In today’s episode, she talks about the book The Way of Mastery and how it has changed her life. We talk about bringing you back to yourself and how Jesus is here to walk beside us. We go in depth on realizing your light and to be anchored in your light.
Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I’m excited to have back on the show with us, JoAnne Palladino. Welcome, JoAnne.
Hello, thank you. It’s an honor and a treat for sure.
It’s always a treat to have you with us. We brought JoAnne back on the show because shortly after I interviewed her, I started reading The Way of Mastery. JoAnne, I don’t even know if I’ve shared this with you. I had no idea that you had channeled that text. You had recommended the book to me and I was diving into, then I started doing a little bit of research on it. It finally clicked, “Oh, that makes perfect sense now.”
Just be clear, of course, I’m not the channel of the book, but it is a channeled book. It’s very much part of what comes through me and how it shifted or supported the awakening of the gift to be a channel for the voice of God.
Talk to me about that distinction. What do you mean by that? You weren’t the channel, but it is channeled. Was there someone else who was the channel or you call it that?
Yes, someone else channeled the book. I was introduced to this book probably seven, eight years ago, something like that. The book has become part of my way of life. The practices and the teachings in it. I was in it for a couple of years and someone said, “Who is the channel of the book?” and I’m like, “I really don’t know.” That wasn’t necessarily important to me, but more the teachings. It’s the words of Jeshua.
Okay, I see now. I was totally off based twice.

Way of Mastery Hardcover by the Shanti Christo Foundation
What I feel the correlation here is that, how connected and energetically how it shifted me as a human being living my life and how I am with clients, and the power of the words, because that’s what started. When I started reading it, after a year, it laid on the coffee table. “Okay, that’s nice.” One day, there was a readiness or ripeness in me that when I started reading it, I felt the words. I’ve felt the energy of the words and then I went, “Uh oh, there’s something here.” Not soon after, He was very present with me. I’ve felt He was over my shoulder and I always kept looking behind me going, “Where are you? I feel you. I know you’re there.” It was quite a turning point in my day to day existence that continues to be woven in just on a deeper level.
I feel you. That was what was cool, is opening up that space where I feel connected to you through it, or whatever the correct verbiage is. It’s funny that you mention the feeling of Yeshua. I keep telling people here lately, “Jesus and I have been hanging out a lot lately.” It’s what it feels like. It just feels like that book is like a portal that opens you up to that relationship in a unique way. I remember texting you, I’m like, “Holy cow!” I highlighted the whole book. I read it on Kindle, so I can go back and go flip through all the highlights. Just so many real poignant and pertinent pieces of wisdom within that. The whole book was highlighted after that.
Those pivotal works that just sit with you and you just feel it in you. I felt the same way after Paul Selig’s works, actually all of them. I started with book three and did book two. I didn’t make it through book one. They just released the first book of the second trilogy at the beginning of last year. Every single one of them feels that way, where you just feel a presence within you through it. For one, thank you, obviously, for the recommendation of the book. We get the question a lot about how to marry up the consciousness journey with religious upbringing. What was your experience with that?
It was quite personal for sure, because my dad was a deacon. Early on in life, it was really mom who went to church. I did not feel connected to it. I no longer attended the Catholic Church when I was sixteen years old. As I went into my adolescence and through life, life changed for my dad. He dove into the Christian religion and became a deacon. My mother was very involved in that as well. We laughed because we called her the deaconess because what your husband is doing, the spouse is right there with them. A lot of schooling and things like that. Growing up, I was always afraid. I was like, “Oh my God, God’s looking at me. He’s judging me and I’m afraid.” It created fear in me. Jesus equaled the Catholic Church, so I was disconnected. When just the name was brought up or teachings, I just shut down and I’m like, “No, not for me.”
Then of course, life changed. I went into the corporate world and had my own life changing experience. Now, I’m becoming a way shower, healer, channel, there’s labels to put behind names, working with other souls to help them through life. This book, The Way of Mastery, again it’s a channeled book. I have it available on my website, if people are interested in purchasing it. It’s published through the Shanti Christo Foundation.
This was probably eight or so years ago. It was first introduced to my husband, Coly, and he really took to it. It laid around for me for about a year and Coly kept going, “Just open it up,” and I’m like, “Yes, yes,” because it was about Jesus. It was Jesus’ voice. I was closed down. I picked it up and read, and I was like, “Yes, there are some good stuff here,” I put it down. Then, the one day happened that I picked it up and literally started reading and I began to feel the frequency, the vibration or the depth of the meaning of the words. The chills and tears. It was emotional. How I’m with that is when that spontaneously happens within me, it’s a felt quality in the body, it’s like the soul is hearing this, not my intellect, if you will.
Since then, I’ve read the book many times. This isn’t about reading the book. Because you could just take a paragraph and just be with that paragraph. To really see, what do these words actually mean? The book is about bringing you back to yourself, that what we are seeking is not outside of us. This is not about dissing, if you’re a devout Catholic, not at all. This is just my personal story, and bless whatever you’re connected to, the audience that’s listening here.

Jesus and Super Powers: I resonate with the truth that I am an extension of the mystery, what we call God.
The teachings always take me back to myself, which allows me to find the God in me or to realize the God in me. They call it Christ consciousness. In Buddhism, they call it Buddha Mind. We could call it The Light, we could call it Limitlessness. Whatever you feel connected to, as far as the labeling of it. Truly, it’s the mystery. We always seek, it’s out there. What happens when we do that, it takes us away from what we’re really looking for, which is within ourselves. Because I am with the truth. I resonate with the truth that I am an extension of the mystery, what we call God, universal source, or we are an expression of that and it permeates everything.
It’s all lessons, that’s really what this book is. It’s lessons and teachings. In lesson twenty-two, which always has struck a chord with me, this is exactly what I’m talking about, it’s self-honesty. Is that the truest act of self-love, where the honesty allows us or gives us permission to actually be with our darkness, or our shadow, or our shame, or our loneliness, or our anger. The more we actually embrace it as like an inner child, just hold those parts of us, the deeper we allow ourselves to realize, embody and live from the source of God. That’s who we are.
The other book I had a reaction to that too was The Magdalen Manuscript. I cried. It just felt like all of this missing information. It felt like it spoke to a piece of me that was shut down, that had been disregarded. It’s got to be that woman story, the disassociation of the feminine energy within the church. All of these things. It was everything in me. I was so sad that the channeled portion was so small, the rest of the book was all about philosophies and stuff, and I was like, “No, bring her back. I want to talk to her.”
It is interesting because that story, the Yeshua-Mary kind of story and how it all unfolded, I think carries so much richness of information as we go seeking truth for ourselves within it. It’s so baffling to me. As you were talking about as a child, your disassociation with God, and I was laying that against a recent conversation I had with my daughter. She asked me one day, “Mom, can I talk to God?” and I was like, “Sure, all the time. That’s your thing to develop whatever relationship you want.” Because we have a standing rule in our house where she can’t use the word God as an exclamation until she knows what kind of relationship she wants to have with that word.
I’ve explained to her, because she hears other young people using it and stuff, I said, “It’s not that it’s a bad word. It’s that I think if you use it flippantly before you’d know what kind of relationship you want to have with that word and with the being that it’s represented by, then it’s harder to come back from that place and make it sacred if that’s what you choose to do with it.” I said, “I’m going to continue to hold to that until you feel you know what that is.” It was really fascinating. From the beginning of this child’s life, she has loved Jesus, Mary and Joseph. “Where did she come from?” Just from the beginning, just fascinated with it, and the embodiment of that.
I am so grateful for you sharing your story because I get to reflect on, from the beginning, this pure relationship she got to have with all of that. Thank you for that. I like the juxtapositions sometimes, to be able to say, “Wow.” She drove that train. That was really very independently sought and created, and felt very intrinsic, like it was pre-ordained on some level. She came in with that or those ideas or relationships. It was really fascinating.
With some parts of this, and it’s showing up here as you’re sharing the story about your beautiful daughter, who’s quite a soul, by the way.
Thank you.
It’s the images of living in that time, what has shown up for me and images and dreams of living in the caves, like we were the women in the caves, followers of Jeshua. Especially now, the children that are coming in, that the veil continues to be thinner and less. It continues to have that thinness that they feel the energy, or yes, they could have walked beside. There is more and more of that. I smile when I say this, when I work with clients, it’s not uncommon when Yeshua shows up. That’s what The Way Of Mastery is too. He is here to walk beside us. Again, it was always putting him on the pedestal. He’s the ultimate teacher of our potential here. He embodied it and showed us.
If you abide by biblical representations, that was even depicted biblically, “Even greater things than these you also shall do.” It’s so funny because that’s where He and I have really have been connecting a lot. Okay, where did we miss that message? I can feel the frustration of working with the disciples and be like, “Just talk about it already. Just be it.” He’s been a good pal here lately with regards to just having patience and compassion, allowing the message to sink in and the awareness and the development in everybody’s own given timeframe, and still prodding and pushing and encouraging forward. It’s been very delightful.
I think I can say with a high degree of certainty that it was the introduction, the reading of The Way of Mastery that opened that up for me. For sure, we could have found each other some other way again also. That’s an easy portal. That’s an easy way to do it.

Jesus and Super Powers: What an opportunity it is for us to be anchored in our light, to really support the awakening on the planet.
This book and the teachings, especially now in life, it’s an opportunity. He calls it The Light. Extend your light. Realize your light. What an opportunity it is for us to be anchored in our light, to really support the awakening on the planet. To have that domino effect in the density and how the fear has been kicked up, and how the shadows have been kicked up during this time. Inauguration is happening on Friday. The Women’s March is going on. It’s an opportunity for us to truly walk the walk. Be the teaching that we’re extending. Of course, for me, I’m extending it to myself, but to those that I work with, to be the model, to be the anchor. I see it that we’re beacons. We’re the lighthouse, if you will. Just have it extend out in the midst of the chaos and not waver.
In the work that I do, a lot of it is reminding people or don’t. Be in choice, and take responsibility for that choice. Recognize that are consequences either way. I see a lot of people here, with the chaotic confusion that’s going on, really getting lost in, “What am I perpetuating? What am I contributing to? Is it really getting the results that I want?” Again, I take it back to our daughter. One of the things that we say to her is, “How do you get what you want? Is what you’re doing in alignment with where it is you say you want to go? If it’s not, then change it, choose something different.” To continue to choose the same thing and get upset about the consequences, as what Einstein said, that’s the definition of insanity. I do see a lot of abdication of responsible choice making, decision making, in regard to even just how we choose to emanate our energy.
In the book, one of the things that I had highlighted, it says in there, “Have you ever had the feeling that you are putting more energy into staying constricted than you are into allowing expansion?” I tell people all the time, it’s not that the journey is that difficult. It’s actually the easiest thing in the world to be in this space. It’s the challenges in making the choice to do it. Once you make the choice to do it and start walking the trajectory, it’s like you’re ripping off the layers of difficulty. As opposed to when people think, “It’s always so hard to do it.” I’m like, “Being that isn’t difficult.” That’s how we’re designed. It’s getting rid of everything that’s not that that tends to cause people challenge.
When I work with people, beautiful souls, at times when I share things with them, it’s not necessarily new to them and they shake their head, “Yup, yup. I know that, I know that, I know that.” The question is, knowing is one thing, but then what do you do with that awareness? Now what? They continue to stay the same paths, things remain the same.
How I’m with this, this willingness, the word that has been coming up over the past number of months for me and sharing it with others, it’s the devotion to ourselves. Am I devoted to truly enlivening and enriching my life through love and choosing differently. How devoted are you? I make the pie, a round circle. If we look at that as a 24-hour time period a day, how much time in that day are you devoting to your well-being, to your sacredness, to your worthiness, to extend your gifts in a way that you no longer judge yourself or criticize yourself.
In my language, I talk about managing your frequency and making sure that you don’t drop your antenna down. We just have different languages, which I love, which is part of the reason why I invited you back on the show, so we can show the different perceptions, but we were guiding towards the same space. If you sit in a low frequency for half hour, you just created the next three hours of your existence. If you went wallowing for two days, now you just created the next two weeks. Some of my clients, I’m like, “Do you want to keep going? We could go for another half hour and we can create another three hours.” What are you doing in those spaces and really calling it out and ripping the veil off of this idea that things happen to you.
Going back to your, “I know, I know, I know,” I get that ton. The other day, I had a client say to me, “I’m just really shocked that your information is so elementary.” I chuckled and I was like, “What a perfect statement.” I believe she didn’t mean it in a flattering way, but it was so perfect. It is the most basic of the information. Are you applying it? Are you doing the work with it? I’m having to go back to a lot of basic stuff and say, “This is great that you know it, we can know it all day long.” What are you doing with it? Are you impacting your life? Are you changing your existence based on that information? Because otherwise, it’s just theory.
It’s perfect. In The Way of Mastery, what I was sharing before, it constantly brings us back to ourselves. The first axiom in the book, lesson one, nothing I experience is caused by anything outside of me.
That’s’ a doozy. People will really be up in arms about that. I keep threatening to write a book called Own Your Shit, And It’s All Your Shit.
I read that and my brain got twisted. It was twisted for a while. When I started digesting it and being with it, and beginning to embody it, that’s when the shift happened. The emotions that were expressed through me, the fear and the anger, I was frozen. It’s like a laser beam.
“What do you mean? I didn’t rape myself. I didn’t ask for this.” It’s like, “Kind of, you did.”
It’s a hard one.
It’s tough.
It’s a tough raw piece of meat and you’ve got to keep chewing. Once it’s digested and embodied, that’s where you realize your light. You look in the mirror every day and it is your choice.
It’s freedom. It’s total and utter autonomy. The other day I was talking to somebody, I said, “I am the authority in every situation I find myself in.” That doesn’t mean that I overlord over somebody else, or I take dominion over them, or anything else. It also means that I don’t waver from that. There’s nothing outside of me that holds dominion over me. It doesn’t matter the situation. That doesn’t mean I have to know everything or I have to be an expert in everything. It means that I’m my expert.
It’s funny because when we started this whole business, it was Personal Power Experts and then it became Super Power Experts. It’s really tongue and cheek. Everybody is your own expert. Sometimes we need to put somebody out there first, so that we can see a model before we’re ready to step into that space. At the end of the day, when people arrive there, once they’ve digested it, they realize their own expert status, if you will, within themselves. It was about a year ago, I asked to be shown everywhere. No matter how painful, no matter how minute, no matter buried, where I was abdicating to anything outside of myself. It came up, over and over and over again. I can look at it and be like, “Do I choose to keep this or do I not?”
It was through that conviction of that piece of the journey to where I finally got rid of everything. Not that things don’t come up but there’s a way to manage those from that space. It’s no longer about necessarily just the personal journey, now it’s about doing the work and allowing the personal journey to just continue automatically as you’re doing the work.

Jesus and Super Powers: It gives me this opportunity. It gives me space. It gives me freedom to choose.
We’ll always be tested. When someone shows up or an incident happens or I’m being asked to attend something, the trigger, is like, “Wow, look at that. I’m triggered by that.” Now, I become more fascinated with it instead of reacting to it. “Wow, I was triggered.” I put a smile on my face and go, “Let’s see what this is about.” It’s not about the other person or the other event. I really allow the opportunity. I call it the pause. In The Way of Mastery, they call it, “I need do nothing.” What that does is, it brings me back to me. I begin to look under the hood, why the trigger and be with, if it’s raw or if it’s just a residual that’s to be cared for. It gives me this opportunity. It gives me space. It gives me freedom to choose, again, if you will, whether I say yes or no, or do I jump in the fire? That’s a choice. Or just observe the fire.
Absolutely. I think too, in doing the work, when you start climbing back down off your mountain and you do the work in the world, the whole being in the world but not of it at that point, you have to also allow space for it not being yours because part of the work is playing roles for people and playing this. Even though we joke about ‘It’s All Your Shit,’ if you choose to jump into the fire, now that’s your shit. Sometimes those discomforting energies can move through us. Sometimes our job is to hold those or to let them pass through, or to be an observation of them. There are clues for how we can help work with other people and all this good stuff.
There does come a point in time where I think we add that layer on to it too. I really encourage people not to go to that space until they do start walking back down off the mountain. When we start to realize we can be a pathway and we can move energy and we can be affected by other people, we’re really quick to then assign everything uncomfortable to somebody else. I contend that as you’re walking up that mountain, it’s very, very difficult to see clearly. It’s not until you reach a certain level of growth within yourself, or in my words I call it mastering your own personal power, to where now you can actually see.
Never totally clearly because we’re never completely clear of all the enmeshment of agreements and energies and what we represent, the roles everyone is playing. At least more clearly, if you will, to be able to maybe point people in the right direction or at least get your stuff out of the way to be able to hear clearly for somebody. I do find a lot of people are trying to enmesh that early on. In my opinion, that will slow down your own journey and really confuse matters because you don’t know that you can’t necessarily see clearly. Does that make sense?
Yes. I love how we’re on the same path in different language. You’re saying ‘see clearly,’ how I describe it to others is the scope of your vision begins to widen. You’re going up the mountain and it’s very narrow. The side is very narrow.
It has to be. That’s your journey.
I’m still in it. My vision just continues to widen the more I have a deeper understanding of self. It then eventually becomes the 360 vision. You’re really being more of the observer and choosing from that perspective, than being in the muck or the fire or the bubbling soup, where your vision narrows.
When you dive down and swim around in it, you can’t see anything.
Will I ever see again? Absolutely, you will. I’m saying that just on my own experience of being in it for years. “And when? And when? And when?” When there is the little descent, the cloudiness, the fire, people are then able to get out of it quicker. We’re not in it. Like, “Wow, that hurt. What are my teachings that I forgot about for a moment there?” The mountain will just continue and continue and continue and continue until is it my time, your time, everyone’s time to fully embody being of the world? Living in but not of.
Absolutely. We could obviously talk for hours about this. I appreciate you coming and playing so we can model the two totally different approaches, in languages and everything, and show the similarities and even the divergence in that. That too, I think, is important work and fun work. I’m really enjoying it. Thank you for coming and playing with us again.
An honor and a blessing to you and all. Thank you.
Very cool. Let’s go ahead and remind people where they can find you. What’s a good website to send them to?
My website is
Awesome. Thank you so much for coming onboard. To everybody out there, thank you as always. We appreciate your loyalty. Until next time, go out, uncover your superpowers and change the world. Take care, everyone.
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