Jyoti Ma, Spiritual Director of the Center for Sacred Studies, joins Tatiana Berindei to explore collective consciousness, collaboration and the divine feminine rising. She’s an internationally renowned spiritual teacher, her background spans education in cross-cultural spiritual practices, program development and transpersonal psychology training at the Jung Institute in Switzerland. She has devoted her life to bringing unity to the planet by facilitating the development of alliances as well as collaborative relationships with organizations that are focused on spiritual, economic, social and environmental solutions. Listen in as she talk about collective consciousness.
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers show. I am your host Tatiana Berindei, and today I am beyond honored to have with me Jyoti Ma, and we’re going to be talking about collective consciousness, collaboration and the divine feminine rising.
Jyoti Ma is one of my teachers and elders and I have walked with her for many years now. I love her so much. She is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher. She’s cultivated projects that demonstrate ways of life that honor the earth and all peoples. She’s the Spiritual Director of the Center for Sacred Studies and she co-founded Kayumari, and so there are spiritual communities both in America and Europe. Other projects she’s helped to convene are The Fountain and The Unity Concert.
The Fountain holds a mission to restore an economic model based on collaboration and reciprocity guided by nature and the sacred and The Unity Concert brings awareness to the need to return the Black Hills to the great Sioux Nation. Through this work collaborative relationships with many indigenous communities and organizations that are focused on economic, social and environmental solutions have been developed and they are creatively addressing the global challenges of our time. Thank you so much for being with us today Jyoti.
Oh, it’s a great privilege, thank you for having me.
Yeah, I am one of Jyoti’s ministers. I am ordained as a minister of walking prayer through the Center for Sacred Studies that Jyoti founded so I am just so excited to have her here with us today. And, I’m going to ask you our signature question and I know that you have many, many, many of them and I’ve gotten to directly experience some of them but I want to hear from your mouth what are your superpowers?
I pondered that question …
Yeah, I bet.

That superpower is the one that dreamed us all into place to walk on this good planet.
… because in my life I would say that superpower is the one that dreamed us all into place to walk on this good planet.And that divinity is what I serve so, that’s the power I listen to, the one that lives in the hearts of each and every person and I think that what I do to show up with that power is to show up. You know, early on in my work the great mother came and she said, “The key to the magic kingdom just shows up”. That seems simple, but boy when you put that into practice, into showing up in your daily life, in your being, in the work that you do in the world and the way that you love your children, your family, your community. Just showing up right now in this poignant time that we’re on the planet is a very significant practice. So just show up.
And then, it was, the next step of that would be self-study. I think we come here, this is the school of learning for the soul to express and really authenticate itself by standing in its full presence and that requires a lot of self-examination and not only to see them in the mirror of the self but then to really apply it an actualize what you see there in your life so you can become an integrated conscious person walking on this planet. We are in a moment when that is a significant undertaking and the most selfless act an individual can participate in.
I guess the last one would be a lead. I lead with my heart. Many of the practices in the world will tell you, particularly in this moment we are living in, that the most significant thing we can do is to have our minds die into our heart and let the heart lead us so that we can learn how to follow the intelligence of this creation and to follow the medicine of who we are. Mother said early on to us, “Everyone is a herb in my garden, and you work it is to fully potentiate yourself”. And then she’ll decide where she needs her herbs and what she needs to cook up there. So in my 30 years of walking this way with many people awakening across the planet, I’ve found that to be a significant statement of what the walk is like.
So I would say those are how I would describe a superpower.
I love it, so beautiful, and I always, every time I listen to you speak I find myself drew just into a much deeper place within myself and it’s one of the things I appreciate so much about you. And you spoke about this self-study and I am so curious to hear your perspective on how that self-study effects the collective consciousness field because what I have seen and what it seems like we are being called to right now is sort of out of the “I” and into the “we”. And yet, I have also seen how you got movement can’t really happen without that self-awareness practice. I would just love to hear you, can you speak to that a little bit?

There is a wave of consciousness that is moving across the planet right now because we are in such a transformative moment and that wave is shaking people awake.
Oh, absolutely. It’s like I said in the beginning, you know, our work, when we come here and put skin on is to really wake up in our waking reality we call daily life. There is a wave of consciousness that is moving across the planet right now because we are in such a transformative moment and that wave is shaking people awake. I’ve seen the wave move across globally in the 80’s it really moved across globally and shook a level of consciousness awake in humankind that helped us access another way of being. I saw that wave move across this globe in the 60’s and a whole revolution of peace began to emerge and started to walk and talk through the human beings on this planet. And now this wave seems to be like never before one that I’m watching that is so involved with mother nature herself. Because in this year alone we’ve had six hurricanes, we’ve had a typhoon hit on Japan, we’ve had three major earthquakes, we’ve had many major fires.
The earth is truly participating in this moment of awakening wave and what I’m noticing and witnessing, only because I have a window in which to look through, because I get lots of calls from people internationally around the globe where they are waking up and all their different forms of life, and what I mean by that is how they support themselves in life, all the different walks of life they’re holding. And they’re waking up and they’re realizing, whoa, this is not how I want to live. This is out of alignment, there’s something deep inside of me.
And they may not even understand what that even means when that first awareness starts to sit down inside of them. But it brings them, at that point because consciousness, when it awakens, it starts to pull us into the authenticity of self. Now what I mean by that is like, you know when you are living in your personality when you’re not conscious yet to the higher source that source is you. Then you’re really in an unconsciousness motion and if you look at the news today you can see how many unconsciousness sleeping people are living out and caught in a nightmare and it’s how can we shake ourselves awake out of this nightmare. And, it will happen exactly like you said. It will happen through the individual awakening and then saying yes to that process.
There’s a statement, I can’t remember where it comes from. I love to give the author, so excuse me for this but it so struck me. It said, “Your pain pushes until your vision pulls you”. And so we’re in a moment right now where our pain has pushed us right up against the edge of a great cliff. And now, if we can allow the vision to pull us, it will pull us right over and through that precipice moment and into a new state of awareness. The time is here, the clock is ticking, you know the scientist are talking. Fifteen thousand scientists came out and spoke this last week in articles that they sent out globally, that they warned us 15 years ago and now they say the time is out, we must make a response that’s different than this, or we need to prepare ourselves for a different theme.
Because the earth, she’s going to survive. We may be the endangered species so like never before this awakening process is so significant to our very survival. What I’m having are call-ins, they’re people, like I said, of all ages, of all cultures, all walks of life are having this awakening and are starting to crack wide open and as that happens and they submit themselves to that self-discovery the right beings and people, individuals, circumstances, synchronicities, will start to show up to bring some of the magic to what they’re seeing.

The new lens does have a magic to it.
The new lens does have a magic to it. It does have a hope to it. It has a wonder to it. And so as that starts to happen, they then start that point of self-discovery and if they stay in that constant movement with themselves. If they let that vision completely pull them into full authenticity and full presence here, every time an individual does take that stand in themselves, they say seven generations behind them and seven generations in front of them receive the healing. So yes, it’s an individual moment of choice and it is a collective movement that’s led by that choice.
Does that answer your question?
Yeah absolutely. I just wanted to hear your take on it. And I love … I mean it’s a lot of the work that we are doing here at SPE is really encouraging people into that individual standing up and seeing through that different lens so that we can work together.
We have to take a quick break and we will be back and when we get back I want to dive a little bit more into your work with indigenous people and how that’s informed this journey for you and talk a little bit more deeply about that. But before we go to the break would you just tell people where they can find out more information about you?
Absolutely they can go to our, I have two websites that I would direct them to. One is for the Center for Sacred Studies and its address is sacredstudies.org. and the other is thefountaincss.org.
Wonderful, okay we’re just going to take a quick break and when we get back we’re going to dive into some really good stuff so stay tuned. We’ve been talking about collective Consciousness, Collaboration, and the Divine Feminine rising with Jyoti.
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Music Credit: All instruments played by Amanda Turk. Engineered and produced by Tatiana Berindei and Daniel Plane reelcello.com
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