Hello, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I had the absolute pleasure today speaking with Hans Wilhelm, he is absolutely amazing. He’s got videos all over YouTube, over 200 books that he’s written and illustrated some of them with Byron Katie, his books have sold over 42 million copies, translated into 30 languages. Like obviously I could brag about this man for eons. But the most flattering thing I think I can share is that he has this ability of really providing information in a way that is understandable. And the way we stumbled upon him was He even and I were having a conversation about Buddhism, and Hinduism one day and the concept of Karma came up. And she was a little confused about how karma works. So we went looking for resources and we stumbled upon a video that Hans had done on how karma works. And it was brilliant, and it was just fascinating, and it was accessible for her. And it was very beautiful. And so, we reached out and well actually we kind of dove down the rabbit hole watched a number of videos, but we reached out to see if you want to join us on the show and he graciously agreed and so I’m really excited to share him with you today because he has this art of making the spiritual realm accessible. And that is for sure an art. And so please, join me in welcoming Hans on this show.
Welcome, Hans.
Tonya, thank you so much for having me. It’s an honor and a pleasure to be with you.
Thank you. Definitely. The feeling is likewise over here. So we jump in. First of all and ask, what are your superpowers?

The power I have is of a much higher source.
My superpowers. Well I believe I don’t think I have any superpowers on my own. Any super powers that I have comes from a much higher source.
And I can’t even lift my little finger without that source. Any kind of power I might have or whatever it is, is not my power but it is lent from a Higher Source, and I enjoy it and I use it for bringing more light, and joy into the world in my humble ways of writing, illustrating, and whatever else I do.
So, I’m using that power which keeps me alive and hopefully, I can spread some joy.
Oh, that’s beautiful, and you certainly are being humble because the work that you do is nothing short of magic. But I really appreciate, and honor what you’re talking about. You know people ask me all the time how I do what I do and all that good stuff. And it’s you know, I tell them like really the secret is, I feel like I’m in a constant state of prayer. And you know, I had to delineate between you know, being really clear that I couldn’t do it. Like there’s no end if I get in the way that I don’t do it, you know so. So I appreciate what you’re talking about. But let me ask you this question. So, if we believe in oneness, and we know that we’re all connected, and that we’re all part of source, as we say things like, OK we know that this is of God, or this is of a higher power, or this and that, but we are that higher power as well. How do you reconcile that within yourself?

Giving is a natural reaction.
Well for myself it’s very clear that is the creator, we call him in our culture, God, and so on and there are his children if you want to say his creations. And I am part of God but I’m not God, which I think is very, very important because I think a lot of new age teaching says I am God. Because the moment I say I am God, I’m no longer responsible to anybody. I don’t have to have any guilt. I can kill anybody, can do what I want, because I’m God. Therefore, I think very important for me to realize, that I am not God, or my ego sometimes think that way. But I am not God. And that’s very important. So there is a higher energy above me to whom in a way I’m responsible, although strictly speaking I’m responsible to myself. But it is still I am not God. That’s what I’m trying to say. I am not God. I am part of God, and I am the creation of God. That’s where I find the difference. And we are all connected. That is to the all stream of God, of love, close to everything, animates everything, and we are connected with everything. I would love it into my video on my life explained but to start, I’m giving. Like for instance, we always think we are giving something to someone else etc. etc.. And Thanksgiving and all that kind of thing. And when in this video you see that because we are all connected, we cannot give anything to anyone else, because everybody else is me. So, I always keep to myself. So, the whole thing of, maybe I get something nice to use so God would see it, or something great, I can or some people will respect me etc. It’s all nonsense that falls away once you realize that we are all connected. And that the person can be that true, or the person I actually, or whatever it is, directly linked with me like the fingers on one hand. And if one of the fingers is bleeding, the whole hand is infected. So I’m getting a band aid and heal this one finger and everybody else is happy. But I don’t do this because I’m such a giving, loving, beautiful person to help my finger. No, I do this as a natural reaction. Giving is a natural reaction. It’s a general. It’s a natural generosity which we all have. Once we understand that there is no separation between you and me.
Yeah, and I think that sometimes our minds can kind of take that, and run away with it in the sense of you know, being one of the one, or being an aspect of God, or being all these things, and it’s like, like I kind of get to that place where I just go you know, I shake my head like “what?” You know, my mind wants to melt. When it goes into the stratosphere like that. Because, and I think that a lot of times we use that as a enough of a deterrent to not step into those spaces of connection. Because you know, we live in such a polarized kind of existence of well, if this and this, or if it’s not this. But it is what you’re talking about is really both. Like you are an aspect of oneness, and you still have kind of an individual responsibility. Is that what I’m hearing?
Yeah, very much the individual responsibility. That’s like the finger on one hand, each finger has its purpose. But they are all connected to one hand. And so, they all have to work in harmony to make a healthy hand, on a healthy body. And it’s working in harmony, and caring for each other is the key. It’s the service, and that service and love that true elements of our existence. And that we do when we get when we help out etc. etc.. So we do yes, we do have things that we cannot just move to the mountain and just say, everything is one, everything is happy, and I’m just whatever it is. That won’t get us anywhere. That was definitely make us fail in our tasks. We are here right where we are planted, especially we should bloom in our own very particular fashion, and however we are created, and whatever our skills on our talents are. We are surrounded by people and by situation where we constantly are challenged and helped. And I think the whole life is nothing else but a big school, and we have to learn every day to overcome certain kind of tough stuff like karma, or also go boldly into the future with some, with our talents and our skills and spread the love.
Well, I’m glad you said that because part of this conversation when I’m so fascinated with you about, is how you tackle some really, really abstract concepts and put them into frameworks that are truly assessable you know, that people can really feel like they’re touching, and playing with the spiritual realm if you will. How did you come to that? Like was there a point when you realized that was what you were here to do, that that you were comfortable communicating things in an understandable way? Like, how did that unfold?

My father believed nothing happens after death.
No, that wasn’t my plan originally. I mean I made children’s books for 30 years, and I enjoyed doing that. Although it comes out in my books indirectly, but once when on the day when my, just the day before my father died, to the least and no existence after death. I spoke to him and said, looked Dad, I know what you believe in, and you think consciousness is over when you die, but just in case that may be something different, these are the 10 things which will happen when you die. You would see this, and this, and this, and he just smiled and the next day he died. But then many years later, I was in a meeting where there was a medium, and I just was one of the first to come in and he came right up to me I’ve never seen this person. And he said to me, as you enter the door, I saw your father coming, and coming direct to me and says go into this young man over there that long ago, and thank him for the information he gave me. And it is very important. And I see now on this side, how many souls are arriving here totally confused, because I didn’t expect that they continue to live or whatever it is. And would that please make books about this, and tell people more about this. And I said, if I ever did have to share something, I would like to go with young people. Because I remember, when I was 19, 18 years old, I wanted to know all the stuff. We didn’t have the internet. So I made the videos, and I made them very short. Five, six, seven, eight minutes some are a bit longer. But for young people to really get an idea and then I usually at the end of many of the videos, I mention some books, or some movies, or whatever it is where they can find more information. So that was very successful, and the young people all over the world, not only young people, find this very helpful. Because what I do, I use my illustration challenge. I illustrate as I speak, I draw how the karma works, how it relates to the stars etc. and how it comes back to us etcetera. And you see that as I draw these things, you see how it all connected. Nothing else but connecting the dots of spirituality. And then about other topics about whatever it is, about organ donation, or whatever it is, karma, and reincarnation, life before birth, life after birth, and spirit possession a very good one popular at the moment; The Luciferian doctrine, and a lot of other things.
Which one was the one you said is popular right now?
Well, the Luciferian Doctrine. Of how our world is sort of a little bit under, not a little bit, little bit much under negative influence, and how it where it came from historically, and how it manifests itself in our day to day lives, and our opportunity not to get caught up in this meek, and having what. What I’m saying is, having and being somebody and ego trips, which the Luciferian Doctrine fits into. We are not here to get, we are here to become. That is the key. And to become is, I think the more it would past the most spiritual path. We are here for our soul. For the growth of our soul, to reconnect again, to the way we once came from. I like to I just one thing, my videos are not linked to any specific denomination or religious organization. I’m very critical about the religious organizations that it may have been on that one. So these are totally free, and anybody can leave them, or like them, or love them. I have no means to convert anybody about this. I say that over, and over again. I’m merely offer. If it works for you fine. And the test is always in the pudding. Try to apply these laws. Try to see how that works when you do this and that. And I think that’s how I got hooked on it. Because I learned about the law of karma, the law of projections, the law of attraction, etcetera very early. And I sort of suddenly everything makes sense. Suddenly my actions have total sense and so on. Everything fell into place. And that was an early awakening which I had just by the spiritual laws which I never taught at schools. And these laws are run our life most are not equally like the law of gravity, and all the other material laws. They are so strong. Ironclad laws. But as a young person we don’t learn about them.
Learn more about Hans at http://www.lifeexplained.com/.
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