Emunah Malinovitz, a relationship coach, intuitive healer, and sacred goddess, joins Tatiana Berindei to explain conscious loving. She believes in true love for all and has taken her own journey while delving deep into the spiritual and sensual learning to enhance this love. Her courage to love and lose has enabled her to become whole and love herself, allowing her to attract a wholemate and truly experience love and deep connection and passion that continues to go deeper and deeper even when single. Listen in as she shares her deep wisdom about better sex, financial wellbeing and conscious loving have in common.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers Podcast Show. I’m your host, Tatiana Berindei, and I am just so thrilled to have with me today Emunah Malinovitz because she is just such a kindred spirit. We, I always, I start out every show with a little prayer before I hit “Record,” and she jumped right in and said, “Okay, I’d like to offer a prayer,” and it was like pretty much the same prayer that I always start with. I am just thrilled for this conversation today, and I hope you are too because we’re going to be talking about what better sex, financial well-being, and conscious loving have in common with this amazing, amazing, wise woman.
Emunah Malinovitz brings new wisdom to relationships. She is passionate about radically changing the way we do relating today and is an expert on how to have more passion, authenticity, better sex, and feel deeply loved and desired by your partner. Her clients are in awe with the way she quickly takes the relationship to the next level. Her dedication to having real, true, authentic, sacred love led her on a journey around the world to learn the secrets to have a hot love that lasts, so yay, welcome to Emunah Malinovitz. I’m so excited to have you here today.
Thank you. I’m so excited to be here. It is so fun to get to be on a platform like this where we get to talk about sex and love and magic. Those are my favorite topics.
Yeah. Mine too. All right, so before we dive into all that good stuff, why don’t you let us know what your superpowers are?

Love is really the greatest power we all have.
Yeah. What a great … I love this question, too. I have a couple. I think my most … Well, I won’t even rate them as most valuable. They’re all very, very powerful. Love, and again, it’s not to be underestimated. Love is really the greatest power we all have. It’s so powerful, and it’s such a gift, and then I’d have to say orgasm, my pussy power, my power in my pants, and knowing that and linking it to my heart and being able to use it. Wow. Super, super powerful.
Yeah. I was ready for, I was like, “Give us more. That is powerful there are more than that.”
Yeah. I mean, I guess, yeah, there is one more that’s coming up strong, and that’s my faith, my faith in a higher power, in knowing I’m part of something, I’m connected to something, but faith, like that’s a very big superpower. Yeah. I think those three are like my main superpowers that I work with all the time. Love, orgasm, and faith.
Those are some pretty awesome superpowers. Tell us a little bit about how you work with those and how you use them in your work with your clients and just in your everyday life.
Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, my work with clients is, I help people get whole, which means I help them get into alignment with all of those energies so they can attract real, sacred love that lasts. When I say that, I mean like I think we all want something deeper. For me, I know I did. Something that’s whole, that connects me, that I feel aligned with. I was not having that in my life, and so I had to find myself, and I had to connect to these three powers, to love, to opening my heart, to finding that connection, and then my orgasm is my energy that’s like so deeply connected down in my lower chakras, my womb, my yoni, my root chakra, where finance is.
I mean, this is a power that has to get unlocked, and so for me, I had to unlock all those energies in my own life, and then I finally attracted an amazing partner to me. Then through that journey, I studied and learned all about how people have amazing relationships, and a lot of it is understanding really these three powers and how they work and that we are here to be beings of love and have amazing relationships, and that our sexuality is one of the most divine gifts we have, but we haven’t understood it well or used it wisely in the culture that we have been brought up in. My journey has been unraveling that and then teaching my clients how to have that and how to live these juicy, amazing lives.
Part of the unraveling for me in my own business as well as learning to trust my heart and my pussy, my womb, my wisdom, that comes from within that’s inside of me rather than run my business by trying to do the latest marketing tip and follow this plan, and that’s really like, that could be challenging in this world is learning how to follow your own essence and your own truth and what you came here for. That’s my journey and my passion, and that’s what I help my clients to do too is really live this up to life and get connected to their orgasm, their heart, and their faith.
I love it. I love what a similar journey you and I are on, and I think you really nailed it. The culture that we’re in, especially as women in business and as women entrepreneurs, there hasn’t been a model up until this point of what it looks like to run a business from a womb-centered place-
Yes. Yes.
… and what does that look like, and how do we entrust the gray matter inherent in our womb, our second brain, our belly brain, to do some of this work for us? We’re kind of paving the way, in a lot of ways, of what that looks like because I think women traditionally, in order to be in business and in order to be successful in business, we’ve had to act like men.
Yeah. Totally. Totally, and then that’s so painful for us especially, so not only are we trying to do business like men, but we’re trying to also have romantic relationships, but like it’s different. We’ve got too many things going on, and we have to come back, like you said, to our womb, our wisdom, our soul, and that actually is what helps everything, once we get into that alignment. But yeah, it’s challenging in a world that hasn’t honored that, so it does take courageous women like you, like me, like other amazing women that are really on the brink being courageous too, like really it takes a lot of faith like you said. That’s another-
Oh, yeah.

I do feel like we’re here to birth something new and remember these new ways.
… superpower, right? You got to have faith to go into the unknown, but I do feel like we’re here to birth something new and remember these new ways. It makes sense to our lower chakras, and we birth from there, like there’s energy that’s potent there, and whether it’s birthing a child or birthing a new way of being, like I feel I’m here to birth this new way of seeing love, and sex, and relating, and like take the next level of relationships to a whole another level. It’s like I feel like I came here with that, but that’s in my womb and in my soul, but my job has been to shed all of the crap and the conditioning on top of that to trust myself and have faith to walk that path and bring my gifts here. It really is badassery to be able to do that in a world that doesn’t, yeah, make a lot of space for that.
Yeah. I agree, and that’s why I have this show, to make some space for some badassery, so-
Whoo. I know. It’s very … I mean, I was so excited to get an invitation to this show, I have to tell you, like what a platform, and yeah, like this is it in that you’re standing in it and holding space for it and honoring these superpowers is, yeah, I love it, so thank you for doing what you’re doing as well, so-
Absolutely. It’s a joy and a pleasure on my part, so I am really excited to dive deeper into more of this topic about what better sex, financial well-being, and conscious loving all have in common, because as you and I both know, they are related, even though they’re very compartmentalized in our culture. I’m so excited to talk with you more after we go to break about like sex and manifestation and all that kind of fun, juicy stuff, but before we go there, we are going to take a quick break, and will you just give our listeners, tell them where they can find out more about you?
Yes, absolutely. You can find me at sacredlovethatlasts.com, and I’ve also got a free gift for you there where I’ve created a three-part video series on how you can have the 3 Keys to Hot Sacred Love That Lasts, so if you go to sacredlovethatlasts.com/free-gift, you can get that video series and stay connected to me, and I’d love that.
Wonderful, so sacredlovethatlasts.com/free-gift. Head over there and check out what Emunah has to offer. All right, so we’re going to take a quick break, and then we’re going to talk about like manifestation and sex and all sorts of yummy, juicy things, so stay tuned.
To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.
Music Credit: All instruments played by Amanda Turk. Engineered and produced by Tatiana Berindei and Daniel Plane reelcello.com
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