Hello. Welcome. This is David Delmar. Your host of SuperPower Creatives. You’re listening to our episode, philosophy consciousness and the economy. I believe everyone is a creator and it’s this inherent birth right that’s the source of our super powers. Stepping into this personal authority is scary though. This show celebrates creatives that stay true to who they really are. Making a living using their creative super powers. The stories they share will excite and inspire listeners to do the same. Making positive change in the world.

He adds color to the discussions pertaining to our economy.
Jim Mosquera is a published author of fiction and non-fiction and a business professional who helps to make sense of the complicated as he adds color to the discussions pertaining to our economy and the markets. He wants people to understand the world around them and to think for themselves. This mission began in his collegiate days as he wrote his masters thesis that focused on operations research and computer simulation, which helped him to parlay that education into a career where he pulled off the seemingly impossible. Becoming successful in business during the stock market crash of 1987. That’s a pretty good trick.
His creation, the sentinel report, served him as a muse resulting in his written creation of three books, helping people understand and navigate the market and our economy. Subsequently those publications themselves served as a muse for Jim’s realistic novel titled, 2020 that he published in 2016. The story is a political thriller with financial crisis, cyber terror and alternative parties challenging the two parties status quo. Culminating in the presidential election of 2020. Next in the series is Rebellium. It continues where 2020 left off. In this one, the country reacts to the president’s historical decision. Another main character makes a chilling discovery that will shake the nation.
The latest book, Division, tells us a story about navigating in existential crisis for the United States. Those sound super good. I feel very anticipatory and enthusiastic to introduce our guest for today’s show. He’s a really smart guy who knows a thing or two about using creativity whether it be for his trilogy of books or global financial market analysis, so let’s welcome Jim. Hi Jim, thanks for being here today.
Hey Dave, great to be on with you.
Awesome. Hey Jim, I wanna make sure that I am pronouncing your last name correct. I forgot to ask before the show. Can you tell us what your, how your last name is pronounced.
Yes, Mosquera.
Mosquera, I thought so and I was gonna ask you and then we got started. I’m like, well, we’ll just let everybody kinda make sure they know it the right way, too so thanks for that Jim. Also, thanks for helping the layman to know what the economy really is and how it actually operates. I feel like all of us are pretty well served anytime we’re able to increase our understanding and awareness about this kind of topic that it’s so important but yet we, most of us don’t know too much about it.

My superpower is using the objectivity.
Today we’re talking about our show, Philosophy Consciousness and the Economy. More specifically what Jim thinks is the philosophy consciousness of our economy. Do the decision makers have a philosophy of consciousness of any kind? So Jim, how’d you like to start our show off is with possibly the obvious question and this is it. What is your creative super power?
Well in the intro you mentioned that I have a background in engineering. I actually have two degrees in engineering and did my masters thesis as you mentioned. It was basically focused on a branch of industrial engineering called operations research which is just kind of a fancy way of saying, we use math to solve business problems. After that I went into a career primarily in the telecommunications and technology field. But kinda parallel to my career I had always had a very latent interest in things related to money. When you start talking about money then you start getting into things that are economic, financial and so forth so that kinda spurred more and more interest and I guess if I had to define my superpower is using the objectivity and the analytical skills that are garnered as an engineer and then in my subsequent career to really distil down to some of the more fundamental building blocks if you will of what an economy really is. Really more importantly perhaps and for your listeners or other people that might listen to this podcast, is how those things affect our political climate. I don’t think you would have anybody argue that the last, certainly handful of years have gotten very, very political especially in the United States.
But not just the United States but all over the world so a theme of mine that I talk about in my non-fiction books is that intersection of politics and economics so really my superpower if you will is trying to blend those two things together to help people understand what’s going on. Not just in the economy but in politics as well. ‘Cause they have very much a strong interaction.
I mean and that is a super power for sure because so much confusion between those two. Speaking personally for myself, I mean I look at the economy and I look at politics and you know they’re so obviously so closely related but yet at the same time they would have you kinda think that they’re two distinct separate things and you know, us people who are just kinda taken what we’re given, we’re just taken what we’re given. We don’t even know what it is. We’re confused but like we kinda act like we know but we really have no clue and that is a super power to be able to help that sort of confused state of understanding when it comes to politics and our economy.
I wanna ask you this about that, Jim, so what’s your why, I guess, for how you approach your books, how you approach your creativity? What’s your big why as far as how you take that superpower and you put that into the world where other people can benefit from it?
Well I’d like to think there’s some altruistic intentions here on my part and that’s part of it. Part of it honestly is to kind of teach and help people understand because and again, I’ll draw back on my background as an engineer which is again, those are my degrees and my general personality which tends to be analytical. We try to solve problems and so if I see a problem, we try to use our analytical skills to try to solve them and I don’t do it with any sort … and if anybody reads my non-fiction books you’ll see that they’re very a political. They don’t lean one way or the other. They’re really all about solving problems and I think what, I know what happens is as problems tend to worsen then you get more and more of this polarity in society which you clearly see it today. Some of the things that I think are very, very important that people really need to pay attention to today were really not because of the political climate and when those things then begin to unravel, what we face as a nation is a very, very tumultuous period. More tumultuous than we’ve had in the last couple of years. That we really need to be able to know how to handle it and how to come out on the other side of the crisis.
Because I mean there is light at the end of the tunnel, it’s just that we need to figure out and prepare ourselves in how to navigate through it.
Wow. I mean that’s awesome stuff. It’s so, obviously so salient to these tumultuous times that as a world we find ourselves in. This is really awesome stuff, Jim. We need to take a quick break ’cause I’d love to expand a bit further on some of the things that you’re sharing. The principles of what you’re sharing and how it can help to increase the awareness of people that are listening but before we jump into a break, let’s tell people where they can find out more about you, Jim.
Probably the best place, I would say Dave, is to go to my author website which is jimmosquera.com.
Outstanding. That’s perfect. All right so we’ve been talking with Jim Mosquera today about philosophy consciousness and the economy. We’re gonna take a quick break and when we come back, we’re going to continue on this interesting journey with Jim and on how you out there listening can start implementing what he’s sharing to improve your bottom line and improve your life.
To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.
Music Credit: Words and Music written and performed by David Delmar. Engineered and produced by John Keenan.
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