Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I’m grinning from ear to ear because this woman that you’re going to get the amazing, amazing gift of listening to here in a moment. She’s just this bundle of fun-ness, so take that kind of rockstar mentality and energy and wrap it up in this really beautiful packaging of love and compassion for the world and I think that pretty well paints a picture for you about Carolyn Rim. She’s this firehouse, though. I mean she’s firehouse, fireball, powerhouse, I’m just going to combine all the metaphors I can think of. But really your heart fills up, you just want to smile, you kind of want to jump up and down. She really emulates this powerful energy that we all have inside of us to be playful but with purpose and I think she encapsulates that remarkably well. So it’s quite a gift to have her on the show, so I’m going to ask you please to join me in welcoming Carolyn to the show. Thank you Carolyn for joining us.
Thank you so much for having me on. I’m so excited to be here with everybody.
Yay, very cool! So I definitely want to get into all of the stuff, well not all the stuff, we won’t have time, but a lot of the stuff you’re doing in the world and how you’re impacting things but I want to jump right in first and ask you, what are your superpowers?

One of my favorite superpowers is opening people’s hearts.
I absolutely love that question. My superpowers is helping people create their confidence and a certainty to go after their dreams, to go after what they want, and to create permanent results in our life. One of my favorite superpowers is opening people’s hearts and allowing them to hear their hearts again, because a lot of us close our hearts as adults. By age eight, we actually have our beliefs set to what we can and cannot do. And your beliefs range from taking your other beliefs from parents or from friends and family. We get our beliefs from those around us, from our peers, right.
And so I really help people redefine their identity and help them listen to their heart and really just create a life beyond their wildest dreams, which sounds like hyperbole, but I can tell you I’ve helped hundreds and hundreds of people just create this incredible quality of life and really just live in a beautiful state of mind. With what you were talking about in the beginning with the fun, without all the mind chatter, without all the questioning or the uncertainty, but really with clarity in who they are and how they choose to live their life.
That’s so beautiful, and it really is allowing that kind of fleshing out, that real robust and rounding out the human existence and being able to operate in some of the more powerful sectors, as well as getting really real with yourself, and saying, “What do I want and how does it look and do I have to just accept things at face value.” I think that that’s a really crucial thing to take a look at, and I love the fact that you said that you reignite people with that heart space and knowing that and really, to me in my language, is reconnecting them with themselves and I agree with you. I think that you really are.
I think there’s a huge need. And who they really are. I love that you said that. Yeah, and just connecting them to who they really are. And I’m going to say a statement now and to everyone who’s listening. If you take this and plant this, allow it to saturate into your subconscious mind, what it is is it’s a belief that I have given to my clients and they have given to their friends and family and it really truly changes everything. It’s that life is not happening to you, it is not happening for you, it is happening by and through you. Which means you are the creator of your experience. And unless you create the experience that you want to have, you will always live in someone else’s world.
Beautiful. That’s a great quote. And it really does encapsulate that mentality and so a lot of what we teach our superpower experts is very very similar in the sense that once you recognize you’re in that creator role, it really opens you up to a ton of possibilities and on the other side of that, is that you have to be willing to set aside the victimization, and the blaming and all that. It’s a level of self responsibility that not everyone is willing to dive into but it truly separates those who are creating and existing that they enjoy … that that fills them with joy and love versus those who feel as though they’re bound by something kind of dragging them around.
Yes. 100%. Absolutely. I totally agree. And especially I love what you just said about what you teach over at the superpowers and total responsibility, I agree with that 100%. I teach total responsibility and a responsibility on a level which means everything you see that is in your reality right now is, you’ve created in one way or another. And so it’s really just coming back to okay so what’s in the reality that you don’t like and are you focusing on it so much so that you’re bringing in energy to it. Just bringing your awareness to it, just because it’s in your awareness, doesn’t mean you have to give it all your attention. So I love showing people that, “Okay, what do you want?” Because most people say I don’t want this, I don’t want that and they spend all their time focusing on that instead of in the creator mode.
And so I love that what you’re saying because it’s so true that we all have these tool available to us. Literally, we live in a time and an age where the answers are at our fingertips at any moment to any question that we have. Yet we know, but we don’t apply it. So applying the information that is given to you and applying it is really key. You’re not gonna get the results that you seek without applying the tools that you get.
Absolutely. Doing the work, we just went through a whole … that we see a lot of patterns in our membership bases like a theme and then the pattern that emerged a while back was the whole chop wood, carry water. It’s one thing to know, that’s great and then what are you doing with it? How are you implementing that into your existence. If you don’t have the discipline to do that and to make those changes then nothing changes.
And that led us … the responsibility conversation led us into really attuning people to their energy signatures and helping people say that your energy signature emits signals that will create a projection in your environment that you don’t necessarily want to play out but that you need to see outside of yourself because you’re not paying attention to it inside of yourself. And it takes that whole responsibility thing to many many many different levels. And truly starts to demystify how all of this works. And I love the synergy.
So I always feel like the more of us who are out there doing that and speaking that in our unique ways, it just makes us all exponentially powerful as a collective so we always applaud those kind of collaborative efforts and anyone who’s doing that kind of work in the world. So, thank you and I honor you for the fact that you show up that way in the world.
Thank you so much. I absolutely agree. The consciousness change that we are having now is rippling through the world, it really is. I know for me I get up every morning and I create my reality. Life isn’t happening to me. I’m creating everything around me and because I have that belief, money flows to me, lovers flow to me, all of these things flow to me because I have those beliefs. The thing is, there’s so many people out there, I love that we’re getting on the conversation of knowing the information but not applying it. Because if we think about it right now and we ask ourselves, how many people in the world know what they should do, but they don’t do it? And even for myself, I might have heard something from a teacher on a podcast or on a video but I don’t apply it until it clicks, until maybe I hear it from someone else.
So it all comes down to when you’re ready to hear it, right? ‘Cause your brain kind of protects you from things for some reason and that’s why I love meditation. I have a 99 day dare that … basically you get a meditation every single day for 99 days and it rewires your brain to think differently. It pretty much reprograms you in a really beautiful way that just starts to bring in the things that you want. We’ve had people who’s gotten saved we had one lady who said that the meditation saved her life because she was somewhere and she needed her awareness right away and normally she said her mind gets so many thoughts but someone had needed her and she said she was able to focus 110% with clarity because she had been meditating daily. And so I absolutely believe that if someone is looking for tools to create their life, meditation and visualization is probably the number one thing that I would recommend for the people listening whether it’s free meditation on YouTube, whether it’s your meditation or my meditation, visualization and meditating is something that I do because I know that everything is happening right now.

Time is relative.
And what I mean by that is, technically what is time? Time is relative. I believe that time is something that man created. And I believe that there is no really linear timeline and our souls … because we are just using this body for a little while, right? As souls, we don’t have to stay in the now, we can actually travel to the past and to the future and give energy where it’s needed. I get chills just talking about this kind of stuff because in my book, “Awakening The Heart”, there’s a chapter I write about where I actually visit my past self because my story starts … I was in a cube for 10 years and I was in a gray cube, I didn’t like my job, I felt really unchallenged, unfulfilled. I had $36 in my pocket, I was in a really toxic relationship at the time and I was at the point where I wanted to kill myself. And I just didn’t know what else to do, and I’m at my desk and I’m looking up bridges to jump off of and all of a sudden, it was like … I felt this presence around me that I couldn’t touch, I couldn’t see but I could feel it. It was just this loving grace and all of a sudden I just felt so loved. Loved enough to take action in a different direction and save my own life.
But in my book there’s a chapter I talk about where I close my eyes and visualized … this happened three years ago, the desk scene … but about a year ago I visualized myself visiting my desk scene and I was above myself and I see myself crying and I go over to myself and I hug myself and I give myself so much love. So was it really grace who saved me or was it my future self looking back and saved me?
And is there a difference right?
Is there a difference? Is there a difference? Because my beliefs, this is my beliefs and you know there’s only one of us. And we’re really all connected. And so just taking that time to understand that and a great book to have your readers read, one of the books that I love is Untethered Soul and Conversations with God. They’re by far two of my favorite books and also my own book Awakening The Heart which my goal with the book is to do this all over the world.
I love that.
But yeah, sharing a lot of my experiences and strategies for sure.
And one of the things … I wrote a little note earlier as I was reading your book and one of the things I loved that you said … you talked about with one of your mentors, you didn’t compare your chapter 1 to his chapter 20 and I giggled because that’s one of the things I talk about all the time, is that we see our own blooper reels but we only see other people’s highlights. And when you do that comparison thing and then you go on to really eloquently talk about what comparison does to us, and it’s such a fine line between being able to see something as possible in the world and getting that cellular confidence from that and also allowing yourself to move and grow and expand beyond what you’ve even seen happen because your version of it is gonna look very different.
And so I really liked that you pointed that out and I think it’s such a crucial step because I know so many people go into paralysis when they see something happening for somebody else and it doesn’t immediately happen for themselves and they stop doing that work because they think it should be happening immediately or maybe they’re doing it wrong or maybe they’re not doing it as well, and maybe that person’s better or whatever their inner dialogue is, I think that was a really crucial point for you, I mean there were lots of crucial points but I think that that one in particular is so pivotal as people are going through that journey.
Oh 100%. 100%. I had a great mentor once tell me that comparison only leads to two things. And that’s either feeling better than or less than. So it’s either an deflated ego or an inflated ego. And both don’t solve any issues. And here’s the thing. If I told your listeners right now, “Hey do you want this amount of money. Okay here let me give you this amount of money.” What would that … I mean sure maybe you would feel good that you got that money but truly, I love what Tony Robbins says, he says, “Achievement without fulfillment is failure.” And it is.
It’s all about enjoying the dance along the way and I will tell you, at first I did not think this. I remember calling my mentor, Joseph McClendon who is a reknown speaker, he’s been traveling on stage with Tony Robbins for a lot of years, he’s been one of my main mentors and basically what Joseph told me, I told Joseph, “You’re a millionaire, why wouldn’t you just fund me money and then this would happen.” And he just starts laughing and he’s like, “You can do this, I know you can do this. I’m gonna give you the tools and you’re gonna apply them.” And I actually at first I was like, “Man it’s not happening fast enough, it’s not happening fast enough.” But as soon as I stopped saying it’s not happening fast enough and as soon as I started coming to the now, like right now, and enjoying each delicious moment, whether that moment be of victory or a painful moment or an awakening moment, we all have these beautiful magic moments along the way.
And it truly is about just enjoying the journey and I can tell you I’ve had to come to learn that, that wasn’t an overnight thing where I was like, “Oh I’m in the now and I’m enjoying every moment!” It’s something that I learned. I mean there was some moments during my journey, and I talk about it in my book, where I’m on my kitchen floor crying, I don’t know what to do, I’m so frustrated, I’m so upset but it was those moments that I had a breakthrough. And so I feel like when everything is crumbling around you, when you don’t know how you’re gonna pay your bills, when everyone leaves you, when you’re alone when you feel like … every biggest crumbling, I want everyone to celebrate because that’s a victory is about to happen. That’s one of your super powers about to take you to the next level, right?
Every time. And it’s funny because it is that concept of … I call it really being in the courtship. It’s like you never get that moment with that aspect of view in the same way again. And I really think that we’ve done ourselves a disservice in the self help kind of transformational arenas of saying, “Oh well this is 10 easy steps and it’ll get you there.” And it’s like where did we pick up the story that doing it expeditiously is a goal? And I think we do miss a lot along the way and certainly we can add to the conversations and help overlay it and create some clarity for folks and all these other things.
But I’m not sure, looking back from this perspective, I remember feeling exactly what you just gave voice to that … had to be done now, now, now, now, now … and looking back it’s like, “Wow isn’t that fascinating.” Because there was so much goodness and richness and yummy-ness in those moments and I’m learning to really relax into those and to really give voice to that and say it is a dance. And the more you’re willing to be in it, no matter how it feels, the more you get from it, the more full that growth becomes.
100%. Absolutely. And I can definitely tell you that this is something that will absolutely help people out there who are listening who maybe at a point in their life or in their business where they’re just coming about oh I have a super power but what do I do with it? How do I give it to the world? How do I share it with the world? And if someone’s out there thinking that, really just start sharing with the people closest to you. I know for me one of the things that I first started doing in the beginning, is I kept saying, “I wanna reach a massive amount of people, I wanna reach millions and millions of people.” And I realized that I was missing … jumping to the millions of people, I was missing the hundreds and thousands along the way.

When two people meet, the person who is most certain will always influence the other, always.
And so what I had to do, is I really had to start just focusing on everyone who was a client of mine. And really being present with them and really adding value to their lives. I’m talking about creating prominent change in someone’s life whether it be with their body, or their self confidence. Because I’m telling you, when two people meet, the person who is most certain will always influence the other, always. Doesn’t matter who you are, where you are. The person with the most certainty. That is the truth.
It’s so true. I say that the person who’s able to maintain the highest frequency wins every time. They manipulate the environment and can maintain that creator kind of perspective every time. That you have to be able to maintain it. And stay in that highest frequency.
Oh 100%.
Oh you’re so funny. It’s like talking to my doppelganger, I love it. Very cool. And you’ve had some really cool experiences. You were talking about working with your mentor and that he was someone who’d work close to Tony Robbins and stuff and one of the things that I get from your journey is … it’s just that you did it, there is no like, “I’m gonna half-ass this.” This was a … you kind of dove head in and I’m seeing that timeline kind of unfold and it’s just like … not everyone has that.
Not everyone has … And I’ve been asking over the last year or so, what is it that determines that. Who gets that? I was reviewing a book called Grit, a woman was brought into, I think it was West Point, the Army’s academy and kind of going through this process of what really determines who’s gonna persevere something and who isn’t? And it’s really a fascinating dialogue and so for you to sit back as an observer in this story that you tell about your transformation and it’s fascinating to me that that comes out as a really big highlight, is you did it.
And you had the courage and it was full force and a lot of people can sit back and say, “Well yeah but she worked with these people and she had these influences and everything else.” And I think it’s such a trap for people to discredit or again go back to that comparison thing because of what underlies that willingness to persevere through it. What are your thoughts on the concept of grit and perseverance and what determines that? How do we see that in people, how do we foster it, can we sell it? Like what is it? How do you get that out of people?
I’m gonna tell you this right now. I’ll tell you this right now. It is allowing yourself to fail and forgiving yourself and moving forward, not beating yourself up. I’ll tell you. I talk about this in my book. I used to be my own worst critic. To the point where I just wanted to scream. I would beat myself up all the time and I felt like the way I treated myself, everyone around me treated me the way I treated me. And it wasn’t till I treated myself with unbelievable respect, allowing myself to make mistakes, forgiving myself
Listen, you are not your thoughts, you are not your actions that you take in this world. You are a divine being. And me understanding that, okay I’m evolving, I’m allowed to make mistakes, I’m allowed to mess up. I talk about my mistakes in my book. There’s actually a chapter in my book called “The Thirty Thousand Dollar Lesson”, which means I literally, I made a $30,000 mistake in my business in the beginning. And I didn’t let that stop me at all. But I allowed myself to make that mistake and say, “Wow okay I made this mistake. Here’s what I learned.”
So every mistake that you make in your life whether this be with a relationship, whether this be spiritually, mentally, emotionally, any mistake that you make, if you learn a lesson from it, then you can move forward. The trap that most people fall into is they’ve just made the mistake but they don’t see the lesson in it. So then guess what ends up happening? The universe gives you a gift and it starts to repeat your reality over and over and over and over again.
The gift that keeps on giving.
It truly is. Because here’s the thing. We have got to grow and evolve. We have to. Listen, when we stop growing, we start dying. I believe in reincarnation and I believe a lot of times, sometimes people live their life over and over and over again because they’re not willing to take a look at what they need to take a look at. I can guarantee you, everyone listening on this podcast right now, your greatest problem in your life right now is the greatest opportunity for your growth.
Okay so if you have a problem right now, and it keeps coming up for you, and you’re like, “Man, this feels really familiar, why does this keep happening?” Weird. Because you need to learn the lesson. You need to learn the lesson and every time that I’ve learned a lesson in a mistake or I have … I’m telling you, I’m so honest with my following, I’ll get on and I’ll share a mistake that I did or something that happened where I messed up or whatever it may be.
Because I’m not perfect, I’m human and that’s what makes me relatable I think to most people, is because I’m not claiming I’m perfect, I’m not putting myself all the way up there high on a pedestal. You are me and I am you. We are both just as valuable. I’m not more valuable than anyone else. I’m just sharing more value than most people. And most people can get there. Anyone can start sharing value, right? Because knowledge isn’t power. Knowledge applied is power.
Wow. Amen. That’s all I’m gonna say to that. Amen.
That’s so funny that you say that ’cause all the time on my videos on Facebook I’m like, “Can I get an Amen?”
I’m telling you, it’s like I don’t know why we even bother talking from two different bodies. It’s like we can just sit here and I’ll just let you talk, you can run the show ’cause I’m laughing the whole time you’re talking. There’s so many similarities in the messages that you’re saying and to me I love that affirmation. I learned a long time ago to counter that piece in me that wants to say, “Oh well if this person’s doing that then I shouldn’t.” And what I find now is that I’m able to really just soak in the affirmation of like wow we’re all getting the same information folks. Like how you choose to speak and how you choose to package it, how willing you are to share it. You just got done saying, you put it into action and you’re willing to be transparent about that and share it. That’s the value of it. That’s where the differentiators come in and it’s going to take all of us saying it.
And it’s so funny because back to your point about you believe that we’re all one, and it’s like it’s all a bunch of little versions of ourselves and it’s like okay well all those little versions have to start speaking the same language and saying the same thing and it’s like once we do that, it creates this really cool synergy and we play with the concept in the super power net, that’s our network base and we play in with things like … last you were talking about time, so we play with temporal manipulation.
But the biggest one is that synergistic collaboration and it’s the commitment to energetically coming together and letting the energy between us create. And it takes a high degree of your own personal journeying and a high degree of that confidence to just jump in the middle of it and go, “I get that I’m not perfect and I am still journeying and I know I can assist. I know that I can teach. I know that I can help somebody in this space.” And it’s really relaxing into the teacher and the student ideas and those roles simultaneously. And we just need more people to do that.
Oh yeah. I say all the time I’m a student for life. If you have a teacher and they think they know everything, you really need a new teacher. Because I have had some teachers like that and I’ve had to really step back from them because it’s about they were really in their ego. For me, I say that my clients are my greatest teachers. I learn from my clients.
I work with over 350 people one on one. I’ve had almost 1000 people in my online course, the 99 day dare. And I can tell you, that what I’ve learned about people is, I have to know what motivates them. I have to hold them accountable for their actions. But also, really inspire them to take massive action. I tell them right up front, with my book, my programs, my courses, I don’t want this to be another thing that sits on your shelf. So if you’re just gonna buy it and let it sit on your shelf, don’t buy it. I don’t-
Please don’t.
Instead apply them and then come back and share it with me. Comment. Message me. PM me. Connect with me. I am right on everyone else’s level. I don’t want to be that person that is on that … or is removed from human being.
‘Cause I’ve done that to people, I’ve done that to people like Tony Robbins. It’s funny because I … he actually, I know Tony Robbins, he’s one of my other mentors and in my book at the last chapter is him talking to me at his event. He had me be a special guest at an event because my audio didn’t work in front of 4000 people on a podcast with Tony Robbins and so Tony felt so bad that he invited me as his personal guest but then we had an intervention in front of, I think it was 7000 people, so it was really cool and what the intervention was, was what does a successful life look like to you. And I said, “I just have to be me.” And he’s like, “Well what do you mean? What are the rules to a successful life?” And I was like, “I just have to be here. And I have to be me.” And everyone was blown away at the simplicity of that. I don’t have … because I have those two rules.
Do you know how much joy and love I have in my life right now? Most people have so many rules that they have based on their happiness. It has to be like this and like this and like that before I can feel like this. But that’s bull!
You hear the universe laughing. Like okay, that’s cool. Let me know how that works out for you.
Yeah! The more rules you have, the harder it is to enjoy your life. So it really is all about just what is life look like with no rules? What if we didn’t have these rules? What if you could start doing more of what you love and doing less of what you hate? What if like … I have all these things that I help my clients apply, I just got done a weekend in Austin with Jesse Elder and some clients of mine and it was really great. And one of the things that we did is we did this exercise like “I want, so that”. And most people, what they say is well I want more money. Okay, but what are you gonna do with the money? They don’t write that down.
For what purpose?
Exactly. They just say, “I want to have avalanches of abundance.” Okay darling, what are you gonna do with all these abundance? And so you will receive the money in proportion through what you are planning to do with the money. So I mean we really delve in deep this past weekend, and we time pierced, right? We took energy from our future selves and brought it back to right now. And anyone can do that.
We call it multi-dimensional mastery. And it really is that living in the future vision as well as looking for the clues here. And so many so many parallels. We use fun cool super power language. But very vocal to tell people that you know, your super powers will never come online with the degree of certainty, reliability and clarity until you commit to using them for good. And what that means is you have to be willing to work in groups, like work collaboratively and transparency with the collective. And to something good. If it doesn’t feel good, if it’s not raising the vibrations somewhere, then you may wield super powers, but it’s gonna be dangerous and it’s gonna be intermittent and you’re probably gonna create your own version of hell doing it.
So it’s like, we see people doing that, make no mistake if people are using these powers … we talk a lot about energetic manipulation which goes back to what we were dialoguing about earlier, where the person who can maintain that higher frequency will manipulate the environment. But we’re always being manipulated. Or we’re manipulating. There’s no middle ground.
And people as human beings, it’s hard to wrap our minds around that concept ’cause we don’t like the idea of being manipulated but we also don’t like the idea of manipulating things around us or other people but we’re constantly doing that. It’s just bringing that into awareness. And the key is, we see people wielding that tool very dangerously and causing harm and that’s not great. However, the harm being caused is almost exponentially greater on that person.
And so it’s like, yeah there are things that can be done, and once you create the superhero, now you gotta have the villain and all these other things. But really what we work on is the integration of all of that. And not shying away from the shadow side and not moving into that space and like you’re talking about it’s not a sin to want to be abundant and to want more money but you have to balance that with okay what’s the point. For what reason?
Oh yeah 100% and I think we come … A lot of people come from the state of, “Okay well I have this much so I’m okay with this much, I don’t need anymore.” Well guess what, then that’s your reality. I come from the space where, the money that I have, I’m gonna give you … I’m sure that you already know this but the people listening too, I’m gonna give you a little tool and I actually learnt this from Jesse Elder. I knew about contribution, of course I knew about contribution years ago, but what he said about it. I was at dinner on Saturday night and this little boy came up to me and he’s dressed in full out Darth Vader costume. Like I’m talking the boots, the head-
Oh I love it.
-Darth Vader. The glove, full Darth Vader. And I pretended to be scared and I was like, “Oh god no, no, Darth Vader!” And he was pretending to grab his little sister and take her away and I played with them for a few moments. And the little girl came up to me and she was like, “I wanted to tell you that you’re so beautiful.” And she just … she must’ve been about five or six years old, not much older than that. And I was like, “Oh my gosh, can I have a hug?” And she gave me this big hug. And I felt man … and I see the kids are sitting with just their mom and the mom’s looking at me smiling and so I decide I want to take care of it and so I called my waitress over and I said, “Hey I want to pay for their meal but I don’t want you to tell them it’s me, I want you to tell them that Hans Solo took care of their cheque.” And the waitress was like, “Oh my god, that’s great.”
And I walked out without seeing their response. And what happens when you contribute like that, and you get anything in return, it goes out into the universe and what it does is it collects interest. Because what happens, is that contribution has to come back to you in some way, right? So if you’re doing these little acts of kindness and these little contributions, right, and you’re just doing them to do them, not thinking about what’s gonna come back to you, it will come back to you.
It’s just like when I was at business mastery, and this story isn’t in my book, it’s gonna be in my second book, but Tony Robbins … A woman stood up at business mastery which is an event for top business people with Tony Robbins and basically what ends up happening is she says, “I wanna save all kids from human sex trafficking.” And Tony Robbins says, “Well how much is it to save one child?” And she says, “It’s $10,000 to save a child.” And Tony says, “I’ll take 10 kids. Go over there and I’ll write you a cheque for $100,000.” So everybody stands up, we’re applauding, another man in the audience stands up and says, “I can’t do $100,000 Tony but I want to give 10k.” And another person stands up and says, “I want to give 10k.”
So I’m in the front row, I’m crying because it’s so beautiful to watch this compassion and kindness rippling, but I’m kind of crying too because I want to be one of the ones that can give 10k, but at the time I didn’t have 10k. But Tony and Joseph always taught me that it’s never a lack of resources, it’s only a lack of resourcefulness and so after that, I grabbed a hula hoop and I wrote on a sign, “Help me save one more.” And I start hula hooping in the back. Don’t you know I raised $10,000. I hula hooped for two and a half hours and I was about $4,000 away from my goal.
And I video taped in my community, I been asking people so we were getting donations pouring in from everywhere but I was about $4,000 away from my goal and Justin Ligeri who was the Amazon wonder kid, sees me crying and hula hooping and I’m not crying because of the pain that I was hula hooping for two and a half hours, I’m crying because the pain that I’m feeling is nothing compared to what a human sex trafficking person would have to go through. And Justin says, how much do you need and I said 4k. He reaches in his pocket and he says, “This is your lucky day, I was on my way to see Dr. John and so I had 4k in my hand.” He drops it in my hand, I reach my goal of 10k and you know what he says to me, “Because Carolyn, because you did this without expecting anything, what we’re gonna to do is we’re gonna take you to see Dr. John.”
Dr. John, I went up to say he’s a doctor who works on Tony Robbins and a lot of high level people and when he worked on me, I had an awakening. And I told John, I was like, “You’re gonna be my partner.” And a month later, we became partners and we made … we’ve had two over six figure events already this year. We’re holding another one in October. But all of our events together have sold out within 24 hours. So when you give, oh my gosh. Oh my god. You will get it back. You will get it back especially-
That’s beautiful.
When it’s coming from your heart. I’m telling you, there’s something that happens there when you just really give to give, when you really don’t expect anything in return. But you just want to give because it’s like marked on your soul to give, right? And to contribute. That’s when it’s gonna come back ten fold.
100%. What an amazing story. Thank you so much for sharing that. And just again, I really honor the work that you’re doing and how you’ve chosen to show up in the world. Thank you for emulating that for folks.
Oh my god. Thank you so much for having me on. It’s been such an honor and a pleasure to be on here and I thank you so much for letting me speak to everyone today.
Very cool. And let’s before we let you go, why don’t we … I know folks are gonna want to know where to find out more about you, where would you like to send them?
Yeah so they can go to sparkyourrockstar.com. And all my information including where to buy my book and if you’re interested in connecting in the Spark Your Rockstar community, all that information is there.
Awesome. Well thank you so much and I’m so happy and so honored to have shared this time and space with you. And please let us know how we can continue to support you.
Thank you so much. Thank you so much.
Absolutely. Very cool.
And to all of you out there, as always, we appreciate your loyalty. Until next time, go out, uncover your super powers and change the world. Take care everyone.
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