Welcome. This is a new show on the SuperPower Up!, Mystical Science. I’m your host, Karen Elkins, and we’re here to explore science to sage.
For 10 years I’ve done extensive research in the convergence of science, consciousness and world philosophies. This new show, Mystical Science, will engage the world leaders, innovative thinkers, discussing their insights, their innovation, and their inspiration.
My intention in these conversations is to ignite the awareness of your inner mystic, and invite you to connect to your superpowers, your super gift to the world. Through the years of creating Science to Sage Magazine, which I’ve done over 60, and I’ve also conducted a massive amount of interviews with scientists behind the scenes.
Most of all the science reveal that they are their spiritual awareness, their insights, and the magical moments that they’ve had, be it their dreams, an aha moment or a download. But the interesting thing is this is not something that’s just for the elite group of people.
It is for everybody. It is the insights that we, we all get when we have these magical aha moments. Breakthroughs don’t come in books. They come in revelation. So as Jesus says, “Ask and the door shall be open,” I hope these shows inspire you to question, to be curious and trust your own inner guidance. Let’s explore.
Today our guest is Tonya Dawn Recla. She is the Executive Director of the SuperPower Network, and now hosting one of the top 1% shows on this entire global planet. During her career as a government special agent, she explored the human psyche, honed her superpowers, and cracked the code of enlightenment and self-actualization. Tonya continues as a lifelong student of energy manipulation, transmutation, clear senses, intentional molecular creation, et cetera. She believes everybody has the power to create a multidimensional existence and to master our human experience.
Her Super Power NET engages in recruiting other mutants, and now her version of it as special forces to working with the force. Today’s episode of, and the first episode of Mystical Science, is hearing the call and awakening to the mystical science for the everyday mystic.
Welcome, Tonya.
Thanks Karen. I’m so excited about your show. This is so awesome.
One of the things that makes me really curious is how do you identify mutants, with your superpower forces?
That’s quite the question, isn’t it? It’s like for all the X-Men fans out there, it’s like what’s it called, cerebral whatever. It really, my abilities really work the same way. I discovered early on in this whole superpower conversation that I just, for whatever reason, I’m gifted with the ability to see when people enter in to a level of consciousness that we call the abstract frequency. That was the words, those were the words that were given to us. When people are in that or when they drop out of it, for some reason, I can just detect that. Mutants in our estimation, are those who are willing to play in that space because that’s really where those sacred gifts, those superpowers come to life in an effective, reliable way.
You know, it’s interesting. I think I remember you mentioning it on another show that you were called because there’s an important time in the history of the planet where we need to literally move people into a higher state of consciousness. I always thought the word apocalypse was interesting. Most people think the word apocalypse is a disaster, but in actuality it means lifting of the veil. All of the different shows you have on your network talk really to the nature of how, and in one sense the mystical aspects of living don’t become so mysterious and aren’t so hidden. What has been your special tool? What’s your special toolbox that you use to awaken yourself?

Something was broken. There was some sort of flaw in my code.
I am so giddy right now that you brought up apocalyptic, and really broke that down because that’s exactly, that describes my experience exactly. I always laugh at things because Tatiana Berindei, our host for Sex, Love and SuperPower. She’s our creative director and she’s the one that really helped me understand that I reverse engineer everything. I work backwards. For most of my life, I just assumed that I just didn’t get it right. I just wasn’t like everybody. Something was broken. There was some sort of flaw in my code. I knew that I was pretty intelligent because that’s what the feedback I was getting. But it just didn’t, for some reason I always felt like, that that one of these things is not like the others. That was kind of where I fit.
In understanding that now I understand how all of this happened. My enlightenment, my awakening was, it happened in the same exact way. I didn’t know at the time what was going on. I only knew in retrospect what had happened, and what I can attribute that to, some of it’s the military mindset. Some of it’s just my makeup, is that I just kind of did what I was told. So, as this voice, the awarenesses started coming to me, my trick was, my tool was to follow the guidance. In essence it was kind of this awareness of like, “Okay, I feel like I’ve taken myself about as far as I could.” I mean, I had a Master’s degree. I was a counter intel agent. I was running around chasing spies. I’d pretty well checked some significant boxes.
I’d done a few things if you will. There was still this wanting this seeking, this hole I was trying to fill, and none of the boxes I knew about were resolving that. I was like, okay, obviously I need new boxes, which means I don’t know something. Who knows? Then all of a sudden, this divine inspiration voice came in, and I was like, well, maybe they know more than I do. It was more happenstance in retrospect, than much of anything else.
It humors me in the sense that in one sense you’re uncovering secrets in different ways. You are, instead of trying to find the spies who are having secrets, now you’re finding secrets that are within the universe and listening to that inner voice because it is, a lot of people don’t understand how the field works. I think that is an interesting part to talk about a bit, because what we consider mystical and magical and mysterious is often when we look at how the field literally is constructed. It is part of what I know you speak of as the One. How do you speak or how does it, you say it’s just like guiding voices. Is there any other insights you can give to us related to that?
Well, I first want to say, that’s part of the reason why I’m so incredibly excited about this show, is your inquisitiveness in this space because I think it’s important that we disentangled all of this. It does get really fuzzy and vague and mystical and mysterious and all that stuff. I think it keeps a lot of people out of it because it’s like there’s no framework for it. So, I love that you’re bridging this gap between mysticism and science. In fact, there’s a quote, we’re all about superheroes in our family. Thor says, on one of the movies, “You know, your ancestors called it magic, but you call it science. I came from a land where they are one in the same.” That’s kind of the answer to your question in a sense that I don’t differentiate. The divine to me, is in everything.
When you go looking for it, you see it right. Now, is that self-fulfilling prophecy? Is it rose-colored glasses and pollyannaish? I don’t really care at this point because I live a pretty freaking amazing existence. I have enough proof at this point that whatever I’m doing is working on both on a logical, realistic level as well as on a divine level. When you start merging all of that together is when you really find those holistic, full answers that everybody’s looking for. It’s when we say, well, I don’t know if this is scientific and I don’t know if we can prove this and I don’t know this and I don’t know that, that’s when we, on some level have to call ourselves out on our own whatnot because it’s our discerning mind, our opinionated mind that’s trying to keep us safe rather than exploring these worlds that make no sense to us.

Part of the trick there is quieting the discerning mind.
They seem scary. Part of the trick there is quieting the discerning mind. It doesn’t mean just take everything at face value, drink the Kool-aid, all this other stuff, which is a big fear that the collective holds. But instead of saying, “Okay, I’m just going. I’m going to trust that I’m safe in every situation, and that I can follow my curiosities, and I can explore the world.” If it doesn’t fit for me, then that’s cool. I can at least say I tried it, versus kind of this one foot in, one foot out things like, well, at the first sign of anything that I don’t agree with, I’m going to tuck tail and run. Which is kind of the survival mentality.
When you move into this recognizing that the world really does operate to your benefit, there’s a concept called pronoia and it’s the idea that the universe is working on your behalf, versus paranoia. When you adopt that philosophy, then it’s all a playground. You can just play with it. That’s when science and the mystical and the divine and all that stuff starts to make a lot of sense together.
Tonya, how do we find the whole network? How do we find you in the entire network?
Brilliant. You can just go to superpowerexperts.com and find all things there. You can take the quiz on the home page, and find out your superpowers or click on the podcast tab. So listen to the network.
Okay. With this short break, we’ll be right back.
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