Psychic Ability
  1. The ability to perceive things about the world through a “sixth sense” or extrasensory perception.
  2. The ability to predict things before they happen, often in the form of visions. This may happen before an event occurs or before someone says something.

The Superpower of Psychic Ability

Did you know that psychic ability is one of many predisposed super powers some people possess? While anyone can train themselves to hone psychic ability as a super power, some people are predisposed to it. This means that they have a specific blueprint or design that makes them both susceptible to and able to harness particular abilities.

All super powers first start off as challenges. Just like Spider-Man got bit by a spider and Bruce Banner got caught in a gamma radiation blast, we all experience the challenge, or shadow aspects, of super powers before we can use them with any degree of reliability.

Managing the Challenge of Psychic Ability

Until those with psychic ability realize they have this natural ability, they may be overcome with visions. This is a challenging ability for people, especially when it appears during childhood. Often people with psychic ability can think they’re crazy and attempt to shut it off.  

Possible Signs You Might be Predisposed to Psychic Ability

  1. You see visions.
  2. You know when people are going to call or reach out in some way before they do.
  3. You see things play out in a single way or multiple ways before they occur.
  4. You can predict outcomes with a high degree of success.
  5. You know when someone is going to die.

Using Psychic Ability as a Super Power

As with all super powers, psychic ability can be an amazing tool IF you know what it is and what it isn’t. The most common misconception is that psychic ability is the same as intuition. Psychic ability emerges from the third eye and, typically, appears in the form of visions. Visions are just another form of accessing information, like thoughts and emotions. The power behind visions is the person’s ability to interpret the information, again, just like with mind reading and empathy. Without a strong intuitive ability, a high degree of self-dominion and solidly attuned internal resonance, the information can be misinterpreted. This is when psychics make apocalyptic predictions and lead people astray because of their own fears.

Master Psychic Ability

  1. Play with it. If you see a vision that involves someone else, ask them about it.
  2. Seek clarity. If the vision you see invokes fear within you, work through it. Don’t share the vision as truth if it creates dissonance within you. That’s a clue that you’re seeing it for your own growth.
  3. Be willing to ask questions. If you’re providing guidance to someone else, be open to their interpretation.
  4. Find a mentor. With psychic ability in particular, it’s important to find mentors who have a solid grip on their own abilities from an empowered and attuned space.
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