Hi everybody. Justin Recla here, your host of Incorporating SuperPowers. And today my guest is Nancy Showalter. Nancy’s been a coach for the last 30 years. She’s certified in Law of Attraction coaching, and I’m super excited to have her on the show because one first and foremost, she’s down in Ecuador right now because that’s where she spends a majority of her time. She does come back up here to the States but what I love about Nancy, is that she’s our people. She’s our tribe. She gets it, and she’s here. Right before the show we were talking about how she’s here for a purpose. She’s here on a mission, and she’s known about this since she was just a little young and just little.
And Nancy, that so resonates with me because that’s our daughter. She’s known she’s come here for a purpose ever since she was two years old. So, I’m looking forward to this conversation.
And folks, what we’re going to be talking about today is something that you don’t necessarily hear in regular business conversations, but it’s finding the I Am in the divine. And I think there’s so much of that that is left out of our society and in business today, that it’s important that we bring it back, not only in the business, but into our own individual lives. So, Nancy, thank you so much for being on the show and for setting the example what it looks like to walk your purpose and walk your path and be in service to something greater than yourself. Thank you for being here.
Oh, you are so welcome Justin. I’m very happy to be here. It’s my pleasure.
So, this a topic, if you couldn’t tell by new surroundings, that is something that we, in our household, in our business and our family, put above all else, is that relationship to the divine. But I know for a lot of people … I know a lot of people that I’ve talked to and what not, that they have trouble in identifying who they are in that. So, let’s go back to the beginning, and when did you first know? What did that look like for you in your journey?
Well, I always say jokingly, maybe not so jokingly, that I was born with a mission. And I really felt that way as a child very, very intensely. I was raised a Catholic religion, almost went to the convent, but I didn’t because I felt I had another calling. And I remember asking my mom, “Can’t you just feel the pain of the people in the world?” And she looked at me and said, “No.” And so that’s just kind of where I’ve been. And I’ve studied world religions, including the recent teachings in the 19th century and 20th centuries of the ascended masters, and love all different cultures. I’m living in a different culture right now. So it’s awesome. And then I’ve worked for nonprofit organizations for many years, was even in the spiritual community. And now I got my certification as a Law of Attraction life coach. And I’m also coaching in a broader perspective than I did most years with spiritual mentoring and coaching that way.
So, in all your time working with folks, what’s the one common denominator that you’ve seen for those that are looking for what’s next? What is that common denominator that you see?
I find a lot of that is who am I and why am I here? That’s a big thing for many, many people. And then another aspect is to overcome difficulties, painful experiences, traumas. We’ve all had traumas and challenges in our life, everybody. And sometimes people can let go and get over it, and sometimes they can’t, or they aren’t able to and need some assistance. So I’d say those two areas, but maybe the biggest one is who am I, where am I going? Where have I come from?
I love that. I was just reading something in the news lately, and it was a quote by Jim Carey. And we’ve seen Jim be a little eccentric over the last couple of years as he’s gone on his own journey, his own path and so forth. One of the things that really stuck out for me is it relates to this is, he said, “That after achieving everything that I’ve ever achieved and done everything that I ever wanted to do in life, I still find it hard to believe that I can be unhappy.” And I think that’s because so many people go through life thinking life is about checkboxes. Check, check, check. And there will never be enough money. There will never be enough time. There will always be another emergency. So how do you help people see that it’s bigger than that. The picture is bigger than just that. What does that look like for you and when you’re working with folks?
Well, I like to take people back to the beginning, not necessarily this life, but the beginning of when we were created as an individual identity. And we know from quantum science that everything’s energy and it’s just various frequencies, just like h20, which is commonly water. If you lower the frequency, it’s ice. And if you raise the frequency with heat, it’s steam. So we have aspects of ourself that we don’t see. Obviously, we of course are most familiar with our physical bodies, but we have our emotional body, our mental body, memories that we have, but we also have a spiritual self that is higher. And this is the I AM that you are introducing and talking about. But let’s start from the top instead of the bottom. And from the top, when Western scriptures talk about we’re made in the image and likeness of God, of the divine, of the source or whatever you want to call it.
And also, in the beginning was the word. The word was with God, and the word was God. Okay. If there’s one source, most people believe that. Then from that source we all come. So we’re made in that image. And when that individ source individualizes itself, it’s I AM, we can say, “I AM,” and have consciousness and awareness. Whereas no other species on the planet really can do that. They may be intelligent. They may learn a lot of things, but they’re still subject to their nature. So I AM. Those are very, very powerful words. And sometimes people don’t realize we’re given dominion in this dimension. We create it. We’re a co-creator. So when we use those words I AM and whatever we follow them with, we’re literally asking that divine part of yourself, that presence, that I AM presence to create that condition in the physical world. So, our words are very important, as well as our thoughts.
Yeah, I love it. Everything you’re talking about, I love. A lot of people that are … Folks, if you’re watching this, if you’re listening to this and you’re familiar with the law of attraction, how it works. I love everything about it, but I love the fact that you take it one step further because I think the Law of Attraction in of itself, a lot of people read the book and they stopped at, “Oh, all I have to do is think about this.” Excuse me. No, folks, it’s not just thinking about it. You actually have to speak it into existence. You have to take action and not just think it, but you have to manifest it.
I’ve got this theory about … You’re familiar with magic, right? Manifestation. We’re talking about all these. It’s magic.
The word spelling, right, used to be associated to witches, right? Because it came from those that were educated knew how to spell words and create words and speak words. And so that over time as folklore took hold was spelling, and all it was with speaking words into existence to manifest what was created. That’s how the Law of Attraction … It’s not just thinking about it, but it’s thinking about it and then holding that frequency and speaking it into action.
Exactly. And the first law of being is being rather than doing or feeling or thinking. It’s being, and that’s what this I AM presence part of us is. And it is literally God within us. Jesus even said, “The kingdom of heavens within you.” So, there’s God-
We’re going to go down this rabbit hole further folks because Nancy’s got a free gift for you. And I want to tell you about it at the end of the show so you listen to the show and get the free gift. But Nancy, where can people go find out more information about you?
They can just go to my website, nancyshowalter.com.
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