Karen and Aimee of What Truly Matters join us to share their wonderful mixture of the corporate and metaphysical worlds. Listen in as they describe their integrative Super Powers and how they use them to change the world.


Hello! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I’m delighted to have with me today two wonderful amazing energetic women, Karen and Aimee, from What Truly Matters. I have to be honest, I don’t feel like we’ve known each other very long in this little sphere of the world. But as soon as we connected it was just, oh this lovely feeling, you are going to know exactly what I’m talking about as soon as they open their mouths. And you’ll see people are starting to feel it now already. But what’s so fantastic about these women is not just their amazing energy and this, they just make you feel good as soon as you start connecting with them, but they represent what a lot of folks on our podcast represented: a really integrated existence of having these really amazing super powers when it comes to metaphysical healing and living energetically, connecting with guides, and all sorts of fun, fun what not going on over there, but they’re also, you know, they are many, many years as corporate executives, so they bring all of that together to really want to help people kind of do that for themselves. They model that. And they show people that it is possible that, you know, as we like to say, you know, that it is a thing, it’s a real thing that people can do and they are the living breathing embodiment of that. And so I’m super excited to have them come on board today and share a little bit with you all about how amazing they are and some of all the work that they’re doing. So ladies welcome.

Thank you. Happy to be here.

So exciting. Oh I’m so glad. And so we like to just kind of throw people in and say, “What are your super powers?”

Well, this is Karen. And you know, I’m a very skilled, intuitive and my gifts all came in one day in Redwood Grove that was really exquisite. But one of the areas that is really refined is my ability to see specifics in people’s past lives. And I get the absolute scenery and how that is impacting them in their present life and what that’s bringing forward that can be a block to really living a fulfilled life. I’m also excellent at seeing colors and how that shows up in physicality and can indicate areas that are out of alignment.

So I can see here, then, and then they all come together in just amazingly clear pictures.

That’s lovely. Beautiful.

And this is Aimee. My guides, you know, told me that I got the job of channeling them. And I have the great good fortune of channeling a council of 12, who likes to be called The Wise Beyond Wise.

And they said that I have the ability.

I love it. That’s awesome. I think I want to use that, The Wise Beyond The Wise. That’s beautiful.

And you know, they really walk their talk. But they told me that I have the ability to translate energy into words. And so I kind of experienced their work as it comes in, in a pillar of energy. And then I open my mouth and out come the words. And mostly we’ve been doing this for many, many years now. It is a hundred percent accurate. You know as far as their downloads and every so often if I’m not completely getting what it is they say, it’s like, they give me a tap on the shoulder and I say to my client excuse me a moment they’re not happy with those words. Let me take them back and have another go. And so they really do like the channeling to be precise. And then the other gifts that I have are, I’ve worked with through all of the soft decks for many, many years. And my guides have worked out a system with the cards that allow us to very, very quickly pinpoint which of the energy centers or chakras are out of alignment whether it’s past life related what the energy is that’s sitting in there as well as, you know, we can use it for more predictive purposes. But, truthfully, too often, at this time, we’d like to say all predictions are off. The energy is changing so quickly for everyone that the guides are more interested in what’s happening now and what you can do now than what’s going to be showing up in the future.

Go ahead, Karen.

One of the things that makes Aimee and I work so dynamic is I work with the master and the Council of the seven. So we have 20 guides between us and when we do joint sessions, the transformation that happens within a 90-minute session for other people could take weeks and months to achieve. But these 20 masters just are phenomenal.

Very cool. And Aimee I love what you’re saying about the energy.

I’m so glad you that you did because it is nice to have that affirmed like we’re tapping into that as well. And one of the ways that I describe it is you know we are in this time of year that moment-to-moment existed. And once you play, once you’re playing with the frequencies at that level, it really is the only way to ride these waves. Otherwise you just kind of get, you’re getting batted around by them and even our clients, who, you know, they’ll reach out. I’ll say, OK, I have to have a conversation and I’m planning to say this and I was like, oh, I wouldn’t bother. Like I don’t, you know, who knows the interview five minutes from now is going to be different from the energy right now like you’re much better off just kind of winging it and fill it in to the energy in that moment. And I gave up planning and analyzing and strategizing quite a long time ago and it’s been very fruitful.

I know. And it feels like the only way to navigate once past these days is literally this now moment to this now moment.

I agree.

And that way you keep carrying forward full would all the fullness from being fully present in this moment and knowing that all of your needs have been met in this moment and if you just bring that to the next moment then that’s how you navigate one’s path without really having to learn how to trust the universe this lifetime and to trust that the universe really does mean us well.

I love that and then I’ve described it as you know it used to be that you know you set a goal and you devise your path to get there and then you walk the path. And I do differentiate between different vibration levels to people I’m sitting next. I think that there are people who aren’t experiencing it that way yet they just don’t know why nothing’s working. But then, you know those of us who choose to be in awareness around it, you know, the journey really is being willing to put one foot in front of the other and not even seeing the path underneath your foot and having faith that it will develop as soon as you set your foot down. It’s the Indiana Jones movie of where, like, he throws the dirt ahead of him because the bridge is invisible, otherwise.

And that’s how I feel. It was like I don’t know quite how this is going to work out but having total faith that it just doesn’t matter like, it’s simply the journey as opposed to any attachment to the destination.

Exactly. And the only comfort really is looking around and realizing that there are so many of us all in the same boat. If you just reach out and hold hands, you know, we are stronger together.

Oh my goodness, exponentially stronger you know if they put one foot, it come in all 50, you know. And it’s realizing too, you know, we kind of joke over here, Personal Power Experts, because it’s the least personal journey you can ever take. So it’s a little bit tongue in cheek. That’s how people find us. You know because they think that they’re doing personal development. And it’s not ’til they get to a certain state of awareness that they look around going oh wait a second. You know but I can’t tell people that you know until they kind of get it. And then at that point you know and I fully admit that it’s completely self-serving because I just want more people to play with. So, you know, that’s why I gather people. I’m just excited to know that you ladies exist in the world and that you’re doing amazing things. Why don’t you tell us a little bit about some of the stuff that you’re doing to change your sphere of the world over there.

Well one of the things we’re doing is through our monthly live events. It’s called Developing Alliances Professional Gatherings for Extraordinary Women and it is a business networking model and yet it is all built on a spiritual foundation.

There was a study that was done and determined that entrepreneurs are one of the loneliest groups of people on the planet because they do so much in a solitary environment. So we bring these extraordinary women together every month. And we went out on a limb and created an afternoon of four hours and you know for most business people. They are not willing to give up an afternoon that doesn’t appear at the onset to be you know really income producing. But with this spiritual component we create an absolute exquisite beautiful environment because women relax in beauty. And we have exquisite speakers that are doing business components but all with a spiritual foundation. And what’s been phenomenal is how many women really have a hard time owning how extraordinary and unique and talented that they really are. And we’ve been doing this for over two years now and the group is growing and becoming stronger and stronger so they’re bringing their own gifts and talents, strengths and inspiration out into their businesses, into their lives, into their families and changing the world in phenomenal ways.

And it just, it really touches our heart, you know, when a woman arrives and either right from the get go, you just see her shoulders come down and she says immediately, “Wow! I feel like I belong. I feel like I am seen and I’m valued.” And then we have, routinely, we have women leave in tears because of those factors that there really is, there are so many of us that yearn for that deeper connection that comes when you integrate spirit with business.

In an environment of no competition. It’s all acknowledgement and sharing and enlivening and then each individual woman lets down her defenses and you get to see this authenticity and it is thrilling. Of course it’s a lot of work to put on a live event every month. And it’s one of our favorite days of the month.

I love that. That’s beautiful. And then there are so many people that are starving for that. That’s what we talk about, with all of the, we have regional systems all over. We have regional managers and we do all of them. And that’s one of the things we talk about so much is because you know moving people out of that realm of thinking like well I don’t know how to kind of tell people about their awkwardness. It’s not that. People are starving. They’re thirsty. I mean when you have water and people are dying of thirst like that it’s an easy connection for both. The biggest thing is seeing that and really meeting people in that base of that starvation for that connection and just connecting with people over and over and over again. And sometimes, that’s all it takes. You know I joke with you I did it 24/7 like this is all I do is talk to people about their, you know, how amazing they are and how great they are holding up a mirror for them and sometimes that’s all it takes. And they’re off and running again you know but it’s just affirming that and helping them feel confident because they know they’re hearing that information. You know I like to remind people I can’t tell you anything you don’t already know. But I can’t affirm it for you. And I don’t have I don’t have your own blooper reel going on inside of me like I can just bypass all of that and just near to you you’re amazing. And that kind of helps quiet those boo-boo reels and all the self-doubt. And so I think what you ladies are doing is amazing and so desperately needed right now. What I know, you all do some metaphysical healing yourself. You want to talk about some of the techniques and modalities? We talk about the channeling, what else you all are up to?

Well the foundation of our personal life, as well as our professional life, is a technique called heart-centered grounding and it evolved out of a basic grounding and central process that we taught for years and years and years and in 2012 when you know we experienced such a huge shift in the energy the guides said that we needed to shift the regular grounding process into a heart-centered grounding process. So grounding and centering is really the way that you can fully inhabit your own body, it’s the way, of course, enlightenment happens in the body, just a reminder. And when you’re grounded and centered, you’re connected to all of your resources. You’re connected to your intuition, to your intellect, to your feelings and to the natural intelligence and strength of the body. So, in these times, where you know everything is shifting so fast and you know it’s not just energetic shifting, a lot of the times physical shifting, you know, people moving; moving houses moving jobs moving out of town. All of this is incredibly un-grounding. And so when we have a technique that allows us to access all of our resources right in the moment, right when we need it, this is a true gift, I think, to living a quality life. So that’s one of our primary techniques. We have some other techniques that we use that are the Crystal Shower, there are techniques that the guides download from time to time that just allows us to work with what is needed in this moment.

And you want to say just little bit about that, Karen?

The Crystal Shower is a very simple immediate easy tool for clearing your shopping system and your energetic body.

It’s as simple as visualizing a halo about two feet above your head and it goes out 2 feet beyond, if your fingertips were extended from your arm. So it’s a great big circle.And then you just visualize that the whole interior of this halo is filled with crystals. And your own guidance will bring in exactly the frequencies and the colors that are needed to clear, clean and refresh your physical body and your energetic field all at the same time. And then just through your breath and intention, after it begins descending and you will feel the shifting within your body and the heaviness or tired beginning to leave.

So we have a major tool box of all kinds of simple yet very, very practical and profound tools so that it doesn’t have to be removing yourself from your daily life or your office, if you happen to be sitting in one, and having to create a silent phase. I mean you can do this while you’re standing in line waiting for the bank teller.

You ladies speak my language and I’m all about quick and easy. I tell people I don’t really have time for like the 12 step program or like you have to work these like I need it right. And in that moment and it’s so funny because building this collaborative model like we built like I often times I find myself like I’m in the middle of something I’ll feel some kids come up or something come in and if I can’t disintegrate it immediately I’ll reach out to one of our other experts and be like I’m busy right now can you please go in and clear this for me like, you know, it sounds like I’m outsourcing my own energetic clearing. And it is fine to be able to play at that level and to have that sort of trust with other people. I’d imagine that one of the most powerful things that you ladies embody for the women you do events for is just, how do you do this with someone else. You know, how do you partner with it? My husband and I have always run businesses together and we co-create together and are very conscious of that. And then I’ve moved in to this model, with our other executive director, Jocelyn. And I often joke it’s like two different, you know, like I have two different marriages. But it really is the willingness to be transparent and to really grow in the presence of someone else and to allow them to hear things. So I can feel from the two of you what’s that story for women particularly as we clear some of these collective stories about competition amongst women and what it means to kind of set ourselves against each other and if one of us succeeds, that means somebody else doesn’t. And I really feel you all move mountains over there just by existing in that way. So that’s pretty awesome.

Thank you. Yeah that’s very prevalent and we’re not only business partners but we’re best friends. So we, everything is intertwined, and we are mirrors for each other, the greatest supporters and also are constantly doing healings for each other, supporting the highest level of growth.

Yeah and, of course, doing our own work. You know, I just want to say that the way that we work, you know, in terms of techniques and modalities is really we channel the energy of these 20 ascended masters through our hands and through our words.

And, you know, in a way, I mean we are just the facilitator or the catalyst. It comes literally through us into the client’s field. So it’s quite remarkable. And so Karen and I, it feels like such a gift because my analogy is like you plug the switch into the lamp and when the guy’s energy comes in I feel lit up absolutely exalted in the energy field. And of course when they leave, I’m back to being just me. But it’s the way it works. It comes through us.

You are so fun together and I love the interplay that you two have. I think it’s probably safe to say you’ve done this a time or two over and over and over again across the centuries. You’re all that’s very cool to see. So one of the things I wanted to ask you about is our listeners often ask about you know how to I do this, like I want to have superpowers, like I want to use them. So what advice would you offer to people who are just kind of starting out honing those gifts?

Well I think the very basic foundational piece is to realize that you have them. You know, we have so many people say, “Oh I’d love to hear the way you hear, or see the way you see or, you know, I want to be you.” Well, be you and you have all your own power. The difference is that we’ve given a life time to excelling in using our powers. So the very foundational piece is to have belief that you can connect, that you’re meant to connect, that your own unique gifts and talents are just waiting for you to invite these higher beings into your day. I see it often times literally that people say do I have guides and they’re sitting on the sofa just waiting to be invited into someone’s life. So starting with inviting them to be a part of your life and magic and miracle happens. So I know that that’s very basic but that is the beginning place.

Yes. For many, many people along with the grounding and centering because if you’re not in your body you are going to miss the energies that are calling your name.

But Karen is right, you know. Guides, according to cosmic laws, they’re not allowed to interfere in a human being’s life unless they are invited. And if you don’t call on them and talk to them regularly, they think you’re not interested. So they moved to the outer edge of your aura within calling distance but that they’re not allowed to interfere. So it’s really important if you want to go down this path of getting to know your guides is to be in touch with them and to know that they have different ways of communicating. Sometimes it’s with a whisper, sometimes it’s pointing out something to you. You know I have a hilarious story of, I was back in my corporate days, I was recruited by a regional manager to be his Chief of Staff. And this is many, many years ago. And I kept asking him, you know, what the salary would be and he said you know it hasn’t been decided yet and so on the first day of my job I asked him again and he said you know it had been decided that there would be no increase for me at this time. And you know I just felt so utterly betrayed. You know that this is my new boss and he’s just, you know, played a fast one on me. So I knew better not to talk about it in the moment. Then I took myself off to lunch and I had a doctor’s appointment on the lunch hour. And in the waiting room, there was some business magazine and the headline said it’s never too soon to quit that new job.

So I went back and resigned.

Perfect. I love it. That’s a perfect segway into our other segment with that Live in Your Power story. I love that story. It is, you know, life has it, “Can it really be that easy?” Like we can just, “No.” And I, you know, was joking I did another interview the other day and I was like it’s responding to this very anti-climactic, you know, because it is the most natural thing in the world is our most natural state of existence that we sometimes doubted. And so I love how matter of fact you are about that, you are like, “Oh, OK I hear that, and now I’m going to take action.” Thank you for sharing that. Is there another story you’d like to share about Live in Your Power moment?

Yes. I have one. This is Karen. And I this was my last position in structured employment and I was working as a photographer in an internationally renowned day spa and phenomenal food facility like my dream job. But I’ve gotten to a place where all I could say to myself was I’m spent. I’m spent. And I called my weekends damage control. Now I was doing my channeling on weekends. And so I was working 60, 70 hours a week and still working with my guides out. There has been one point where I had mentioned to the guides you know I need to take a break because I just don’t have enough energy to do all this. And they said, well, I meant, take a break from channeling. And they said, “Well you can do that but your life will fall apart.” And so I decided not to test that.

That’s probably wise.

Yes and I was doing both. And I knew I needed to leave this job and I love the people and there was so much I loved about it but I knew I needed to leave. I was single. I had a mortgage and some debt and I had no very, very limited savings account. This was probably about 18, 20 years ago and all my well-meaning friends kept saying well you just need to stay here for a couple more years and save some money and have more security. I kept thinking well if I could have done that, I probably would have done that. So I sat down and I checked in with my guides and they said, “Well, if you don’t leave that job you’re going to need those benefits and that insurance because you’re going to get very sick.” And I gave my notice within a week. I gave a long notice because of the nature of my position. And I asked the guides, “OK I need income and I have no idea where to get it from.” And I’m spent. And I literally slept for a month after I had checks coming in to cover for a month and then all kinds of work happened. Both places that I had been in upper management positions hired me back as a consultant. Things were happening all over the board. I was willing to do just about anything and had a blast doing everything. And then my own work. I had my own channeling and life-coaching business and then Aimee have hers and then we came together in creating, was then probably eight years ago that the two of us came together but we’ve known each other and have worked together for probably 15 years now. So it was that hearing that guide in and you know stepping into the void.

And a friend at that time gave me a card. And on the front of the card it is said: Sometimes the only mode of transportation available is a leap of faith. And I took the leap. And never could have imagined it this good, this spectacular. And I didn’t lose my home. And I created a phenomenal livelihood. So that’s living with your power.

I love that story. Thank you so much for sharing that. And that was a really powerful example of just that other faith. And it resonates reminded me so much of my similar training when I left being a government agent I was a month away from tenure from the position that everybody, you know, seeks in that world. And I was like I’m done. But you’re a month away and then and then you can always come back and I’m like I’m not coming back. They’re like ever just one month and I was like I’m done now like I have to go now. And I gave my notices up but it was like I just knew and I mean, just like you, it’s like there are those moments where you just kind of pack it all in and jump and you’re like well think other than that there’s nothing somewhere you know or something’s going to happen. And you know what a beautiful, beautiful testament that thank you for sharing it. Ladies I have enjoyed this immensely. I know that our listeners are going to want to know how to find you. Where can we lead them?

Well, our website is WhatTrulyMatters.com. And we actually have a special offer we’d like to share with your listeners. Is that all right?

So you know the name of our business is What Truly Matters Redefining Success. And we work with successful professionals who realize that their success didn’t bring the fulfillment that they expected and they realized that the reason that is so, is that they sacrificed what truly matters along the way.

And so what we have is, we have a questionnaire. It’s a really beautiful questionnaire for your listeners to take and identify the quality of their life whether at what truly matters to them, what’s missing, and then we’re following it up with a 30-minute session with Karen and I and our 20 guides. That’s a value of $200, by the way. And in addition to that, we’re throwing in a bonus of receiving our heart-centered grounding process and so the value of this package is $264. And for your listeners we’d like to offer it at only $147. And so to get that, to sign up for that special offer, it would be whattrulymatters.com/ppe-special-offer

So one more time, whattrulymatters.com/ppe-special-offer.

Thank you so much. That’s such a sweet offer. I really, really appreciate that. I know our listeners will, as well. You all are so great. Like I said it just warms my heart to know that you’re out there doing what you’re doing and it feels so synergistic with our work and what we’re doing. And I just had a vision of there will be a point in time where we’ll come together and we’ll all be in the same place. And I’m going to really enjoy that when it happens. But until then I can look at over and over and over again.

Thank you both.

Thank you. You are also such a delight. Keep doing the work that you’re doing in the world, too.

Thank you so much. So thank you for joining us and to all of our listeners, as always we appreciate your loyalty. And until next time, take care. Bye, bye.