Welcome to another exciting episode of Incorporating SuperPowers. I’m your host, Justin Recla today we’re going to dive down the rabbit hole and talk about legacy solutions. My guest today is very much a kindred spirit. He comes from the cyber security realm. He’s been in visits with his wife for quite some time and we’re going to have a lot of fun expanding up the universe here today in the business realm, because what we’re going to be talking about today is embedding new legacy solutions for your business. And this has got a whole lot more under the surface to that and where the information comes from. My guest today is Eduardo Campos. He is just full of so much of a. We just had a great quick conversation right before the show and it just got fired, got flooded with all sorts of stuff.
So I’m excited to see what comes forward on the show folks, this is going to be a lot of great things that I think you’re going to be able to take away from this interview in your life and you’re going to see some big changes. So Eduardo, thank you so much for joining us on the show today to talk about legacy solutions.
It’s my pleasure to be here.
You come from an industry that I’m very familiar with. Being corporate counter intel in the government sector. This is something that we’ve always been around. But in talking with you further prior to the show, the similarities of how you see things and how you do things and whatnot, but you’re doing it over here in this matter it’s so … I love one, first and foremost, thank you for the affirmations and that I love how the projection showed you, look here’s somebody else that’s doing what you’re doing, but in their way, standing in their gap. So what is your game? Yeah, what is it that you bring from the cybersecurity world, the stuff that your wife does with Microsoft and how are you bringing that forth to help business owners and entrepreneurs?
We help organizations to tap into the embedded knowledge in their systems, in their companies. We believe that the solutions for complex problems live within the system, in the culture, in the procedures, in the policies, in the group dynamics. What we help people, we are their enablers is to bring them to a conversation, bring them to find together the best solution, not the optimal solution. And it is their solution it’s not ours. What we just do is to enable them through using techniques from solutions design from a business model generation, formation of value proposition. It’s just to help them to tap into the knowledge that is in the system, step back, look at the system and together design options to solve the complex problems they face.
Yeah. And so folks, this is huge. So I’m just going to frame up his super powers. He’s got the ability to take a look at what you’ve built, what you’ve got and help you bring it forth in a way that is in residence with what’s best for you, right? We were talking before the show Eduardo about tapping into the divine. Our businesses, God is the CEO. We don’t do anything that he doesn’t say do this, we just listen and follow. So how much of that aspect do you instill in not only your business, but as you work with your clients? How does that unfold for them?
That’s what we do. We do not get on their way. We do not get on the way of how things work. We observe, we listen to you, we use techniques to elicit information. And I can give you an example. A client of mine invited me to help him to find a hacker in the organization because the information was leaking. So I got there, started talking to him, to his team members, to his employees. I did what we call a walk through. I walked through the organization, I went to the reception, I went to the copy area and I visited the clients together with one of his team members.
And then about two weeks later I came to him and said, said, there’s no hacker. Information is leaking because everybody’s leaving information open on the screens. Information is on the whiteboards, information is on the desks, there’s no receptionist so everybody that gets here is not vetted so anybody can get the information they want. Especially you, the CEO that leaves your desk and leaves your computer without a lock screen, so anybody can tap into your computer and can read your email and so on. So there’s no hacker and he was surprised but happy to see that they could solve that with just some training and awareness, raising awareness about the issues.
Yeah, I’ve got to laugh just because just throughout the years, the very similar conversations that we’ve had with clients because, folks when you don’t know what you don’t know, it can create havoc, especially in the business where you don’t have any separation of need to know security or information or whatnot or if you’re working, my favorite, oh my goodness I want to share just a quick story that’s very similar to what you just said. I had a buddy of mine, he got a brand new office at one of those co-work spaces and this co-work space had all of the offices were glass windows. So there is zero privacy and so he showed me his new office and he’s like, “Hey, let’s grab a coffee.” We went and sat down and had a coffee and I kid you not, we were sitting down and there’s somebody having a board meeting in their office with 12 people.
There’s the screen, there’s the slides, and I’m just sitting there watching my coffee, drinking the entire thing. Folks, that’s how you get your stuff that ends up being produced in China before you take it to the market. That’s how your competitors come out with a product before you do, but again, you don’t know what you don’t know. Eduardo, this is what he helps people do is establish those systems and processes to protect yourself so you’re not leaking out information, this is so much fun. I love these kinds of conversations because when the client has an aha moment, and the light bulb comes on, they’re like, “Oh, that wasn’t difficult?” But they wouldn’t have thought about it themselves.
Eduardo, talk to me a little bit about … I know we talked a little about what you’re doing and what not, but I want to hear it from you, how would you define your superpowers?
My superpower, my key superpower is connecting the dots. So I’m able to go in and understand what everybody’s is rooting for or what they are looking for or what they are driving for and then connect their needs and their wins and their losses with each other and then bring everybody to a conversation and get them to agree on which are the options they have to move forward. The issue that I see today is that people stick to the problem. That’s why our book is from problem solving to solution design because in problem solving, it’s really exciting to be talking about the problem but that usually goes towards a wrong direction of a blaming game and instead of finding a solution. So what we need to do is to step back, think of the root cause and there are techniques for that, think about the root cause and solve for the root cause instead of solving for the symptoms.
Okay. So I’m going to ask you, I already know the answer because this has been a theme for all my interviews today. How much of getting in your own way that going fast has an impact on making the wrong decision versus slowing down and listening to how it should unfold. How big and the clients that you work with, how much does that have an impact?
Well, I can talk about myself. When I was a young chief information security officer, I got to a company and they hired me in three months to put together a security policy, a corporate security policy, the top 10 statements about security that everybody had to follow. And I dove into that right away and I started working hard and pushing people and it failed three months later. Why? We got it out the door and nobody cared about it. Only the big boss. Why? Because I didn’t listen to anybody. I didn’t take anybody’s input because I knew it, I knew which solution I had to put in place to match the big boss expectations, but the big boss expectations in any organization is usually not the one that’s going to stick. We need to compromise with the big boss what it can be done and help the organization to be aware of what we are trying to do.
Everybody has their input and I’m going to talk about a true democracy. So I’m a former, I spent 14 years in the army so I know that in some situations you have to go through the standard operating procedures. There’s something that you have to do, there’s no time for discussion, but that shouldn’t be the norm. The norm should be we are on the same boat, if the hole is on your side of the boat or on my side of the boat, we are going to both drown. Let’s find the best way to solve the problem, the hole on the boat and then we both will succeed.
That’s a great place for us to take a pause because I just got hit with a whole bunch of I want to dive down this rabbit hole of legacy solutions a little bit further, but before we do Eduardo, where can people go find more information about you?
So we usually give our books websites. It’s easier for people to get there, it’s www.eecampos.com. There you can get a free download of a chapter for our book, you can get several downloads for free and you can find more information about our company, Embedded Knowledge
Fantastic folks. If you’re listening to this on iTunes or Google play or Stitcher or wherever you’re listening to it, you can now listen to all of the SuperPower Up network shows on the app. Just go to superpowerexperts.com/thenet and you’ll see the download page, downloaded it to your phone. You can stream everything directly on our network directly through that app specifically, so you don’t have to find it on iTunes every single time. It’s right there on the app for you at the palm of your hand. Stay tuned. We’ll be right back to talk about legacy solutions.
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