Jason Moore Jason Moore, husband, dad, entrepreneur, is all about awakening the hero, pursuing self actualization, and inspiring other men to do the same. Listen in as he talks with Tonya Dawn Recla about the pitfalls and triumphs along the path of the hero’s journey.

Hello, everybody, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I’m really excited to have with us today, Jason Moore. So Jason’s all about awaken the hero. And he and his wife, Nandi, have a really cool concept going. So as you know we love the whole co-parenting, co-creating concepts. And then on top of it, you throw in the fact that they’ve got these amazing children and they’re rearing them in entrepreneurial concepts. And so they’re the whole package, and we love that too. Everyone is willing to push the bounds of what it means to partner together. And what it means to parent together, and do business together. We’re big fans of here on the show so, so please join me in welcoming Jason into the show. Welcome, Jason!.

Thank you Tonya. I’m happy to be here.

Oh, very cool. Very cool. We will jump right in and ask you, what are your Super Powers?
You know, I think my superpower is taking mistakes in life in tragic and circumstances, and transforming them into opportunities and sights and inspiration. I think that’s probably the ultimate thing that has served me the most in my life as a Super Power.
Oh wow! Well that’s a pretty good one. And how did the Awaken the Hero concept come about?
You know it came about because, you know really what I just said is like I’ve had several instances in my life where I was uh. You know I grew up where I wasn’t taking care of myself very well as a kid. I started smoking at an early age. Got into drugs in early age. By the time I was in my late teens and early 20s, I was a mess. And what came out of that was, I hit rock bottom and then had to turn it all around. I was basically faced with an opportunity to turn all around. And I made a decision that I wanted to live. And that I wanted to have a better life than I was previously demonstrating, and so I dug into personal development. You know, like a lot of people I started off and Tony Robbins and other things. And what came out of that is I became a health holistic health coach where I started teaching other people the concepts that I learned, and applied to my own life to turn around my health conditions and issues that I’ve created. And then as time has gone on in life, every time a major tragedy or breakdown comes up, comes up in my life. I always ask myself two questions Who am I being that it is this way? And what am I willing to do to turn it around?. And in that I always get amazing opportunities, insights and inspiration for not just how to transform my own life but take it to another level. But then also how to serve others so, the whole idea behind awaken the hero just came about from this idea that Joseph Campbell has that a hero is really someone who’s dedicated their life to something that’s bigger than themselves. And I think that, it really was just born out of that. Every time I had a breakdown, and out of a moment of selfishness or whatever was going on in my life, I always turned it around and looked for how I could use it for something bigger than myself. And apply it to life.

Hmm, I love that

And I know a lot of them were up to that in life and the similar kind of game were the real heroes.
I love that. And we, you know that that concept of self-actualization and I love Joseph Campbell’s work. In fact I have an article on our site about you know, creating superheroes you know and taking that hero’s journey and one upping it. So so really using these like self-actualisation concepts in unique and creative constructs and so, so the idea of how awaken the hero works into, you know how we fulfill that. You know how we like it. It’s how like I almost want to say fulfill our destiny but it’s not even that it’s it’s like I just got this vision like bigness like this expansion of cells. You know and that’s that’s always how I’ve seen the self-actualization journey that you can. Parallels really nicely the hero’s journey. What do you think that that dialogue is changing? Do you think that we’re doing something more than perhaps even what Joseph Campbell saw?
Perhaps I think definitely on a bigger scale. I mean it just seems like today in this day and age and maybe it’s the circles, the intimate circle that we run in but it seems like everywhere I look around me, everybody is up to something. Some level of transformation I think transformational work and personal development work and finding a way to, to channel our life into a bigger purpose seems to be a bigger more widespread thing now than it’s ever been before. I mean, there’s so many people out there sharing the message to wake up. And I kind of feel like that’s really the only message there is, wake up. But everybody’s got their own unique way of sharing it, and communicating it through their own unique experiences. So I think it’s definitely expanded.
I love that you mentioned that. I was just talking with someone yesterday about it. You know the, the more I learn and the more I grow, and the more I you know journey on the self-actualization path, the less I know right the less sure about. And it’s in one of the kind of concepts that I around with is you know, is it that as we raise our frequency and get steady and in certain vibrations and open up to new kind of versions of reality that we’re seeing something that was always there, or are we creating it. And I don’t I don’t really have a solid answer about that. And I think a waffle back and forth of which which which which answer I want to adopt in that moment. But, but it is an interesting theory. So you mean the conflict, maybe it’s just the circles we run into, and I forget. You know, I forget that a big portion of the population isn’t sitting around having these conversations. And part of me wants to kind of say well maybe, I have a limited perspective or, I’m out of touch with reality. Then the other version of me wants to say will I create what I want to be, and what I want to see and who I want to play with and even stepping into the Super Power arena. That was a very conscious decision to move into a space where I was like, OK I get that we create everything that’s around us in every moment. So why not create what we want?. Other than just feeling like we’re victimized or victims of some sort of external environment. If we’re creating it any way then let’s create the one that we want to play. And so I don’t know if we’re just being successful at that or, I’m not really sure.
I think I’m with you that maybe it’s both. You know, I think every day is a, I mean I think really our ultimate purpose in life is to practice forgiveness and release right?. I think life is coming at us and it’s occurring around us and as it’s coming at us we get to choose what to make it mean and therefore our experience, and therefore how to respond. And in doing that I think we’re forgiving and releasing it and not forgiving it. But you mentioned a Course in Miracles before we went live but not forgiving at the way course miracles talks about like forgiving as in it’s innocent it always was, and it is and always will be innocent rather than it’s wrong and bad I’ll let it off the hook right. I think granting things innocence gives us the opportunity to kind of observe and then choose the path that we’re going to take and in doing that I think we’re we’re eliminating things we’re clearing things from our past. And then I think in the space that’s left over is where we get to create, and manifest in like direct. And kind of decide which path into it that we want to take. You know. So I mean very much like when I was transforming my physical body, and I’ve gone through that process several times. First it was drugs and alcohol, then later it was over weight and other issues. And this most recent time, when I transform my weight concerns and I was you know, learning those lessons. I realized it was very much a process of forgiveness. I was standing in the mirror every day looking at this overweight person with my my fat hanging over my waistband. And I was judging and condemning what I was seeing in the mirror. And just really loathing myself and not liking that guy. And then that was being projected onto my wife and onto my children, and onto my life, and on entrepreneurship and the value that I was creating. And it wasn’t until I looked in the mirror and forgave myself for having those thoughts and judgments and condemnations for myself. And kind of just let myself, allowed myself the freedom to be and created the space that I was able to make the decision make the commitment to declare what I was going to do and then follow through to transform it. And then one day, you know about a year later, after practicing that ongoing forgiveness process forgiving my body. I’d walk through the mirror walked to the mirror one day and I saw the body that I always wanted. And I realized man you know it wasn’t any resistance or force or fight. It was really just me letting go of these images I was holding onto in the judgments and condemnations that I had. And it was the space that I created enable me or that I cleared enabled going to create what I really wanted.

It’s so perfect. And I just got done talking to Gary Renard about this concept of how the cause and effect piece. You know he told us about it the Course in Miracles and what his teachers taught to him and then and then for me it came about in what I call the abstract frequency, and the constructs that we’re creating here as Super Power Experts. But but that cause and effect piece is so powerful and and I found myself when I started really dialoguing about what it feels like to operate in some of these higher frequencies. I said you know, it’s backwards. Like we have a cause and effect backwards. And I couldn’t, like I kept trying to explain to people like you think that if I do this then this happens. I said it’s not. It’s the complete opposite. And I was like it’s so bizarre. Like everything is backwards here. Like that’s just what I kept trying to say to people. But that cause and effect peace is the in my opinion it’s the thread that runs throughout all of the different versions of how to explain you know, why we’re here and how to do it and everything else. And it seems to me that there’s this pivotal point that people who really pushed through and operate and embody that abstract frequency or abide by the Holy Spirit script or whatever construct you want to talk about.


There’s a point that people get to where they get that where it’s like exactly what you would just described was you know, you you thought that you were an observation of a truth of something that was real. And I’ve described it as you have to really be willing to stare something in the face and deny its existence. Despite the fact that all evidence appears to prove that this thing is real. Whatever, whatever it is that people are struggling with. Can you take a step back and go, OK but what if it’s not?. What if it’s not? You know, and really be willing to do it and it feels irresponsible. It feels fluffy. It feels airy fairy. It feels all these things. But it’s the most powerful discipline I’ve ever track this in my existence. And and that is the make it or break it. And I can usually after about one conversation tell you if people are in a place where they’re willing to do that level of work.
Totally. You know it’s interesting because the real mind screw for me is is that, in order to deny the reality of what I’m looking at I have to grant that the freedom to be in the first place. You know. And because in resisting it. And you know, is is what actually has me holding onto it. I mean that’s the attachment. It’s letting go of my attachment to it. Granting it the freedom to be granted an innocence, granted granting it you know, reality or unreality. Being and not being kind of simultaneously releases my attachment to it. And then I’m free to create something that’s a mind screw. And I think it’s you said it’s like, it’s like what Viktor Frankl talked about paradoxical intention therapy. It’s almost like if everything is so counter-intuitive in life if you. It seems like if you just do almost the opposite of things in relationships in life that you, the opposite of what you’re maybe your ego or your knee jerk reaction when you to do you’re always better off. Like for example this morning I got in an argument with my wife over something and it was an argument over something petty. Now normally, the old me when my marriage was absolute hell and we were totally at war with each other all the time. The old me you know intuitively what I want to do is kind of you know go and pull myself away and protect myself and build a wall around me and separate myself from her, and let her go do her thing and then I’ll go protect myself and kill myself or whatever. What I’ve learned to do now is the complete opposite. Rather than pulling back and contracting and protecting myself. I went and I did something to communicate. As Gary Chapman says in Five Love Languages. I went to do some of the communicating or leveling. Or I did something to fill her up. You know, I went and made an investment in her instead. And because as Gary teaches here in our teaches, who’s also a friend of mine it’s awesome you guys were talking here. It’s like when you win. It’s not how other people think of you, and how other people treat you that gives you your concept of you and your experience of yourself and your life. It’s actually how you think of others and how you treat others that gives you your concept of your life. And so here I am pissed off at my wife and if I hold on to the pissed off, and I use it to build a wall around myself and judge and condemn her. Then all I’m doing is creating more war and getting back whatever I’m projecting under her perception. But if I go and invest love in her, and give her the very thing that I feel I’m missing it comes back. And I think it’s like that in fitness. It’s like that in parenting. It’s almost like whatever your knee jerk reaction is. Whatever your your ego or whatever construct you want to put it in, however that wants to react to protect and defend itself. If you just will forgive and release that and do the opposite. You can be free.

Of course you would know Gary. That it’s in a you know it’s so funny because the more of us I think they give voice to it. Because it’s so anti-counterintuitive. You know it’s so like it just doesn’t make any sense. And there was a real pivotal moment in my existence when I very clearly remember making the decision to play. And I’m like I don’t know what this looks like. I don’t know what comes next. But I know what I’ve been doing has taken me about as far as it can take me, and all I kept hearing was just play. Just play. Just play with these concepts because you’re not going to be able to use the same logical process these tools and that got you here in this space. It’s not going to work. And so it’s like if you can get that, then it’s like OK well then what do I have available to me to use here to help make sense of all this? And it was like I was pretty unarmed. You know it was just like I don’t know, I got nothing. You know and it was like OK so if I don’t have that answer I don’t have those solutions. Who does? You know, where are and I spent a lot of time looking for that that individual incarnated here who did, and I didn’t see that person which of course is because on my path I wasn’t meant to see that person you know because that’s who I wanted to be. And so it was just a full on you know, get good with God kind of a moment of like. All right what are we doing here? Like what is this? Like if I can’t rely on anybody else to tell me what I’m supposed to do here and how this is going to look. Then I had to go to the source. You know, and that’s really what it was and it was like, I don’t know you know people be like what does that mean. I’m like I don’t know. And I always think back I don’t know if you saw this movie such a pivotal character it was Shakespeare in Love.

It’s been a long time but yeah.

A long time right. Well it’s like a good guy. I don’t remember what his role was. They kept saying like it, it’ll just always work out there like well, How? How will it work out? He’s like, I don’t know. It just always does. You know what. He’s like a bumbling idiot kind of role. But I always think of him you know, and it’s like I don’t know. And the beautiful thing was, I didn’t have to know. I just had to believe I just had to trust and be willing to play in that.
And you know the other reference that I always see is I tell people, it’s like it’s like you have to be willing to put your foot down even when you can’t see the ground beneath it. And like like the Indiana Jones scene where there’s you know, he doesn’t see the pathway you know to get across the chasm and he has a little sand down. But it’s like prior to that moment you’re used to being able to have a goal you know, set steps to get to that goal and you know what they’re going to want to get there. Well that’s not the case in some of these upper frequencies it’s like you just walk. You just get there and. And then you can kind of glance back and say oh this was this was how I did it. This was how it unfolded. But you really only know that in retrospect work.

Right. You know it’s interesting. As you were talking I was thinking about you know, when my wife finally had had enough after 10 years of misery in our marriage and she finally mustered up the courage to walk out and say, I’ve had enough of this this isn’t going to work anymore. And she walked out and she left and you know a week or so later she took her three or two year olds with her and the nine year old stayed with me because he didn’t want me to be alone. And then for like you know which is devastating for them. But we were together for this you know two week period of time where his mom was away. And I was trying to navigate through that experience. And fortunately was most sober time of my life. I stopped drinking a year before. Stop all kinds of any kinds of substances. The worst thing I’ve put in my body was caffeine’s. I was very clear headed and for the first time ever going through a tragedy or or a significant emotional event of my life, I was actually able to feel the feelings. I granted myself the gift of being able to feel the feelings and thinks of thoughts and be with the experience so I can actually grow and learn from it. And and something kept telling me to you know, get an RV and drive north and go after it. Everything else in the world was telling me don’t do that especially her. But something in my heart inside of me the wisdom inside of me was saying go, you need to go. And so eventually I decided to listen to my son and I jumped in the RV and we were driving out of the Florida Keys. And we were going over the Seven Mile Bridge and it was sunset. And I looked over at my son, and I said I don’t know how it’s going to happen. Or how or when it’s going to happen, or what I’m going to be able to do to manifest it. But I’m going to give my word to something like I’ve never given my word anything else. I promise you that somehow, I am going to burn your mother’s trust. Fill her back up. Bring her back home, and we will be legally married in front of you, and your brother, and our parents and God in the universe. And because we had been together for 11 years two kids never legally married and that’s another story about a fear of commitment. But I said that to him in that moment and I had no idea if that was even possible. I don’t even know what possessed me to say that. Like I mean she walked out quite violently and it was it was a hellish situation. I had absolutely no idea that could even be done. But something possessed me to say it. And I said it. And then I just got busy putting one foot in front of the other in the present moment. Day after day, receiving whatever showed up in life. Feeling whatever feelings came up in response thinking whatever thoughts were there and then responding in the moment. And sure enough, I was led to or led myself to whatever resources I needed to get what I needed to get in order to take whatever actions I took in exactly nine months to the day that she walked out. We were back together and created this magnificent love affair. Free and independent of the past with something brand new. And it was you know, you were talking about like when I first started in in personal development I went wide, and it’s like I wanted to learn as much as I possibly because like information gathering. I went out there to find the wisdom from someone there has to be someone or something or some piece of information that’s going to fix me or teach me how to fix myself so that I can wake up in the morning feel great about my life and have my idea of what success was. And the more I went out gathering information the more noisy it got inside, and the less fulfilled I seemed to get. And I think, as you progress through this process of you know, personal development kind of tapping into all that kind of stuff eventually, the resources begin to narrow and they narrow and until you end up with just a handful of things that you look to. And those handful of things that you look to, aren’t they don’t point anywhere else but inside of you. Inside your own heart. Inside your own mind inside your own connection to God or whatever you call that. And that’s where all the answers are. Here we are all writing our own scriptures but not listening. We’re looking to scriptures that were written 2000 years ago with all of the answers are in there. When really the scriptures are being written in their own hearts every day for our own experience if we just get out of our own way and listen. And it was the first time of my life where I was able to experience that. And you know really cleanly, and trust the process step in like you were talking about.

So beautiful. So beautiful. So, allow me to take a break and then when we come back I want to see what you’re up to the wealthy and India creating I’m really excited to hear more about that. So if you’re just joining us stick with us for time and Jason more about self-actualization and awakening the hero in and all kinds of magical and yummy stuff. So stick with us and we’ll be right back. Alright, well we’re back. Thank you all for sticking with us, and staying on to hear more from Jason Moore about what he’s up to in the world and concepts around self-actualization and his program Awaken the Hero. So what are you up to Jason? What are you and Nandi creating?
Well after we recovered our relationship and created something new out of it. We began sharing our story. Like I said to you earlier, I had been a holistic health coach for many years but it kind of gotten burned out on it. And I had been for several years oscillating around trying to you know looking for whatever my next path was. And it’s funny how guidance comes sometimes from the most unexpected places. But after going through this experience, we began sharing our story with others and other people were getting so you know impacted by. That we felt called to really start teaching other people what we had done. So I have a program called Awaken the Hero. My wife has a program called Awaken the Lover. I work with men. She works with women. And our goal is to help men and women and couples transform their miserable marriages into magnificent love affairs by taking responsibility for themselves. And learning how to go within and clear their space. And practice what you know, practice what I believe are the two most important and significant distinctions one can learn to guide them through their life and that is the healing power of forgiveness and the creative power of commitment. We we do that through our we have each of us have a free coaching group on Facebook. And then we have a mastermind group and then we do one on one and so my private group coaching is well.
That’s so cool. And you said something earlier before the break that that I really wanted to touch on. It wasn’t instantaneous. And that’s good that’s one of the things that I really took from what you were talking about was that, you made this commitment to your son. You said you know this this is what I’m going to do and then you you very clearly said and then I just start taking steps. And I led what was going to come up come up and I doubt and so there was the journey. And I really want to emphasize that because you know we talked about super and playing in some pretty cool concepts in the abstract frequency and I consistently get the question. You know, how do I do that?. And I’m like well let me tell you. So you live for 40 some odd years. The way there is a process that’s like on Dr. Strange. You know, when he’s late is like how did you get there how did you do that?. She’s like what how did you become a physician? Well you know she goes, well lots of study and practice and she’s like yeah you know why would this be any different. And you know I think some of that we can blame our culture and instant gratification but I’m not even sure that’s true. I think that people are people are people. And we will all we want we want it now. And we don’t necessarily want to have to go through all of the gunk to get there. And so. But that is it. But but that’s that’s had that’s how it’s done. And yeah we can speeded up and yeah we can expedite and have a good talk about the quickening and we can talk about frequencies and we can talk about how do we do it faster. And I think that that we are creating some of those concepts. But ultimately, there’s no substitution for just getting in there. You know, like getting dirty and getting feeling it. And I love everything you said about that.
Well I mean you know you’re right. And I think that that’s why I like this idea of commitment. I think most people don’t know what commitment really is. I sure didn’t. I had this week relationship with commitment. First of all I didn’t really know how to define it for myself and whatever it was I had a weak relationship with it because I would go and I would say that I would do something but I didn’t really mean that I was going to do it. I would just say that I was going to do it and I was so afraid that I would fail having failed so many times before that I didn’t even believe that I could do it even if I really was going to do it. And then I started looking at what the hell is commitment. Commitment is simply saying what you’re going to do, and then following through. But it’s impossible to declare what it is you’re going to do to have the clarity of what it is you’re going to do and then take the action to follow through when you’ve got all of this passed and noise in your head bearing down on you. All the doubts and all of the judgments and all the condemnations and all of the physical stuff that’s in the way and other things. And so, it isn’t a there is no quick fix. It is a process. And what people miss is that the gift is the gunk. You know people think that relationships or marriages are supposed to be happy and that they’re supposed to be just perfect all the time. And two people are just you know like love birds and everything’s great. And that’s not the gift of relationships. The gift of relationships is two things. Number one it magnifies all of your experience. Good, bad, beautiful and ugly. You know when you’re sitting and watching a sunset, it’s great if you’re by yourself. But if you’re sitting with somebody else it’s that much more. It’s not just twice as good. It’s like 50 times, a 100 times better if you’re sitting with somebody and depending on how special that relationship is it’s magnified even more. If you’re in an argument or you’re upset about something and somebody else joins you in the upset,. it’s that much more. Relationships are there to magnify all of your experience. 1. Number two, relationships are going to trigger your weaknesses. They’re there, all of the crazy scary stuff in your darkness. Joseph Campbell says it’s in the darkest cave where you’ll find the treasure you seek. Right. So it’s those relationships are being ultimate gift for human beings because there is no other place or no other interaction, no other experience that is so precise it pulling exactly what needs to be pulled out of pulled out of the darkness into the light of forgiveness. So that you can deal with it you know. And you have a choice. I mean that’s the beginning of a hero’s journey. That’s the call to adventure. You know my wife says something or does something that triggers my reaction in me. Here’s something in my darkness from my childhood, from our past, or from whatever else comes out into the light. And there I am operating from it as if it is me. You know. And I’m judging, condemning and doing all the stuff that I’m doing. I have an opportunity where I can retreat back into the ordinary world or I can cross the threshold into the special world of the hero by taking that on. By doing the work of forgiving that thing. And in doing so I become a hero in life.

You’re more polite than I am if that were.
I wasn’t going to say it differently but I thought I’d be nice. When you  pull that out into the light. And I think that’s it. I mean that’s what relationships are and in life. If you when you understand that shifts your expectation of relationship and of life itself. You know. I used to have this insane thought that life shouldn’t have all these problems and stuff in it. But you know it should. Because that’s the process. It says you know and one of her turnarounds were to return her and she says I’m willing to look forward to. Why am I willing to fight with my wife? Why do I look forward to the next breakdown? Well because I granted the freedom it’s an opportunity for me to practice the the art and the healing power of forgiveness. And to clear my space, and to make new commitments and to level up. And if I’m able to do that at home with my wife, then I’m able to do it outside with the stranger. And if I’m able to have that clear from my space and show up in life with more confidence, and presence and power peace than I can created a higher level I can contribute at a higher level you know.
And then the implications of that are so powerful even beyond them. So the the guidance that I got with building Super Power Experts was, it had to be collaborative. And so naively I was like OK well people aren’t collaborating because there’s no system to collaborate. And so I, I talked Justin in and they help me out. And so we created a system for people to collaborate in, and they still didn’t collaborate. And I was like well that’s bizarre. Like what’s happening here? And what I found was that very few people are in a position to really truly be able to collaborate. And it’s exactly for the reasons that you’re talking about. In fact I just got an article out through Thrive Global called “Do You Suffer from Premature Collaboration?” And in the last five years due to the due diligence counterintelligence work. One of our companies does and then through creating this what I call synergistic collaborative kind of experience with a Super Power Experts is what I found is, that people have not gone through that hero’s journey. They can not collaborate. Because what happens is they spend their time in the relationship and in my case you know what I’m talking about is a collaboration, and where you’re talking about with couples is it they spend all their time within that relationship searching for meaning of themselves. And if you and I and I contend that the only reason I can have the perspective that I have and why just and I build this is, because we practice that in our marriage and we did that first. Not only do we practice it in our marriage, but then we practiced it in our parenting. You know, it’s no different. Like how you show up with your kids. How you show up with your spouse, how you show up with your business partners. It’s no different. It’s just breaking down the walls of what we think those relationships should look like, and you really hit it on the head the super power net our membership models completely based on those exponential principles you’re talking about. Or you know the concept of where you or more of you gather my name there also will I be. That we are exponentially more powerful when we come together. So two plus two does equal 50 and 50 plus 50 equals you know 50000. Like there, there is no end to what happens when we come together. However, that work has to be done. It has to be on that foundation of the journey, of the Hero’s Journey. And I contend a big reason why I could see that as fast as I did was I had done a few things in my life. Like I was a counterintelligence agent like Justin. I held jobs that most people don’t even know exist. And had accomplishments. I had a couple of degrees. You know I had to check the boxes in the society kind of way. And so when those didn’t fulfill me the way that I thought they should, or solve the lifelong journey conundrum for me, I had to go looking elsewhere. And that’s what led me to connection to source, connection to self and then connection to others. And some people have to go through checking those boxes. But folks if there’s if you hear nothing else from this dialogue, it’s that there’s work involved in that. But it’s not it’s not work like toil and sweat. And of course you’ve got to get in it. But really hear what Jason is talking about. You do get to the place where you welcome those experiences. You welcome those moments because, one they remind you that you’re in it and they further renew your commitment to doing this work. And, they lead you to the next expansion.

Yes. And your mind will try to trick you and make you think that the work is going to be grueling and difficult.
It’s very scary.
You just don’t know that as soon as you take the step across the threshold though everything opens up and it’s not anything like you imagined it would be and it’s so much better.
Well so beautiful. I love everything that you all are up to. Know that you have our full enduring support and love in the work that you do in the world. We just appreciate knowing that you’re out there doing it. Where can people go to find out more about you?.
They can find me on Facebook. They can go to to facebook.com/awakenthehero and find my Facebook page. And that will lead them to my free Facebook group. If they’d like to join in the conversation. And they can also link over to Mandy’s Awaken the Lover page. From there for you women that are listening to this or wives and mothers. And then they can also go to my blog at awakenthehero.com.
I love it. I love it. I love you. I love what you’re doing and I really appreciate you coming on the show and sharing some of that with us. And being willing to be open and honest and transparent about the journey.
Thank you so much ,Tonya. It’s been real pleasure talking to you. I appreciate you. Everything you do.
Thank you and for all the out there you know take away from this the concept of self-actualization and how that works that the hero’s journey and really if nothing else what it can do to lead to a much more fulfilling and enjoyable existence. And at the end of the day that’s what it’s all about. So again, again, Jason, thank you and to all of you out there as always we appreciate your loyalty. And until next time go out uncover your superpowers and change the world. Take care everyone!.