really … Excuse me. That’s really cool.
Thank you. I’m super excited.
Alright, what is your favorite thing to do?
Probably my favorite thing to do, I don’t hardly get to do it very often, but is to fly. When I was a flight nurse I got to fly in a helicopter all the time, but my favorite was on a little power glider. It was almost like being a bird. It was just so much fun.
That’s awesome.
And I really love that, but when I can’t fly I love everything to do with hypnosis. I like to study hypnosis. I like to do hypnosis, teach hypnosis. I just think it’s so fascinating.
That’s awesome.
Thank you.
If you could change anything about the world what would it be?
What I really would want is for everybody to discover their own superpowers. That they could really connect to their higher self, maybe, so they have that higher perspective. Because if we were all doing that, we could come together and change the whole world.
Yeah, I really like that. Alright, do you have any advice for kids, or adults, or both to help them with their superpowers?
I think the most important thing that I know, which is to trust yourself and trust your superpowers. Because a lot of people try to tell you that you’re not that special sometimes, but you know that you are, so trust that.
I like that. Thank you. Alright, so, where can people go to find out more about you?
My website is belimitlesshypnosis.com.
I like that.
It’s pretty cool and a … Or they can email me, just my name, SerenaDenmark@Gmail.
Awesome. Alright, so now it’s time for the break. We’ve been talking with Serena Denmark about cool powers. We’ll be right back.
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