Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast show. I’m your host, Tatiana Berindei, and today, I have with me a fellow Super Power Expert, Jennifer Urezzio, and I’m really, really happy to have her here with me today, and we are going to be talking about the soul language of relationship.
Jennifer Urezzio is a master intuitive author, teacher and speaker. She specializes in helping people connect to themselves, to each other, and to the divine.
She founded a new paradigm, Soul Language, which provides guidance for understanding our true nature, and tools for accessing deeper levels of awareness. This new insight into how the soul expresses itself is being embraced by top healers, lifestyle coaches, and CEOs all over the world, as a method for helping people recognize their purpose, and live from a place of power and truth
Welcome to the show, Jennifer.
Thank you so much. It’s such an honor to be here.
Yeah, it’s fun.
So, we’re gonna dive right in. I’m going to ask you, what are your superpowers?

My superpower is about connection.
I think my superpower is about connection. It’s about understanding where myself and others are out of that consciousness of love, that’s knowing that they’re whole and complete, one with the divine, and helping myself and others get back to that feeling, and being connected.
Hmm. Beautiful.
Yeah, that’s all there is, really. Right? Can’t get much more superpower than that.
So, I really want to talk to you a little bit about Soul Language, and how it came about, and then I want to dive into a little bit about this topic, that you and I have touched on, and a place where we really connect is understanding a relationship as, really, a third entity, and how Soul Language might be able to help people get to know their relationship on a whole different level.
But before we go there, I would really just love to hear from you, a little bit about how Soul Language came into being. I mean, it’s quite a comprehensive system, and to me, kind of mind-boggling, to think about someone downloads something like that, you know?
Yeah, I mean, it came into being because I was asking some big, powerful questions.
I mean, I think every question is powerful, but these were life-changing questions, like, “Okay, I know what my life purpose is. Great, I’m powerful healer and teacher in the spotlight. That’s perfect.”
What do I do with that, and where are my people? Because I’m kind of pissed.
What were you pissed about?
I was pissed that I suffer alone, and that I knew there was something bigger, and I was stuck in this corporate America job, and I was really good at it, but I was just angry.
You know, of all the times that I’ve told this story that no one’s after asked me before what I was pissed about. So, I think that’s a mess.
So, I kept asking these questions, and I went to speak at a conference about life purpose and essential oils, and I was kind of doing two jobs. I was still taking freelance work for being in PR and public relations, and being this media relations maiden.
I was doing essential oils, and life purpose, and I was writing essential oil protocols for people, and I had a bath and body product company. I was like, “Ugh, what the heck?”
So, I went to speak at this conference, and this woman sat down next to me, and went, “We’re going to be friends,” and I went, “Yeah, I can totally feel that,” inside … You know, outside voice. And then, inside voice went, “Why her?”
So, the woman across the way looks really nice, but I don’t really care if I see that person ever again. What is that?
What I heard was, “Oh, that’s soul language.” I went, “Okay, what?” Then, I just started asking questions, and I would sit down every day, and I would ask, “Okay, so, how many soul languages are there?” Like, what do they mean? What are these energies about for the soul, and can we start naming them?
What I realized was, I was collecting all this information, most of my life, I just didn’t know it.
Then, I went back to that woman, and I was like, “So, I’m doing this thing called Soul Language, and can I identify your three core energies of soul?” She’s like, “Sure,” and what we realized is we had a language in common, and of course I recognized her, and she recognized me.

I identified her soul language.
I would listen to her talk, and I’d be like, “Oh, my God. The details of that story are a little different, but that experience is exactly my experience.” For the first time in a very long time, I knew that someone really understood some of the suffering that I had experienced, because they had the same experience. Even though the details were different, it was still the same experience.
Then, I started identifying people. I remember identifying this woman who knew nothing about Soul Language, knew nothing about the 107 different core energies of the soul, knew nothing about the three different categories, and I identified her soul language as a partner.
I said, “How does that resonate with you?” She said, “Well, you know, before I got on the phone with you, I asked myself, ‘If Jennifer asked me my soul language, what would it be?'” And she said, “I wrote down the word ‘Partner.'”
And I burst out hysterically crying. She’s like, “Oh, my God, are you okay?” I was like, “Yeah, you just told me, really, I’m not crazy.”
Every time I identify someone’s soul language, they say the same thing. “Oh, my God, are you in my head? Oh, my God, I can accept that. Oh, my God, you’re putting words to what I deeply understand.”
So, that’s kind of how it was created, by almost going downhill at speed.
It’s such a powerful modality. I mean, if there’s anyone out there listening, who has not had a chance to have their soul language identified, I highly recommend it. It’s such a powerful tool, and a resource to fall back on, and I still … You know, I had my personal soul language identified, and I also …
We – my husband and I – had our soul language as a relationship identified, and then his individual, as well, and it’s … For me, especially … I mean, my personal, for sure, but there was something especially about having our relationship identified that has been so powerful for me, and has been really, like, this resource to fall back on, and a way to make sense of certain patterns, and certain unfoldings in our life, and give a sense of direction to not only my personal life, but the course of our relationship, and what is the entity of our relationship doing? Where are we going? What are we here to do together?
I love that so much, that you do that for couples, and for relationships in particular, because I think that the more that we can really acknowledge that there is a third entity that’s created when two people come together, it’s really powerful. It does something different to the psychology, and the way we relate to one another, and the way we move forward in our relationships.
So, I love that, and I want to dive more into hearing you talk about that. We have to go to a quick break, but before we do, would you tell everybody where they can go to find out more about you?
Sure. You can learn more about Soul Language at SoulLanguage.us.
Beautiful. And, of course, Jennifer is one of our experts. So, if you go to the SuperPowerExperts.com website, she’s all over there.
So, we are going to take a quick break, and when we get back, we’re gonna dive into this third entity conversation. So, stay tuned.
To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.
Music Credit: All instruments played by Amanda Turk. Engineered and produced by Tatiana Berindei and Daniel Plane reelcello.com