Render to Caesar
As we venture into our series on finance, we’re going deep into the archives for guidance regarding how God views money. As the story goes, when the Pharisees tried to corner Jesus into committing heresy by asking him for his stance on taxes, he replied with some form of, render to Caesar what is Caesar’s. In this message we explore the spiritual significance of what was shared and go beyond the obviousness of the response. We specifically dig around for nuggets of wisdom that address many of today’s financial concerns. Be sure to watch this first message of the In God We Trust IM Series and walk with us through this beautiful journey into the money gift that God invites us to receive.
Podcast: In God We Trust
Podcast: Aligning with the Divine
Podcast: Soulful Money Matters
Podcast: Money’s Spirit Energy
Article: The Eye of Providence: The symbol with a secret meaning?
Step 3: Super Power Programs