Johanna Alper How can you reveal magic inside the business world? On today’s episode of Incorporating SuperPowers, host Justin Recla speaks with guest Johanna Alper about revealing magic and energy and bringing it into business. Johanna is an acupuncturist and coaches healers by helping them overcome their own limiting beliefs around money and business. Get ready to shift your perspective and learn how to use mysticism, spirituality and reality to build and enhance your business. Tune into this episode because you won’t want to miss the magic revealed.

Welcome back to another episode of Incorporating SuperPowers. I am super excited for today’s show because my guest is Johanna Alper. She is a Classic Acupuncturist, has been since 1981, and she is out helping the healers in the world so they can do the same. Today we’re going to be talking about revealing magic. This is something that you don’t often hear talked about in a business room, magic, right? We chalk it up to woo-woo. We chalk it up to religion. We chalk it up to whatever. 

Activate Your Superpowers

We want to discredit it. I, for one, can speak from experience in knowing that magic exists, that there is magic in the world. You just have to be wanting to look for it. So, Johanna, thank you so much for being on the show today.

Thank you so much, Justin. I’m thrilled to be here.

So let’s talk a little bit. I know we were talking a little bit before the show about your purpose in the world. What is it that you do? How do you bring light? How do you shed joy? How do you reveal the darkness with the light that you spread in the world? What does that look like for you?

Well, having been a Classical Acupuncturist, as you mentioned, for now 40 years and been meditating for almost 50, I know that the world is inherently magical and it’s about us tuning in to those forces, to those energies. In fact, in acupuncture, doing it and teaching it also for decades, I know that as healers, we’re not really doing the healing. Nature’s doing the healing. The divine is doing the healing. We’re allying with those forces. Acupuncture helps the flows go in a person so that nature can do the healing. So the divine can do the healing. And that’s where magic occurs.

Having been doing this for decades and having confidence in this, in my own health and seeing all the amazing things that happen with clients. Then when I started coaching holistic practitioners, I discovered that there’s magic in the same energies and elements that are able to be harnessed for coaching. In fact, the Chinese medicine way of describing energies is exactly also true for business because our businesses are living systems. That made all the difference for me and for my clients in coaching, because it’s not something mechanical, it’s something inherent. The most powerful forces in the world, if we ally with them instead of fighting them or suppressing them, we have great magic for our bodies, minds, and spirits.

Yeah. That is such a shift to perspective but when you can put it into that perspective and let go of the control that we think we have, the illusion of control that we think we have over our lives and trust it and turn it over to flow, to nature, to God, to spirit, whatever that looks like. Magic. That’s where magic happens.

One of my favorite quotes from any movie is from Dr. Strange and the Ancient One’s teaching him about the concept of surrender. And it’s like, “So tell me then, is it because no submit. So in order for me to control it, I have to surrender to it.” Yes. And you have to, it’s like a river. You can’t stay on the banks. You have to be in the flow, in the current and then that requires you to, every now and then a little bit of course correction here, a little bit course correction there, but you’ve got to stay in that flow. That’s what I love about what you do in the world, is you help guide people in that so they can stay in that flow. We’re going to dive down this rabbit hole even further here in just a moment. Johanna, where can people go find information about you?

Well, the name of my website is and you don’t have to be a Buddhist. Medicine is about healing. Buddha is about waking up and we’re waking up to these forces and flows that you and I are speaking about, called in different names, celebrated and practiced and revered in different ways, but it’s the same principles universally.

Yeah. I absolutely love that. Go check and look at that website. We’re going to dive down this rabbit hole even further and how you can apply some of the principles, and what those principles are, to your business, right after this break. We’ll be right back.


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