The Frequency of Money
Following on last week’s message of Render to Caesar, this week we look at the frequency of money. By attuning ourselves to different frequencies, we start to understand that what we perceive of as material objects in the projection are energetic in form. From there we can discern the difference between looking at money as an object versus a response to specific energetic stimulus. Embracing this construct allows us to perceive of ourselves as attracting versus repelling the frequency of money. Combined with the clear guidance of inviting spirit and light into all areas of our lives, we can begin to see the path to financial freedom evolve clearly in front of us. If you’re ready to elevate to the frequency of money, don’t miss this message.
Podcast: In God We Trust
Podcast: Aligning with the Divine
Podcast: Soulful Money Matters
Podcast: Money’s Spirit Energy
Article: The Eye of Providence: The symbol with a secret meaning?
Step 3: Super Power Programs