In this episode, he talks about his super powers and how you can also start activating your own unique consciousness and potential. We discuss the power of intentionality, especially if several people come together with the intention of moving the world forward. Listen in as we also talk about the challenges that we all go through, and how they are valuable lessons for each of us.
Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I’m really, really excited to reconnect with this gentleman. You’re going to obviously see why here in a second because he’s amazing. Rhyn Nasser is the Millionaire Monk. Talk about treading in between both worlds. We talk about that a lot on this podcast, about how really blending in the practical, the real, the business with the consciousness pieces and the magic that gets created in that inter-space. Please join me in welcoming Rhyn to the show. Welcome, Rhyn.
Thank you very much, Tonya. I’m excited to be here from Australia. Just feeling the good vibes and very grateful, very appreciative to hold space with you today.
We love you folks there out of Australia. Actually, I met you and Brock at the same time, didn’t I?
The Wizard Entrepreneur with Brock Bowen
That’s right. Brock’s amazing. That was a great event.
That was magical. Big shout out to Rucel, one of our net members who connected us all there in that space. That was a really magical evening. Let’s get started. Let’s jump in and ask you, what are your superpowers?
One of the things, when I reflected on that question, was I’ve noticed I have this ability, I talk about something that maybe is a little bit different. I noticed when I download a book or a product, when I purchase it, I don’t even really need to read it or go over it. I just download all that information and I’m just already doing it. By downloading something around email marketing and so on, all of a sudden it’s like I’m just doing that thing already. It seems to work better when I actually purchase the program or purchase the thing. I don’t even really need to study it. It’s automatic. I get the energy of it and I’d find that I can tap into that person’s consciousness or field and that is just expressing through me organically and naturally.
That’s been a really great little hack. There’s things like with my Qigong practice, obviously healing, kind of like reading minds, tapping into universal insights that are just outside of my own consciousness or the field that I’m tapping into as well. I think my ability to drop in to emptiness to transform or shift energy in any space that I’m in has got me out of some really intense situations. I used to live in China, training martial arts full time. My ability to transform very heated situations, they don’t seem to arise in my field anymore but when they do, I’ve got an ability to just, just like magic, shift the consciousness in the energy of the space to bring harmony and peace.
I found that that’s been one of my magic powers that I’m not even, it just happens around me. I’m not actually trying to do anything. These magical things just seem to self-organize around me. It’s just nice to sit back and be grateful for it and appreciate the flow.

Millionaire Monk: These magical things just seem to self-organize around me.
That’s very cool. That technique you’re talking about, I actually interviewed my husband, Justin, who you also met, on, we call it intelligence transference. What’s really cool is one of the things we’re fascinated with here at Super Power Experts is how to take level one superpowers and then challenge ourselves, what would a level two be, what would a level three be?
What we’re seeing with intelligence transference is this impact that you’re able to do for yourself, the level two of that would be to be able to take that and actually give it to somebody else without first synthesizing it in yourself. But really, truly just being able to take information from over here and move it somewhere else. I’d imagine you’re already starting to do some of that. I love to call those things out and to say, “Hey, let me tell you, this has a name, this is what you’re doing.” Because it starts to make it normalize in our society. More and more and more people then can access it. I love that you were talking about that. I love that we actually have a name for it.
I think that’s so cool. Another thing too is being able to tap in to whatever that thing is and transmit it into anyone or anything. What I’m so excited about is, I just love you and what you’re standing for because you’re normalizing all these capacities that even I’m noticing myself that we just seem to play down. We don’t even have the conversations about them. This is just opening up so much more for me right now. There’s this and there’s that, there’s all these other things. I’m just very grateful. I think that’s awesome, what you’re doing.
It doesn’t matter what it is but I can transfer that energy and actually transmit it, because I live with all these different so I learn how to transmit. Whatever the thing is that I want to transmit to someone, it just happens with touch. It’s just right across. Particularly if the person’s willing and ready to receive it and it might just happen when you’re in my field, those potentials will start to activate in people’s worlds, whatever that is. For me, it’s like activating your own unique consciousness and potential, whatever those magical qualities are.
Hopefully in this call, this is a result of that. People will go home and start noticing different, their unique potential and capacities starting to awake in alignment within themselves, just because they’re in our field. That would be my intention or wish, for the audience to be aware of that. What after this call are starting to activate or awaken within you that is cool? Really just acknowledge that and then play with it. Be one with it and just be curious, just like a child is, and see how that unfolds within you. Then, use it for whatever good you want to create in the world.
I love that. It really taps into the whole premise behind the network of evolution or transformation as our membership base. That’s exactly what I tell people. When we come together with the intentionality of altering consciousness or moving the world forward or however we want to phrase it, exponentially we’re more powerful. It’s like one plus one equals 50, and 50 plus 50 equals 5,000. It’s operating off of principles that have been talked about forever. Even Jesus said, “Where two or more of you gather in my name, there also will I be.” It’s just as simple as that.
I love the fact that you’re noticing that when people come into your field, there’s that impact. Look at what we can do when two of us come together or when five us come together with that said intentionality. It absolutely does starts to alter things. I field a lot of questions around, “Are superpowers are really real or aren’t you just making all these stuff up?” The way I handle that is, we’re always making it up. You’re creating whatever you want anyway, so you might as well be conscious of it and you might as well choose something that sounds fun, as opposed to the opposite.
At the end of the day, let’s say I am wrong and we all drank the Kool-Aid and we all got sold this bill of goods, the worst at the end of the day that could possibly happen is we led a really fun life. There’s really no downside.

Millionaire Monk: One of the worst things we can do when we transfer into adulthood is we just shut off our imagination.
I’m with you 100%. I think one of the worst things we can do or what we do usually when we transfer into adulthood and the constructs of society and everything that push down on us is we just shut off our imagination. I think being able to just always know that that’s there and to enjoy our imagination for what it is and what it can create and what it can generate in our life, it’s there. Whatever you want to imagine, it starts to show up in your life. I just think, dare to imagine exactly whatever it is that you want and then align your emotions with that image and frequency. Be one with what it is that you want create, and then surround yourself with like-minded people like yourself.
Those things just start to show up. Those experiences are very real. This is basic stuff, but it always comes back to the basics. We create whatever we want. Our environment definitely stimulates our potency and our magic and what we can manifest and actualize in our lives. It just makes sense to align yourself with people that are supportive, that want to contribute to what your purpose is or your vision is, want to help elevate you to your highest potential. Even if it doesn’t work, it’s just more intelligent to be with people that are like that anyway because you’re going to live a happy life, live a joyful life. That’s just going to activate so much more of your human potential.
I’m 100% for it. I just think it is totally normal. I remember growing up as a child, there was a moment when I was about six years old and I was sitting in my mom’s room. I was thinking about a banana. I don’t even know this comes up, but this banana manifested in my hand. I remember just going out and telling the family about what just happened, I have this banana. They just didn’t acknowledge it or recognized it at all. I think at that time, out of my potency was a little bit like, I think I was lucky where I didn’t take criticism or judgment too harsh.
I think if your children are tapping into some of these qualities, then just encourage her. Even if you don’t understand it, just allow it to be. Allow them to channel their natural genius into what they can actually do and create in the world. I grew up in a small town, so I can understand why that would be a little bit like, “Are you sure that actually happened?” I remember I used to see energies and beings when I was younger. I remember tapping into a deep meditation when I was eleven because I was talking to people about what I’m seeing. I guess, they knew it was real but didn’t really want to acknowledge it, at least in the area that I grew up.
I went into this deep meditation and I just turned that off, that switch off. I’ve done a lot of work to reawaken that. It’s really based around what you want in your life. What do you want to create? What do you want to see more of? If you don’t want to see something, turn it off. If you do want to see something more, then turn it on. Always have the integrity and always nurture your awareness around your gifts and what you want to generate and create in the world, so you can then go out and generate and create exactly what you want.
I love that so much. There’s so much synergy there. I remember the distinct moments in time when I turned it off or turned it down. I’m just really grateful to be in a spot where enough people are willing to play. I said that when I built this model, I said, “I really selfishly just want more people to play with in this space.” I’m starting to see that happened in droves now. It’s so super exciting. But it takes some of us, I’m speaking to all of you who are listening, because the people that we attract are the ones who are doing it first in their environment.
It’s important that you know that while you feel alone and you don’t see the road map, you’re not really sure what you’re doing, you’re not even sure if it’s possible, you are alone on your path, you’re the only one who can really walk your own path. But look to your left and look to your right and know who your allies are because you are supported. There are others doing what you’re doing, they’re just not doing it in the same way and perhaps not where you are. That’s going to change. We’re all creating social proof around these concepts. As we do that, more and more people converge into those spaces. For now, it’s taking some of us pioneering that and being the weird person in their group and always the one that’s pushing the envelope and always the one who’s saying, “Maybe this is possible.” Those are our peeps. We can support you in that.
I also want to call out something. Rhyn, you mentioned as an aside, this is basic information. I’m so glad that you said that. It is the most basic of information because it’s the most natural place for us to exist. The challenge is it seems like we all go through this process of being totally unaware, then being hyper-aware and being just being. When you get to that just being part, it feels very similar to where you started, but it’s in wisdom. Now, it is in knowing this.
In that hyper-aware space, we really want things to be super complex and mystical and magical. We want our guides. We want these beings to come and appear to us and tell us information. We want to channel, we want to look at the universe and see all these different aspects and elements and talk about UFOs and whether or not other beings exist. At the end of the day, you get to a space where you’re like, “Of course they do. How could they not?” It just is. There’s no more drama around it. Now, it’s just how you choose to play with that information.
I think a lot of folks hit that spot and get really disenchanted. They get a little let down where they feel like there should be this big climax that occurs. I know that we attract a lot of folks sitting in that place, they’re waiting for the gates to open up and angels to sing, Halleluiah and announce that they’ve arrived. Really what happens is you realized you were there all along. It’s very anti-climactic. But I’m telling you folks, the beauty really starts on the other side of that. Getting okay in the fact that it just is, is when you really start to create the magic.
Stay the path, stay the course. Look at those pieces of apathy and indifference and sadness that come up in you and a let down, own that and then ask what’s next. Then ask, “What can I do with it? What was the purpose? How did I get here? What did I want to do with it? What do I choose?” I think Rhyn, for folks like us who have experienced that move beyond, it’s important for us to say, “Look, there’s something on the other side of it.” Because I know that would have been really, really nice when I got there. I would have really liked for somebody to say, “Guess what?” For whatever reason, I just choose to be the one that perseveres through that without that guidance on the other side. I think a lot of people won’t move through it without those affirmations.

Millionaire Monk: Just learn to surrender and be okay with what is.
I think what’s important on that as well is just to let go of any expectations you have around it, and then you’re going to generate and create so much more, because there’s no limitation that you’re putting into the field or universe, whatever language you want to use. If you’re at that stage or whatever stage, just be okay with whatever is going on. It’s standard Buddhist belief as well, just be okay with what it is. Let go of that construct or that limitation or that expectation that something should happen because then that’s like a limitation in itself. Just learn to surrender and be okay with what is.
I think another thing that came up too is just regardless of whatever level you’re at, just really work on your appreciation for what is right now. You’re only going to magnetize more of it or just enjoy what is. It doesn’t need to be anything more or less than what’s going on. When we find that space, that’s where the magic starts to show up. It feels really right, and it doesn’t really matter what happens.
For me, I look back. I think everyone is the same. We look back at the moments that we’re challenging or hard and to the best moments that are ever there. To me, I’m just really grateful and I’m like, “Cool, what is this generating for me now that I’m not even aware of?” I think after a while, we let go of the labels and we just enjoy being, and that just enables more space for everything to show up. We’re not trying to tell the universe what we want, even though I know that we want to predict and create what we want.
There’s also the paradox and just allowing things to be so things can just show up organically, and just trust that there’s this universal flow or this guidance. Sometimes just keep letting go until you’re aligned with that. Once you’re aligned with that, you’ll feel like a flow of energy come through and you’re like, “Wow, I’m in the magic right now.” It may pass. Remember the first time for me, it passed quickly, but all you want is the taste of that. Whenever that shows up again, I’m going to be more aware and I’m going to be more present to it. Again, don’t have that attachment and just flow with the idea or be an invitation to it.
The more that you’re in that space, you’re noticing that you’re generating. Sometimes it might feel like your life is falling apart. But if you haven’t been living in your truth and all of a sudden you’re aligning with it and it just feels like everything is falling, be okay with that because often that’s falling into a greater foundation. That’s totally okay.
It might mean friendships get erupted a little bit. It might mean that you might lose some things in your life. If it wasn’t aligned with where you’re meant to be, then you’ve got to trust that something higher is manifesting for you. Be okay to let go. It’s hard to let go of our ego and our plans and what we want to create, but I’ll tell you, when you do, the ego is such a small part of who we are. If we can surrender that ego, a greater flow of energy comes through us, and then things do self-organize and that greater plan will arrive. But we’ve got to be willing to have that courage to just let go a little bit more sometimes. It’s a paradox. We need to generate it to create it but we need to be willing to let go of it as well.
I call it playing 100% all in and being 100% detached simultaneously. It’s a definite art. It’s funny because I advise a lot of our folks who are new to the entrepreneur game or starting a new venture, I’m like, “Enjoy it. You’ll never get the startup phase back again for that particular business.” It’s like dating. You never get another first kiss with that person. I’m learning, both of our businesses are in this emerging space at this point in time, this growth phase, it’s like you wistfully look back. “Wow, startup was fun.” Not that these aren’t fun phases but they’re just different.
I know that, for me in particular, a lot of times I don’t appreciate something until I’m on the other side of it. I’m working at appreciating it more in the moment. That’s why I give that guidance. “It may be hard and it may be rocking, you may not know exactly what you’re doing but enjoy that part of the process.” That’s the magical, what do I want to create here phase of things. You can really have that in everything when you look at it from that perspective.
I like that you said the self-organizing piece of the universe. Prior to the recording, you and I talked a little bit and found synergy. I just want to plant a little bit of a seed. I really do want to have you back on the call. I want to flush this out even more. I want to identify for people, I talk a lot on the show about the abstract frequencies and where the material world frequencies match up. If you stay in that abstract, if you can really embody it, then the material world frequencies, like money and relationships and businesses and stuff, really have no choice but to meet you in that space. Rhyn and I discovered that. Is it Qigong philosophy or did you pull it from somewhere else?
Yes, Qigong. I lived in China. I think I was there for seven years. Four years of that was full time training, living with monks, Taoist masters, Shaolin monks. I was practicing in Australia before, something awokened in me and I was just like, I had to follow that. I just knew that I would regret it if I didn’t. I literally sold my house, and had all the things that society said that we need. I was twenty five. I was successful. I had my house. I had this amazing career. I was doing very well with it. I had a girlfriend. I had the picture. I had the game plan, and my property portfolio was building.

Millionaire Monk: Qigong for me awoken a relationship with the universe that’s been really deep and meaningful.
Through Qigong, I awoke something up and deep that it was like, this material stuff does not matter, I’ve got to go follow this. I ended up selling my house to support my training and everything while I was over there. Qigong for me, everyone will find their own way, but for me that’s been something that’s awoken a relationship with the universe that’s been really, really deep, very, very meaningful. It has enabled me to relate with all things, because we’re all one. That energy work or energy mastery or that connection to that that expresses through me just allows me to have the greatest synergy with all things, and enables me to see the good and the bad and the bad and the good, and just not have to even worry about whatever that is. Let go of the label and just enjoy life.
I really feel if I was at the end of my life, at least at this level, and if someone asked me, “What’s the secret?” I would say, just enjoy the good and the bad equally because it’s really just all the same. Don’t get caught up in the label of it, just enjoy life. I think that is basic. Everyone can get caught up in everyone else’s ideals and what we should be doing. We lost the connection to self or we start to stray away from our own knowing and our own truth and it gets diluted in society’s dogma, whatever you want to call it.
Fine, just come back home to who already are. Your destiny will be revealed. Your purpose will be revealed. It’s always changing and evolving as well. I feel like I’m there some days but then other days I’m like, “Okay, it looks like it’s just another layer that I removed,” and being okay with that transformation, that shift within. If you’re at the very beginning, just enjoy the journey and reach out to people like Tonya. Just know that these people are there to support you with your journey as you grow.
I really love the synergy and all of that, and just the peacefulness of when you start to describe it. I know for me, my journey wasn’t that peaceful at times. I felt very agitated, I felt very pulled. I even talk about that, that I just had this sense of urgency to get somewhere at a particular moment in time. That’s really what drove me.
For me, it wasn’t until I got there, whatever that mystical, magical there was, that I finally realized that I’ve gotten there. I talk a lot about climbing up your mountain, the hero’s journey in mastering your own personal power. Then as you get closer and closer to the top, that’s when people start asking, “What now? What’s after this?” That’s when, in my opinion, the superpower conversation really gets to unfold, and how are you going to use that journey that you went on out in the world. Then we start walking back down off the mountain on the other side and come to do the work.
The tools that we gain in that journey are what enable us to go back out into the world and do our work, and be in the world but not of it. Otherwise, if you don’t do that journey, you’re trying to operate in the world and you get consumed by it. It really is part of the process. For those of you listening, if you don’t feel like you’re always at peace with that and surrendering to that, know that I didn’t always either. The journey felt very agitating at moments. I know now that that’s because that’s what I want respond to. Things are fine if things are good. I don’t really move. I’m not that intrinsically motivated if things are great to take action. That’s why a lot of us use money as a catalyst in this lifetime.
It’s like if you had achieved financial freedom and wealth early on, you probably wouldn’t have persevered to discover things about yourself. If that’s true of you, just own that and know that that’s just a tool that you use to nudge you in the right direction at times. I love incorporating what Rhyn’s talking about because in retrospect, it could have been easy. It could have been smooth and serene and free flowing. I just chose not to make it that, but it’s always choice. You can go about it that way. I encourage, if that resonates with you, to really ask, “How can I do this in ease, in grace? How can I have this unfold a little bit more gently than what it feels like it’s unfolding now?” There are all kinds of different ways to go through that. Thanks for that insight.
I just want to say too, I don’t want to lead the audience into thinking that I haven’t had challenging times. I think my peace is in that I’ve had some really challenging times. I remember it being very hard, but I’m always looking to how I can be more relaxed under pressure and more aware of myself. For me, that’s being Qigong, in some of the training in that.

Millionaire Monk: It’s a cycle, much like a seed, it has to break before it actually grows.
I just want everyone to know that I’m so grateful for all of those challenges and all those hardships. Also, if you’re in a startup and you’re just starting to break through, know that you are going to receive some judgment, but after a while you get to a point where you have received so much of that. It’s the greatest gift ever because it just drives you more into who you actually are and what you want to create in the world. Don’t be discouraged from it. Understand that it’s just a process. It’s a cycle, much like a seed, it has to break before it actually grows.
Just know that that’s some of the greatest lessons that you’ll ever get. Sometimes the praises can maybe misguide us in some ways as well. Some of the judgment is like a beautiful way of just self-reflecting, but don’t take it personally. Just receive it and see if there’s something in there that we can take away from it, be grateful for it. If you have to disconnect or disalign with that, wherever that’s coming from, so be it.
I think after a while, if you’re trying to dodge it all the time, then you’re not going to generate and create your magical powers and be the proponent that you can actually be. If people are going through those moments, eventually you’ll just reach the point where you’re like, “It doesn’t even really matter anyway what anyone does anymore.” You can just get on with really creating what you truly want.
I love that. Justin and I are reading right now, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. This guy is hilarious. It’s just one of those things where it’s like, he’s edgy and purposely so. A lot of it really resonates and I use it as I reflect on the journey up to this point. You have those moments where you seek the affirmations and you seek the accolades, and you’re looking for just that, “Keep going, keep going.” Then you have those moments like, “Forget you all, I’m going to do it anyway.” You really waffle back and forth. I think it just builds our conviction and allows us to break open new ground. If we’re waiting for everybody to agree with us, nothing new would get created. It’s really magical.
Rhyn, as always, I really enjoy having you on the show. I am going to invite you back. I want to see where the overlaps are on the information that I receive and how I synthesize it with some of the practices and techniques that you’ve come up with. I think there’s magic in exploring that together, so that invitation is open. Also, there are a lot of people who want to know now where to find out more about you and how they can perhaps work with you. Where can we send them?
I think maybe the fastest way or the easiest way is just through Facebook. I’ve got the Millionaire Monk Facebook page. I’ve also got a free seven day Empowerment And Flow Challenge which I’ve created a Qigong practice. It’s twenty minutes and it’s seven lessons. Just a short little potent path, a taste of some of the work that I do. If it resonates with you, great. If it doesn’t, that’s cool too. We all have a choice. It’s just information for something different, something greater.
Thank you so much. To all of you out there, as always, we appreciate your loyalty, so thank you for listening. Big thanks to Rhyn for joining us today.
Tonya, thank you so much. I really appreciate hanging out with you, being in this space. It’s beautiful to have these conversations and place them in the hearts and mind of different people in the world. Thank you so much.
Until next time, everyone. Go out, uncover your superpowers and change the world. Take care, everyone.
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