Show Notes
Hello, everyone this is Tonya Dawn Recla your Super Power Expert and I have with me the very enigmatic and highly contagious enthusiastically wise, his name is George Wohar. I am going to brag about him for just second before we really welcome him to the show.
So, the enthusiasm and the energy that comes of this guy, you can feel it. It has this very childlike quality without being childish. It has this really great blend of the maturity, professionalism, presence, also just fun! It is just fun to be around him, he is just blast so I am super excited to have him on the show. He is the epitome of all that’s really right with that millennial generation he is a lot of fun and he is a real treat to listen to. George welcome to the show!
Tonya, thank you and thank you for the introduction.
Very cool. So we are just going to throw you into the mix and ask what are your super powers?
I believe that we all have the same super powers it’s just what we decide to work on and what we decide to get into. One of my main super powers which is the corner stone for everything I would say self-control. With that, self-control comes my ability to control my mind to control my thoughts. With that comes many different things, to be able to guide myself in the right direction, to be able to tap into infinite intelligence, and to be able to use law of attraction on my side.
So I really decide to focus in on my mine and really get that right knowing that is the corner stone for everything and because of that my imagination has increased, my ability to attract things, and to tap into infinite intelligence has all increased because of that. So, those are some super powers I have.
Wow, you are absolutely speaking our language. I haven’t heard anyone call it self-control before, but the concept that the self-control is what leads you to be able to manage the mind to use your super powers is something we teach here and it’s really critical. You even threw some pretty “woo woo” terms out there with the law of attraction and such.
I see so many people who want to embrace those concepts but not implementing some of those crucial pieces you’re talking about. If you can’t manage your mind, a lot of times people will hear me talk all of the different pieces we have inside of ourselves and all of the different wants and fears that each one of those has. If you can’t manage the dialog between those then you can’t consistently create anything at any higher level frequency because you are constantly getting pulled into all of those spaces.
That self-control twist is huge. When you started off with that concept I was wondering where you were going with that, but it’s brilliant. I really like that you gave voice to that.
Thank you. A lot of people like the outside world factors control them. It controls their mind, it controls their thoughts, it controls who they are. Then when you actually tap inside of you and let that inner voice speak that’s when you start acting on the things that you want, that’s when you start becoming the person that you want that’s when you start doing the things that you want
Well and it’s quite the process because the world is very ready to tell you who you are. So, to have the strength and the courage to really look within and say okay what do I want, how do I want to be in the world? That’s a journey in and of itself.
Yes, and it is tough it’s probably one of the hardest things you can do because like you said the world is trying to tell you who you are from the day that your born. You just have to listen more and more and people start to fall into that. You look around and everyone else is listening as well. You have to decide that you want to stand out and that you want to be and then you have to commit yourself to making that happen.
So, how did you come to all of this? Where did this come from?
Honestly, I don’t know exactly it came from. I was always entrepreneurial when I was younger, in third grade I was selling snack to my friends, I had business cards in sixth grade. Then I kind of fell off I went to college and dropped out my sophomore year. I felt like I am entrepreneurial I didn’t know what I was doing and I was getting back into business again.
I did an online fitness and nutrition and I had all of that going. I always knew that there was something different that all of the successful people did differently. I always knew that there was a way, I knew that it didn’t have to be hard, that it wasn’t tough and it didn’t have to be a constant sacrifice. Then I came across the movie The Secret. I watched that movie seven days in a row, something clicked in that movie, and I was like “This is interesting.” I started digging into the mind more and studying how this works and how that works. Started getting coaches, started investing in people to do that, to understand this and it has just taken off from there. It just felt so right and I just kept on going with it.
That’s perfect that was my gateway also. It’s funny because it get’s a really bad wrap and I think that obviously that we would like to point fingers and lay blame when we believed something and things don’t work out. When we are truly honest with ourselves, we probably didn’t put the work in to make it happen.
I like that you give voice to the fact that yes you watched it but it wasn’t a magic pill, there was work to be done after that it just opened you up to the potentiality of it. My experience was almost identical and I always marvel at the folks who really want to chip a way at the Law of Attraction or The Secret. Even people who are capitalizing on it, you know I see Bob Proctor’s ads “Why The Secret didn’t work for you?” but it really was such a pivotal eye opener with regard to what’s possible. Maybe the movie didn’t do a good job of showing the work that has to be done to deconstruct all of the programming on top of that. Probably for good reason I am not sure if they had gone into all of that I would have really gone into pursuing any of it.
No, but it was definitely such a huge eye opener. You hear so many people talk about how it doesn’t talk about action, and it doesn’t. I didn’t even realize that because I was taking so much action at that moment in time, because I am a person of action so I just didn’t realize that it didn’t talk about action. I hear other thought leaders say it doesn’t talk about action, like Bob Proctor, as you mentioned. To me it was like wow maybe it didn’t but it was so clear in everything else that like the action part is obvious. Right, a lot people should know you have to take action to achieve anything in life. So, just implement that, bring that into your like as well, start studying that, get deep into that and see what happens from there.
That’s fascinating that you said that because I didn’t get it either I didn’t see really what people had an issue with. I didn’t spend any time trying to figure that out but you saying that right now illustrates exactly why because I was in the same position I was just taking action and I’m with you I never even realized that it didn’t say that. I think that once sentence really encapsulates the difference between the people who take concepts and implement versus the ones who again want to continue to abdicate to something outside of themselves and say why something doesn’t work.
Those are two pretty distinct camps. You know I have been interviewing people for over a year now on their super powers and then prior to that with the vetting business, really looking into what’s working for people and what’s not. It’s fascinating to me that you really can pretty much divide the world into the people who are willing to take action and work for it and the ones who aren’t. As you said it’s pretty formulaic, like you said there is nothing that tough about it. It’s really just how bad do you want it and what are you willing to do for it.
Exactly. It’s those that take the initiative and take that immediate action and say okay I do get the results. It’s those who take the responsibility, yes these are the results I get and I am responsible for my life, so I am going to take the action. Rather than saying this doesn’t work and that doesn’t work. Just try it and it and just go with it and see what happens.
So I really like where this conversation is headed. This is something I occasionally I sit in ponder, and that is what dictates who is going to take action and who isn’t. I recently was led to the book Grit and so far I have only read the introduction. In this book she talks about West Point, which the make or break you place where all new cadets start training. She talks about how the army has these very extensive tests for success at the academy but they weren’t able to predict who was going to make it through this physically challenging but also mentally, emotionally, energetically challenging period of time.
I thought that was fascinating. The author looked at it through the perspective of grit, who is going to persevere through and the test for academics success didn’t do anything with regard to predicting who would actually persevere through.
She developed some test and from there I am not sure because that’s where the introduction ended and I haven’t read the whole book yet. But it really got me thinking about this concept of how does that get dictated. Who’s got grit and who doesn’t? Do you ever sit back and marvel at why am I willing to persevere through this and others don’t. Does that question ever cross your mind?
It does and it is very interesting. Someone who I was talking to recently I was saying look at all of the answers are right there, it so obvious. They asked me why doesn’t anyone else do it and I had to respond with why don’t you do it? Literally, all of the answers are right there, why don’t you do it? Why are not taking the action?
It is just because we listen to the voice and we listen to all of those external factors. We let all of the outside voices tell us what we should and shouldn’t be doing. I think the deciding factor of who as grit and who doesn’t is who listens to their internal voice and who listens to their external voice. Who has that self-control and that thought control and who does not. It is really that control over themselves, who dictates what they do and who lets others dictate what they do.
You know I have never put that together. As I am feeling into it, one of the things that I often say about myself or feel about myself and it is exclusively around these things that you are talking about. I have an enormous amount of self-control and really being able to figure out who I am from my paradigm has always been key; and that autonomy. You are throwing out some pretty big concepts. Your packaging of is spot on.
It all comes down to that. It is so funny the way I gained my self-control, I have never told anyone this before but I want to throw this in there.
The way I gained my self-control was in my freshmen year of college I was drinking and doing all of this stuff and just being crazy. One day on twitter I saw an ad that said if you brush your teeth with your left hand you will gain self-control. I was like “huh let me do that” ever since then I have brushed my teeth with my left hand.
That is so funny! We are absolutely cut from the same cloth. That is definitely something that I would do, like “Oh, that’s all you have to do, I can do that.”
That’s so interesting. I am really going to have to sit with this because I just never tied it together in that way but the pieces are all there. So, it’s like what has the journey been? What’s driven me? What were the motivating factors? First, it was the quest to find out who I am. Once I hit that point and I remember the exact second that I reached that point and I realized that I had gotten there.
The next phase was full autonomy a sovereignty and really asking for, where anything held dominion over me whether internally or externally whatever the factors were at play. I wanted to see it and I wanted to make the choice about whether or not continuing to engaging in that way. That has really been the last few years of like okay bring it on. Every little thing that comes that is saying okay this still sways you in some capacity. I look at it and choose am I okay with that am I not okay with that.
It’s really just questioning everything. Not in a hyper paranoid critical way but really just being willing to say “Did I still choose this? Did I ever choose this?” Because like you said so much unpardoned on us and we are not even aware of it.
Yes, analyzing yourself is key. Just analyzing yourself and seeing what controls me, that self-analyzation that is so key and so important because then you realize what you need to work on a little bit more or what you can let slide by. What’s you weakness and what your strengths are. That is very key.
You are obviously here to have a big impact on the world so; I’d imagine that is a pretty big picture. So how do you work in the world?
So, I see myself changing the lives of millions of millennials. Teaching them how to control their mind, teaching them how to control their beliefs, teaching them success principles in order to take action in making that happen. So I see that, traveling the country doing different tours and different things. I have been talking to different people about this and talking about partnerships.
I just see this message being spread to millennials because there is a lot of thought leaders that spread this message but they are all older and they don’t really connect with millennials. I am here to really bridge that gap so they can understand it and it feels relatable to them. Then they can learn to take action on it.
Wow, I am just reflecting. There is so much growth in that area. What is curious to me; and I really want your opinion on this. The opinions on millennials seems to be divided, I know some who absolutely sing praises and then I know some who thing the world is going to end once you all come into your own here.
Why the divisiveness there? Or maybe this always happens with every generation but this is the one I seem to be most aware of. What do you think is going on with that?
I do think it is the same with every generation but with the millennial generation we have a bigger voice, we can be heard more because we have all of these different platforms we can speak on. We have all of these different social media platforms when the other generations didn’t. I think that there has always been that divide and it just comes down to how we were raised the words that we heard when we were growing up. The beliefs that we had and what we took in as we were growing up. Which ones decide to take responsibility and who decides to put responsibility on everyone else. So there has always been that with every generation it’s just that our voice is louder and more people can hear us speaking.
Oh that’s interesting. So, what your saying is that it’s easy to fall into that trap of thinking this so different when really there are extenuating circumstances that make the conversation louder and not any different.
Yes, it’s like you hear a lot of people say that there is so much more violence now then there ever was. There was probably violence back then too just no one spoke about it.
Haha! Right there wasn’t Facebook. That would be a funny movie, with an 1800’s theme but with social media. That’s hilarious.
So how well are you received in what you do?
Very well. Everyone that I speak to receives it very well. You would think that millennials would say “That’s strange, that weird” But when they can actually feel it coming out of you, and you know this, when they feel that frequency. When they feel the enthusiasm and they feel the energy, people feel the truth when they hear it. So, when they hear my message and they hear me speaking my message they are like “Oh, my gosh this is right, I should dig more into this” It triggers something inside of you that is something different but something that makes so much sense.
Yeah, I believe that to be true also. Do you work with the non-millennials with regard to the millennial perspective?
What do you mean millennial perspective?
I have been reading a lot of articles and there is some scuttle butt about the value in helping the older generation really harness the power of other millennials. I see you being able to shed some light on that conversation.
I do have other clients that are not millennials. Working with them to understand the millennial generation not so much. I have done some of that in the past but it’s not my super power it’s not what I am really good at. So, I can teach people you can do this to work with a the millennials, maybe different marketing approaches. The main thing I do is focus on the mind, focus on the success principles. That is always thrown in there every once in a while as well.
Got it. So, who are your favorites in the thought leaders industries or in the modalities or where do you pull from?
So, I pull straight from the source. Napoleon Hill is that source, I started with Bob Proctor and then moved strictly into Napoleon Hill deep into that. So, Think and Grow Rich, The Success Principles, The Law of Success is like all I study.
That is interesting. I like that. There is an obscure book of his that somebody recommended I’ll have to go back and look at it now. If I run across it I’ll send you the link to see if you have read it.
What I am super fascinated with is his obscure stuff. It’s great that he does all of the popular stuff and people are willing to talk about certain aspects of what he was about, but not all of it. I get a chuckle out of people who talk about the Og Mandino books The Greatest Salesman in the World. People talk about it all of the time but very few people will talk about the really critical chapter in there where he encourages people to say I love you to the person that they are looking at.
Where did we miss that point? That was a pivotal point in that book but people just like to brush over that piece. I think that is exactly what you are talking about if we are not totally consciously aware of what we are projecting onto other people when we are dialoging with them, or thinking about them while in their presence that’s just one more layer of self-control that we can pursue and it’s very valuable to pursue that.
I think most people are unware of the energetic barbs that they send out to folks on a regular basis. It’s pretty affirmed in our society that it’s acceptable behavior that you would be critical of everyone around you, and have an opinion and judgment, we see that depicted.
So, I feel like Napoleon Hill some of that going on under the service but it wasn’t overly popular at the time or even now. For people to bring up more of the obscure points of his is rare. Have you had experiences uncovering pieces that other people haven’t been giving voice to?
Yeah, there is a lot of pieces that are deep down that people don’t speak too much about. With Napoleon Hill a lot of people just speaks about his Success Principles. Like you said it’s really the little things like the energy that you are giving off, saying I love you, not judging people, not being critical of people. When you do this people can sense that, they sense that internally and they give that right back to you.
So, when you are thinking a certain way about people no matter where you are or what you go into, if you decided to switch up the way you think, switch up the way the mind works, just switch it up. There was something that Napoleon Hill talked about that to immediately get yourself out of that negative state is laugh to yourself, laugh for five minutes or sing a song and that will change everything immediately. You will feel the energy in you completely shift, you will be that much more productive. Everything you do from that point on will be that much more successful. Just get yourself out of that negative state.
That is perfect. So, where can people find out more information about you? I know people are going to want to learn more about you. Where can we send them?
So I have is my website and then you can also go to my Facebook page George Wohar IV I post a video a day on Facebook. So, you can find me in both of those places.
Yes you are! I love when you come up on my feed. It is very refreshing.
So, our last questions that we like to close out the show with is that live in your power segment. Do you have a story where you got an intuitive hit and you took action and others where inspired because of it.
Yes, this was over a year ago. Do you know who Tye Lopez is?
I do not.
Okay, well he’s on Facebook ads here in my garage. His big now, everybody knows who he is at this point a lot of people do.
Haha! Except for me!
Yeah, everyone but you knows who he is! Haha! I’m sure a lot of listeners know exactly who he is.
So, about four years ago I met him for the first time. Then about a year and half ago I was like I really need to catch up with Tye and I wrote on my board, “Tye Lopez is going to fly me out to his house in L.A.” I also had “Speaking on Stage” on my board I had a few things I had written on my board.
Intuition was “Create a video for Tye” I tapped into the infinite intelligence I got the answers “ Create a video for Tye and post it on Facebook” So I make a video for him and I post it on Facebook, two minutes later his cousin comments on it and says “Are you going to Tye’s event in New York City”. I responded I had no idea about this event. New York City is about an hour away from me. His cousin invites me and of course I accept. Then I get another text that says do you want to speak on stage at his event. I was like wow that’s pretty crazy! I then posted a video on Facebook that said what was going on but that on my board it has said that Tye was going to fly me out to L.A. and I know that is going to happen.
A month later I got a call saying that Tye wanted me to come speak at his event is L.A. I was like this is insane and then it happened another time after that.
Just tapping into your feelings and going with what feels right. Taking action on those feelings, making sure you get the action in there and then attracting the things you want. You got to make sure you put the action in there and then it is all uphill from there. Really tapping into your feelings and really following that will create amazing things for you.
I love it. Also, being open to how it transpires. You could have easily discredit the initial kind of hit because it wasn’t exactly what you said. But you just followed the steps I call it finding the clues. I live in this multi-dimensional sort of concepts. It’s creating and living in what you’re creating in the future and following the clues in the now to get yourself there. So, you already saw yourself in Los Angeles the challenge was are you willing to follow the clues to get you there. Those are the kind of games I like to play.
I like the illustration that your outlined there. Take that to heart folks it’s just in the action and following the energy. You get the hit you take action, you get the hit you take action.
What transpires because of that is a really fulfilling and enriched life. Regardless of what transpires that’s the beauty in it is being open to that level of creativity. So, George, fantastic example love that story. It was really fun catching up with you. I appreciate you bringing your energy and spark in to our show today. Thank you!
Yes, it was awesome being on I love spreading the word.
I love that! So to everyone else as always we appreciate your loyalty and until next time go out, uncover your super powers and change the world.
Take care everyone!
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