Emotional Freedom
How can we find emotional freedom in a world full of the hustle and bustle of information? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla welcomes Sallie Wagner, an Emotional Freedom Techniques coach. They discuss how mass media and social media manipulate the masses through emotional energy. As a result, many people are suffering from mental health problems or losing their purpose in life. Sallie helps clients find their emotional freedom and take control of their life and happiness. Tune in to reclaim your power and emotional freedom!Â
Justin Recla:
Welcome back to Incorporating SuperPowers. Today, we are going to take a look at the field, at the projection, and everything that you know that’s going on in the world right now, from an emotional space. You know that when you look out on social media, you look at the news, you know that you’re being manipulated in some way, shape, or form, and you just can’t really put your finger on it. Well, that’s because it’s your emotions that are being manipulated. It’s the secret sauce behind the divisiveness on social media. It’s the secret sauce behind why the media presents information in the manner in which they do because it’s all designed to manipulate your emotions.
And my guest today just happens to be well, very practiced, and very well-rehearsed, in this sense of emotions, because she is a practitioner of emotional freedom techniques and an evolved neuro-linguistic practitioner. My guest today is Sallie Wagner. Sallie, thank you so much for being on the show today.
Sallie Wagner:
Thank you. It’s a pleasure to be here.
Justin Recla:
This is good stuff. I love the fact that you practice emotional freedom techniques. This is something that, God knows, if we just all did this more often, and really tapped into our own emotions and understood them and understood when they were being manipulated, then we could do better and choose differently than we have, right? I’m, for the most part, completely off social media, because I don’t buy into the divisiveness. I don’t buy, and I can see through the manipulations, and I choose me, and I choose a different path to create my own. So, talk to me, Sally. What is your work in the world with the emotional freedom stuff?
Sallie Wagner:
So, a lot of what I’m seeing is fear. You mentioned that. Anxiety, overwhelm, and it’s because of everything that is bombarding us today. The world is, can be, a scary place with lots of real things to be fearful about, and yet, what I’m finding with the people I’m working with, most of those fears, I call them shadow fears. They’re not real. They’re things that we manufacture because of all the fear that is fed at us constantly, and shadow is not real. Shadow is the absence of light. It’s when an object comes between another object and the light. And when we shine the full light of knowledge and understanding of the situation, the shadow disappears, and the fear goes away.
Justin Recla:
I love the fact that you bring up the shadow element because that’s really what’s at play here when you look out, because a lot of the stuff that people are perpetuating, the fear that they’re perpetuating, is just that because nobody’s stopping along the way and asking, “Is that true? Is that actually true?” Or is that just a fear story being perpetrated by people who are putting out advertisements and information, just to get you to click on something, so you can buy something from an emotional place because you’ve now identified with their fear, they’ve highlighted your fear, and you have some comradery around it, and you bought a t-shirt from them, right? That’s essential, that’s social media boiled down to the basics, so I got to ask Sallie, how do emotional freedom techniques work? What is the process?
Sallie Wagner:
And you hit on it earlier when you said tapping into something because it’s sometimes referred to as tapping, needleless acupuncture. It’s based on those energy meridians in the body, just as acupuncture and acupressure are based on those, without needles though, and we tap on those meridian points. We incorporate specific words to resolve emotional issues. I call it to mind apps, paradigms, and when we have those things inside us because we store energy and emotion in our bodies and in our psyches, it’s all energy, and when it’s out of balance, out of alignment, then we tend to react rather than respond to things that come at us, and so, we get triggered.
When we can use techniques like EFT and NLP, we can bring it down a few levels. We can get rid of that extraneous stuff that’s floating around, and then, we can actually manage and respond and not be lured into all of this fear baiting and everything else that we see going on around us.
Justin Recla:
And so true. I want to dab down this rabbit hole a little bit deeper on the back side of this conversation, but before we go to break, where can people find more information about you?
Sallie Wagner:
On my website, salliewagner.com.
Justin Recla:
Fantastic. Folks, go take a look at Sallie Wagner’s site. Go take a look at what she’s doing in the world, the emotional freedom techniques that she’s using and we’re talking about today on today’s show, and until then, as you’re listening to the show, if you’re looking for a community to tap into and be a part of, go check out superpowerexperts.com. We’re an inspired community where we bring these kinds of concepts and stuff to life as we highlight those that are doing this work in the world. Stay tuned, we’ll be right back.
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