Is it really possible to seamlessly enjoy sacred sex, build sacred wealth and live a life of uninterrupted bliss? While most people are stressed out, burned out and frustrated sexually and emotionally, Moneeka Sawyer reveals a secret path to all of the above. Join Moneeka as she shares with Tatiana Berindei her powerful process for building wealth, experiencing joy, and filling your life with bliss. Moneeka is a whole life mastery coach and best-selling author who’s been featured on ABC, NBC, The CW, FOX, and numerous radio shows across the country. Listen in to discover her breakthrough method for not only emotional resilience, but emotional mastery.
Hello everyone and welcome to Sex, Love, and Super Powers podcast show. I’m your host, Tatiana Berindei. Today we got a super juicy topic, sacred money, sacred sex, and sacred bliss, with Moneeka Sawyer. I’m so excited to have Moneeka with me today. She is just a phenomenal woman. I love this part of her bio, it says she’s often been described as one of the most joyful people that you will ever meet. Moneeka finds her bliss through helping people live a life filled with meaning, purpose, passion, and joy. She’s been a whole life mastery coach for over a decade now, and her unique strategies have helped clients create a whole new sense of power, energy, and excitement, about their relationships, business, and their lives. She’s the bestselling author of award winning book, Choose Bliss: The Power and Practice of Joy and Contentment. She’s been featured on ABC, NBC, The CW, FOX, and Numerous radio shows across the country.
Yay, I’m so happy to have you here with me today Moneeka.
Oh well thank you Tatiana, and so honored to be here. Thank you for the invitation.
Yeah. All right, so let’s dive into it. Tell us what your superpowers are.
I am the blissful millionaire.
Oh yeah.
I would say my superpower, without a shadow of doubt, is to live in bliss, and to inspire others to do the same.
That’s a pretty awesome superpower. Tell me a little bit more, tell us a little more about how you do that. What does that look like in your life and in your work?

Bliss is a really deep sense of joy contentment and confidence.
Yeah, so actually first let me define bliss, because I know a lot of people, when they hear that word, there’s all kinds of different impressions of what that is, right? Let me just start by defining it. Bliss, from my perspective, is a really deep sense of joy, and contentment, and confidence, you can handle anything that comes your way in life. It’s all about emotional resilience, and emotional mastery, so that your baseline emotion is a state of joy. It doesn’t mean that we don’t have the full range of emotions, it just means that when things go wrong, and life happens, right? That we’re able to come back more quickly to that baseline of joy and contentment. Does that make sense?
Yes, and thank you so much for defining it that way, because I think that that can often be a trap in the spiritual world of this idea of bliss meaning you have to always be happy every single moment of the day. Thank you for saying that, that doesn’t mean you don’t have the full range of emotions, and you just get to be more resource than how to return to joy, even going through the whole cycle.
Exactly, and my …
I like that.
Thank you. My true belief is that life is to be fully lived, and fully experienced, and full of emotions. Because we want a full life does not mean that we don’t allow ourselves to go to that place of disappointment, sadness, even depression. Those emotions are resource for us. They teach us things about ourselves, and our life, and our experience. We don’t want to live in those places that are all about the lesson. We want to also stay at that baseline of joy, like be able to come back to that, so we build our strength. Does that make sense?
Totally and I love you said that about not staying in the place, it’s all about the lesson, I think it’s easy to get stuck there because it’s like, “Oh, I’m learning and in order for me to learn it has to be hard, which means I never get to have fun, and it never gets to be good.” I know that I, myself was in that trap for years of my life. It was like, “No, I’m doing the right thing because I’m learning, and it’s hard.”
It can also be super awesome too.
Yeah, and we deserve that, don’t we?
We deserve the rewards of the lessons, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, so anyway, so thank you for letting me define that. Let me tell you a little bit about kind of how I got to my work. My parents came to this country in 1967 from India, with just $200 in their pocket, and a dream to build a better life for themselves and their family. Daddy had heard that golden ticket to wealth in the United States was to buy real estate, so he wanted to do that. As soon as they could, they bought their very first home, and then had me, I’m their oldest daughter. Then they started to save all of their nickles and dimes to buy investment properties so that they could give me the future that they wanted for me.
My mom would sew with her Indian fabrics, you know, the curtains for the walls, and the pillows for the cushions, so she could still have a beautiful home, but she could also save the money to build their future. Fast forward 18 years. Mom and dad, through their real estate investing, were able to then pay for my college education and the college education of my two sisters that came after me. They were also able to pay for all of our weddings and now they’re retired in a 5,000 square foot home on a lake, with four bedrooms, for their girls to be able to come home to. They’re living the lifestyle that they deserve and want after all those years of hard work. Which, to me, is so gratifying, so amazing, that they’re still independent, because not many people can do that.
Real estate really served them. Now when I got out of college, I really wanted the same independence, like I was a woman that wanted to be able to take care of myself, but I also had seen the way my dad had suffered with stress as I was growing up. Real estate had caused him a lot of stress around money, tenants, and anybody who has ever invested in a real estate kind of understands the challenges that come up around that. That’s what I had seen with my dad. One day my dad sat me down at the kitchen table, I was trying to make some decisions about where I was going to go in my life. He said to me, “Moneeka, everybody has money issues, do you want poor people money issues, or rich people money issues?”
That’s a really good question.
Right? Wow, what an interesting perspective, right? I decided I wanted rich people money issues, that I was going to be independent, and I could take care of myself. The thing that I decided is that I wanted the issues piece kind of taken out of that equation. What I mean is, I did not want all the stress my dad suffered with. I did start investing in real estate, but over the last 23 years that I have been investing, I’ve developed techniques and strategies to make the process not only not stressful, but actually joyful and blissful. What I like to say is I created a process building wealth, brings joy, and supports joy in my life, rather than sucking the life out of me like it does with so many people. That’s how I’ve gotten to my work.
So many people around me have watched what I’m doing, and so kind of naturally I started coaching around this. I found that it’s so important, I don’t think that money can buy us happiness, but I do think that when you do feel safe, you’re able to focus so much more on being joyful, and happy, in your life. That’s why I feel this work is so important.
Yeah, can you say more about that connection between money and safety?

People stress a lot about money.
Absolutely, I think that people stress a lot about money. That’s one of those things that we stress the most about in life. As long as we’re focused on that stress, we’re not able to focus on other things. Money is the thing that helps us to feel safe and secure. I know we’re going to talk a little bit more in depth about this later, but before we can do anything else we need to build a foundation that helps us to be our very best selves. Building a foundation financially, that at least gets you to the place of comfortable, is an imperative, in my view, to being able to step into your own personal strength, and to build all the other things in life that you want.
Yeah, to have it as a foundation to be able to really do your work in the world is what I have seen. If you’re constantly worried and stressed out about how you’re going to pay the next bill, it makes it really hard to step into like, “Okay, what’s my larger work? What’s my purpose in the world?” It’s like, “I can’t even pay my phone bill.”
Right, that’s really true. For me, I mean I love being wealthy. There are a lot of people that cringe when I say that, because there’s this impression of what wealthy people do. For me, it’s about I get to do work that I’m passionate about, and that really, really helps people on a very deep level. I can do it my way without compromising about how I’m going to market, or what I’m going to say, I can do it in a way that’s more fully me, and can have a bigger impact. I can also do things like I support a school in India for the poor, for girls’ education. I’m very philanthropic in a lot of different areas. There’s a lot of different things that I can do because I have that foundation taken care of.
Yeah, that is … Thank you for saying that. I’ve known a lot of people in my life who have a lot of anger and a lot of negative projections around wealthy people, and around wealth in general, and money in general. We have all these stories, money is the root of all evil, money is dirty, all these things, and yet I think you are such a shining example of what we can do when we do have wealth, and it doesn’t have to be in a way of taking advantage of other people, manipulating other people. You know, there’s all of these beliefs that I think a lot of people carry about, “Oh well if you’re wealthy, you have to have done X, Y, and Z, terrible thing to get there.” You, in my opinion, are a shining example of how not true that can be.

Money is an amplifier.
Thank you so much. I had a really interesting conversation. I actually received an award for my book last week, which was amazing. It was an amazing experience and I met a lot of amazing women, just there’s a piece of me that doesn’t even know what I was doing in that room. These women were so amazing. One of them was talking to me about money. She said, “You know, my dad always told me that if you become rich, you’re going to be so worried about losing your money, and people taking it away, and why people like you, so you really should just … don’t be too worried about becoming rich, because it causes so much stress.” My response to her was, “That person that is worried about hoarding money, and keeping their money, and what do people think of me, is the same person that is worried about, ‘how am I going to pay the bills? Does anybody like me because I’m poor?’ In other words, we are the same person whether we are poor or wealthy.” Well money is an amplifier.
Of what is inside of us.
If you’re a beautiful person without money, you’re going to be a beautiful person with money, as long as you stay true to your core values, and your core beliefs. That’s one of the things that I teach everybody. Who are you? Key into who you truly are before we even have a conversation about how you’re going to build wealth.
Thank you. Yes, this is such a critically important conversation. I think that it’s so true, money does just amplify … I just loved it when you said that, because I’ve said that so many times. Money is just an amplifier. I think that’s part of why so many people are so afraid of it, because maybe they haven’t done all the work in there, and maybe they’re afraid of what it’s going to amplify inside of themselves. Yeah, so I know for myself, in my own wealth journey, there were so many productions that I had on people in the world of business, people who had wealth and money, and it’s been such a crucial part of the journey to really own those projections, find them inside of myself, work through them, so that that’s not what’s being amplified, and to really land in that, okay, what is the true center? What is the true core? In the heart space that I’m wanting to amplify and grow in this process.
Yeah, I will say, being wealthy, and being a good person, is not for the faint of heart. You know, it really does test who we are and who we want to be in the world. What is it that’s really important to us? What is it that we’re going to do with that? It is very easy to slip down that slippery slope of, “I have this much money,” or, “I am this,” or, “I am that,” or, “Do you know who I am?” Right? You do, if it’s a priority for you, then it will challenge you, and it will make you stronger, and it will make you better.
Oh my god. I love you so much and I’m loving this conversation. We have to go to a quick break. When we get back from the break we are going to dive into this really juicy conversation about the connection between money and sex, and being in alignment with both. Before we go to the break, however, I would love to just give you an opportunity to share how people can find out more about you and your work.
Yeah, so I love getting emails from people. They can reach me at [email protected]. They can also find out more about my work specifically at
Beautiful. We’ve been talking with Moneeka Sawyer about sacred money, sacred sex, and sacred bliss. We’re going to go into the high vibe deep dive when we get back, so stay tuned, and we’ll be back in just a minute.
To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.
Music Credit: All instruments played by Amanda Turk. Engineered and produced by Tatiana Berindei and Daniel Plane
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