Why Personal Force is NOT Personal Power
Part of the reason people shy away from conversations about POWER is the misconception that POWER and force are the same thing. This recent incident in Arizona is a fantastic example of what happens when people choose force (i.e. manipulation, physical abuse, etc.) over POWER.Megan Welter called 911 claiming her boyfriend became physically abusive. When the police arrived they found her boyfriend sitting calmly in the yard holding a smart phone. The damning evidence on the phone was a video of Welter physically abusing him. The officers subsequently arrested Welter.
(Celebrated Cardinals Cheerleader in Legal Trouble)
While the underlying drama in the situation is undeniable, the message is POWERful. One of the most popular arguments I hear against using the word POWER in transformational conversations is the connotation people associate with the word. Unfortunately POWER gets a bad rap solely because people apply it to situations where Force is the culprit.
Let us remember:
Personal POWER is true, intrinsic strength.
It has nothing to do with inserting your will over others
or stepping on people to get what you want.
It has everything to do with establishing a foundation of inner knowing and truth for yourself.
This foundation is the only possible launch point of great service.
In order to truly help others or promote social change from a place of service
one must first traverse the waters of personal development. – TDR
Still not sure about the difference? Force is the tool people use to hide fear. When people feel out of control or a need to control they turn to Force. Those who wield personal POWER know they can never truly control others and they don’t try to. True personal POWER simply exists and those who possess it wield it with authority beyond common comprehension. It rules with grace and knowing and is not inherently abrasive.
The additional devastation of this incident is the tragic and sickening manipulation some women use in wielding the damsel-in-distress card. Nothing is more detrimental to our immersion as integrated, holistic, POWERful beings than those who live in fear intentionally using resources meant to protect solely for personal revenge.