Selena Moon is passionate about self-discovery and understanding the deepest layers of her soul. This quest for mystical knowledge took her on an intuitive journey across Europe at the age of 21 years old where she synchronistically met; healers at volunteer camps, spiritual authors on park benches, and old souls in train rides who helped her to see her own soul with more clarity and understanding.
I’m so excited to have on the show with me today, Selena Moon. She is a blast. You’re just going to feel her. I think the first time we talked, we laughed and laughed the entire time, and of course, solved all the world’s problems in that process because that’s how we roll. She is fascinating. She’s run her own business for the last four years and started off doing a personal training gym, so that gives you an idea of the space that she’s coming from. She’s back from Europe and Peru. What she does really is she’s this host, if you will, for sacred space. She uses words like multidimensional transformation, so you know that she’s found a home here at Super Power Experts.
Without further ado, please join me in welcoming Selena to the show. Welcome, Selena.
It’s such an honor to be here. Thank you so much for having me.
We’d like to just throw people into the mix here and ask, what are your superpowers?
My superpower is actually heightened in a space where there are more people. My ability to tap into the higher self and to be able to channel information that people need in the moment is my greatest gift that I’m offering right now. It just feels so aligned and so perfect.
I love the concept of it being really empowered and amplified by other people. That’s one of the concepts that we have within the Super Power net, is this idea that we are exponentially more powerful together. But that’s the first time I’ve heard anyone really giving mention to a specific experience that they have with what they know to be an ability of theirs and how it interacts with other people. Tell me how you started tapping into that concept?

I was really passionate about working with physical bodies and doing emotional trigger point release therapy.
It all started when I started working one-on-ones and I just had graduated from Psychosomatic Therapy. I was really passionate about working with physical bodies and doing emotional trigger point release therapy. That’s when my clairaudience and clairvoyant gifts started coming through. I’d be working on these clients and all of a sudden, things would be releasing from their bodies. For example, trauma that they may have experienced earlier in this lifetime or previous lifetime. I would actually see the trauma and I would ask them, “Did your father maybe do this to you at the age of around eight?” They’d be like, “How do you know it?” I’d be like, “I just saw it leave your body.” It started off in that world where I was doing a lot of one-on-one stuff. I got called to start bringing people together.
What I noticed is that even though I wasn’t physically working on people’s bodies in these group settings, I was still able to somehow find a holistic understanding of every individual in the room and create a space for all of them to override pain, override blockages. People would come in with back problems and grief in their heart, and they would leave with all of their pains gone without me even touching their bodies because I was able to harness the energy in the room to create specific transformations with these people on an even greater basis. My group started off with about three to five people, and then they started growing. I was running them from my apartment.
I realized that my gift as a teacher was not only the teaching aspect, but it was the healing aspect. People would come to me and say to me things like, “I really heal in your presence.” As people started feeling different in my presence, what I noticed is that they would go tell their friends and they would invite their friends to be in my presence. Before I knew it, I was hosting weekly workshops every Thursday night at the Courtyard Marriott. We went from five people to 70 people. That’s really what led to the beginning stages of my event, my signature event. In that experience, what I found is that there are a lot of people that reach out nowadays. They’re like, “I want to get that one-on-one time with Selena. I really want to experience what your energy is like.” I say to them, “Not to disappoint you, but you’re going to get way more out of me if you show up in a space where there’s a hundred other people.” They’re like, “That doesn’t make any sense because I’m going to have to share you with others.” I said, “When you share me with others is when you will grow the most.”
This is the concept people are really struggling with right now. I’m really starting to understand more about, as I continue to my own personal evolution. It’s something that fascinates me, that my ability to serve is much, much heightened in the presence of more.
Do you feel like it has to be physical presence, or how do you equate that?
I’ve been experimenting with that. I do find that there is something really, really sacred about the physical presence. The reason is because we work in metaphors. For example, if you’re sitting in a space and you have a fantastic imagination, and I say to you on a webinar, “Imagine yourself in a circle with all the people on this call right now.” Some people can do that exceptionally well and others struggle with that because they can only see themselves in the room. It’s the energy of the circle that’s actually the secret to the sacredness and the healing that takes place in the transformations that I offer. For people who are very connected to spirit, who are able to visualize all the spirits on a call, for example, in sacred circle, then that becomes a lot easier for me to work with. If we’re speaking to people who have a more challenging time really imagining things like that, then it really works better to have these people physically sitting in a circle so they can see one another and understand the oneness that we have to offer.
That’s been my experience as well. With my marching orders, it was very clear, our market is such a niche market and we’re not in the same geographic location. One of the biggest challenges we have is using virtual space in a way to remind us that we’re all interconnected anyway. We’ve tried many different versions of that. A lot of times, we lean on video Hangouts and stuff because that’s about the closest we can get. Every time I keep thinking, “We need to do more in person, in person, in person,” which I’m clear that’s an expansion. I get stopped every step of the way. It’s like, “Nope, you will have to figure this out. You’ve got to figure out how to master that virtual connection,” because it really is a symbol of the energetic connection. I’ll have to tell you, it’s a challenge because we’re so programmed in that space and I feel the electricity in the personal spaces. I think that that’s just this next frontier that we’re all embarking on. It’s interesting to hear your viewpoint on that.

It’s interesting that for you, the actual in-person of physical bodies is an expansion, whereas for me the online space is an expansion.
It’s interesting that, for you, the actual in-person space is an expansion, whereas for me, the online space is an expansion, so it’s all perception. It’s all the way in which we understand the world. I believe because we are so connected with our sole purpose as well, that I do believe that your purpose is really going to be illuminated in the virtual world, not to say that mine won’t. In essence, I bring drums to my circles. I bring canvases and paint to my circles. I want the physical hands-on experience because that is my gift that I offer to people when they come in. If you can hold somebody’s hand or you can give him a hug or look into their eyes, to me, that is my mechanism of transformation. Your mechanism of transformation works exceptionally through your languaging. It works exceptionally through your vocal transmission. It works exceptionally through the articles that you provide and through the podcasts that you provide. It makes sense that your soul is happy doing that.
It’s so funny to me how things are driven through the concepts of what’s needed next type of thing. I love when I sit back and see all the different puzzle pieces and how they go together and how, the more I sit in this space of doing this work, I appreciate so much more people who really hold their own puzzle piece well and bring that to the table. It’s easy to get caught up in, “Selena does these events and she’s had a lot of success, so we should do these events. This is how we should do it.” It’s really easy to fall into that trap, just like people can listen to me and be like, “I have to build this virtual community.” Possibly, and a lot of times there’s the embellishment that happens between all of us that we pick up on those vibes. Sometimes, it can be hard to realize, “What’s yours? What’s mine? What’s ours? How do we navigate this space? I think it’s super crucial that we continue to call that out.
I had a really phenomenal interaction with a woman that I interviewed here recently, Jillian Rutledge. It was such a cool exchange. We don’t know each other really well. We know each other as well as all of us connect and know each other, but we connected in this amazing heart space. Recently, we had a dialogue that was so raw and just vulnerable between basically two strangers. I’m feeling there’s a twinge of sadness in you. There’s a feeling of, “That doesn’t feel good.” Just really calling it out. What transpired between us in that moment was so cool, because we were able to see both where each of us existed as well as where this really cool energy existed between us. It was like, “That’s where it is.”
If any moment along the conversation, either one us has slipped into social niceties, traditional conversations, we’re negotiating or we’re talking about this, because we’re constantly massaging how are we going to work together. It was just amazing to trust in that. I think that’s part of what we’re dialoguing about, can we trust in that and then trust others to meet us in that really. I call it raw, but it’s just a whole space. It’s just pure.
It’s really the power of vulnerability.
But it’s the least vulnerable thing in the world, which is so funny to me. It’s our most powerful state of existence while being the most vulnerable.
Vulnerable is powerful. I love the word raw. I think of cutting into fruits and just seeing the seed in the center and just thinking about what it would be like. I always equate myself to a seed that’s just been exposed as I’ve been cut open as this fruit, when I think of the word raw. It always reminds me of what that raw sense is really like your seed is being exposed. I think the seed really represents almost the most rooted part of you, but also maybe the most disturbing to the outside world. Nobody wants to talk about the seed. Everyone just wants to enjoy the fruit.
A lot of our folks are really starting to experience their superpowers for the first time and their abilities and all these things. It can be really daunting. When you’re talking about seeing these traumas and walking people through that and holding that space with them, was that something that came really naturally to you or was it just a thing that just occurred? How did you experience that?
It’s funny because for the timeframe that I was actually running these emotional release trigger point sessions, I’d have people lying on a massage table. I would be getting into these trigger points with my elbows and I would be asking them to release stuff. At that time, I actually recognize that they were releasing things, that there was a possibility I would see or experience myself and be able to share with them. Being overambitious, at the time, entrepreneur that I was, I’ll be honest, I probably took on too many clients. I’ve always been the one to overdo it. I spent a lot of time on people’s bodies, literally sometimes 10 hours a day on people’s bodies. I would be working through clearing energy. I was very, very cautious about energy and learning about space and using sage and other cleansing tools to ensure that the next person walking in wouldn’t experience whatever the person before on the table experienced.
I started really becoming sensitive to the finer intricacies of energy after spending hours and hours and hours working with the energy of the human body. That’s when I got into a state, almost a meditative state of, “We’re going to release here. We’re going to release there,” and then, boom, started off just as colors, and then eventually it turned into really funny metaphors. I would see all kinds of funny things come up.

I realized that what I was seeing was helpful and it was releasing for people, and healing.
At one point, I decided I’m just going to speak these things to the client, because I could be hallucinating right now or these could be legitimate information for this individual that they could benefit from. I would share things and I would say, “Does sitting on a chair in a park with a red balloon resonate with you?” They’d be like, “Yeah. This girl came and popped the balloon and I was crying.” They remember all these things. It’s like, “Let’s let that go.” In essence, I would start voicing what I was seeing. I realized through time that what I was seeing was legitimate and it was helpful and it was releasing for people and healing. I allowed myself to go deeper and deeper and deeper into it. My biggest challenge in all honesty was actually turning it off. For about a period of two years, I couldn’t even set foot into a mall, for example, or a party, because I just saw and heard too much. I had to learn how to tone things down, and that is a practice.
I think that’s a valuable thing to give voice to. There does seem to be this heightened sense that occurs when those gifts start to come online. Just know that that can fade over time, as you master them, as you work with them, as you develop your own abilities to not necessarily shield, but just be a little more selective about your environment and all. Rise above is one of the techniques that I’ve always used. It’s not forever. I think a lot of people, when they start to come online, it’s like this freak-out moment of like, “Do I have to live this way forever?” Everything is a constant flux. What’s being asked to being seen and for you to take a look at, if you miss the whispers, it’s going to come to you in the shouts and being hit at the head with a 2×4, but it can calm down. You do settle into it as long as you continue to be in it and use it.
I think, Selena, what you said was so crucial in a sense that, in my languaging, what you chose to do was just play with it and really be willing to meet and be in the space rather than go into over analysis, “Am I making this up? What is this?” just being, “Is it helpful?” Yes or no. If it’s yes, then let’s just go with it and see what happens. I think that to me, is the single determining factor on who progresses through things versus who gets stuck in that initial discovery phase.
The desire to play, it comes from a sacral chakra, if we’re going to bring the chakras into it. The sacral chakra is one of the lower chakras. Therefore, if you are really high up there in those higher realms, it can be very easy to forget your lower chakras and then the playfulness is part of that. I think it’s a great reminder to allow those more grounding energies of, “Let’s go into an experience. Let’s look at this as though it’s an adventure. We’re opening up doors to our inner being and allowing ourselves to venture into these doors and see what’s on the other side, knowing fully that we have the capacity to turn around and exit at any point that we so choose.”
That’s the kicker right there. I will say, that was the thing for me. I had to make a conscious decision. I remember the exact moment when I sat and I knew I was being presented with an opportunity to move into new space. I really sat with it. I’m like, “I could be totally crazy. This could be nuts or this could be the dumbest thing I’ve ever done. This could be the most disastrous thing ever, or I can just play.” That was a new concept for me. That wasn’t a big part of my upbringing or my earlier existence, was that play piece. I always credit my husband for that, and then, of course my daughter because they both brought those elements in for me. Seeing it through them, I was able to go, “Maybe there’s something to this.” I didn’t come by it “naturally,” of course, I did. But I remember the conscious choice I made to just say, “Forget this. I’m going to play now.”
I think for me and for a lot of people that we have on the show, it comes at a point, like you’ve done something in the mundane world, in the real world. There are these boxes that we all check and then it’s like, “It didn’t quite go like we thought it was going to go. What’s next in this?” It’s then when I see a lot of people choosing to bring that play component into it, which is so powerful, beyond anything we can. It’s a childish thing. To me, it’s one of the most powerful places you can move into.
I did get a message this morning that we would be talking about play today. One of the things that’s coming up as you’re talking is you’re saying moving from the mundane world into the world of exploration and inner fulfillment, because that’s really what play is. It brings that sense of fulfillment. When people ask me, “How do you go from being in that mundane world to this world of every day is a new adventure and everything is a blessing or a gift or a lesson?” What I say is, “Go back to the time where you were a child. Look at what you did to play, because every child, you’ll notice, plays in their own unique way.” Some children love to just be alone and play with Barbie dolls. Other children will play doctor. Other children will love to put buildings and Lego pieces together. Other children will just want to spend all their time with clay or paint. There’s a reason for that. There’s an innate pre-programming within every single person on how to play for your soul. The way to actually access that is to go back to your childhood and say, “How did I play when I was a child?” For me, personally, I loved to pretend that I was a teacher. I would ask my parents for all the chairs in the house and I would set up a room full of empty chairs and put up a nice little chalk board in the front of the “classroom” and have my sisters sit there. I’d literally teach lessons. When I wasn’t doing that, I was actually playing energy-healing games on the physical bodies of my friends.

What were the things that you did to be playful, to be expansive in your own energy field?
I actually directed and liked to act in plays, perform for family members and stuff like that. I had all these different aspects in me that really shone when I was a kid. In essence, that’s the question that comes up, who were you when you were a child? What were the things that you did to be playful, to be expansive in your own energy field? How can you bring that back? The answers really lie there. Because when you’re in a child, you don’t have those inhibitions of, “This is what society says I need to be doing right now. This is what mom and dad want for me. This is what my friends are doing. This is how school has programmed me.” We don’t have those inhibitions. We’re really free in that state to be our sole self. It’s always about coming back to that, in my belief.
That leads us right around to talking about your event. I really want to make sure that we’re telling people about that. I think what you’re doing is fascinating. Talk to us a little bit about that.
Illuminate Your Magic is the name of the event. It came to me in May of 2015 in a meditation, where I just kept hearing the words “illuminate your magic.” I just knew it was going to be an event of some sort, but I wasn’t really sure what all the details. I was doing them on a weekly basis. I have probably about ten years’ worth of weekly information to share. There is no end to what I had to bring to the table. Every week something new would come up. That’s what the same people kept coming, because every week, they would get something new. What I realized, there’s a fountain of wisdom that seems to emerge within me in the presence of others. But I was getting burned out from the experience, because I’m literally spending hours in meditation. I’m calling upon the right energies to come forth. I’m doing my conscious healings on these people that are coming in. I’m ensuring that karmically everyone that shows up is there to heal their past lives and whatnot.
I was doing a lot of work, making sure everyone walked away with their own unique gift, that everyone really experienced something that was transformational. The miracles that happened were just off the charts. In my burnout, I decided to go to Mexico for a month. While I was in Mexico, Illuminate Your Magic kept coming up again. It was like, “A-ha.” The purpose with Illuminate Your Magic was to amalgamate all of the beautiful things and the teachings and the energies that were brought upon these weekly workshops into a big event, so that the transformations could occur in a more condensed fashion with more people.
Illuminate Your Magic was officially birthed on October 30th 2016. We had our first one. I got back from Mexico. We just found the most incredible space, brought 100 people together, really connected with this one charity in Africa. I’m really passionate about African orphans. I made sure to include that in all the events that I’ve ever held actually, not just Illuminate Your Magic. It ended up turning into one of the most transformational experiences that anyone that had ever experienced at my workshops before had ever experienced.
What trumped everything was the fact that there was more people, that we were in a really, really professional space, that there was lots of singing, lots of dancing. The ceremonies that came through were really powerful and people were able to meet one another in a really deep sense of exploration of self. Some of the things that I learned through the experience was that it was too short. People were saying, “One day is not enough. We need more. Please remove the guest speakers because we can’t get enough of you, Selena.” Our ego always wants to sometimes make us smaller. They wanted more of me and I had all these guest speakers. I almost sabotaged myself in a way and I realized I have much more to give to this group.
This time, we’re doing Illuminate Your Magic on April 29th and 30th. It’s a two-day event. Because I reconnected with my own childhood, I was able to remember that I’m not just a teacher and a healer, but I’m also an actress and a writer. I’m actually writing a theatrical production for the next Illuminate Your Magic that highlights aspects of life through theater, and also bringing forth things like drumming so that everyone has an opportunity to play an instrument. Everyone will have an opportunity to paint hands on. The ceremonies are going to be very indigenous in nature this time. The transformations are really going to be heightened because of the energy that we’re in on our planet.
If this is something that excites you, if you understand the power of creativity and how to derive wisdom and intuitive gifts through exchanging beautiful energy with other people through art, then this would definitely be something that you would be called to.
Where’s the event?
It is taking place in Toronto, Ontario. We’re actually doing it at a beautiful space which is just above the Hard Rock Cafe at Yonge-Dundas Square. It’s a theatrical space. We’re really bringing together amazing musicians that are here to really heighten the vibrations and to expand our consciousness, also bringing in very human elements as well. I feel like often when we get into this place of consciousness, we sometimes forget how it all relates to the physicality of life. How does consciousness relate to the way that I walk? How does consciousness relate to the way that I speak? It’s not just about breathing and yoga, I think it’s beyond that. I think it’s, how fast do I climb these stairs? How do I chew my food? How does consciousness get involved with the way that I set up the space in the room that I live in, or the way that I approach the relationships that I’m in?

A lot of very spiritually-aware people can sometimes lose touch with the connection with their physical bodies.
I really believe in balancing the chakras. I believe that a lot of very spiritually-aware people can sometimes lose touch with the physicality of life and the connection with the physical body. The physical body stores consciousness. It’s so important to me that people are in their physical bodies. That is the reason why we’re bringing the energy of physical movement and drumming into this as well. That’s all going to be in Toronto, Ontario. Our goal is actually to travel the world with this. We’re really all about making international connections and being able to take this to various countries and adapting the theater production to the particular societal struggles that people deal with.
I love what you’re saying about the physicality. The concepts for me, I translate them a little bit differently. It was always about, how can I use this? What is the point? I remember even in grad school questioning some of the doctoral candidates I was up against and my professors, “That’s great that you can regurgitate this information, but so what?” To what end and what good does it do us if we’re not doing something with it, we can’t apply it, if there’s not some sort of synthesis in it? What is the purpose? I remember from the moment I watched The Secret the first time, it was like, “Great. Now, what do I do with this? How is it going to impact me and how is it going to change my life in the world by extension in the application of it?” That’s really the heart of Super Power Experts. I talk to people all the time, “Yeah, I know all of this.” ”Awesome. Are you living it?”
It’s in your mind, but is it in your heart?
And the body. This whole thing started when I was brushing my teeth one day and downloaded The Five Steps of Transformation. I was like, “That makes perfect sense.” It was concepts like the spirit and then the mind and then the emotional system and then the body. Each step of the way, I was like, “We got the whole spirit part.” All of us got the whole message around thoughts become things. The mind piece, yeah, it wreaks havoc from time to time. For the most part, that’s something that in our collective conscience is we’re pretty clear about now. Integrating the emotions is new for a lot of people so we work a lot in that space with folks.
I even remember writing a blog article, “The body is just going to naturally follow.” No problem, the body will just do whatever. Five years later, the information is still coming about the body. I just laugh at my own ignorance around all of that. It was like, “There are so much to the body.” I keep telling people, there’s so much that we don’t know, and it’s not what we think it is. The only way to find that out is to be willing to suspend your beliefs a little bit and say, “Let’s say, I don’t know. What is it? What can it be?” I find a lot of value in asking those questions.
I totally agree with you. I think that the movement piece, the embodiment piece, we’re all experiencing that in very different ways. It’s more puzzle pieces to unlocking what really are we doing here. What is the purpose of the body as it relates to the planet? Are we really here? What is all this happening? Where does all this occur?
You only know that through the experience of it. That takes us right back to the play conversation, which is if you’re not willing to play in it, then it just doesn’t come to fruition. I interviewed Alana Fairchild awhile back. At the time, we were talking a lot about her Sacred Rebels deck. She told me about her Divine Circus deck. I was like, “I don’t know. The imagery didn’t totally appeal to me.” She was like, “You don’t understand. This is Sacred Rebels on steroids,” or whatever flowery language she would use. I was like, “I don’t know.” Sure enough, I found myself circling to that deck. I was like, “Oh my gosh.” I laugh now because everywhere I go, I hear the circus theme. It’s all just a big top. You only discover that in the experiential piece of it. Sitting back and knowing or even sitting back and doing your meditations, it’s not enough. You have to be willing to do it here. I think that’s a big part of what you’ve tapped into. I encourage anybody who heard what Selena was talking about, and if you hear an immediate yes with that, then go to that event because that is what starts to alter us molecularly, is when we’re willing to move into those spaces in the presence of others.
Even just to expand on what you were saying there, in psychosomatic therapy, you actually learn about everything right down to the shape of your fingers and expression of your soul. If you look at, how big is my big toe in comparison to my second toe? How does my arm straighten when I extend it? Is there a little hole in my back in some area of my back? These all actually tell a story about how you perceive the world and how you deal with things. As we change, as we shift as people, look at your own face because you may notice that your facial symmetry is shifting. You may notice little shifts in your complexion as you continue on this path as though there are aspects of your body that just look different. It’s not about necessarily what you’re eating or about your exercise. It’s on an even deeper level where the subtleties, if you allow yourself to really explore them, you will be faced with these. That’s when I think you can come into the full awareness of the fact that our physical bodies are really our autobiographies. Wherever we go, we are actually speaking to the world around us through our physical body, just as much as we are through our energy body.
Where can we send people to find out more about the event?
You can visit All the details to our next even are there. If you’re passionate about what we’re doing and you have a city of people that you feel would really, really vibe with this, please do contact me. Let me know, because it would be an honor to bring this to your world and to really bring creativity and love into a space where your community can thrive as well. You can visit more about me personally at Get more videos, get more information about who I am, the African Project that I’m working with. Above and beyond just Illuminate Your Magic, there are some really great videos and some tidbits for you there as well.
Thank you so much for coming on the show and joining us. It’s always delightful to connect with you. I’m very excited about where our concentric circles are going to intersect and play with each other moving forward.
I’ve had a great little time exploring your membership site so far. I’m enjoying the articles. I’m enjoying the vernacular that’s being used. It’s sometimes challenging in everyday life to really experience people who are understanding the world as multidimensional beings constantly shifting and transforming from an energetic perspective. It’s really refreshing to be part of this community. I’m really grateful for you for creating it.
Thank you so much. I honor the work that you’re doing. Please, let us know how we can continue to support you in that.
Thank you so much. It’s been such an honor being here.
Thank you. To all of you out there, as always, we appreciate your loyalty. Until next time, go out, uncover your superpowers, and change the world. Take care, everyone.
Podcast: Play in new window