Welcome to another episode of Incorporating SuperPowers. I’m your host, Justin Recla and today’s going to be unique because today we’re talking to a gentleman who’s done a thing or two and in the chiropractic realm and now he’s also doing things in the coaching realm and the business realm and this is the stuff he’s been doing this for quite a while, folks, but I’m super excited because I love seeing how people transition from one profession and use what they’ve learned to help other people in a new area of life. Today my guest is Dr. Morgan Oaks and we are talking about the synergy of success. I’m super excited for this conversation. Morgan, welcome to the show.
Yeah, thanks, Justin. Great to be here and excited to see where we end up in our conversation.
Yeah, I think it’s going to be a lot of fun because before the show we were talking about things like feminine energy and the divine feminine and the divine masculine and how that all comes to play. If you’ve been watching the show, folks, this is the language, this is the language we speak. I knew the minute that he hopped on this was going to be just a fantastic conversation. I think you’re going to be in for a treat. Morgan, talk just a little bit about this synergy success. What does that look like for you and the clients that you work with?
Yeah, so the way the framework kind of came together was just over time. You know, you keep going through year after year, decade after decade, trying to find your way and figure out what works and the synergy of success has developed over the last kind of 20 years of doing personal growth and trying to find how to live my best life.
It really is come down to three simple steps, clarity, courage, and then inspired action. If we want to make that even more simple, it’s really just listen and then step and just kind of bouncing back and forth between those two things to really move every area of our life forward, whether it’s around business or whether it’s around, you know, relationship, health, personal life. It really works for all of that. It’s about not getting stuck in one gear. I find that whether somebody’s, you know, super driven business person or super, you know, into spirituality person, you know, whatever like extreme we want to look at, it’s really easy for people to get caught in one gear and then they miss the opportunities that are available if they embrace both sides of that coin. Synergy of success
Yeah, I think that’s one of the biggest issues that we see today in society, at least American society. I don’t want to speak for the rest of the world, but at least in American society I think one of the biggest issues that we see is that we’ve got these realities that we’ve created that we’re in, we’re in these boxes. Right? Then that reality is reinforced by social media, what we see and search for in Google, and people think that that’s their reality, but they’re not paying attention because they’re only seeing what they’re searching for so it’s their own internal reality that’s being observed and is being projected back to them. Synergy of success
I think it’s easy for people to get caught up in that one perspective. I love what you talk about of like you’ve got to be able to step outside of that to see that. What does that look like as you’re working with people and talking them through stuff, how do you break them out of that single perspective?
I think for most people, and I’m a big fan of not just like inspiration or data or frameworks, but like how is this going to land in people’s lives? For everyone that’s listening today, as I’m going through this, know that whatever it is that’s up for you in your life or your business, that it will probably fall into this framework. Kind of hold it loosely and see how you might take some action by the end of our call today.
In general, I find that people kind of fall into two camps. Either they have a ton of action, a ton of momentum, they’re just really moving forward in their life. That’s kind of the American paradigm, right? We’re the Nike Just Do It society, it’s all about that divine masculine be and action, right? It may not be based on any good clarity. It may not be a direction they even want to be going anymore. They’re just in action. Synergy of success

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Now the other half is, I find that there’s people that they’re always looking for more clarity. “I need more clarity. I need to ask somebody else. I need to …” You know, there’s a thousand ways to get clarity. They’re always stuck in that place of thinking that they don’t have enough clarity so they don’t take action. You know, if you’ve never put your foot on the accelerator, it doesn’t matter how many maps are in the car. All right? Synergy
I think people either can get in the shadow side of clarity or in the shadow side of action. Once you kind of self-identify with that I think whether you’re going from clarity to action or going from action back to clarity, the bridge for that is courage. Because if you have an amazing career, you’ve been doing this for 20 years, all the numbers look good, if you’re burnt out, if you’re unhappy, if it’s slowly killing you, it requires a lot of courage to start asking questions again. Same thing about a relationship. Same thing about our health. Same thing about a place where maybe we’ve become stagnant in life, even if it seems like the stagnation is the American dream, right?
You know, you’re so right, because that is the dream, right? That’s what we’ve been sold for so long is that you go get the job, you work for 40 years, you get the gold watch, you retire, you spend 11 to 15 years of your retirement and that’s the dream, right? I think we’re starting to see a lot of people that are at least in the superpower realm of what we do is there is this mass awakening. There are more and more people awaking to the fact that they were fed a lie and they don’t have to be trapped in that anymore, but yet without that clarity, without knowing of what it looks like, because everybody in their own existence is reinforcing back to them what they’ve been doing for the last 30 years, it takes a lot of courage to step through that and start doing something different. I think you’re absolutely right.
What does that look like? We talked … Because I know stagnation, right? Can lead to parallelization because the fear takes hold, right? How do you equate the clarity? What’s the guidance that you can give somebody that maybe they’re stuck, they know they’re wanting to do something else but what drives them? I know before the show we were talking about intuitions. How big of a role does that play in helping get clarity?
I think intuition is a big part of it. You know, you and I, Justin, obviously we have limited time today. I would say that if people want more, I do have a TEDx Talk called Learning The Language of Dude and I go into seven really laid out steps for kind of defining and really stepping deeper into clarity and also share some stuff here about that.
The piece for clarity is I think a lot of us just need to slow down and listen. You know, a lot of us we have music or a podcast on first thing in the morning, during our commute, at the kitchen table. Like we never hold any space for that intuition and for that little voice inside give us those hints for awhile to actually tell us. You know, a lot of what I talk about with clarity is, one, framing it that it’s not a noun, it’s not a person, place or a thing. That it’s actually a verb.
Clarity is a verb. It’s always going to be evolving. It’s an action, you know? Clarity is enough to get you out the door in the morning, but it’s not going to pull you exactly where you need it to be. You know, looking for just those little pieces of movement. Let’s say it’s somebody that’s wanting to go back to school. You don’t have to sign up for school today. Get online, find out what it’s going to take to get some student loans, find out what schools you’re interested in and start making some phone calls. That starts that verb action of clarity in motion and then those next steps come in. I think reframing clarity is a big part of it.
Then I like to start in the morning, you know? Even first thing as we wake up, a lot of us will still hold on to some dreams, right? We know the theory of relativity, Einstein, came from a dream. You know, the chemical structure for benzene came from a dream. The sewing machine came from a dream.
A lot of us, if we can see what happens with our dreams and then even … I share this both as a high performance coach and as somebody who loves and lives my life based on intuition, spend that first hour of the day, don’t be on email, don’t be on social media, stay really present, whether it’s you know, a hot drink and a journal, whether it’s a meditation, whether it’s a walk in nature or a devotional, you know, whatever your morning reading might be. Like, allow that first space of the day to be that place where you let some magic show up, you let that piece, that seed that’s been germinating, give it a place to grow.
I absolutely love that and that that is just so affirming for the stuff that we talk about here with some of our experts and for folks. I’m going to frame it up what he just said and I’m going to put it into a slightly different verbiage. Connect with the divine, start communing with nature, talk to God, read the Bible. It doesn’t matter what, but connect with the divine because from that space a lot of you are going, “Well, I do listen. How do I listen? What am I listening to?”
It’s not your own thoughts that you’re listening to. It’s the dreams, it’s the frequencies, the abstract frequency. It’s God. It’s nature, the universe, whatever it is you want to call it, but that right there is some of the most solid and sound advice that you will ever hear on this show is just that take the morning, get into a routine and just listen, connect and watch what comes through. That right there is, folks, if you don’t take anything else away from what Dr. Morgan said today, that in itself is one of the best things that you can do that will move the needle forward. Synergy of success
Morgan, this is exciting stuff. We’re getting ready to go on break, but before we do, can you share with our audience where our listeners could, one, where they can go find more information about you and where they can go listen to your TEDx talk?
Yeah. Simple place, just go to Dr. Morgan Oaks, and that’s drmorganoaks.com. I’ve got everything there. Ways to connect, ways to learn more, links to the TEDx talk and some other things I’ve done, and so that’s a great place to to learn more and go be empowered.
Fantastic. This is super, super exciting stuff. Go take a look at the website. We’re talking to Dr. Morgan Oaks about the synergy of success. Stay tuned. We’ll be right back with more on Synergy of success.
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