Hello everybody this is Tonya Dawn Recla your Super Power Expert; and I have a very fun guest of me today. Emily Harrison is just as ball of white fiery light is how I would describe her. She’s just so much fun to talk with, and be with, and experience, and we’ve been able to kind of convene in a couple of different occasions and it’s always delightful. She I mean I she has an amazing resume of course. To include, Akashic Record reading, advanced certification and past life and ancestral clearing, so she’s got a lot of that really cool spiritual what not going on, it is really practical down to earth “how do you do this here type of way”, which we love seeing of course on the show. So without further ado, I’m going to ask you to join me in welcoming Emily to the show. Welcome Emily.
Thank you so much. I couldn’t be more excited to be here with you. I agree. When we get together and we start talking, there is just so much energy and so much like enlightenment that happens for me. So I’m excited to share some of that with your guests today. So thank you very much for having me.
Well very cool. You are absolutely welcome. It is my pleasure. So let’s jump right in and ask you, what are your superpowers?
It’s such a great question. I actually did a whole series on Periscope, which is a live streaming social media network about activating our superpowers. I like to activate other people’s superpowers. And when I think of superpowers, I think specifically of our intuition and our psychic gifts. I believe that every single person is psychic Tonya, and my mission is to share that knowledge. There is actually a lot of scientific background that I bring when I share with people; about how to activate your intuition and bring these ideas of opening our consciousness, and tuning into other levels of energy into their life. And all of a sudden it starts to make sense to people, and people start to feel more intuitive, and they start to have more psychic moments; more connection with Spirit.
And so for me being able to help everyone else realize; do we all have these superpowers? is my favorite superpower. Now in the process of discovering that I have the ability to share this with other people, I discovered some of my own superpowers in there as well. Healing is one thing that I really love to do; I love to do with my kids, and really teach them ways that they can use energy to heal themselves, to heal their friends, I mean it’s so cool when I walk on the playground, and I see the kids like falling down and scraping their knees, and then doing practices on each other, where they are shooting energy into their hands and trying to heal each other. So I like to share all different kinds of superpowers; but really the idea of empowering each one of us to step into our own gifts is by far my favorite, hands down.
I love everything about what you just got done saying for so many reasons, because I felt in the beginning you know, when I started the whole superpower conversation, really not very popular. Because I would go to these conferences and events or whatever, and sit with people or even from stages; let people know that you know, psychic ability really is kind of one of the lower level like superpowers, and I didn’t mean it from the sense that it wasn’t valuable, but it’s a tool. And that you know people like well I’m psychic, I’m psychic, I’m psychic, I’m like that’s awesome, like so are the rest of us. And, what are you doing with it.
And that conversation wasn’t all that popular because it had been kind of there’s this held up lauded you know you’re psychic, you’re intuitive, or you’re emphatic, or you’re a healer and I’m like, yes yes yes yes yes I check all those boxes where all those things. And I really had to sit with it and say, “ am I honestly saying that we all can do all these things and that they’re not really that special”. But we want to be special, so it’s like “OK what’s beyond that piece?” and to me it came back to and what are you doing with it.
Absolutely. What are you doing with it? So for me, there are many different ways that we can exercise our psychic gifts and abilities. I mean many of you guys have heard of psychic readers, of Tarot card readers, I personally put Reiki in that category. Now you don’t have to consider yourself “psychy” too I mean psychic to do Reiki, but I do believe that that is tuning in to those extra sensory perceptions that we all have. So for me specifically, the application comes in learning to read the Akashic Records. And psychic gifts and abilities and intuitive abilities for me, boiled down to being able to access energy beyond how we’re experiencing it right here on the planet; with our eyes, with our hands, with our nose, with our mouth, like we experience through our senses in a very 3-D manner. We activate our psychic senses and our intuition; we can experience this energy through other senses that we have. And we can experience a different level of this energy. We experience, and here’s what I mean by that. The Akashic Records are specifically a different realm of consciousness than here on this planet. They’re known as the “information realm”. This is where every bit of cosmic information past, present and future has been stored. Lots of different names for this realm besides just the Akashic Records, it’s also known as the mind of God, it’s known as the book of life, it’s known as the Hall of Records. And this is an intuitive realm that we can learn to access. And from this space, what’s very cool Tonya, is that we experience this energy that we’re tuning in when we’re looking for wisdom, or guidance, or clarity about situations in our life, we experience it from a level of unconditional love and zero judgment; which is massively different than how you’re experiencing it here on the planet. Right? It’s like seeing the force through the trees metaphor. When you’re down here and you’re on the planet and you’re experiencing situations, and people, and life through the very dense quality of our senses, it feels a certain way, it feels very polar. Right? This is a polar planet. The North and South Pole magnetically hold this whole sphere in place as above so below. So it makes sense that if that is the physical construct of this planet, then emotionally, we’re going to experience that polarity as well in our life. When we learn to access the Akashic Records, or we learn to tune in to this realm where we can experience things from unconditional love and zero judgment, there is a transformational quality that happens; There is healing that happens, there is an understanding of ourselves and why we are here on the planet that happens; and this is a magnificent application of tuning into our psychic senses. So for me, when I learned to filter all of this intuitive nature that we have of being able to communicate with realms beyond what we see here. Straight into the Akashic Records, it becomes like a Google source for me, of information for whatever I want to do in the entire universe. So I use it. Right? I mean it’s a complete jumping off platform. So I use it in a lot of different ways. I use it for private reading and healing sessions. My clients show up there like I got this going on in my life, I got this going on, I got to heal this. Fine, we can do that. That’s one area that is very helpful to people. Now there are some people who want to learn how to do this, which is we’re all programmed to be able to do this. And so when people want to learn to do what I do, I have a course in place where I can walk people through the process and teach them how to create, at will, this connection with the Akashic Records, and bring forward whatever information that they need at that time for themselves. Or if they’re reading for other clients, then as you learn to develop these intuitive skills and you kind of practice, guess what? You can create a whole business for yourself; of healing. And being able to contribute to the idea of the New World Tonya, the Eckhart totally talks about where we figure out what our superpowers are, we figure out how to share them with other people, and then we figure out a way to create careers and jobs, where the universe supports us in doing this and sharing it. Man we changed the world. So yes, I am excited to share with people how important it is to be intuitive but this is a huge mission, this is about changing the planet. Pause. Deep breath!
Deep breath, I love it. Everything’s perfect that you just shared and in it’s so funny because, I like that you acknowledge that there’s all different ways of looking at this. And so one of the things I find coming up when I’m speaking with people, who maybe were reared in more of a religious background or grew up in the churches, you know I explain to them I said the way I experience it is, I feel like I’m in a constant state of prayer. And when I learned to go there first you know to stay there as much as possible in my language in the superpower arena we call it the “abstract frequency” you know because we’re all about vibrations and frequencies and stuff. But it really is this place; if you will. This or you know sometimes I refer to it as “the cloud”. That’s why I was laughing when you were calling it Google it’s like, it’s the cloud, it’s all up there. You know I’ve worked with people to get that you know a lot of people are really addicted to using what I call their own personal hard drive. You know, and it’s like to go to the cloud, like go to the cloud it’s all there; like sure you can store it, but once you’ve stored it in your personal hard drive, it is susceptible to you know your old stories and memories and overlays and viruses if you will you know. But then like a cloud is pure, and you can go there and trusting, learning to trust, that you have access to that in all ways. And so particularly people who do speaking in trainings and stuff like that I work with them a lot in the sense of you know you don’t have to script out what you’re going to say, you just have you do the work on yourself to be able to access that information in every moment. So the information you’re providing is energetically on point for that exact moment in space and time. Which is a far more powerful technique; and we all know I mean you know when you go to conferences, or you watch things and it’s like the person on stage is well rehearsed and they’re just like not in there, but it’s just like ugh you know to brace it and it doesn’t feel good. Where is the person who’s truly connected in that moment when they speak, it’s like, it’s God speaking through that person. And it’s so beautiful. So I like that you know you’re able to give it all these different terminologies and language.
Yeah. And really showing up and being present in the moment is a huge access point to your intuition to being connected to Source, to God. So I invite you guys; it seems like a simple thing, and we hear that so much don’t we, like be present, come back to the present moment. But as we really start to take that in on deeper levels, that’s an access point to the intuition that we’re talking about; to being connected to Source. And I can’t tell you how many times that I show up to give a class because I teach a lot on an online, different online platforms and I have something that I think that is where I am gonna talk about. And spiritual change it on me. Last minute then I’ll be like, No, it happened recently. I was teaching in class inside the Akashic Academy which is you interviewed my partner Nick Pereira not too long ago. Nick and I have come together to create the Akashic Academy, which is a community where we’re coming together bringing all of these different spiritual modalities, these energy healing practices, we’re really uniting in our search for God and Christ, all under one’s phase. And inside the Akashic Academy, I teach a healing class, self-healing. It’s called “Heal yourself heal the planet”. And I had this great little exercise that we were going to do together, showed up ready to do it. And right as I’m sitting down and getting ready to PUSH go live, spirits like “hey you didn’t do inner child work today”. And I was like oh yeah, but it’s go time, so I don’t have time to make any notes about that. And they’re like, “that’s fine, she’s channeling in the moment”. And we did a guided meditation and healing ceremony together and the entire thing just came through right there in that moment. And I really attribute that I’ll give you guys a little as a little fun detail of my history. Before I was an energy healer, I hadn’t always been psychic, I hadn’t always considered myself psychic. Now when I was a kid, growing up in very small town Missouri right on the Mississippi River, the idea of being psychic really kind of lit me up, but I didn’t really have like profound experiences where I would have said I was psychic. But I definitely felt that inclination like I wanted to be. My path and my life took me from small town Missouri, I moved to Hollywood of all places to become an actress, and I studied acting and worked with a lot of really amazing artist for about 20 years in Hollywood; and I studied a lot. I didn’t just show up thinking that I was going to get acting jobs. I studied and I studied methods, and I studied improv and improv. Oh my goodness. You have to show up and be in the moment and pay, be so paying attention to what your other contributor contributors are onstage the other actors they’re doing with you. So the synergy of what’s happening in that moment create something new. And I didn’t recognize in the moment how much training that was for the spiritual journey that I would take, and how I would share it with people. But it was absolutely a 100 percent preparing me for being comfortable, being in that moment and grasping whatever comes. So I’m really thankful for the time that I spent in Hollywood because I recognize, it opened me to channel information in such a deeper way. I mean I mean actors are crazy right? You got to be crazy to be an actor, you got to be willing to like grab onto some imagination, to go with it. And I really gained a lot of confidence in that area. And I invite I invite other people. Take a look at whatever your job is right now. Look at the overall pattern of the skills that you’re gaining. And I invite you to start seeing how does this connect to, how I’m energetically serving the world, or how I am energetically opening and preparing myself because the truth is, I feel like we’re all lightworkers. Really. And even if we’re showing up in our job that you know, let’s say you’re an insurance salesman, I use that because my dad had an insurance company growing up. You can it when we begin to look at ourselves as, hey I’m providing safety and service and stability to society and we start to see ourselves in a different way, and we start to activate qualities, energetic qualities, and we start to wake up some of this this this dormant DNA inside of us, it helps us step in to those superpowers. So I invite you guys to see paramystically; So to speak. How does the job that you have right now allow you to show up and serve humanity, as well as prepare yourself for what’s next?
Well and I like to hear what you are talking about the idea that we’re all here to do that and it’s something that I circled around and around about for a while, and it’s like it cannot be true? like are we all a you know it felt like a really bold statement to make and we attract you know that I’m sure like you do into our community all sorts of people you know from people running multimillion dollar businesses, to be you know professionals, attorneys, and doctors and everybody else to lightworkers, healers you know coaches who do that that is their business. And at first it was like, OK well no obviously we’re not all here to do something, and I remember a while back getting the hit that you know either people are here to aid others in consciousness, or they’re here to kind of develop sustainable creative solutions. And now it’s like I’m really of the mind that it’s both, you know we’re all here to do both. And you know as with most check the boxes along this journey, it’s like you know that the theories kind of morph in and meld in to each other.
Yeah they do.
But I’m really of that opinion at this stage that I if you’re listening to this, if you’re drawn into this, you are here to help people in consciousness, like in the story, you know, in figure out how you’re going to do that, because otherwise you’re going to be constantly seeking something. And it is the next phase and in all honesty like it’s a very selfish thing for us to do because it’s the next phase for us. You know you can do your own journeying, and you know where we all climb the mountain. But at some point in time if you don’t start teaching it, and training it, and emulating it, and all these other aspects you know however you’re gonna to do with it, it doesn’t mean you have to hang your shingle up and say you’re a psychic, you know you impact people all over the place, like you can do it teaching, you can do it as an accountant, like it doesn’t matter. But figure out, or get OK with the fact that you are here to have an impact on people in that regards; because if not, life is gonna really feel less than for quite some time, or you’re gonna seek other things.
Yes, absolutely. And for me the idea of like you said you get to a certain platform where you want to teach and you want to share. The journey for me and learning how to read the Akashic Records and learning to see myself from a perspective of unconditional love, zero judgment for myself; I’ve learned to ask in this phase, what am I here to do, and what is my purpose? And furthermore, how the heck do I go about doing it? And this has been such a powerful and profound experience. And the answers have come quite clearly to me. It’s only been since 2015 since I learned how to do this. And granted this was a learned process. I reached out and found a mentor and said hey, I believe that you can teach me how to do this. And she said I believe that I can teach you how to do this, and I’m like high five high five. Let’s do it. And that synergy really creates the dynamic. Truthfully I mean I had an art teacher in high school who was convinced that she could teach anybody how to draw. And I wanted to learn how to draw. So I showed up believing that she could teach me. And guess what, my mom has a couple of my drawings hanging on her wall today because of that. So when you show up with that growth mindset and you’re ready to learn, really and truly anything is possible. So for me to share such a profound experience of figuring out who I am, how do I align more to that, what do I do with all this information. So life changing. And I wanted to share with other people the experience of how to do that for themselves. So if you guys are looking for ways to figure those things out, the Akashic Records is one way that you can do that. Now there are many different ways, many different ways that we explore into ourselves that journey into ourselves. So you have to it’s important that you find what resonates with you. But the Akashic Records resonated with me and has been just the most remarkable journey, that in motherhood I have to say. Have been so much lesson learning and so much growth in my life that I’m just really, I’m proud of my experience, and I’m humbled by it, and I’m excited by it too because it’s really magical.
When you’d said something really pivotal about the belief and when we come together with intention and it’s a super power now we operate on the principle that we’re two or more of you gather in my name, there also will I be, and there’s magic that occurs in that space; and so we are exponentially more powerful together and in shared belief, we create that you know we really sat with that when we started this Super Power concept and it’s like OK, are we really going to spread this notion that super powers are real and are there implications to that, and you know really wanting to be responsible before starting off on that. And ultimately the information I received in that process was by just by asking the question “are super powers real?” We create the potential for them to be. And so it’s not the cause and effect. You know I talk about the like you know you talk about the Akashic field and everything else and I called the abstract frequencies, and I often speak about how it’s like a circus like it’s everything’s opposite there like nothing’s what it seems to be like it’s ongoing kind of playground and so cause and effect, when you switch cause and effect from what we were programmed in and where we were all raised, You get a lot of clarity in that moment, and so it’s not so much do super powers exist therefore we can teach about it, but it’s like, in the teaching about it now they exist. I love it. Yes. And it’s a powerful concept. You know I sat in that like, but that’s a lot of like power quote unquote you know the ego’s like is that a is that a thing like can we do that. But it’s no diff but we’re doing it all the time anyway.
Well this is that’s the nature of this planet Tonya, it’s a manifesting zone, it’s a creation zone. I mean that’s what we’re here that’s what we do here, we come in we learn lessons, and right now that’s through the karmic structure right? We come and we learn lessons and we create our own lessons and our own experience as we go. That’s the whole nature of this planet. From what I see.
Deep breath into that one. Are you still there? I might have blown Tonya off the air waves. Did that happen? It happened on my interview yesterday, I feel I’m the only person that I hear talking. Let’s check the settings here.
Yeah I’ve got you. (There you got me! I don’t know what happened you disappears.) You’re so funny. Go ahead. Because you’re saying it’s happened a few times on the show.
It happened to me yesterday, I had Daniel Alcyone who is amazing. He calls himself the mudra magician, and he came on my B live show on the Facebook page the Akashic Academy and he shared the power of mudras, and his energy was so powerful, it short circuited the meeting twice. Like literally, lights out. Done.
Yeah, I loved it. We’ve done a conference calls of the experts before, and then they’ll be talking they’ll be like oh no Tonya left, she’s in a different dimension. Ok come back to this. You know there was it’s just a comedy routine.
Is that what you did? Did you just like time jump somewhere else?
I. Yes.
Do you do that?
I do. Yeah. We had an experience the other day, I don’t even know if I’ve shared this really publicly yet. But here we go. There you go. Here we go. Breaking news, I had been playing with some concepts I was calling them calling it pixelation, coz I like, we like Adam Sandler, so I like the Pixels movie. And that’s what it looked like was I was able to go and remove the overlay on this timeline and when I did that, the timeline was able to pixelate And so and then I got where I was practicing in the moment; so I don’t know if everybody’s aware. You know we have these pure experiences but then immediately there’s an overlay. And immediately there’s a judgment that the program everything that we put on top of it to create the exact experiences that you’re talking about, well when you start to remove the overlay there’s no tethering, there’s no anchors of that information, and it’s free to dissolve or pixelate because I like to have fun with words. And so I was playing with the pixelation, I was explaining it to my husband and I said you know I’m getting really good in the moment of watching the overlays so I’ll be very clear in the moment. And then almost immediately there’s a slight questioning thing that occurs and I’m like, so I keep I just kept pushing the questioning aside and I said it’s freeing me up and so shortly thereafter, I had a session with our crystal Reiki resident expert Eric Weiland, and came off the table almost completely. And I was able to catch a frequency and I got a lot of information about how gravity exists and these other layers. Well that led to of course me telling my husband that we’re sitting there talking and I said “you know I have I get how all this works like we blip in and out of these existences, and I could see the vision that I had was as this like observer role I saw it to me it looked like a bunch of cubicles; but each of those cubicles represented a an experience of physical experience and so and I saw how I was blipping in and out of all these different experiences and I didn’t have conscious awareness of it in this body of those other experiences other than in dream states and what not”. And so I was explaining all this to him and he’s, you know looking me like here she goes again you know, and as I’m sitting and talking all so in his face like he gets this look on his face and I was like what, what are you looking at? And then he goes, you literally just blipped. And he goes you were there and you weren’t there, and I was like yes! Yes! I was like I felt it and it felt like, like what’s that word, Lucy, the movie Lucy when she just like dissolved, I don’t know if you’ve seen it but like she starts to just dissolved like her physical body and that’s what it felt like was that pixelation piece. H actually saw it and so that was really very powerful. So anyway.
That is very powerful. No, I haven’t seen the movie Lucy.
Oh so great.
I was just sitting here, I might watch it now, I was just sitting here with my jaw on the floor just enjoying the story as much as I can! Great story! I love it, I love it.
Ooh very cool, yeah and Lucy is a great one. So what is the point? Like what are we doing here?
To sum it up, my experience of what are we doing here in life is we’re returning to a state of oneness. So when we agreed to incarnate as a human being, the ego is very much the vehicle that we use to go from experiencing separation, to moving back into source, moving back into oneness. Because the ego is what defines us as separate. And for me that breaks down into a vibrational frequency shift. That’s what we’re here to do. And we’re here to learn to exist in every single moment in the vibrational frequency of love, joy, and oneness. And that expresses itself, it becomes a you know each of our own individual journeys of how we go about creating that kind of meaning and moving back to that level of connection. But that’s what attaining Christ consciousness is to me. That’s what we’re here to do on this planet is to recognize that we are in essence, Gods. And that’s another difficult one to say, because we you know we feel comfortable saying oh we are made in the likeness and image of God. But do we feel comfortable saying that we own and embody all of that energy? I mean Jesus was here being psychic, performing miracles, raising people from the dead. He said that the least among you can do all of that I have done and more. And for me experience of moving back into that state; that Christ consciousness state, that state of oneness is what we’re here to do. How do we do that? Well the most effective way in many ways right? the most effective immediate way, is staying present, and choosing to hold the vibration of joy, and love, and peace, and oneness, which is which is involves the retraining of ourselves. So we’re here to learn to retrain ourselves and step back into our godlike nature. How’s that?
I think it’s pretty spot on and we can drop the mike. We got it.
And drop the mic.
And it’s you know it is such an experience to play in that space and what I’ve really, really enjoyed about doing this podcast and having a superpower, that is it’s enabled me to really search the world for the people who are willing and ready to play in that space. I was a little depressed early on because there just aren’t that many people, like that just aren’t that many of us in it. Not yet. You know I get why we’re all doing it, and I understand the social proof concept, and I know what we’re building up to. But I really was very naive coming into all of it thinking I’m just going to teach everybody how to use their super powers. That’s great. And to find out like that there just weren’t that many people who are willing to be in that space. Everybody’s there already, but. Oh Man. The stories about the cost. You know.
Adults are so uncomfortable playing. Good grief. We have those are and those are definitely energetic paradigms that I work to shift and release for people too, because we get so uncomfortable being silly, and goofy, and playing in the space. And it’s really a necessary part of the process.
I agree completely and that’s and that’s why we use some of the verbs that we do and why the super power concept because it doesn’t matter who I’m talking to, it doesn’t matter how much success you’ve had in the world, It doesn’t matter how much money they have. The second you start talking about superpowers, it’s like, it keys in that little kid part of all of us it’s like, wait, I might have superpowers? That I’m like, do you like saved millions of people’s lives like, I think you got some superpowers you, but it’s like we don’t equate it for ourselves. And that’s been the biggest gift of this podcast, is every single person it’s like; let me affirm for you, you absolutely have superpowers and I want to hear about them. Nice! And it’s and it’s combined that those energies and this really cool mix, you know and it’s doing everything that I was told it was going to do which is pretty fun to play in. So and I’m sure you know you got very similar guidance with regard to the Akashic academy like there’s so many of these kind of networks and groups sprouting up and I think it’s phenomenal really is affirming for me. So before we let you go, coz I am sensitive to that to that time thing, what advice would you offer to people who are just starting off you know holding their superpowers?
Let’s see, what is the best piece of advice. Here’s what I’m gonna say. The amount of super power that you can harness, that you can gain, does not have to do with how much intelligence, or how much you can wrap your head around all of these scientific, or cosmic concepts. I know Tonya you get some powerful information, and you talk of some big old sciency words, and I love it. What I found is that for each one of us, the key is how much we love ourselves. We’re all going to have our own specific radio dial to the intelligence level of the information that’s coming in. And as human beings we tend to kind of rank that, right? Like we tend to “the more sciency is, Oh the more powerful that information must be that’s coming in”. But we’re all designed to bring forward the perfect information for us, and for those who are on our vibrational frequency. So I really want to release the idea for everybody that you have to like understand, and be able to wrap your head around all of this stuff. Instead of coming at it from that angle; coming it from the angle of how can I love myself, and heal myself more. Because that’s the process it’s going to allow you to see into these different layers to see that the pixilation, to see the cubicles that Tanya talks about, it at the portal, the key, the tunnel to get there guys is through loving yourself in healing those areas where you judge yourself, where you condemn yourself, where you don’t believe in yourself. That’s the area to go and meld and shift.
That is beautiful. I love it. So perfect. And where can people go and find more about you?
Of course I want to invite everybody to join my community on Facebook. The Akashic Academy. We bring so much information and knowledge from all different aspects. We invite you guys to really get talking inside of that community too because we want to know you and hear from you. You can also reach out to me on my website which is askyourrecords.com. And there is a huge video library of videos there’s a specific series on there called “Becoming psychic”, it’s in the video library on my website Askyourrecords. And you can go and watch the replays and you can learn with me and actually go through activation processes to wake up your psychic senses. So I invite you guys to check that out.
Very cool. Well I know everybody is gonna to want to go check those out. So I encourage you to do so. Any of you felt Emily, you’ve heard from her, like she’s just delightful. And you know I look forward to a lot of really cool synergy and collaboration to look forward with you.
Me too. Thank you so much for having me today my friend.
Oh absolutely thank you. And to everyone out there as always, we appreciate your loyalty. Thank you for listening. And until next time, go out uncover your superpowers, and change the world. Take care everyone.
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