JoAnne Palladino – Reiki master teacher
Hello everybody. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I am delighted to have with me today just this amazing being. In the very short time that we’ve been conversing, she is just a breath of fresh air. Like I just, you know that feeling you get with people where you just exhale and just say like, “Ahh” and you don’t have to kind of wonder what’s going to come next or be on edge or be like, “OK, which dimension am I operating in here?” And it’s just a pleasure to speak with her and I know that you all are going to feel the same.
But let me get a little bit into her background. JoAnne Palladino is a Reiki Master Teacher, is highly intuitive, of course, and she’s one of those folks who, you know, kind of came from a little bit of a different background with the Health Care Administration and then, of course, through her own journeying, came full circle into a much more holistic way that she moves to the world at this point in time. But I really am very fast and I talked to her about her book, The Way of Mastery and, and the beings that she’s channeled for that. And so we’re in for a really, really special treat. Please join me in welcoming Joanne to the show. Welcome, JoAnne.
Thank you. You just make me smile too.
Thank you. I’m honored, honored, honored, truly.
Thank you. Thank you. Well, you know, as we like to do on the show, we’re just going to kind of toss you right in there and say, “What are your Super Powers?”
Yeah. You know, when I was getting on with the question, there was like this beautiful treasure case and treasure box of like, oh my goodness, I could say this and this and this, you know. But the one that I’d like to really share that I feel very blessed with, and it’s a blessing and it’s a gift, that I’m a conduit for the language of light. And, you know, even as I speak of it now this white language that has been coming through me, it touches the heart, it and it brings tears to my heart because it’s such full of grace and the language of light is here. And this was through a message that was given to me when I was in the stillness in meditation that it has come through now during this time of ascension to help souls evolve. So it is coming through me, spoken through me. It is not me, obviously, for the collective, and here with grace and ease. And though it is a language that the intellect does not understand, you know, and if there’s an opportunity to share a message from this, the language of light, that I call it, we’ve been dancing together because in the beginning it was not an easy dance when this refined through this dense body. But now we gracefully dance with each other.
I love that imagery.
It clicks by, you know, I do say kick my butt pretty good. It took me a number of years to have the body regenerate in a way to hold the energy but I’m able to interpret or understand so and just touch on a little bit that I’ve named the language Shmaya, the beings of light. And it received that name because that is one of the words that I kept speaking. But I didn’t know it was the word at the time. And I was told that it’s an ancient Aramaic word. And it’s…the Shm part of it, the Shm ham means guide, light, vibration. And the Maya, the Shmaya part, is about that light or God or divinity is in everything, everyone and in every word.
Beautiful. I’ve been sharing with you that I, when you were talking about just, you know, getting prepared to be able to be the kind of vessel for that language, I saw the old like Tom and Jerry cartoons where they are just, like, pummeling each other, you know, that’s all they did, and then I just saw this like interplay between your body and this language coming through and it just made me laugh. So thank you. And as you move into this delicate thing now, because as you speak of it now, it’s like the grace and the…just the absolute elegance with which you emulate that is, like, it’s hard to believe that there was ever, you know, moment of anything but that. But I heard the truth and it is as soon as, sort of, you were recalling it. It was like, “oh what a juxtaposition.”
Yes. And yeah there’s, you know, feel blessed and grateful when it does come through and be the enormity of the purpose of “why now?” You know, “why now?”
I love that. So let’s talk a little bit about that. I really appreciate you sharing so transparently the fact that, you know, it’s not, it’s not always with open arms and open hearts that we receive these gifts. And that we really step into them and there is prep work that has to be done. There is journey. There is some sand papering that occurs. Talk to me a little bit more about that process. How did you even know that this was a thing…that this was coming through you?
Yeah. You know, I’ll say my first awakening was in the late 90s so I was late coming to the show. Some people know when they are a child that there’s, you know, a gift. That wasn’t the case with me. I was very entrenched in the corporate world and climbing the ladder and that’s my success.
And then the universe did have another plan and it pulled the rug from out under me and I was, you know, thrown into weight what I described as a, you know, the dryer, clothes dryer and I was tumbled and tumbled and tumbled and tumbled.
So, yes, much inner work, exploration you call it, sort of, the sandpaper, the trenches of going through these various awakenings. The language of light probably was coming through me longer than I actually realized, you know. And then I would say it could be for five years now that it took on a higher frequency and level. And when it started coming through it literally took me over. I was not in charged. And it came through whenever it wanted to, whether it was in the middle of the night or I was out to dinner and, you know, standing in line at the grocery store and so on.
And then you know here’s Johnny kind of thing like this. And I knew it of course because I felt how it affected my body that there was a real refinement here going on. After I took about two years for my body to adjust to it and being at ease and at peace. It wasn’t about understanding what was coming through but more of the frequency and the vibration of the energy words or the tones or the codes that come through is what was transmitting the healing. And then I, you know, really started shifting through the way of mastery which completely changed my life which brought a different solidity to the language of light and the purpose of it.
Love it. So how did that, I mean, how, when the language of light first came to you before the mastery piece, was it…I mean, was it first, like, because we talk a lot about a lot of different Super Power, so we like to give people clear clarity around like is it clairaudience, is it you know telepathy, is it channeling, is it a mediumship like…like how would you characterize your experience with it?
I would define it more as being a channel for this frequency. And I can now call it in, you know, versus I’m sort of taking you over Joanne and I’m coming through whenever I wanted. ‘Cause I think I was really excited that it found a form. So I would consider it a channeling. And being very present. Being very grounded in my skin, in this form, to be able to bring it out into the world. So it is a channeling of, again, the different tones or words or codes depending on what’s being called for, who’s in front of me, whether it’s one on one, whether it’s a group situation, or you know whether I’m recording just a general audio for all ears to hear, you know.
Does it change the intonation in your voice when it comes through or is it just an information that you received?
Yeah it’s funny. I’m smiling as you asked that question because people have said to me, “It sounds like a Jewish grandmother.” So tonight it sounds like, you know, an Aztec Shaman. Sometimes it sounds like these high-pitched tones.
So the characteristic is multi-dimensional, limitless and it could take on varying qualities based again, sort of, based on what is being called for or needed, or there’s a rightness for a person to receive whatever they need to receive, whether it’s a direct message, whether it’s a prayer, or a blessing. And at times there’s actually a conversation with the person. And I, oh my goodness she’s, like, speaking to you right now, you know. So this is the challenge of putting it, sort of, a definition because there is no definition. If there is no, it is a true mystery of its presence I guess that, you know, illumined presence.
I love that. I love that more than I can even probably express with words because, you know, I’ve watched my husband go through that. I have to connect the two of you. You know going through various stages of mediumship and channeling. And I’ve watched as he’s gone on his journey and the frequency shifts as he goes through altering the information he’s able to access. And I grinned awhile back when you’re talking about, you know, you’ve got the information and there was a mastery phase and you know I always ask because usually I’m the one talking to everybody I’m like, “Wooh, who can we play with today, you know.” Because that’s just not, you know, that’s not my skill set. And he and I are very complementary in that. So he brings through whatever it accesses whatever and but then I’ll…not always ask but a lot of times I’ll ask but what am I supposed to do? You know I’m a big Paul solid fan, you know, in his channeled works and in the, you know, I’m like, “Oh are we writing a book, what are we doing here?” They’re like, “Oh no, you just need to master this.” I was like, “turn it!” Like, “Can’t we just write a book and be done?”, like you know.
But of course that’s exactly what I’ve asked for on this journey but I like that you’ve mentioned that part of it because I think a lot of people I know, especially in our member base, and people that we attract, that it’s all well and good to say, we all have Super Powers. And you can see visions and you can have things appear to you.
You can hear voices and all these things. But the big piece that I think gets left out of those conversations is that mastery piece. And it’s predicated, first and foremost, on self-mastery at every level. And that’s work, like, make no mistake about it folks, like, this is a journey. You don’t just like fall into this stuff and be able to do it consistently and maintain it and build a life around it and build businesses around it and all these other things. You do have to work at that.
You may just fall into the gift, like the gift may just appear one day. Yes but to be able to sustain that and do it with any

You may just fall into the gift, like the gift may just appear one day.
degree of reliability and to really be useful in the world and, you know, I got very vocal awhile back. I said, you know, the problem is that we have tons of people, white workers, change agents, whatever, who really feel like the universe owes them an existence because they tapped into something magical. I’ve talked to so many people that, like, “I had the answer”, and like, “Well, that’s awesome. So does everybody else.” Like, yeah like, you know, you have an answer and it’s for you. But you still have to work to do something with it. And I, you know, I just wrote a blog post about this, calling it the dark underbelly of, you know, I don’t know, uncovering superpowers or something crazy like that but, but it really is around. Like, what are you doing with it? You know. Have you, are you able to make money? Like are you, you know what…how are you blending it in and integrating it into life?
And to me it’s like that we’re doing people a disservice if we pretend that it’s all about the Woo-Woo, you know, all about the spiritual journey and I had an experience here recently where I you know I went on a journey actually with one of our experts Eric Weiland who, you know how we got connected?
And I got to this space, basically, like, well, what is it? And I was like, I don’t know. It’s like there’s nothing here and he’s you know he’s asking me all these questions because he was doing one of his crystal Reiki sessions with me and I was like I don’t know what I’m supposed to do here. You know, we’re just kind of going back and forth. And I hear this, like, laugh.
And it was, it wasn’t me, it wasn’t a nice laugh, you know. It wasn’t, I wouldn’t say, maniacal. But it is borderline maniacal laugh, you know. And I’m like, “OK, what’s that about?” And they’re like, “You all are crazy.” Like, this is what you think you’re striving for but there’s nothing here.
You know. And it was just like, stop, you know. And that’s where, like, I was quoted. One of our other experts quoted me saying you know, “Sometimes we get so caught up in the journey we forget to live.” You know. And there’s an implementation piece of this whole thing because if you just keep striving, striving and striving, wanting more and more and more access and knowledge, that’s great. But that’s where we came from. If we just wanted to know everything and be all things and have that kind of enlightened experience, then, we would just go back to the collective and just exist here. So I like, I love, I love the fact that you’re willing to talk about those things ‘cause I don’t feel like enough will just do. And it’s, there’s, I don’t want to say there’s a price to be paid but certainly there is, like I said, you don’t just slip into this, like, you have to want this. Do you see that that’s been your experience as well?
You know, I feel there’s a little uniqueness here because getting thrown into this it wasn’t, it might have been in my unconscious and subconscious and the soul planned for me. But my intellect was not plugged into it. And when the rug was pulled, what really happened at the time I didn’t realize it. But I was listening to my soul but not really understanding that’s what I was listening to. Leaving the corporate world, leaving the high paying job and position and going into what not, I was like, I don’t know, and being completely at ease with it. So as the years went on there was a level of commitment that I made to myself that no one could get in the way. And a lot of leaving marriage, selling the house, leaving jobs, getting naked, and just, and then not knowing a thing. There was no plan of being. In the corporate world you needed a plan. You really know how to get from A to B and so on. Here it was blank slate and truly trusting. So the important piece here, I feel, is we can continue to read a lot of books and study with teachers and travel to India and I’m not saying not to do that. But the piece that you brought in that is my commitment and has been for years is my life is there’s, like, no separation. How I am with someone in front of me or a group of people when I leave I continue that path. So my work life and play life and it’s right there, in that, this is my life. And the commitment and trusting in the self is the intrical piece here. Looking through your day to say, “Yup,” everybody goes, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that,” you know. Okay great beautiful. Now how were you taking that knowledge and looking at your day calendar, if you will? And how were you putting these practices, or the knowledge and Yes-I-knows in to day to day.
I love it. I can, probably 10 times a day, I hear that, the I know I know I know. I’m like, “That’s great. We all know.”
What are you doing with it? Like, what are you doing with it? I love that. It’s so beautiful.
I refer to what you’re talking about as, you know, the holistic lifestyle. You know where your life is your work, your work is your life. And yeah we’re absolutely soul sisters in that, you know. When I met my husband and we were dating I told him I’m like, “Look, buddy like this where I’m going.”
Like I know where I’m going like I’m not, I had done enough, like on again off again on again off again that train and I was, like, that I made my commitment. And I said you know and you know I’ve been a spy, a government agent and soldier. You know, I was like, I don’t need you in my existence.
I am choosing to journey with you and I’d love to continue to choose to journey with you but be very clear this is where I’m going, like, and I’m very honest with people I put my evolution above all else, and to the detriment of all else, you know. And even after our daughter was born I’m like, you know, my husband couldn’t be enough to pull me from that. My daughter certainly couldn’t be enough. And what we created because of that were relationships built solely on choice. And it’s just been an amazing experience ever since that. But, you know, and I love that you really talk about commitment because the word that kept coming up me was sacrifices. Like I don’t feel like I sacrificed anything. It’s the most natural place in the world for us to exist.
The challenge I think where people get stuck is in that decision-making and in making that choice because we do heat up against those moments of, like, oh my gosh what am I giving up or what am I walking away from, or, you know, when you talk about, you know, where your mind gets engaged. And then, of course, you bust through that wall on the other side of you like, “oh well that was easy.” like, “what was I so worried about?” But it feels really tumultuous in those moments of decision-making, for sure.
Yeah. You know the experiences that I have had I do not regret any of it which allows me to be fully with whoever, again, I am working with whatever soul comes, you know, who’s guided to come be with me because I’m fully with, and embraced with what, you know, what they are sharing in their life, no matter how painful. And again the beauty here for me is that I see beyond their pain or their challenge. And I already see their life, and their beauty and their resilience. And hold, sort of, the compassion and the wisdom energy for them which automatically is holding them in a more uplifting space and not getting down to and feeling sorry for and feeling their less-than or their not-worthiness or victimization or you know whatever they’re holding on to. But, oh my goodness, it’s whoever is in front of me I already see a beautiful being. The best that they truly are.
It took me a long time to be really comfortable with that and it kind of zapped me in the face when I started like, you know, I spoke previously about moving into the collaborative model and you know when you’re the sole practitioner working with a client it’s like you’re kind of in your own world with it.
When you start working with other people you realize just how differently we all see things and what each of us kind of pings on. We all see different aspects for a person and in the beginning of that, I really kind of had to do some like gut-level checks and soul-searching around the fact that I would work with a client and then I’d have, you know, someone reflect me the way, like why…you know that they’re an addict or they’re this or that or this is what they’re doing with their existence.
I’m like, “Really?” Like, “What did the NFL kind of foolish?” like “What am I missing here?” like I’m supposed to be seeing all this stuff. And then it finally dawned on me like I don’t see it, like I don’t…that’s not what I see in people and so it took me a long time to realize that I had gotten to a space where it was like I really just wanted to honor that piece in people knowing that the rest of the population was going to honor all those other pieces, you know. And so being that myrrh for something different and being OK with that. And just saying you know I don’t…that I don’t see that piece of you. Like I’m not…that’s not a place where I connect with you. Where I connect with you is here. And this is what I see here.
And really being able to hold that vision because again it’s easy to fall into the what was used in the victimizations and how horrible life is and all these other things and it’s…You know, I went to a networking luncheon yesterday. Just…I really have to just, you know, boost, kind of find my centers up every moment because you know it’s the…it was woman’s lunch and I’m on top of everything else.
You hear all of the like, “Oh my gosh, you know, so-and-so got in a car wreck”, and, “This person is sick”, and, “I feel so fat.”, “No, you look like you’ve lost weight”, and I’m just like, “This is really going on, like, still in the world.” And it surprises me every time, you know, I kind of come off the mountain and kind of like OK let’s go let’s go do this and…But it’s nice to be like you keep talking in that really comfortable space of just knowing and just being you and being able to say you know this is…this is this and being able to see that in people and then hold that space and that love for them.
It’s almost as being embracing and at ease with not knowing. You know, it’s like here I share with experiences and yes I have, you know, the books that’s mostly personal digging into my inner world and being or coming to a place where I’m at ease with the “not knowing.” Truly that’s what we’re working at. Shmaya is not knowing and completely trusting what comes through me to be transmitted to someone is going to be held by God or divine or source energy. You know whatever word you want to put to the mystery that nothing gets in your way. The ego is still in us, you know. And we make friends with it. But it doesn’t necessarily run our show. Fear is the fear. Looking at it with a smile and come back to the truth within yourselves. And that’s what guides you. You know that is from heart to have the mind listen from that you know from that space.
It’s beautiful.
We never know who will show up, what will show up, the stories, the damage that is being shared with you and holding it with this fullness of love. I mean it’s really holding people with love and no judgment.
I love that. Well, I like to sit here and talk to you all day. I’m sorry I should probably be on task and be looking at clocks and all that other stuff but I find that I just can’t be bothered with that right now.
But it does strike me. So there’s a couple of things I want to do before we wrap up. The first is, it strikes me to present you the opportunity if you’re so inclined. Is there information that you wanted to share with our listeners or is there anything that you wanted to bring through? Did I catch earlier that you had kind of said that…Anyway I’ll stop there. Is there anything you want to bring through or…?
Yeah. So let me just deal with that for a moment. And for Shmaya because it would be beautiful for her to be with who was called to listen and hello to all of you who are and will be listening.

You are more than the beautiful form participating on what we call Planet Earth.
So this message is about expansiveness, realizing that you are more than the beautiful form that is allowing you to participate in every moment on what we call Planet Earth.
(Channeled Information)
So being aware of your expansiveness, in the midst of multidimensional beyond beyond, that you are significant, that what you think, speak, act, hold on to, release is an intrical part of the whole.
(Channeled Information)
This is in honor of all.
(Channeled Information)
Yes. And we are complete.
What a treat. Thank you so much. I’m going to break from protocol and we’re going to end on that very perfect note. However I do know that people are going to want to find more about you here in growth or droves. So how do we, where do we send them?
So my website of course is joannepalladino.com.
Perfect. I love that.
Joanne I thank you. I’ve really, really enjoyed connecting with you and sharing some…some time and space with you and I look forward to, well, one I’m just so pleased to know you’re out there doing what you’re doing and to have made this connection. So big thanks to Eric for connecting us. And I look forward to more conversations and if you’re up for it, perhaps, you know, we can have you back on the show and maybe explore some other topics. I’d be very delightful. Thank you.
To you as well. And to all of you out there, as always, we appreciate your loyalty. And until next time, go out, uncover your superpowers and change the world. Take care.
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