The Only Relationship that Matters
What is the only relationship that matters? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla welcomes guest Peter Lawry to the show. Peter is making a return to the show to talk about Christ centric businesses and leadership. The two talk about the importance of having God in the business world, and what happens when we let the divine take charge of our lives. Tune in today to learn about the only relationship that matters.
Justin Recla:
Welcome back to Incorporating Superpowers. Today we are going to be talking about the only relationship that matters in business life. And for those who listened to the previous episode with my guest Peter Lawry today, we’re talking about God’s business. And Peter is a brother in Christ passionate about bringing God as the CEO into your business. And, folks, today you’re in for a treat. God shows up in our lives and in business in all sorts of different ways. And Peter is what he does to the world, and how and how he helps businesses find ways to connect with the world. Peter. Peter, welcome back to the show today.
Peter Lawry:
Thank you, Justin, very nice to be here.
Justin Recla:
This is good stuff. You know, there aren’t a lot of people in the world that are willing to talk about Jesus on a podcast and aren’t willing to talk about their faith on a podcast, but you and I just dive headfirst right into it. And I really appreciate that about you.
Peter Lawry:
Appreciate it, too. It’s really nice to dig in at a deep level. Â
Justin Recla:
Yes, it is. I mean, I know for me, you know, part of the show, we’re talking about, you know, relationships with God, or what that looks like, and how, how you go about doing that and integrating that into business. So talk to me a little bit more about the relationship with God as it relates to business.
Peter Lawry:
Good one. So last time, I told my story about how someone had challenged me to make God my CEO. And I just because we don’t, I guess it’s an extension of that. So for me, coming into business to actually impact the world, the way that Jesus impacted the world is one of the most important things that I can do.
And I guess that’s what I teach others in business as well. Is that there is there is a, there’s, well, there’s a relationship to be had, which actually, is kind of frightening in a way. Because a lot of people approach their faith with Jesus as a matter of kind of rules and regulations, they’ve learned a kind of a way of interacting through the things that they’ve been taught. Whereas I come at this, from the point, just the simple point that Jesus said, Follow me. So my journey is one of saying, Well, what does that look like? And what does that mean, when I actually get into business? What difference will that make in business? And I start to see that the way that, for instance, Jesus really treated people differently, is of vital importance. So you know, it’s not untypical within business for us to look at people as resources, for instance, we even use the word human resources. And I don’t think that’s the way he does, I think that he views most precious precious children, precious precious individuals, to be encouraged. So when we come to a business, or when I come to a business, from the point of view that my relationship with Jesus means everything, then what I’m trying to do is face the world with the authority, the power, the teaching, the mantle, that Jesus actually carried in office to us. And therefore, for me, that impacts the way that I treat my customers, it impacts the way that I do my marketing, it impacts the way that I do my, that I relate with, with other businesses around me and the suppliers that I use, because everything about those things, is lived out from the point of view of the teaching of Jesus.
Justin Recla:
I couldn’t agree more. I and I know exactly where you’re coming from, because that’s how we take our approach to our business as well. And I think the key one of the key aspects to that relationship in business, when God is your CEO, is the fact of like, like Jesus did, right in consideration of others in every aspect of your business and who you’re wanting to talk to, who you’re targeting. What other avenues of approach need to take into consideration what you’re saying, how you’re saying it and so forth. It all matters, in the sense that business is all about relationships. And I love how you tie that back to modeling that after Jesus in the relationships he had with people. I think that’s absolutely brilliant.
Peter Lawry:
Thanks. And I guess that’s that’s an aspect of Jesus that, you know, that people connect with quite easily where it becomes slightly frightening and you start to move out I think, and this has been a real challenge for me is that, you know, one of the ancient writings of the scriptures is that without faith, it’s impossible to please God. So the challenge with that one man is, so I can’t do it by rulebook, there’s no operating manual. And I’ve been, you know, I’ve been a business advisor for a number of years. And I used to teach people a kind of set process in business. And I’m veering away from that, because a set process whilst it has value, what it does is it creates restrictions around us. Whereas if we, if we’re willing to step out into a space where we’re uncertain of what’s going to happen, and actually just ask him and expect him to turn up and meet us there because it’s his business, not mine, then that radically changes the impact that my business can have in the world. But it can be a wee bit frightening to get there. You know, where’s the ground rule? What am I standing on here? It’s like I’m standing on clouds. It sounds airy fairy. But I think it’s deeply practical. Because if we believe that all authority in heaven on earth comes from Jesus, which is what I do, then to step out with him is to step out into the authority that he brings into business, and to step out into the mission that he has in the world. I think that’s right.
Justin Recla:
I think I agree . Well, it’s also nice to know that you don’t have to come up with all the answers. Right? Like, it’s that it’s that face piece that is super, super important. And I want to dive into that a little bit further in the back end of the conversation here because I think bathe in business. If you truly want to succeed, then that’s where the magic lies. But before we go on break, where can people go find more information about you, Peter?
Peter Lawry:
Thanks. So my website is business-as-mission.com. So there is actually a mission organization that uses Business’s mission without the hyphens.Â
Justin Recla:
Fantastic. Okay. Find me on LinkedIn. Perfect. Folks, go out there and take a look at what Peter’s doing in the world because this aspect is a concept of faith and business making God your CEO. Building the relationship that matters in business is the key to success. It’s not hiring the guru. It’s not hiring, the hoping for fame and celebrity and fortune but it’s about impact. And the only way we can make an impact is by emulating what Jesus said in building relationships and then realizing that everybody matters. And there are ways of doing that in business that lead to Smedley’s success, but changing life stays with us. We’ll be right back.
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