Do we have the ability to predict the future? In this episode of Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla, and guest Anthony Teresi, talk about the process of connecting to our spirit and trusting our intuition. Most of the time, people need reassurance and are afraid of dipping in without testing the waters. Anthony is a musician and the author of the book Rippling Waves: a Spiritual Journey Through the Heart of the Universe. He perceives that being a clairvoyant, can see events in the future or beyond, is his superpower. Join Tonya and Anthony to know more about stories of predicting the future, bypass the mental realm,  and tap into the sea of consciousness.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Hello everyone. And welcome back to the Science of Superpowers. I’m so delighted that you’ve joined us again. We love this life. We love this game that we’re playing, and today is really no exception. We are offering you a really beautiful conversation today, all around this concept of predicting the future. And I know what so many of us kind of go with that like this kind of the crystal ball and the, what’s going to happen next. And I want to invite you all, as we step into this conversation together, to really hold it in a different light and recognize the aspect of us, where that question typically comes from, and then this may not be true for all of you, but I invite you to get really very real with yourself here.

And a lot of times what we’re saying is before we’re willing to step out, whether in trust of our own intuition, our own superpowers, our own abilities, or our own faith, our own trust, love, whatever it might be for you, whatever that harmony is that you find with the divine and however you name it, it comes from a place of saying, you know, I’m not going to step out on this journey until I know that it’s safe for me to do that. Right. It’s wanting reassurance. It’s wanting to know, well, what’s that going to look like? And what is, what’s it going to be like? And what’s, what’s it going to cost me? And what’s it going to, what am I going to lose? Right. And I know so much of this evolutionary journey is that push and pull routine as we learn to trust in our own intuition and our own connection into the spirit.

And so I really invite you to hold it in that frame of mind. I know a lot of these abilities and stuff can be really intoxicating from the perspective of wanting to make ourselves feel more secure. But, in our experience here, the best thing you can do is really open up to the idea, or at least maybe just an invitation to see if, perhaps what we’re being shown here is to really look at where we’re placing our trust and where we find security. And yes, of course, we can always vision forward. And that’s a beautiful gift a lot of us have. And, you know, let’s see if maybe we can’t put some context around this, and today’s guest is really, really perfect for this. Anthony Teresi is just a beautiful being.

You’re going to feel him. I’m sure you’re already feeling him, but once we start connecting here verbally, it’s just this solid awareness, right. That’s how I would describe it, that sense. And he’s a clairvoyant, master astrologer, psychic visionary, and again, those are amazing. And the fact that people are willing to develop those, to lay claim to them, to even step into those spaces, takes a lot of courage. And it’s the bigness of what that represents. I think that I invite you to really tap into this as we step into this conversation with Anthony. Anthony, thank you so much for joining us today.

Activate Your Superpowers

Anthony Teresi:

It’s a joy to be here.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Aww, well, thank you so much. We’re going to get into a lot of pieces of what you do, including your book, Rippling Waves, a Spiritual Journey Through the Heart of the Universe, which is so beautiful, my heart just smiles. Every time I hear the title, it’s just like, ah, I just feel like I’m just drifting in this current with you and we’re kind of just playing and it’s a really beautiful invitation and that’s going to come out for sure. But first, we’re going to start with, what are your superpowers and how are you using them for good?

Anthony Teresi:

Well, you sort of mentioned it, to begin with. I am a clairvoyant, a naturally born clairvoyant. I’ve been aware of this since my adolescence. I come from a fourth-generation family where this has been developed and nurtured. So my childhood was beautiful in that I was allowed to flourish without any concern over whether I was crazy or not.

Tonya Dawn Recla:


Anthony Teresi:

And through the course of the years, I have been a musician. It took me a couple of decades to master that art form, that without realizing it, that was a technique or an ability or a mastership, if you will, that honed my intuitive abilities beyond anything that I could have imagined, even as a child. When you are a musician and you are in the flow of music, you need to use your intuitive abilities dramatically to connect with the other musicians, the music itself. And that is no easy feat. And as I said, it took a while to get to the point where I was able to bypass my body entirely and simply play by the sheer strength of my creative will.

So there’s that. That led me to a phase of life where I realized that vibration is everything. And I realized that sound in and of itself in a musical way can heal. I set off to invent and create certain kinds of healing instruments, which I did. And that was a career path for a while. But I said at one particular point to myself, well, I want to have a bigger role. I want to be able to touch more people. And at that particular point, my intuitive abilities had developed dramatically. But I really wasn’t sure if I wanted to step into the actual psychic realm because of some of the

Tonya Dawn Recla:

That’s a healthy question to ask.

Anthony Teresi:

Yeah. So I actually took a job at a small little bookstore. I wanted to check. I wanted to see if what I was experiencing was real, imaginative, whatever it was. So I took the position of doing readings for complete strangers. People I had never met, people who had simply walked through the door. I don’t know them. They don’t know me. And I did that for a number of years until I began having my clients come back to me with comments like, “Oh my God, you’ve been so right.” You know, this happened. And that happened and all that. And in that process, I was able to distinguish what I was doing was in fact the truth. It was in fact, my ability to tap into, bypass, the mental realm, and tap into the sea of consciousness, and be able to help individuals. And since then, I’ve done over 50,000 readings.

It’s gone by fast and it’s a joyful, really a joyful experience to be able to see the light on someone’s face, especially when they’ve come back and what you suggest to them they’ve implemented and it’s worked out well. So that led me to write my book, mainly because I’ve had such a variety of experiences, both outwardly as far as being a psychic visionary, and inwardly in terms of being an interdimensional traveler. And really realizing the extent of that and raising, being able to raise my own vibration to a new and higher level. So it’s been a wonderful ride, wonderful ride.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

I love what you just said. That was so powerful folks. I hope you caught that because so much of the kind of metaphysical new age kind of Woo woo spaces when they talk about, you know, tapping into these expanded spaces, tapping into the cosmos, all of this stuff, a lot of that dialogue is happening in this really external way. And what you said was super crucial in the sense that that was the inner part of the journey. And there’s this inevitable part of our paths where we kind of have this, I don’t, I guess I don’t want to over-generalize. I’ll just say, the experience of that turning yourself inside out component, where you kind of find yourself in that, what is it, the toroidal energy of like, womp, womp, womp, right. It’s like first you thought you were going one way, and then all of a sudden, now your eyes are reversed, you’re going the other way, but you’re in that experience of it.

And that’s what I was just reminded of as you spoke that, was as we grasp that that is inside, right. As within, so without or in confined fluidity with that, you know, there’s real magic in those spaces. And, and so I love that you’re giving voice to that because it’s so easy, I think to continually be seeking outside of ourselves. And at least our biases is that you can only go as far out as you’re willing to go in because there’s, you know, that’s the depth of the essence of where we are. And we find so many people are a bit hesitant or downright fearful of looking at themselves and going within those spaces. So that’s bringing up all kinds of questions, but first, we need to go ahead and cut to a break. Before we do Anthony, where can people go to find out more about you?

Anthony Teresi:

Well, my website,

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Beautiful. And we’ll have a link to that on the episode page, folks. And for all of you who’ve been listening to us for a while now, thank you so much, and make sure that you’re going to and finding out where you are on that path. If you’ve been listening to the network and attuning yourself to deeper conversations and coming from love, then you might be ready for step two, which is our video series, which is again, another free gift to you. It just gives you an opportunity to start implementing some of these things into your life. Make sure you’re taking advantage of those.

And for those of you who have been camped on the IM series, take a look at the programs. If you’re ready to grow with us, that’s a great place to do that if you resonate with our material. But certainly, we invite you to go check out Anthony’s material, specifically, the Rippling Waves book. For those of you who want to know how to kind of get in that flow that he’s talking about, to that space that he’s speaking to, and you can just feel it as he communicates. It’s very alluring and it’s our wholeness, and that’s why it calls to you. Make sure that you’re following that guidance and checking that out. We will come right back. We’re talking today all about predicting the future. So we’ll dive into that as soon as we come back. Stay with us folks.

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