Co-Creation in Action

Have you witnessed co-creation in action? In this episode of Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla welcomes her previous guest Adora Winquist. Last time, Adora talked about The Alchemy of Action. But now, she is going to discuss all the beauty of co-creation. Co-creation in action is the thread of synchronization. Everything in creation is co-creation because we are not doing everything alone. Tune in to this episode and discover the power you have to harness to participate in co-creation in action.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Science of Superpowers. Thank you for joining us here. I’m very excited about this episode. We have back on the show Adora Winquist, who, if you remember correctly as you’ve been following along, was recently on the Alchemy of Action. And so today we’re talking about co-creation in action which is beautiful. So Adora, welcome back to the show.

Adora Winquist:

Thank you so much, Tonya. It is indeed a true pleasure.

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Tonya Dawn Recla:

Thank you. I feel the same. It’s this love at first sight kind of connection at the first moment, I think that we’ve been experiencing between us, and it felt really important to capture it in a way that is applicable, right? We can talk about the beauty of co-creation and how we’re all creators and oneness and everything else, and we love to talk about it, but how are we doing it? And so that’s what this conversation is about, co-creation in action. It means doing it, and it really stemmed from our willingness to sit in a space together and say, “Hey, there’s something here. We can feel it. Let’s just keep talking and connecting and see what we find.” Was that similar to your experience with it?

Adora Winquist:

Absolutely. It’s like when we find a thread and then all of the synchronicity and confirmation that arises through the co-creation of our communion, our conversation becomes so expansive. And I think that this is such important medicine for us, such an important alchemical intervention to bring into action in our day-to-day lives. Because in essence, everything in life, everything in creation, is co-creation. Even though here we are, you and I are having this conversation. How did we get here? We got here by the co-creation of our parents and our bloodlines, right? And when we can come into the coherence and remembrance of co-creation, we realize that we’re not alone.

Tonya Dawn Recla:


Adora Winquist:

When we realize we’re not alone, that whole Maya, all the illusion of separation, of being isolated, being alone, being less than, being unworthy fall away because we realize we’ve never been alone. And yet it is invitational, right? So here we are surrounded by all of these cosmic and earthly forces of benevolence and light and love, and yet they are awaiting our invitation, our gaze, our attention, our focus to co-create and to come into a deep place of embracing. Embracing every single step of our journey, every single breath we’ve taken since our first knowing that it’s all brought us perfectly here and now.

And at this moment, we have the power to harness the present moment, right? And in the present moment, we know that everything is possible. The infinite, intelligence and potential are available to us, so harnessing the power of the present moment combined with our vital life force, combined with our positive intention, what is it that you want to co-create for yourself? Is it greater harmony? What is it inside of you that is calling for your love, your attention, your compassion, your care, your presence? And then inviting in all of the beautiful energies of light and love, and whether you want to term them source or angels or spiritual teachers or guides or guardians, whatever that language is, once we invite that in, then we can start to see, “We are powerful co-creators of our life. We’re not victims. We’re not alone.”

Tonya Dawn Recla:

I love that. And there’s so much in that and on top of that, it’s this concept of who do we need to be within that container? And it’s the both and the realization of it and the willingness to be, that’s that invitational space that you’re speaking of, it goes both ways. The invitation to us to even choose it, which is free will, we’re going to dive into all of those components and peel back those layers when we come back from break folks because this is a very, very yummy space. And so make sure that you stay with us so that you can take this ride with us after the break. Adora, let’s tell people where they can go to find out more about you.

Adora Winquist:

Awesome. Thank you. So you can visit my website, And there, you can sign up for our newsletter which is filled with all of the complimentary events, all of the products, and the beautiful retreats that are coming up this year, both stateside here in North Carolina and also in beautiful southern France, Province area. As well as much alchemy, much inspiration and much love that emanates.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Beautiful. Well, go check out her work there and as always make sure you’re headed over to and see what’s new over there. You can get registered to experience your superpowers which is what guides us and allows us to have the vibrational strength, that energetic support necessary so that we can move into these co-creative spaces, particularly in ones that are more challenging than others, and we can talk about that when we come back from the break. So stay tuned. You’re listening to the Science of Superpowers. We’re talking about co-creation in action with Adora Winquist. We’ll be right back.

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