Hello everybody. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I’m so excited to have with me today Coach Nick to talk about spiritual freedom. He is just delightful. So I first connected with him around an event that he put up, Freedom Fest. It was such a fun event. It was very well-handled. The energy around it was super high. It was a cool kind of tell us summit modality, you know, and it really was amazing the interaction and so he’s quite masterful, a great gathering people together and really I think it’s just people love this guy and so they kind of want to be around him. They kind of want to be involved with what he’s doing and that’s always a really valuable asset to have when you’re doing work that’s altering the world and changing people’s lives. He’s an author, trainer and he co-founded the Freedompreneurs Club and so I’m really excited to have him on the show. He’s got such a light kind of easy-going laissez faire kind of attitude about things and so I think a lot of us can learn from his particular approach in the world. So please join me in welcoming Coach Nick to the show. Welcome. How are you?
Oh thanks so much, Tonya. I’m doing fantastic. Thank you so much for having me here on your podcast and being part of Freedom Fest that was such a wonderful event and I learned so much from you. You really blew my mind through your presentation on Freedom Fest. And I was just blown away with, you gave me permission, I have to tell you this. I don’t know if I ever got the opportunity to tell you this but you gave me permission to start a second brand.

Yes! I am multifaceted!
Photo by Alessio Lin on Unsplash
It was after your talk during Freedom Fest that I said, “Yes! I am multifaceted!” and, “Yes! I give myself permission to be that!” And the other thing was that you said that really just resonated with me was, and I’ve said it to other people and I’ve said it to myself and Sarah as we grow the Freedompreneurs Club brands, that we don’t have to encompass our entire being into this program, into this brand. And that’s why I started the second brand because of your talk. So I want to give it back to you and say thank you so much for that.
That’s awesome. That really warms my heart. I love that. That’s uhm…perfect and may…when I talk with some folks not that because I think that that’s such a misconception when people go into business and it’s like, you know, if you try to shove yourself into, you know, one little business kind of concept it’s really challenging to pull off. That’s awful.
Yeah, definitely is and I think I struggled with that for a few years of trying to encompass the different aspects of who I am all into one brand and it wasn’t working. And when you did that training it really just like I said, it really gave me permission to just allow myself to be who I am and to start different brands to speak to different aspects of the way that I want to contribute in the world.
I love hearing that and I really do think we did people a disservice when the whole dialogue came up. And it was well-meaning, I’m sure. But the whole dialogue around, you know, find what your passion about you know, develop your message and then build a business around it. And I think they just kind of screwed with people’s psyche because it’s like we have so many messages. You know, there’s so much about us. And I heard, you know, we, my husband and I advise a lot of business-owners and it always came back to like this, you know I want to write a book. But I do this, I do that or I would ask coaches, especially when building Super Power Experts, you know, how do you work with people? And it was like a 30-minute response and I’m like, oh, I can’t use that. Like, I have to have folks who are willing to kind of niched down and get really specific. Bring a single puzzle piece into the equation, of course, you can do just about everything. We all have access to all the Super Powers like that’s not a secret anymore. But, you know, that doesn’t mean that we have to do all of them or that we’re going to use all of them to create income or whatever the case may be and that broad stroke, I think created this real muddy kind of populated space that, you know, it just invokes more and more competition. And so I like that you implemented that. That’s pretty cool.
Yeah I did and it was wonderful. It was like a weight off my shoulder. I was like, yes, I can do a few different things because there’s a couple parts of my life that are really, I guess, stand out for me as far as my mission or what I feel is I’ve given, you know, I always say my self-appointed mission because you know, that’s another thing too. You know, we talked about this idea of wrapping up your passion or your mission and going out there and sometimes, you know, we feel like maybe it’s this we have this mission or this obligation to do something in the world. But I like to remind people it’s your choice at the end of the day. You know, I like to remind entrepreneurs especially when they get on coaching calls with me and they’re like I have to do this, and I have to do this, and I have to do this. I’m like, “Whoa, wait a sec. You don’t have to do any of this by the way. You could just wrap it up and call it a day.” You’re making the choice to do these things. So it really, after your talk, you gave me the permission and I made the choice to again start a second brand which actually partnered up with someone for. So I gained some leverage there and made a very nice deal for myself where I can do great business with them and I’m quite hands off. But yet I’m seeing some of the things that I want to see in the world come into fruition through their brand. So it was a really wonderful talk and it did a lot for me.
That’s so cool. I so appreciate hearing that. And I, you know, that’s part of the approach I was talking about when I did your introduction is, it’s, a lot of us could glean from you this kind of nonchalance. It’s like, you know, an experiential kind of working through the world. And the fact that you work in this concept of, you know, you don’t have to do anything. You know, when I was going through my developmental process then, of course, I went on to teach this to others. You know, there was a period of time where I constantly, every single morning reminded myself that this is a voluntary existence.
That’s right.
I don’t have to stay here. We don’t have, there’s no obligation and so I would wake up in the morning and just ask myself, “Do I want to stay?” Not in any sort of suicidal kind of depressive way but just really owning that decision. And then, you know, and I’d kind of run it through and go “Ok yup, yup, I think I’ve got some good stuff I want to do here, you know, I’ve got some cool people my life. Yeah, OK let’s stay.” And then the follow-on to that is cool. Well then play like, you know, otherwise we get into this kind of, you know, my gosh I have to get up and have to do this thing and I got to, it did, it did and it’s like what if you don’t have to do it, you know.
Yeah what if you don’t?
Yeah and I did…I think there was a period of a couple of months where every day I just sat and asked myself that because I was really, I’d moved into a new vibrational space and so it was kind of like, “Oh, wait what’s the world look like here?” Like what am I doing here like what…why…what is the meaning of life, you know. I just go through that existential crisis again. That happens to every periodic weeks there, as soon as I wake up. But it really helped to remind myself like take some ownership, you know, take some responsibility the fact that you chose to be here. You’re choosing to stay here. So do something with it. And it was really powerful process for me to go through and a lot of people are like, “Oh my gosh how could you, and you ask yourself that, you have a daughter, you have a husband and oh my God…” I was like, “Yeah but they can’t be my reason for staying, like that’s way too much pressure to put on any relationship.” You know, not only that but it’s an abdication of my power of choice and I am not here to be a mom or here to be a spouse. I’m here to be me. And oh by the way, I happen to also be engaged in relationships where I do parents and I do relate with my husband but that’s a whole different way of going about it than feeling obligated.

The deeper meaning of the Freedompreneurs Club is what I would call spiritual freedom.
Photo by Laurie-Anne Robert on Unsplash
Yeah absolutely. And I mean, you know, I run the Freedompreneurs Club and the big word there is freedom. And so freedom on the material level is building your business and having some time freedom, location freedom, financial freedom, which are wonderful things. But the deeper meaning of the Freedompreneurs Club is what I would call spiritual freedom which is what you’re talking about which is choice. Freedom is about choice and what limits a lot of our choices in life or we feel like we’re limited in our choices is the sense of obligation. Well, I’m obligated to do this, I am obligated to do that. I’m obligated to go to work and I say, actually, you’re not obligated to do anything. You may not like the results of not doing certain things. So for instance if you don’t go to work and don’t make money and you can’t pay your bills you may not like the results when they come take away your home or whatever it is. So you have the choice though. And what I’ve also learned as being a freedompreneur and having the opportunity to travel and see different parts of the world and connect with people all over the world is that there are many different lifestyles available on this planet. So oftentimes we are, we grow up in a certain culture or a certain way of living and we feel like this is the way life is. Well, when you expand outside of your own bubble and you begin to open yourself up to the rest of the world and see what’s out there, I’ve realized there are so many different lifestyles and people are choosing to live life in many, many different ways. And I often say this, this planet is like a buffet. So take a look at what’s on the table, see what you like and go try it out.

There are a million and one ways to exist here…choose.
Photo by mauro mora on Unsplash
That’s so amazing and I love that you kind of tied it into this concept of perception and just remembering that we’re so programmed into certain ways of beingness. I love to look at all the different, like, sub-cultures that’s what I call it, all the different sub-cultures and even just in this country. It hit me one day pretty hard. I was at someone’s house and they were watching bull-riding. And I’m sitting there looking at, you know, this bull-riding thing and I’m thinking myself, you know, that whole sub-culture like they have their own language, they’ve got their own dress, they’ve got their own, you know, things that are important, things that they’re against, you know, it’s like and we can take any single one of these like things and ways that people identify the different groups. And that’s the world. And I think that, you know, Google and Facebook have really contributed to the idea that people think that what they’re seeing is a full version of reality and they don’t realize that perhaps that the algorithms are simply feeding their concepts and what it is that they want to look at. And if you were to take people and like put them on somebody else’s go to the world but very different. And while it’s easy as a conspiracy theorist, you know, to kind of go, “Oh my gosh. What’s all this going on?” But I really think that it plays a valuable…it’s a valuable tool for those of us who choose to use it as an awakening tool to say, you know, we get to then again choose whether or not we’re going to accept that as our only reality. And if we can craft it and then on the other side of that it becomes a really powerful tool like OK wait, so if I can create my existence, you know, and I can create it on mine, just by looking up certain things and just by shopping for certain things and I’m creating this whole concept that what I am interested in, the whole world is interested in and that’s all there is, then it would stand to reason that I would be able to do that in my physical existence also and then transferring that ability out and you know, and those are just some of the concepts that we play with, you know, at the Super Power NET because we’re doing it, anyway. We were creating our existence, anyway. It’s just a matter of like what level of awareness you want to have and what level of responsibility you want to take in what you’re creating. And I think that’s a lot of what you’re talking about when you have exposure to other things, other ways of being, other ways of living. You’re absolutely right, like there are a million and one ways to exist here, choose, you know, even in business, you know. I talk a lot like we have two very distinct brands but they’re both hybrid kind of blue ocean strategies with hybrid models for that exact reason like I didn’t see one that we liked. You know it’s like make your own, you know. Some we, like, pick and choose, and take these pieces and we just kind of constructed it and you can do that. You know that’s OK.
Yeah, well, I mean that’s what being a freedompreneur is all about, is about constructing your own life. It’s yes, you know, the tools, the strategies, the how-to’s, the skills, the techniques and of course, your mindset in the way of being, that’s all inwardly created. And I think that we oftentimes forget that. We get caught up in the world and all of the things that we think again obligated or supposed to do and we forget that we are inwardly creating our world and everything that you’re experiencing, that I’m experiencing there, anybody who’s listening to us right now, anything that you’re experiencing where you’re experiencing it, you’re experiencing it within yourself. And you’re experiencing it through the inward realm of who you are. And then there’s the outwardly expression of that and by you, in my opinion, you’re a freedompreneur because you saw, hey, you know what, I don’t really like the model so we’re going to take this and this and we’re going to combine and we’re going to high-bred and we’re going to make our own model and we’re going to make that successful. That’s a freedompreneur. That’s somebody who’s constructing their own life. And from my perspective, ultimately, you’ve achieved a certain level of spiritual freedom which is clear when we connect that allows you to do that. And for me, that’s what I want to empower the world to do is to break free from any limitations they perceive they have. And we all have perceived limitations and when we butt up against them sometimes we don’t even know they’re there. Sometimes I think, “Whoa, I’ve got to be the most free guy on the planet!” until something happens and I’m like, “Oh, wait a sec, reality check. Right. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.”
Not so much.
That’s right. Yeah not so much. Yeah oh OK. Yeah reality check. You know, come back, humble back down, Nick. OK here it is and here’s some more things for me to work on and to realize how I’ve been trapped or enslaved myself. And, you know, you talked about the conspiracy theory and I had to stop myself from laughing because I didn’t want to interrupt the flow of your thought because I was used to be very big into conspiracy theories, as well. And, you know, true or not true I have no idea. That’s the honest thing I can say. I don’t know. What I do know is that the more that I’ve personally grown the less that I believe anything other than myself is restricting my life.
It’s like the most empowered and the most humbling place to find yourself. Feel like I really know nothing. OK. Let’s start from there.

I went to see a shaman about five years ago.
Photo by Scott Umstattd on Unsplash
That’s totally…it was…I mean I went to see a Shaman about five years ago. And in this experience with this healing that I was doing with the Shaman I was working with, I was in a session and about 45 minutes into the session, I felt this massive energy, this weight, this heaviness just lift off me and I, you know, I start to do one of those cries, not the big ugly cries, but the like, you know, the soft like you know, just a gentle roll-of-this-tear-down-the-cheek type of cry, right, you know, the very dramatic one. And I was just, I said, I actually said, “I carry the frustration of my father.” Now what I had learned about was this thing called lineage karma or carrying our lineage is karma or let’s say, predetermined or pre- uhm…what’s the word…predisposition? You know, when we’re sort of predestined, if you want to use that word predestined, to act a certain way or to behave a certain way or to show up a certain way and it was in that healing session that I really let go and there was over the next few days I just had the quietest mind I’ve ever experienced in my life. I felt fully connected to everything. I could just literally sit there and be joyful and this lasted for about three or four days. I was just in this bliss. And what I realized out of this experience many people have asked me, “Nick, what did you learn?” And I said, “Nothing.” I said, “What I learned is nothing and what I know is nothing. What I learned is that I know nothing.” That any kind of concept that I have of life is so miniscule and so skewed by my own senses and beliefs and perceptions and experiences that it’s even hard to trust my own mind which for me is an empowering thing. This freed me up. And how do you…why…why is that important? Why am I sharing that? Well, let’s talk about tangible results from that experience was my business started to grow. Why? Because I started to not grasp on to certain ways of doing business but I became a freedompreneur. I said I’m going to do this differently. I’m going to do it in a way that resonates with me. And I’m just going to trust this process and I’m going to go out there and trust that inherently I have great ideas and I have Super Powers and that it’s my own self that’s been holding me back and by letting go of any sort of knowledge that I thought I had, I actually opened myself up to seeing all kinds of different aspects of life that I’ve never been seen before but were right there in front of me always. It’s not like they weren’t there. They were there always, they were there but I wasn’t seeing it because I was too caught up in my own perception of the way I thought life should be or what I was trying to achieve. And the moment that I realized I know nothing and I stopped trying to achieve something then actually I started to achieve greater at a pace greater than I could ever imagine. So it’s just a wonderful experience.
That’s amazing. That’s amazing. So I’m really caught in this overtime and I have to tell you this is the first interview I think I’ve ever done where I didn’t ask my initial question. So that’s a testament to the amazing conversation we’ve been having. But we’ve got about 30 seconds left. I really want to touch base with you and say OK. And I think I know the answer but I’m going to ask it, anyway. What are your Super Powers?
OK I’ll give you two Super Powers. I have many as you know. I’ve got two that I’ll give you. One is I see limiting beliefs right away. I can see where things are holding people back mainly because I can see in myself where that was. So it’s a reflection of myself. So that’s my first Super Power and my second Super Power is unifying opposing beliefs.
I like it. I love that. You need to connect with Alison Donaghey. We had her on the show. She has this show called Think Opposite. So, I will connect the two of you. Hold me accountable to that. But before I let you go, where can people find out more about you?
You can visit me, of course, I’m on social media, on Facebook. You can look up Nick Pereira. I know that’s sometimes difficult to spell so look up Coach Nick, you’ll also find me there. Ultimately, if you go to freedompreneurs.club you can connect with me there and use that as a launchpad to connect with me on social media. Or send me a direct message and, of course, I invite you to learn more about the Freedompreneurs Club and what it may be able to do for you and your life.
Well, I think you’ve been a phenomenal example of that. And I know many, many, many people are starving for someone to emulate in that spiritual freedom section at least just to get them going and so, you know, for those of you out here, out there, who know that ultimately that’s what you’re seeking and you want to put a little bit more structure to that I highly recommend you look into Nick and the group that he’s got going on there. Regardless, you should just know him like he’s just a magical person and really, really fun to be around. And he’s changing the world just by being himself. And, of course, that’s really what it’s all about. Nick, thanks so much for joining me on this show. I’m really delighted to be able to reconnect with you.
Thank you so much. Like I said it’s always wonderful. We’ve connected a few times and it’s always a great conversation. So I look forward to future connections.
Very cool. I do as well. And for all of you out there, as always, we appreciate your loyalty. And until next time, go out, uncover your Super Powers and change the world. Take care everyone.
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