New Beginnings
As 2020 winds to a close, we feel the collective sigh as we both lovingly release it and brace for what’s to come. If only we knew last year what we know now…what would we have done differently? Would we have prepared or planned more intentionally? Would we have enjoyed ourselves a little more? Would we have loved harder?
Well, moving into 2021, none of us can say that we don’t know. Perhaps we don’t know what the year will hold or what surprises wait behind the next corner, but we can no longer ignore that our foundations don’t seem quite as stable as they once did. And perhaps we pick up on those subtle urgings from forces bigger than ourselves that suggest we may want to alter our perspective a bit. But, regardless, none of us can pretend we don’t know that, in a moment, our entire worlds can get reimagined.
In the New Beginnings IM Series, we look at how to navigate through these intricate and multidimensional landscapes while continuing to walk in the light. We learn how to honor what was while it redesigns in front of our faces to become what is all while looking ahead to what comes. It’s a big vision and harmoniously represents the full spectrum of potentiality present at all times.
The Series
Be sure to watch and integrate these amazing messages in preparation for the transition to 2021. We encourage you to use the information to create a beautiful and intentional year of New Beginnings.
In this series, you’ll:
- Learn how to honor what you experienced in the past while adapting to what is new.
- Learn how to build your existence on stable foundations that don’t falter, regardless of what the world does.
- Hear the value in receiving what comes as meaningful and useful toward your evolution.