From Expression to Experience
As an inevitable part of the evolutionary transformation process, we begin to realize that we do, truly, create our reality, but perhaps not in the way we thought. For sure thoughts become things, but not until we tend to a few other details, including our energetic expression. We connect and communicate within ourselves, with others and with the world on four basic energetic levels: mental, emotional, cellular and vibrational. What we express on each of those levels dictates how we experience the world and others within it. But how does this work, exactly? That’s what the latest IM Series breaks down to an understandable construct so we can start working with it in our families, our businesses and our lives. And we start at the beginning with: the word.
In the first message of the IM Series that explains the path from expression to experience, we explore the power of words and shared vernacular. This opens the door to bringing others into our creative spaces and visions. This is especially important in coupling, family relating and organizational interacting. From sharing words we move on to the emotional expressions that fuel those words. How do we feel about what we’re thinking and what we’re saying? And then we travel to a space few dare to tread, we explore the vibrations we use to energize those words.
The Series
In the IM Series, From Expression to Experience, we take you on a trip dancing between communication and creation, between structure and flow, between individuality and unity. Join us for this exciting series guaranteed to change how you look at yourself as a creator and the entire creation process.
In this series, you’ll:
- Learn how to work with the potential of words and shared vernacular.
- Hear how to intentionally fuel those words with appropriate emotional energy for the desired experience.
- Discover the secret energy that acts as a force multiplier in all creative endeavors.