This is Justin Recla here with the next episode of Incorporating SuperPowers, and today we’re going to get raw. Today we’re going to get real. My guest today is my good friend, Daniel Ruke, otherwise just known as Ruke in the industry.
We’re going to be talking about something that probably going to piss a lot of people off, and at the same time, probably going to have a lot of people going, “Hell, yeah,” because today we’re calling it out. We’re just calling it like it is, and today we’re talking about Fuck the Gurus, and how, and examining what that looks like in the industry. We’ve seen it. You’ve seen it. Ruke sees it, and that’s why we brought him on to the show here is to talk about this.
Ruke has done some amazing work in the world. He’s extremely gifted, extremely talented. His artwork is amazing. He’s done work for the likes of Marvel, Disney, and just some really big-name brands out there, and he’s getting ready to move into a whole new area with his business and some fine art and some stuff. We’re going to be talking about that a little bit later today as well.
But first and foremost. Ruke, welcome to the show.
Hi. So glad to be here. What’s up, baby? Thank you very much for having me.
Yeah, absolutely, my friend. Absolutely. We were talking right before the show, we were kind of, “Okay, what the hell are we going to talk about?” You’re off doing your thing in your world. We’re off doing our thing in our world. Okay, well, where can we meet?
Again, this show is about uplifting people, and I want to just to call it, get it. The title of the show is called Fuck the Gurus, and there is a light in this, and this is why we’re talking about this today.
So, hit me, brother, what is… before we dive into this topic, share a little bit about who you are, what you’re doing, and what that looks like for you.
Sure. So, privately trained as an artist since the third grade. What I do today, I’ve been doing my entire life. I have been fortunate enough to take my passions and talents and actually make a business out of it. So what I do is I help CEOs build companies that honor their family, their passions and their finances. And my main company, Blink, is where we met. It’s 21 years ago I started that, and it’s been an amazing ride, and it’s spurred out several different brands and companies within itself. So, it’s cool.
Yeah, go check out his stuff. If you like Star Wars-
Well, first up, I say, folks. Your website’s still up?
Yeah, well, I put it to the Facebook, because we’re redoing it, because we’re about to relaunch the website in total VR, and right now I’m filming my collection, my Star Wars room is about 1500 square feet in my house. That’s being filmed in VR, so you can literally come and play with us. But it’s pointed to Facebook and it’s
I’ve seen it, I’ve seen it.
It’s amazing.
It doesn’t just have all the toys. He’s literally gone and stepped further and customized some of these things to create… When you walk into the room, I’ve been there, I’ve seen it. It’s like you’re literally, you hear that Mos Eisley… There’s a little, the song playing in the background, and it’s truly, truly amazing. I’m super excited that you’re going to be able to put that into a VR realm and share that experience with everybody else who wants to go and check it out. So, be sure you check it out, TheBestStarWarsCollectionEver.Com
I have that one too. I have that one too. I’m on the derivative. That’s how you own about 400 domains. But, that’ll go to my Facebook page and I am updating it with different things.
Hey, talking about your superpowers. Talk about owning your superpower. I’d say play with your toys is part of your superpowers, ladies and gentlemen, they can make you successful. Probably more so than any of the Gurus.
If you can’t play, you’re not doing it right.
Here’s super powers on success. Someone else identified this and I didn’t identify that. Someone says, “So what do you do as a hobby?” And I’m trying to think. I don’t have hobbies because every one of my passions, I turned into a business, and not even necessarily working hard at it either. So don’t think about that. That said, I said, “Well, I do have a Star Wars collection.” I said, “Wait a minute. But I have a Star Wars team that sets everything up because man, you outsource your hobby.” I said, “Yeah, if you really want to use your superpowers, you can even outsource your hobbies.” Go see what my team did.
So folks, the reason why I wanted to have Ruke on the show is just in something that we both see across the board. This is what we see in the due diligence arena, this is what we’ve seen in the personal development and coaching arena. And it’s the fact that there’s all of these gurus out there that are selling the same product, the same service, the same message, repackaged in a different way to the same 150,000 people. And we were just talking about that. Why does that happen? Why are we seeing that in the industry right now?
Well, it’s interesting because I think because we have an explosion of mass communication condensed in a single platform, primarily Facebook. And so, you’re exposed to a lot of things that you’re normally not exposed to, which is a beautiful thing. I mean, we’re high-performing experts with Facebook and we’ve taught, even you guys, right? So we teach that. That’s one of our famous stuff. And when people misuse that power or do it out of ignorance, it can really screw up a lot of people. And the ex-guru’s attitude is like you and I were talking about, I got pissed off and I started a whole community to solve this problem, but I’m freaking sick and tired of people’s dreams getting stalled out and crushed because of overreaching, and just non-experts saying that they’re experts.
There’s a saying called, “Fake it until you make it,” right? And marketing, you kind of, there’s… listen, I’m going to illustrate it, and I speak things into matter. So I bring visions to life professionally. So I know what it looks like to fake it, right? And I make things that look real and they don’t exist. So I know that world, I’ve been doing that professionally and it’s different advertising, but it crosses lines. When people are talking to people who are trying to start a business and who are very, very naive and they don’t realize, I’m talking about the gurus, the ripple effect that they cause and the responsibility that we have because they don’t want to be accountable. And they’re like, “Well, that’s not my job. And they’re adults, they can make their own decisions,” and all this.
It’s like, no, no. If you’re a leader, you have a responsibility to not use your powers. And when people use their superpowers and whether some people even recognize they have it, right? We can say for those who aren’t awoke, it could be an influence, right? You can use the word… They use their influence, whatever that means to you, use it, take that to heart. But people misuse it out of good, sometimes malice. And out of just naive. I mean, I have people who’ve said, “I can help you with that. I can do that for you.” But what they were really saying in their mind was, “Oh, I can figure that out.” Right? “And I’d like to help you with that.” What was heard was, “Oh, you can do it and you’re a revered expert, so therefore you can.” That’s two different… that’s a miscommunication, right? You got to be transparent. Not all Gurus are.
Well, and it also goes back to the concept that a lot of the Googlers feed from a selling perspective of if you know you can help somebody, if you think you know, you can help somebody, you’re obligated to sell them. And you know what, folks? That is so ugly. It is so desperate and we’ve seen it over and over and over again. And you’re right, the same 30, 40,000 people chasing their dreams, bouncing back and forth between this guru or that guru or this guru. It’s absolutely insane.
And so, I want to talk, I want to go into this a little further, Ruke, but before we do, where can people go find you?
You know what? Right now, I’m really fixated. If you want to take it to the positive,, that is our education arm. It’s where our world dominating CEOs play for our own private networking. You can get my lessons, get cool stuff there. That’s a good place.
Go check it out. We’re going to talk about that a little bit more after the break. We’ll be right back.
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