God is Fluid
In this current era of redefinition, reimagining and recreating realities, we’d be remiss to ignore the incredibly obvious writing on the proverbial wall crumbling around our feet. If we don’t find a way to move beyond strict separations based on social identities, we don’t stand a chance of moving forward together. This includes perpetuating a perspective of prejudice about divisiveness itself. This sounds almost contradictory, but the desire to form an opinion, then gather the facts around us in support of that opinion is inevitable. This is how we create, until we realize there’s a different way. There’s no way to circumvent this rather natural occurrence from being used to create further divide, unless we use it to bring us together. And that first requires each of us to see our-self, others and God themselves as they are. Our-self, as in singular, others, as in plural. God, as in singular, themselves, as in plural. If we’re not careful, the mind starts to fill in assumptions, biases and arguments almost instantaneously when it gets shaken out of complacent thinking. When we guide it to look at something it hasn’t seen before and/or makes it uncomfortable, it overlays the words with intent that feels more comfortable or known. This is a trap. This is a temptation. Only by exploring spaces that seem uncomfortable are we able to move beyond what we know. And that requires fluidity.
The Series
In this incredibly abstract and challenging IM Series, we entertain the notion that God is Fluid and God are fluid. We recognize and explore the undeniable truth that the entity, essence, element from whence we all came exists beyond even our most abstract comprehension. And it follows that the entity, essence, element of the divine within each of us must also exist beyond our most abstract comprehension. So how do we know ourselves, others and God? We willingly look beyond, into and through, the spaces we can’t currently see. We dive into the abstraction and invite God to reveal themselves. We become fluid.
In this series, you’ll:
- Explore self identity development from the concrete to the abstract.
- Discover how to find God in yourself and others on the path to loving God and others.
- Learn the power inherent in expanding your consciousness beyond your current limitations.