A Life of Purpose

How beautiful is it to live a life of purpose? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, Justin welcomes Jayne Sanders, a purpose whisperer who has been featured in Forbes. According to Jayne, the absence of self-awareness, authenticity, and harmony with your deep core values, purpose, and qualities is the root of many personal and business difficulties. As a result, retention concerning employees becomes lower. Jayne utilizes a scientific hand analysis to help people determine their unique purpose in life to address this problem within the organization. Tune in to discover the power of living a life of purpose. 

Justin Recla:

Welcome back to Incorporating Superpowers. Today we’re going to look at something that most people at some point in their life realize that this is something I should probably examine for myself. And that is purpose. What is your purpose? How do you live a purposeful life? What does that even mean in today’s world? My guest today is Jayne Sanders. She is helping people find their purpose. That’s exactly what she does. She refers to herself as the purpose whisperer, and she’s got a really, really unique assessment tool that I’m looking forward to diving down and exploring with you all today on the show. Jane, welcome to the show today.

Jayne Sanders:

Thank you, Justin. Happy to be here.

Activate Your Superpowers

Justin Recla:

This is good stuff. One, I love your background. You come from the corporate world and it seems like you, like so many others, have whatever that awakening moment was of recognizing that you had to step out of the corporate world and do something different. Dare I say better. That led you here in doing your work. Talk to me a little bit about that. What is your work as the purpose whisper?

Jayne Sanders:

What I do is identify and then help people align with their innate purpose and talents, and also help them take action on their blind spots. And I do that through the assessment tool that you mentioned, that’s referred to as scientific hand analysis. When I work in companies, I call it an executive work-life blueprint, because that’s exactly what it is. It’s a blueprint for your best life, 360, personally and professionally. Unknown to most people, the lines in your hands mimic the neural pathways in your brain. So the accuracy is jaw-dropping is one of the words that clients use and it was written about in Forbes because of its accuracy. So pretty cool stuff and very eyeopening.

Justin Recla:

It’s amazing what we can learn about ourselves when we pay attention to just the different aspects of our bodies. Our bodies are literally just there to remind us of who we are and that you’ve got the mechanisms in place to if we can look at those things. I love your assessment, looking at the hands, it’s such a unique way of assessing things. But I’m going to play devil’s advocate here. Is this like palm reading?

Jayne Sanders:

Well, it looks like that when I’m looking at somebody’s hands but no, there are no predictions to it, which is what makes palm reading kind of well known. No predictions at all. It’s the way that your brain has tracked throughout your life. So as you change, your hands can change also, except we get a lot of information from the fingerprints too and of course, those don’t change. The FBI would be in deep doo-doo right? Yeah. And I mean, I do make one prediction, but that’s for everybody and it’s that I don’t care how good your life is now. If you take action on what’s in your hands, it will only get better.

Justin Recla:

I love that. What a beautiful analogy as well, of taking action and it is focused on the hands. This is good stuff. I want to dive down this rabbit hole a little bit further on the back end, but before we do Jane, where can people go find more information about you?

Jayne Sanders:

My website is purposewhisperer.com. Lots of information there.

Justin Recla:

Fantastic. Folks, go check out Jane’s website and take a look at the hand assessment. We’re going to go on break real quick. But before we do, if you’re looking for a community that is here to uplift you, and inspire you, then go check out Superpowerexperts.com. We’re here to support you on your journey as well. Stay tuned. We’ll be right back as we dive down this because learn more about this hand analysis. Because now it’s got me curious as I’m looking at my hands. Stay tuned, we’ll be right back.

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