Hello, everybody! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And, I’m really excited to have on the show with me, Jay Campbell. And, it’s an interesting reason why I’m excited to have him on the show today because, let me tell you a little bit about him first. He’s the Amazon best-selling author of the Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual, right? So, he’s all about the optimization of the human body which is a fascinating conversation in here at Super Power Experts because a lot of times we attract folks who operate in, you know, light bodies, energy work, and a little bit more woo woo or business or this and that. And, what I find fascinating is this conversation about the body is coming up more and more and more around topics of consciousness and high vibration and stuff like that. And, for very, very specific reason, something I’ve been talking about for a while, that we have to figure out this relationship.
And so, you know, it’s great to say, “Oh, we’re Starseeds and we’re all these other things, but we chose to be here.” So, why? And, why these bodies and what’s the connection? How does it all relate? And, what a lot of folks are finding is that there’s a direct connection between managing that aspect of it and how they’re able to be in the world and manifest in the world and everything else. And so, what we’re ultimately talking about is this concept of self-image, but we’re taking it up a few notches and I think Jay’s just the guy to be able to do that with us. So, without further ado, if you could join me in welcoming Jay Campbell to the show. Welcome, Jay! We’re excited to have you.
Tonya, I’m so appreciative and privileged to be here today. Thank you, guys, so much for having me. I’m very excited to rock this conversation.
Awesome! Very cool! Let’s just jump right in and ask you, what are your super powers?

My super power is definitely connection.
So, my superpower if somebody asked me and that’s the first time anyone’s ever asked me that question, so, congratulations. Kudos to you. But, my super power is definitely connection. And, what I mean by that is I have this amazing ability to connect various groups of people from all walks of life, cultures, creeds, colors and build really powerful relationships that you know, not only allow me to benefit and my family and my close, you know, friends, but also the other people because then I connect them, you know, to other people, and as you know, it’s a kind of a cloud-based world we live in now from a social ecosystem level. It just seems like I’ve just been able to build these amazing relationships wherever I’ve gone in my life and not just myself but everyone else seems to matter then.
I love that one! I think that, that’s really at the heart of everything. And, it’s interesting because as you said, connection immediately, you know, the one of my super power is like seeing all of those energetic connections and I see how that relates to the conversation of self-image and so, it doesn’t surprise me that you’re embodying kind of all of these aspects whether it be through the connection piece but also the ability to kind of stand on top of that and be the essence of everything that you talk about and teach here in the world. And, I think that at the heart of it is connection. Do you agree?
Absolutely, one hundred percent! I mean, there’s nothing bigger than to be able to walk up to another human being and start a conversation. And, you know, within a minute or two, you now have both of you laughing and kind of are already engaged about like how you can help each other, you know, in the future.
Well, and it’s funny because in our kind of little woo woo energetic spaces, we talk a lot about ultimately all we’re seeking is connection. And, we do that through seeing ourselves. So, we’re seeking connection to ourselves for source to whatever it might be. But, we do that through connecting with others. And, part of the magic in that is seeing ourselves reflected. And so, how does that play out in in terms of self-image? Like, have you had experiences working with the magic of the bodies and how to kind of move them and shape them and everything else? And, have you seen that kind of connection in terms of how we play mirrors for each other?
Without a doubt, I mean, there’s no question. You know, like I always say, like in the optimization space, I love how you phrase it because that’s what I’m really all about. It’s all about, you know, human optimization. You know, I developed a hashtag about four more months ago. It’s called optimized army and, you know, that’s we’re building an army of men and women who are optimized in their life. But to answer your question, yes. I mean, a person who is conscious of, you know, having a healthy self-image that you talked about in the mirror is also conscious, or is, you know, is concerned with other people and having that same image. So, I think like people like me, you know, working in the field that I’m working I like, I try to, you know, connect with this many people of like mind who feel very similar and that I, you know, to answer your question, very specifically, the mirror is, or the mirror test is huge in working with people that you feel like, if I’m going to take my message to this person and this person can collaboratively share it with others, then, they got to have a very similar mindset. They’ve got to have a very similar thought process as to what they wanted to get done with.
I like that! And, I like that connection. I love the optimized army. I have always think that, you know, we’re superhero fans. I’m like, “oh, I’m like the winter soldier.” You know, recruiting all these people but what I love about you is that at the heart of it really is the heart of it. And, that I think is so crucial because it’s easy to say, “oh, we want to be super humans and all these other things” and, we hear a lot of folks talking about that. But, when I see people failing is not being able to incorporate. But why? You know, like to do it, just to do it is fun. But what’s the purpose and it doesn’t seem to be long lasting unless we’re really, you know, focus on the why and you have a pretty big mission. You want to share that with our listeners?
Absolutely. But, just you have a very resonant frequency right there. Most people in today’s day and age want instant gratification. You know, we live in the social media, you know, steroidal culture from a standpoint of like you know, everybody can look on Instagram or Snapchat or Facebook or any other social media with, you know, imagery. And so, I think it creates an impression in a lot of people’s minds, it’s fake. And the truth is, that to truly be optimized and you know, I’ll get to share my mission here in a second, but to truly be optimized, you know, a person has to take full responsibility and accountability for who they are. And, who you are shows up in how you interact with people and in how you go about your day. You know, everybody talks about, you know, having a morning ritual, having an evening ritual. You know, being having gratitude at all these things. I mean, they become to me like, you know, a lot of ways I think people now I just they’re so cliche but for people that are truly “walking the walk” and living a life of trying to help others and, you know, being in service to others, are trying to optimize people. You know, you, the way you show up, you know, you can’t hide from that. So, if you’re, you know, somebody like I said who’s really not who you carry yourself out to be on social media. I think it catches up pretty fast but back to me, like my mission. My mission is literally, and I swear this is my affirmation, I should probably repeat my affirmation but my mission is to help millions of people optimize their health so that they live longer and stronger until literally they leave this incarnation and go into their next one, if they are so lucky to have another one.
So, in other words I don’t know if that’s luck. But, I think I got to the next one is like, damn it. We’re back again.
Well, I don’t know. That’s a good point. But I do think that the soul, you know, the mission of the soul is to learn as much as possible and I think some souls obviously of all, have different rates and speeds and learn faster than others. But I think that the beauty of life itself, is again my opinion, is the soul’s journey. And, where the experience does it, you know, and obviously it’s obviously cliché, you know, it’s not, it’s not the destination it’s that, it’s the ride. But, but, I do believe that you know not all of us are hip to, you know, being consciously aware of, like the experience of what we’re, what we’re here to learn. Once you figure that out, and I’m not, I mean, I’m forty six years old and I consider myself consciously aware, definitely aware that most people around me but like, I wasn’t always this aware. You know, so, like what made me decide to just like, at forty-one or forty-two years old, you know, like wake up and say, “Oh, my god.” Like, “what am I doing?” You know, there’s only a story I’ll just make it real quick. Very high level like, in my thirties, my nickname for people that truly knew me was “Fuck, You Pay”. Like, I literally was all about material, you know, bigger shiny things, you know, having retiring at 40 with X number of dollars in my bank account, you know. So, I mean, like I know that everybody has everyone, in my opinion, so of all different rate and speed and flow, and so I don’t judge people like who are just not as you know, they’re conscious of the illusion that I think I am. You know what I mean whereas, in the past I would do that. Does that make sense?
Absolutely! And I, and I love that there’s so much goodness and everything you just said. And part of it is the idea that you know what is it? What is it that makes some people, you know, do that wake up and others not? And what is it that, you know, it’s like a million dollar question in our industry because who knows? You know, and I think that some of that’s predetermined I think, that some of it is, you know, a script on how we come in and everything else. But, the key component of that is that you heeded the call. you know, and so so I do, you know, 24/7. This is what I do. I talk to people about, you know, what’s next? What’s possible? Can we stretch the bounds of reality? Do you want to step into that new space? And, I am amazed. In the beginning, I was pretty depressed actually about the sheer number of people who head up against that fear and don’t take action. And, it was I really kind of had to sit for a couple of weeks like, you know, like wallowing and I was like, I like gallantly, you know, because my guidance was very clearly to talk to people about superpowers. Tell them this is possible. Do this work. And I’m, and I’m clear on what it moves. The space and it moves people into. Well, so naively, I just assumed that if I’m gonna be doing this that people want to really step into those spaces and many, many, many don’t. And that’s. Let me see an aspect of them does. You know, that’s not fair to say that they don’t. But it’s a very small percentage of the population still who’s willing to traverse. So, those spaces because it is so divergent still. And I know that you and I were talking about it before we started the interview, you know, that it’s it is rare you know and I constantly affirm that for people like. Make no mistake about it. You know ninety nine point nine percent of world population is talking about this stuff. You know, now we can we can say that privilege you know we can say that there’s a lot of other reasons for it and for sure that’s the case. And, on top of that, you know, I mean a lot of people living very materially privileged lifestyles who also will step into that. So, it’s not as simple as saying, you know, it’s just because of where we live in our socioeconomic status. It has to do with people’s relationship to fear.
I cannot. I cannot agree more. It’s very well said. I just came back from a vacation in Atlanta, Georgia with my mom and dad. My dad is seventy, almost seventy two. My mom is seventy. They’ve been married. They had nine kids. I’m the oldest of nine kids. They’ve been living together. You know, I’m a happily, happily adult, depends on your perspective. But like you, know, my wife and I consider ourselves pretty high conscious people. And like, you know, spending a week with them were like, Jesus, you know, so it’s like it’s gonna be, I mean the reality is, it’s like, you’re saying like fear and material and the pursuit of what the Matrix, you know, drives people as like or tells people or direct people or conditions people, maybe, is a better word of like, what they should find value in their life is really difficult to break from.
Oh, absolutely! And, I can imagine in your industry and I think this is why that, you know, I alluded to the beginning of that. I didn’t allude to I just outright stated it that at the beginning of the show that this physical component is so crucial that I remember, you know, let’s talk about being naïve. Back when I first downloaded I was brushing my teeth and I downloaded this concept of the five steps of transformation and it sounds silly now but, it followed a really clear thought process where I couldn’t figure out why when something manifested to my existence, it was really anti-climactic. And, I was like, “What the hell’s wrong with me? Like, can I be happy and excited, you know? My husband said he’s like, “can’t you just be excited like this thing occurred that you said you want it. And here it is!” And I’m like, yeah. I mean of course it is! Like I just it was so bizarre to me. And I was like, what’s wrong? Am I not programmed to experience happiness like, what is the issue here? And then, I’m brushing my teeth and I was told very clearly like, there’s five stages. Like, the spirit has to be able to conceive of it and be OK on board with it. A mind has to you have to move all the cognitive blocks to get in the way of that emotional blocks and then the body pieces and then it can appear in the physical environment. Right. And what was so interesting about that is that again, they even I even have articles like I’m so tempted to take them down. I was like, oh my gosh, I knew nothing. But I kept them up. But it was. But at that stage I was attracting a lot of people who were working through the emotional trigger piece which of course is what I was just coming out of. And I’m like, oh but once you get the spirit in the, you know, the mind and the emotions on board, then the body pretty much just follows. That’ll be easy right. OK. So two years later, I take out the breadth of information that’s come out about transforming the physical body and how we store fear, how we store things in our existence in the subconscious and how that works at all. I mean, it’s just flowing and flowing get up like, “wow, you know, and so I think that as a collective consciousness, we weren’t ready really to get how some of this stuff works.” I don’t think we truly understood the connection between our higher aspects and our physical bodies. And then, the physical bodies with connection to the environment. And so, so all of that, you know, I shared to say that, this is huge, huge, huge work right now. And most of the people I talk to don’t know what they’re doing. And, they’re still far away. I’m really in my opinion outdated biological kind of data that came about at a time when our consciousness was lower?

The pharmaceutical industry’s only motive is obviously fear and making money.
All that is very well said. You also have to realize that medicine by itself is so broken it’s controlled by the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industry’s only motive is obviously fear and making money. And when you when you have that, you don’t have true holistic practitioners that are looking at the things that you and I are talking about. You know, the mind, you know, integrative, you know, holistic. Like, for example, the body the body has to be cleared of all the “environmental debris” and what I consider environmental debris is the pollution then that filters our lungs. The horrible GMO, you know, engineered food that people consume without, you know, thought process, without even a consideration. And then, you know the the people that are not exercising. So when you factor all those three things in your body is so polluted, it’s really, really hard to actually be free and conscious or able to be higher conscious because you don’t have a really good friend Joe Clark who’s like a structural integrator and he talks about like, you know, the body is an antenna. And, when the body is polluted by all those environmental things. And again most people as you as you know lived their life completely unconscious of those three things, and there there’s just no way that they can really be like “transmutate” so that you know they’re aligned so that they can become more open and more in tune with the things that you and I are talking about so, there’s no question that understanding the human body and living a clean lifestyle is massive. And, from a standpoint of like, opening you up to experience a level of consciousness, that you probably aren’t experience without doing those things.
I agree and it is our talk. How do you deal with clients who come to you who are like, “oh man I want to look like this, and this is what I want to do.” And, you just know like, intuitively, is get it. It’s not as simple as they’re hoping it’s going to be and that there is all this underground work is going to have to be done. What, you know, how do you manage that with folks?
It’s a great question. I mean, I’m very, you know for a private consulting standpoint, you know, I’m a business partner. The biochemist, Jim Brown and I when we consult with men and women on you know, optimizing their hormones ,I mean I was there we’re not we’re not physicians so we’re not licensed medical professionals. Everybody has to sign an affidavit if they work with us but we know more than most doctors because we’ve been, you know, doing this and working with doctors for two decades. But, yeah, it’s a, you know, you have to vet people I mean, I don’t, like I said, I don’t really get into a hard core working with somebody unless after they, you know, they do their interview and I find out what their goals wants and needs are. You know, I get deep into their mindset. I don’t work with someone who I feel like is not at a level and that’s not to judge them but it’s just like, you know, I’m trying to save myself pain. I just I want more money and I feel like they are truly an idiot to improving. You know, not just to earn. But you know why are they doing this? Like, I think I get a whole Facebook, you know, world that we live in and you know this created, you know, imagery of not reality. It’s a construct. And, I think that so many people truly do want to be better. I mean, I think it’s the human condition to want, to want more but I don’t think because of that fake Facebook construct or alter your altered reality that they’re willing to do the work, that’s necessary actually get there. So for me, it’s a matter of why can I vet this person? Can I find out you know, in five minutes of talking to them on the phone or ten minutes or whatever or even do their e-mail that they are truly committed to doing the work necessary to get them to a point that I feel like, I can take them and I’m like I said, I mean, I’m, you know, my wife and I argue about this all the time because she’s like, you could work with so many more people. But, I don’t want to work with that many people because I want to be that guy who goes to bed at night feeling like I’m taking a person’s money who truly isn’t committed to ever getting to where I can get them. Does that make sense?
It makes total sense. You’re one hundred percent singing my song. We have that connotation a lot in our house too because it’s, you know, I have a lot of people who want to, you know, they want to be coach because I operate in that abstract frequency and I talk to people about it but, I come across the same thing you do. And I’m like, no, just no. And, that’s a big part of the reason why I created this super power net because I didn’t have anywhere to put people. And so, for you, it’s like the books and education pieces and in classes and stuff like it didn’t feel good to turn people away and at the same time, I didn’t feel good to me to work with people when intrinsically you know, I have intuitive gifts for a reason like it just wasn’t, you know, it just wasn’t a good fit. And, well, you know, and I also found I can be more effective.
You could say it’s not, you know, intuitively because I have a lot of intuitive qualities. Do you know that it’s not good, right? Then, so it’s like how do I had this off at the past so that it doesn’t become an issue. Now, this person paid me and now I’m deep in with them and they’re like realizing that’s not going to work and now you’ve got to have parted ways. So it’s kind of like, you know, as a good human, it’s a high contrast with you don’t really want to get down the path or go down that path. So now you and me there’s that animosity, you know, there may be anger on the other person’s part because then they feel like you’ve failed them but in reality, they can’t even like look in the mirror, right?
And you’re seeing me. You really do speak a lot of our same language because when we came out of government, we formed corporate counter-intelligence consulting firm and that firm morphed into, you know, vetting people and businesses and transparency and one of the things that we teach all the time in that capacity is, you will destroy your business if you’re not doing some level of know your client due diligence. You know, you have to vet those clients as well. And if not, you’re going to run into the exact scenario you’re talking about. And then that’s what leads to bad reviews and then when we go and vet you later on it’s like, do this doesn’t this doesn’t look like in a lot of folks do it out of desperation trying to chase the buck. And even if you’re doing it because you just really, really, really want to help people usually that has something to do with it and its security is well within you. Totally. You know, and you have to face those things. So let’s say I have a couple of questions for you but I want to go ahead take a quick pause for a break. And, so those of you who are joining us we’re talking with Jay Campbell about concepts around self-image and how that’s connected to some pretty high level vibrational stuff. And we’ll come back in here in a moment with some more questions for him.
Thank you all for joining us and if you’re just coming on, again, we’re talking to Jay Campbell. We’re talking all about self-image and the significance of that and doing the work and transparency and optimizing armies and you know, he’s just a bunch of fun so. So, we’re going to get right back into it. Jay, I was hoping you would tell me about your latest book that’s coming out.
Sure. So, the book that I wrote is called The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual: How to optimize your testosterone for lifelong health and happiness. It’s the number one selling book ever written on testosterone replacement therapy. It’s written primarily for men. There is a lot of information there that I encourage women to read because a lot of women in America today and really global I would say America is just a global society are dealing with men who are suffering from a hormonal imbalance or a testosterone deficiency. And guess what, when a guy is suffering in that capacity, he’s struggling to sleep at night. He cannot you know perform sexually. He’s probably you know dying by two o’clock every day so that book for those very reasons is a great book for a woman to read to truly understand what’s going on with her husband. And the book that is coming is kind of an advanced strategies edition of that book. I’ve added actually eight chapters currently or maybe nine but I think I’ve added eight chapters. I’ve made it more with men and women. There’s a lot of stuff in there about age. There’s a chapter called Agents of Change where I analyze a lot of stuff that’s in the marketplace that’s not accepted by the medical community unfortunately because it’s perfectly illegal to use. So, anyway it’s a massively improved advanced version of the current book and that book should be out probably in October of this year. Again, for men and women.
Very cool. Very cool. And as I’ve said been saying this whole time I’m really excited about how you’re connecting these concepts together with regard to the body, the self-image and everything else that goes into it. And I think you’ve done a good job of illustrating the fact that this is an all in kind of game. Like this is a holistic thing and there’s not going to be a quick fix you know so what advice do you have to folks who are sitting here going man, like I haven’t really been owning that they are taking responsibility for that. How can they get going in that direction?
That’s a great question. And one thing I wanted to add too about this from an esoteric standpoint, Manly P. Hall has written prolifically and this is what’s crazy like in the twenties and thirties about the human endocrine system. And the endocrine system is very misunderstood by current modern medicine. I mean there are definitely great progressive physicians out there that understand how to manipulate a male and female and different system. But the other consistent the endocrine glands you know, the glands that make up the endocrine system: the thyroid and the pituitary glands are huge. And the regulation of our bodies biological systems. And so once you optimize your hormones and that’s obviously what my book is about. You are going to have your endocrine system regulating and functioning at full force. But to ask that question, to answer your question specifically, every man and woman has to. I mean absolutely. I cannot preach this at a higher level than what I’m saying right now. You have to get your blood work done. Now you don’t have to go to a doctor. You don’t have to have them, you know, write a script and order a battery of tests. There are millions, literally, there’s probably a lot more than 100 of private companies in North America that you can literally go online, fill out an application, not even an application but just fill out click on the link of whatever the blood tests you want to get and get it. Now, for most men and women it depends on age. You can do what is called a hormonal wellness panel and that is literally going to be anywhere from 160 bucks with a coupon to probably $250. If you order some very strict tests that are offered as a kind of a bundle value add to it. And these tests are going to tell everything that is going on biologically internally too. So basically they’re known as biomarkers. Once you have an understanding of what’s going on internally, you really aren’t going to have to go to “doctors” or deal with like managed care or the medical system, however you want to phrase it because once you understand your biomarkers and how to read them, and again this is all very, very carefully, very laid out in my book you’re going to understand like what’s going on internally and once you understand what’s going on internally, then you can have a guide as to like, okay you know what. What do I need to change? You know what’s wrong with me. Do I have like a high you know blood glucose level? Do I have a high H-1 ABC level? Am I eating too many carbs? Is my insulin, you know, out of control? So once you understand all those things, then you can lead to, you know, corrective practices in your life that can, you know, obviously lead to modulating your diet, you know, improving your exercise. So all these things and you know obviously you’re going to understand your vascular networks and stuff like that and you your wrist or coronary artery disease and stuff like that is so. So understanding these things, these biomarkers and understand your risk factors, then can allow you to lead your life or live your life according to where you need fixing. And too many people in our system or society today don’t do that. They do it all backwards. They just kind of exercise. They read diet books. They think, oh well maybe a low carb or ketogenic or something like this is not right for me. But without understanding what’s really going on you know metabolically and having these biomarkers understood you just kind of guessing.
I love that. That’s great information. Where can folks go to find out more about you? Well link the books. Well where would you like to send them?
So there’s a lot of places I’d say the three primary places to really read more about, you know, me is my primary website which is trtrevolution.com . I have three or four writers. Some of the highest level guys in the world literally writing on hormonal optimization, anti-aging strategies. It’s, you know, brilliant you know, we get twenty to thirty thousand unique visitors a month. The sites not even a year old actually it’s. Going to be a year old on July 2nd. But it’s an awesome site for anti-aging strategies. The other site is fabulouslyoverforty.com. That’s where my wife and I write at one time. And I don’t write as much on that site because the other site is so much more involved and central to my life now but at one time who was the number one side of mind for this over forty information. So if you’re a person who’s aging and you know Dr. Geez I’d like how to exercise better how to eat better, how to take care of yourself, my wife my wife writes prolifically on mindset. She writes on, you know, empowerment for females. I mean, there’s all kinds of stuff there and that’s fabfitove40.com. So those are the two places and then you know on I like a member of a million different places online from Facebook. So do you want to connect with me on Facebook? I still have some friends left. You can reach me at facebook.com/JayCampbellTRT. So it’s also replaced their research. So those are the three places you can buy your line. I am on Twitter too. It’s TRTexpert on Twitter. So those are the four places or three places.
Awesome. Very cool. Thank you so much and a big shout out to Brian Keith Noonan for connecting us. I like to thank those people who send this amazing folks and I would say you qualify, Jay.
Awesome. I really truly appreciate being on your show today, Tonya. I hope I was able to give some advice to the audience and all is always awesome connecting with like-minded high conscious folks.
I love it and love it. Well thank you so much and to all of you out there as always we appreciate your loyalty and until next time go out, uncover your super powers and change the world. Take care everyone.
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