Maria Martinez Shares Her Secrets to Prosperity

As part of the Women’s History Month celebration, Maria Martinez joins The Science of Superpowers to talk about her secrets to prosperity. Maria and Tonya Dawn Recla explore the power of moving from poverty mindsets to abundant thinking. She shares her journey walking through family matters, epigenetic and ancestral lineage to find her own essence of prosperity.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Hello, everyone and welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. I’m delighted to have you with us again, we are in the middle of our Women’s History Month feature. So excited about that because the Superpower Network celebrates Women’s History Month and is proud to align with the 2023 theme of honoring the women who tell our stories. As more women endeavor to find their voices and share their experiences, we open pathways for others to follow. We love you and love each other. And today’s episode is no exception to this, write exceptional information from exceptional women you’ve been hearing from all month. And today we’re going to be hearing from a woman who shares her secrets to prosperity. But before we jump into that, we’re going to activate our superpowers ready? You can do it at home with us. Right? I’m Tonya Dawn Recla. And I have superpowers your turn.

Maria Martinez:

I am Maria Martinez and I have superpowers.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Brilliant. Yes, we all do. And we love this notion of owning that right? Yes, we do. And what are we going to do with it? Right? What can we do with this? And so in today’s conversation, Maria, let’s jump in and say what are your superpowers? And how are you using them for good?

Activate Your Superpowers

Maria Martinez:

Beautiful. That’s a powerful question. So my superpowers are empowerment, or inspiration, motivation, holding space for others to step into their own powers and in their own awareness of their potential, their human potential, and to create space for awakening, and activating the superpowers to create more in their lives.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Beautiful, I love that. And it and it’s a big movement that a lot of us are in the midst of if you haven’t picked up on it, folks, I mean, we’ve been at this since 2016, formally, but years before that, and many of you decades and decades prior to that leading up to this time where we can openly say, you know, hey, I think we’re in for a big transition here. Like something’s happening, something’s changing, right? And that’s why I think it’s really important that we tell these stories we share how we got here because those paths are different. And so I love Maria, the space that you’ve created around prosperity around the notion that we’re so much bigger than we give ourselves credit for talk a little bit about how you stepped into this space, what was your journey into that as you help others with their journey toward prosperity?

Maria Martinez:

Absolutely. You know, a lot of times we teach from our own experience, right? So my journey earlier on was very much of lack and scarcity, because that’s what I learned. That’s what I knew, even though or even beyond, like our parents or grandparents, there was money available. But the mentality was about lack and scarcity. And when I went into corporate America, that opened up sort of a new field of creating, like, you can create as much as you want, especially when, when you’re working off of commission. So that really got me into the space of it really, it’s up to me, right, I can create as much as I desire, it’s, it’s how I show up in the world, it’s my intention is how I serve as is the value that I bring in that created sort of an opening for me to step into more possibility and more prosperity, and, and then work through my own stuff of unworthiness, and undeserving this and clear some of the ancestral stuff that I was carrying, connected to lack and scarcity, and unworthiness and under serving as even poverty consciousness.

So working through all of that, and of course, that had some impact in my life, my relationships, and even my health, you know, when when I wasn’t paying attention to how I was valued myself, my self-worth, my body was telling me that like, you know, it was, my body was creating inflammation. So moving into autoimmune disease. And so I had to listen, I had to listen to my body and look at what’s really going on here and look at my level of happiness and my level of joy, which is connected to my self-worth and my value and who I am in the world and what I’m here to do. 

So I really had to step back and look at that look at how am I living? Am I living in alignment with who I am? Am I really expressing my gifts, you know, the work that I do is around empowerment, energetic work, and human potential, and activating the chakras and all of that? And I, from a very, very early age, was able to connect with angels and with guides. So I was already aware of what’s beyond the 3d What’s beyond illusion, but I wasn’t really integrating and it was not until 2010-2011 that I really started looking at my alignment, my purpose, my mission, what am I here to do in the world? And coming back to the space of wholeness coming back to the space of loving myself, accepting myself for who I am, and really I’ll I want myself to truly own my power. And then also be a model like a model for my kids, for my family, for my friends, and really step into being a Wayshower of this is available to everyone. This is available if you choose it is yours, and then why not choose and why not step into that space?

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Brilliant. I love that you mentioned family and lineage and ancestry and children and being a mother. And we’re going to dive into that after the break, folks, because it’s Amory and I met at an event where Neva was presenting and the conversations there with her presence was like, Wait, what’s possible? And it sort of allows all of us to go, Wait, what if it was possible when I was that age? And what if, what if, what if, and when we’re able to see those programs, and we’re able to see the conditioning that we carry forward, we start to move ourselves to a place of greater choice. And when we work with our children in that capacity, truly miraculous things happen. So we’ll touch on that when we come back from the break. Maria, before we go to break, where can people go to find out more about you?

Maria Martinez:

Yes, you can come to my website, And there’s just a whole slew of information there on health, on prosperity, on activating your superpowers, just a lot of information and human potential and stepping into your magnificence.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Brilliant. Thank you again. And they’re big, big shout out to Debbie here to connect us. I love that. Debbie’s a phenomenal, phenomenal connector. So if you know Debbie, then you know a lot of people. So Debbie, shout out to you, thank you so much. You bring us some amazing guests over here. And of course, connecting us back in with Maria. So thank you for that. And to all of you out there, thank you for listening, make sure you go jump over to superpower We’re going to come back right after this break. Because Maria Martinez is sharing her secrets to prosperity, and you’re not gonna want to miss them. Stay tuned, we’ll be right back.

Activate Your Superpowers!

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