Hello everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast show. I’m your host Tatiana Berindei and today I’m really excited to have with me Guru Tej and we’re going to be discussing female intuition and the moon centers. This is gonna be a very, very fascinating conversation. I have a feeling.
As one of Yogi Bhajan’s original students, Guru Tej emerged as a founding practitioner of Kundalini. She is now considered a foremost authority on Kundalini yoga and is internationally recognized as one of a handful of Kundalini yoga masters. Through her true success program she teaches people how to have the energy they want and need to feel connected and empowered in all aspects of their lives. As a prolific writer Guru Tej is an author to 3 popular books including: A Slice of the Beloved – Connection For Relationships, The Moon She Rocks You – Revealing the Secrets of Women’s Inner Emotions and The 13th Month – How to Get an Extra 29 Days Each Year. She’s also developed transformative powerful online courses. The Moon She Rocks You, Empower your essence and I am Empowered.
So I am so excited to have you on the show Guru Tej, welcome.
Thank-you, I’m excited to be here. Yes.
So before we begin about the moon centers will you please tell our audience what are your superpowers?

My super power is I understand energy.
My super powers is I understand energy and not just, when we talk about energy people go oh yeah solar and wind and gas and no. Your energy, our energy. I’m 69 years old and I still rollerblade hills and can do all sorts of yoga and swim in the ocean and I know what made that happen. So my superpower is that I want it to be for everybody. That’s why my subtitle is the energy guru because without energy everything sucks doesn’t it?
When you don’t have energy it’s like not fun, nothings fun. Your works not fun, your relationships not fun, everything is irritating. That’s my superpower is that I want to give everybody the tools to have a really good energy. Real energy, not the fake the sugar the caffeine, ones that we use now that are cheaters.
Yeah that’s awesome. You said that you know what made that happen and I’d just love to hear from you what’s your understanding of what made that happen? What makes that happen?
What makes it happen is having a great spiritual practice that feeds you. Straight out of the gate every day. It’s not like a sometimes thing, it’s not like a once a week church thing. It’s like every day and I hear people “Oh I don’t have the time to do that”. Really? Like 7, 11, 20 minutes. Think of all the time we waste.
So I’ve had a very deep spiritual practice for a very long time. And exercise. I have a whole book, the 13th month and it’s really based on the 6 precepts that I hold. How you wake up in the morning is determined by how you go to bed at night.
How do you go to sleep? What do you do to clear your day before you go to sleep, okay. What’d you do when you get up, to wake in the morning, to really wake up and have some time to yourself to really connect to the essence of you.
What do you eat. Look at what you eat. Not what you wanna eat, not what your tummy’s ruling you. What do you eat and does it really feed your being? And I understand, I’m vegan, gluten free the whole thing, but I understand that’s not for everybody. But having a clean diet that works for you is, right?
And Breathing. That breathing there, that’s
Yeah that thing.
Without our thoughts we’d be dead. Right? So really learning simple breathing techniques that you can do during the day. I got these little flip charts that you can carry in your purse or set on your desk and they have 1-3 minute exercises that you can do all during the day to release. Cause when we’re stressed out we’re not breathing. We’re holding ourselves together and it’s not sexy, it’s not sensual, it’s not empowered, it’s not connected.
And the other thing is exercising this beautiful body. Look at it. It’s got all of these joints that tell us. If you don’t move me, you will turn into a tin man or woman. Right?
So it’s just, our beings talk to us about what’s necessary. And all those things are incredibly necessary. They’re components of a real life and people ” Ugh it takes too much time” no, it just takes awareness and willingness. First desire than a willingness to actually have an energized, sensual, sexy, empowered life. And then showing up to do the work. Because you’re just talking about changing a habit. That’s all you’re talking about.
Its not excruciating it’s just the willingness to feed the what you want more than the what is or what you don’t want.
And to listen to, I really heard you say these beings are speaking to us, right? These beautiful bodies.
These beings that we have. So how willing are you to slow down long enough to listen and hear what the request is. What the body, what the being, what the spirit is asking for.
Well I think that’s the intuition that you’re talking about. I’ve had so many people tell me I don’t know what my intuition sounds like. So I just did a Facebook Live on this yesterday and it was really about start exercising the muscle. Give your intuition assignments. Right?
Give it assignments like I’m gonna pay attention to you, you tell me how to go. What’s the best direction. Turn off your Waze and your Google maps and just let your intuition guide you. Let your intuition guide you about what you should say to someone when you’re having a challenging time. Just give it assignments so that you build the intuition muscle.
I love that and giving the assignments in moments when it’s not a do or die situation. Where you don’t have to be somewhere at a very specific time let your, give yourself a little bit of play with it I love that. That’s a really beautiful thing and we are talking female intuition in particular. And I would actually love to hear, because men have intuition too so how do you differentiate that?
Woman’s biggest super power is their intuition. Absolutely top intuition because, and when women try to be like men they lose that super power.
Yes. Oh my God yes.
Because you lose your biggest gift that you’re bringing to the party whether it’s a board meeting or your children or your relationship or your friends or a difficult situation you’re in. The slowdown and stop and tune in. Even if it’s 30 seconds even if it’s 1 minute. Even if it means going to the bathroom and being by yourself for a moment so you can gather your super power your intuition and go into that situation with more of you.

That is why women are in charge of relationships vibrationally.
More of the essence of you and more of all of the beings that you have that are there to help you. That you don’t see. Some of them we see and some of them we don’t see. And it’s, I’m not trying to sound all woo-woo but it’s the important thing is men have intuition but women have intuitions in spades and diamonds and hearts and everything else. We are intuitive beings.
That’s why we can navigate things and change things. That’s why women are in charge of relationships vibrationally because we can move anything because we can move over it, under it, around it, through it. And when you start doing something, when you start going direct and you have to do it like this you’re losing your superpower.
Your super power is take a breath. Pull back. Get the big picture and then see what the best way to untie this knot are, undo this tension are, open another possibility is.
I love this. So we have to go to a quick break and when we get back we’re going to discuss more on this female intuition and the moon centers. I really wanna hear about the moon centers after the break. But before we go to break can you just tell everybody where they can go to find out more about you?
Yes. My website is Gurutej.com.
Lots of good stuff there.
Yeah there is so go check it out. Gurutej.com. More when we return, stay tuned, we’ll be right back.
To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.
Music Credit: All instruments played by Amanda Turk. Engineered and produced by Tatiana Berindei and Daniel Plane reelcello.com
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