- The ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.
- The guiding power that acts as the connection between the human self and the super self.
- There are two major intuitive centers and they operate differently: sacral intuition and emotional intuition. It is essential for people to understand the difference and know how to hone their specific intuitive ability.
- There are other minor intuitive centers that accentuate the major ones and, for some people, act as their primary intuitive center.
The Superpower of Intuition
Did you know that intuition is the foundational superpower upon which all others build. Without comprehension and attunement to your intuition you can not hone your other superpowers with any degree of reliability. If you try to use other superpowers prior to mastering your intuitive ability, the information you receive can be misinterpreted and the techniques you attempt may cause harm to yourself and others.
While everyone has intuitive ability, those who actively use it know their predisposed intuitive center and the unique way intuitive energy functions in their lives. Many people believe intuition comes from the third eye. In our experience, this isn’t the case. We delineate between intuition and psychic ability and clairvoyance and believe they all function very differently.
As with all superpowers, intuitive ability starts first as a challenge. Most of us aren’t taught to trust our intuition and certainly we don’t see intuition honored as a guiding force for structuring our lives. Ironically, intuition is the only surefire measuring stick for moving your life forward to easy, aligned success.
Sacral Intuition
- Pure knowingness.
- Sacral intuition doesn’t know how it arrived at the answers, it just knows what it knows.
Emotional Intuition
- Derived from emotional energy, not emotions/feelings.
- Emotional intuition is an amazing connector.
Managing the Challenge of Intuition
Trust is the biggest challenge when it comes to intuition. Whether your primary intuitive center is sacral or emotional, or one of the minor centers, everyone struggles with putting intuitive guidance ahead of logic.
The Challenge of Sacral Intuition
In addition to the hurdle of trust, sacral intuition has the added challenge of the ego. But not in the way most people assume. Usually the ego wants to be heard and play a major role. With sacral intuition, those who have done any personal development/spiritual journey work tend to downplay their intuition once it starts to come online in a big way. Sacral intuition can feel egotistical to those who are new to its unwavering knowingness.
Signs You Might be Predisposed to Sacral Intuition
- You say, “I know” A LOT.
- You don’t always know how you know things, you just do.
- You don’t experience a lot of your own emotions.
- Sometimes you wonder if there’s something wrong with you because you see others experience emotional highs and lows and you don’t.
The Challenge of Emotional Intuition
Emotional intuition often leads people down a beautiful and challenging path. In a world where few cultures honor the power and volatility of emotional energy, opting instead for the steadiness of logic, those who naturally wield emotional intuition tend to spend most of their lives trying to deny, compensate for, or chastise themselves for what they perceive to be their biggest weakness – emotions. Most assume they are highly empathic and are taught to push aside the knowingness aspect of emotional energy and simply write it off as other people’s stuff.
Signs You Might be Predisposed to Emotional Intuition
- You feel — deeply.
- You’re prone to cry when frustrated.
- At times it feels like you feel everyone.
- You have difficulty delineating between your emotions and others’ emotions even during movies, in groups, etc.
Using Intuition as a Super Power
As with all super powers, intuition can be an amazing tool IF you know your unique intuitive ability and how to use it. Because the techniques are very different depending on where you receive intuition, it’s important to get clear on the type of energy you work with most naturally. This simple step can save you a lifetime of frustration (or end the frustration you currently feel when attempting to use your superpowers regularly and effectively).
If you think you’re ready to hone your intuition, here are some things you can do to practice.
Master Intuition
- Find a tool or method to use in the beginning. Some people use a pendulum, oracle or tarot cards, runes, or a coach who is able to tap into someone else’s intuition and provide clarity.*
- When faced with a decision, take a deep breath, lower your energy, raise your frequency, expand out and ask what information you need to make the decision. You can ask this question out loud or internally. Then wait. Do not get frustrated if you don’t receive obvious information immediately. Trust that as long as the question remains “out there” you will receive guidance. Resist the urge to allow your mind to respond with “I don’t know” or a quick solution.
- Practice, practice, practice. Moving from thought energy to intuition can feel very subtle at first. As you get more adept at determining the difference, it becomes more and more obvious.