In this IM Series all about Money Expanded, we look at the evolution of money as we move through consciousness. First, by exploring money as energy, instead of simply matter, we see how stress or anxiety about money produces the opposite result from what we say we want. Next we get more abstract by looking at what money can indicate to us when we are able to view it as a reflection of ourselves. And, lastly, we dive into the heart of the matter and look at why we must move into harmony with money if we want our visions and dreams to create impact. Join us in this series #moneyExpanded #Money #MoneyAsEnergy #MoneyAsReflection #MoneyAsImpact #consciousness #journey #impact #anxiety #energy #reflection #MoneyMatters #harmony #paradigms #stories #IMSeries #community #superpowerexperts

Money Expanded

As consciousness continues to evolve and more and more people awaken to a world beyond the obvious, conversations around money also morph. And no matter how many different ways we harness our divine abilities in other areas, until we find a way to harmonize with the frequency of money, it continues to circle back around. Money as matter becomes money as a construct becomes money as a frequency becomes money as a code and on and on and on it goes. But what is it about money that holds it up as something different, something outside the scope of spiritual and energetic paradigms? Does it only respond to physical laws or is it governed by something different? And as we process through past stories and experiences with money, what develops in alignment with our intuitive and inspired visions?

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The Series

In this IM Series all about Money Expanded, we look at the evolution of money as we move through consciousness. First, by exploring money as energy, instead of simply matter, we see how stress or anxiety about money produces the opposite result from what we say we want. Next we get more abstract by looking at what money can indicate to us when we are able to view it as a reflection of ourselves. And, lastly, we dive into the heart of the matter and look at why we must move into harmony with money if we want our visions and dreams to create impact. Join us for the impactful series about the many facets and intricacies available when we play with the expansiveness of money.

In this series, you’ll:

  • Learn the difference between viewing money as energy versus money as matter
  • Hear how the consciousness journey moves us through a natural evolution with money
  • Discover ways to tap into the frequency of money to create more impact