Integrity of Spirit is a powerful Super Power. But that’s not the only one Isobel Tutchton wields well. From a young age, Isobel was predisposed to psychic and seeing abilities like intuition, mind reading, clair senses, telekinesis, and energetic sight. She began her spiritual journey as a teenager when she started communicating with guides and spirits, performing past-life regressions, and practicing astral projection and psychic dreamwalking. Listen in as she talks about her journey through mastering her personal power and honing her Super Powers.

Show Notes

Hello everyone! This is Tonya Dawn Recla Your Super Power Expert and this is a really special interview today I have with me Isobel Tutchton and I really don’t even know how to encapsulate this. What she emulates for the world and what she presents to the Universe and what she brings here. In so many unique and practical ways is just pure magic, it’s the culmination of pure creativity and drive and a willingness to encounter and counter all of these various aspects of ourselves.

I see so many people traverse this journey and her way of going through it is really a unique way. I’ll say she’s traversing a lot of really high level concepts. I can sprout her accolades all day but to me what’s most important is that she’s a NET member, a Super Power Agent, a member of the Super Power Squad and she’s one of our contributors. The culmination of all of that for me and what’s most significant is the fact that she plays and she plays full out. That to me is becoming something that I value above all else because it’s easy to sit back and say to your journeying and you to doing all these things; but the proof is in the pudding.

If you’re not going to traverse it, and be it, and play, and employ the prophesies, and take responsibility and all that fun stuff then at the end of the day it’s just esoteric philosophy and it doesn’t really serve the world. And so please join me in welcoming Isobel.

Welcome Isobel!

Thank you, Tonya, what a wonderful introduction, I’m really excited to be here.

Very cool. We’re so glad you’re here. Folks, if you all get nothing else out of this interview I really want you to focus in on the fact that this is a woman does exactly what she says she’s going to do. Not in the cliché way like “Oh I am I have integrity of my word” She has integrity of beingness. She’s made a commitment to stepping into herself over, and over, and over again as it changes very rapidly she continues to show up in that way. I’ve been absolutely impressed with that.

Thank you so much. That’s really wonderful to hear.

Very well. I can talk all day about you but I want to make sure that we get your voice in here. So, talk just a little bit about super powers so we can either start on this super power aspect of what are they. Or can you share kind of how did you even come to play with us in that way to really unveil those?

Well OK so the idea of super powers has been something that had a certain level of awareness of I’d say pretty much my whole life. When I was a little kid I was always called really imaginative because I’d be talking about all these things that I could see or all of these things that I could feel and it wasn’t just imagination. It wasn’t just imagination, those things were real for me, that was my reality and I carried that with me throughout my entire life.

I do genuinely believe that when a person sits with themselves and acknowledges what it is about them that makes them tick, that gives them purpose and drive then that’s their super power. Everyone has powers and they’re accessible and they’re right there. It’s just that a lot of us have amnesia and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s fun to journey back to that.
I was made aware of Super Power Experts and the NET at a pretty dark time in my life. I was repressing a lot of myself and I was sacrificing a lot of my truths and purpose for other people for things that weren’t really in alignment for me. It was like the status quo. You know you go to school to do this, you get a degree to do this, you’re in a relationship because of this. All of this stuff that was being put on me from outside. I really rebelled against it and got really tired of it and made a couple of radical choices to leave my job and leave my lifestyle.

I was connected and sort of called to reconnect with an old friend of mine and we had a conversation about all of the things that I have been aching to talk about. Spirituality and higher consciousness and super powers. When I heard him talk about what he had to say and to be able to say what I always knew and to feel it validated in that it was like lightning like a lightning storm going off inside of me. He told me that he was a part of this collective. He didn’t tell me the name. He told me very little about it. He mentioned a couple of people who were members of it. Before you know it I’m on the phone with you Tonya and I’m telling you about my story and you told me to join and you told me to play.

I had no idea what I was doing. But I did with my eyes closed and I joined and I started playing. It’s true when you throw yourself into it and do something for you because you’re motivated to do it and you feel that call, and you do move at light speed. All of a sudden I see super powers everywhere, synchronicities everywhere, my life just completely changed and blossoms for the better. It happened really quickly and it was hard work it was definitely hard work and it asks you to be really vulnerable, and sometimes really vulnerable in really public ways. But it’s worth it infinitely because now I can say with confidence that I have super powers, I know how to use them, I know why I’m here to use them, and I know how to help people find theirs.

I love that. It is so amazing and I particularly you have a special place in my heart because you know you journey in a very similar way that I do. There were many times along the path that I remember sitting there going “Am I really going to jump again? Am I really going to do this again?” and the most pivotal one recently within the last couple of years was you know again; am I going to play in that capacity? So, you’re right it is very public and I talk a lot about the abstract frequency and it’s like you’re not going to just ease into the abstract frequency like you’re not just going to walk in there on your own. You can only come into that abstract frequency when you agree to play with other people and that’s a huge part of that process.

Yeah, definitely.

So, how has your life changed by virtue of that journey?

Oh, in so many ways. I have a different job for one and a different sort of perspective and outlook on my job. I mean. I work at a commercial reality firm as an assistant and it would be easy for me to say that you know it’s not a passion of mine. To say it’s not my true career path but honestly that’s not even what it’s about. I’ve found a place there where I serve an energetic purpose. I represent a different way of looking at approaching world where I work and it’s really valuable and I get to help. Sometimes in really simple and mundane ways like filing or stuff like that. Then I also get to help in really big ways. It’s cool to be able to say like “Yes, this is my job this is what I do for money but it’s also I serve the purpose here.” and just because it’s not the end all be all of every dream I’ve ever had it’s still valuable and meaningful and it’s really been very empowering to come to that realization and to own it every day when I go to work to feel l like a superhero.

My diet has changed a lot. I pretty much entirely eat a vegan diet and that was something that I actually felt called to do. It wasn’t something that I ever really considered before. In doing so I just felt better physically so just making choices in alignment with your truth. I have a different philosophy around money and the way that I spend my money, and the way that I make my money. I used to be a really rigid budgeter and saver. I used to sort of punish myself when I would spend money. Now I consider myself an investment. I spend my money on experiences and helping people and having fun and then yes I do still save. It’s a freer way of being.

My writing has changed a lot. I’m a lot more open I’m a lot more willing to say what I mean. I don’t hide or veil what I really mean and convoluted metaphors like I did with a lot of my poetry before and I now I sort of come out and just say it. I connect with people differently. I’m much more confident. I was always a very insecure person for so many reasons, I just always felt less than everybody around me. and now I show up to spaces with people. I looked him in the face and I see them and I know that they see me and I’m not afraid to be seen, basically, that’s really what it is. I don’t live in fear anymore of myself or world.

I love that, that is very cool. Ultimately, you know my bias is that we’re all seeking freedom and autonomy and our own sovereignty and it takes courage to look at anywhere that something or someone outside of yourself has any sort of say over who you are and how you show up and I like that you mention all these various of what I would call, verticals. You know the job, and the money, and the eating, and the body and all these things. It’s like that is the game, you have to really start to dissect all that for yourself. In saying, “Wait who says that I have to eat like this?” or “Who says that I need to feel this way about myself?” or “Who says that I need to do things this way?” and that process never ends.

It’s a constant peeling back the layers. It certainly gets easier. One of the things that we really excel at, is teaching people the process so that they can apply it over and over, and over again in different scenarios and in different ways. But it still takes the individual being willing to dissect things because sometimes we’re attached to those things.

What was one of the hardest things that you felt yourself kind of looking at, I don’t want to say giving up, but really owning for yourself and what was one of the harder aspects for you?

Definitely the confidence. Confidence in really every level because like you say I mean it is a spiral. You you’re never done. You have to make those choices all the time and it all it will pop up in different areas of my life. Let’s say whether it was confidence in my body, or my appearance or, confidence in my place in the world, or confidence around people. Also, confidence as a writer or a singer or anything.

Even the confidence and the fact that I have super powers and I am a NET Member and it’s real or it’s good or any of those things. Also, having the knowingness and the confidence that you know I am important, and I do belong here, and I do have a reason here, and I do matter. Then acknowledging that while you’re confident that all of that’s true, recognizing that it also doesn’t matter. That interplay between being confident and detached that’s probably the hardest thing to master. Once you really acknowledge it, and own it, it opens everything else up and it makes it a lot easier to develop confidence and remain detached. Elevate constantly elevate yourself and your view of the world and the people around you.

That’s awesome. So, talk to me a little bit about how you play with Super Power Experts. What is your role in this and what are some of the areas you have ventured into? I know I named quite a few areas that you are playing in, what does all of that mean?

So being a NET Member which is sort of the first step, my favorite place to play was the Facebook group. I really enjoyed posting some of my poetry, being really vulnerable, asking questions, and asking for help, commenting on what other people posted and just sort of connecting with people on the online platform. Getting to know people on that level and feeling into it. As soon as I joined I did instantly feel that energetic connectedness that’s always at play underneath. I would suddenly feel energetically connected to people I had no idea who they were but I know their name, and I know their face and say “Oh they’re feeling this I’m going to lift them up”. That’s a really cool place to play. It’s a really good way to keep yourself accountable and to challenge yourself to hold others accountable. It’s really good practice for having super powers and living in higher consciousness and embodying who you are in your authentic self. Starting in the online platform and then taking it out into the world.

I found myself learning how to interact with other people differently. I would assume that only people in the net are willing to have these conversations but it’s not so. People all over the place are aching to have the kind of conversations that we’re having. Just because they’ve never heard of them or they’ve never heard the terms or the lingo or whatever you want to call it that people use, they’re still having those conversations and they’re still having those thoughts and they’re still looking for those connections. So, being a member is really just about being connected to your other members. Also, asking for help, always asking for help. I’ll say that so many times because you can’t do it alone you can only get so far and then taking what you learn and recognizing that it is mirrored everywhere else in the world.

It is really valuable to learn how to connect on that level and be confident to connect on that level. So that’s NET Membership for me. Then there’s also I mean there’s so much that comes with the membership that’s valuable to me such as the podcast interviews, the classes, and office hours and the sessions and programs. The programs in particular were a major calling for me just because I do sort of treat the NET like school. Doing the programs and sessions felt like taking classes, like online classes or virtual classes and that was really valuable to me because I did want to know how to move and I wanted to know more, and I wanted to be more, and I want it to show up big, and I wanted to play big. So, I was called to do that. What’s great about the NET is that whatever you’re calling is there’s an avenue for you to manifest that in your own way. So, that was how I sort of showed up. Then, through the programs becoming an agent made a lot of sense. So, as agent we talk to each other. We have meet ups in the group. We talk about ways that the NET works and ways that it can be improved and then the most important thing is we go out into the world and we talk to other people about it. When you find someone who you know is one of us and who’s aching and has that call and then share with them that you know this place exists and these conversations are happening and you have a place here so come join us. That can manifest and organize meet ups in town. It can manifest in just having lunch with friends and talk about what you’re doing or it can manifest in sharing things on your social media profiles and starting events and stuff like that. There’s a lot of different ways but mainly what that’s all about is just owning the fact that this is good, and it’s real, it’s important, and people need it.

Going out and sharing with them always in a space of love and no judgment that’s really my favorite thing in particular about the aging group. There’s no judgment as far as method or manner it’s just how you show up or how things manifest. It’s just this is how it works. This is what it is. However, it shows up embrace it and share it.

I love that.

And so being a contributor. For me is writing. That’s one of my favorite things to do. It’s my main medium, it’s my main art form that’s when I went to school for. It’s what I hope to do for a profession one day. So, we’ll see what happens. Writing articles for SPE has been a really cool way to be able to prove to myself for one, that I am a writer and that people want to read what I write. It’s a platform to consistently publish and share information that I have access to, and my ideas of the world. It’s a way to get my higher consciousness down in words and send it out to see if people want to read it.

That’s sort of new and it’s a new role that I’ve taken on and I’m really excited about it and I’m still sort of playing with how exactly I want to embody that. So, it’s really cool that I’m sort of creating it as I’m doing it. It’s all happening really simultaneously, because, before like this is created and I’m going to play with it and see how I feel inside of it. Now, it’s like I’m playing, and doing it, and creating it all from the beginning all at once. So, it’s sort of taking on a new approach and at a different pace. So, that’s really fun and really exciting and I’m super honored and humbled to be able to take part in the creation of that.

Yes, and I want to step in there for a second to say I am glad you’re willing to; because part of my gifts and how I view things is really seeing what happens when people choose to play. Then I tell people all the time that the model exists to allow people the space to show up and in whatever way that they choose. It’s funny because Ironically most of us are trained to sit back and observe and like you said, kind of see where you might fit into something that currently exists. We’re moving into a space of how do we energetically connect and create together and learning the synergies and learning how we operate together. And it requires people being willing to play.

So, it makes sense to me that my wish or my desire for everybody who was involved is at some point along the journey going to find a unique way to say “Hey what about this?” Or “What if we created this?” and then spearhead that in and of themselves. Because the model exists and the system exists to be inexhaustible in that regard. So, for those of you who are in the net currently are who thinking about joining know that there is space and tons of room for your own creativity and your own expression. But no one’s going to hand it to you because you have to work to get to the place. You have to be willing to do the work to get to the space where your OWN Energy is now infused into the model to where I get hit, or you get the hit, or the experts, or somebody starts to say “Hey, it feels like we could go in this direction.” and then because it’s your energy that was infused in it you get to have a hand in creating that but it doesn’t even happen for the model until the people show up and play and create the potentiality for it.

Right exactly, because higher consciousness really is creation. it’s pure creation and I love what you said about how no one is going to hand it to you. No, one is going to say “Oh, hey you’re really good at this, let’s just give you that.” You have to show up, you have to play, you have to ask for help; I’ll say it again you have to ask for help. Then you have to own your own place and hold yourself accountable and be willing to hold others accountable and just play, just throwing yourself into it. Then all of a sudden you’ll be like “Oh I’m creating this with everybody we’re creating this together”. And that right there is higher consciousness collaboration. That is really what it is all about, collaboration.

Absolutely. I’m so glad you mentioned that because I also want to talk about the Super Power Squad which is a new invention. You know I got the hit for the Super Power Squad months ago and I kept hearing it, and I kept hearing it I’m like “Ok, was it this group of people?” So, I knew it was forming but it only began molding and forming when some of you chose to play in a really cool way, either taking the intensive programs or went through some of the processes here. It happens and it gets created organically because of the coming together of those energies.

So, the Super Power Squad is one of the things I’m super excited about here recently. It really is such a powerful group of individuals who are, I mean I just feel like I see the impact on the world that can come out of this group is so exciting. So talk a little bit about what that mean to you. I know that I’m putting you on the spot because it is a new group and we are in the process of forming it, but that’s the beauty of it. It’s like I can’t even tell you what it’s going to look like because part of the process is how does it get formed as we bring the people together.

Yeah absolutely. So, Super Power Squad to me is the NET members who are in choice, in authentic choice and at a level of their journey where they’re really ready to take it to the next level, to take it to the next height. So, it’s more than just connecting because the agents and the members were always connecting. It’s more of connecting to create more and a way to really embody the difference of how higher consciousness can appear from person to person and yet how it’s still the same. We all embody something different. We all show up to be something different and that will manifest in different ways.

I really like the metaphor of Sacred Geometry we all represent a different point of the sacred symbol. We all have our different super powers. We have our different ideas and we all have our different choices, we have our different manifestations, goals, dreams, and visions but when we’re all together and connected on a common goal and we collaborate that’s when we create a sacred symbol. So, it just spreads out, and out, and out, and that’s how you connect across the Universe that when we connect across worlds. When we embody that we show people that it is possible to do that. It is it is possible to live in this world and to the universal at the same time. It’s really empowering and exciting. I’m really looking forward to see what we come up with together, and what steps we take, and what choices we make. When new people decide to join us and take this on, what it will create in the world as far as practical methods for discussing creating and collaborating higher consciousness. That’s the most exciting thing to me is what comes next because that’s what living in the higher consciousness is all about because yes you’re present. You can only be present if you’re anticipating what comes next because the present has already passed. So the Super Power Squads really represents, we want to play with what comes next, who’s going to join us?

I love that encapsulation of it. I like you’re talking about beyond connection everything else in fact I’ve taken things beyond collaboration because what I find is that you know a lot of people throw the word collaboration all around. But it’s an art to come together in true collaboration and create. So, I added in there, synergistic collaboration, I think it’s important to recognize that there is that entwinement and if we forget the energy component of it then we’re only talking about it kind of half assed. You know we’re not addressing the full power in coming together energetically in vibration and intentionally coming together to create specific things or just bringing the energy together to see what is possible.

So, I like the idea of the synergistic collaboration and to me it’s just an up- leveling of a really important concept but, like I said I think it’s getting thrown around a lot in some less substantial ways. I like the idea of seeing what comes next. I think that’s a really powerful encapsulation of that vision. So thank you for that.

If you are interested in coming and play in that space. Absolutely, these individuals worked hard for this and so at this point time to come into the Super Power Squad you have to go through the super power program. It’s a 90-day program. You can go through it in the 90 days all together or you can go through it in three chunks of 30 days. That has to be done within a certain timeframe. But either way it is just like what Isobel’s been talking about, you have to want this. You have to work at it and you have to really be willing to take to journey through some aspects of yourself. You can only truly come and play in that Super Power Squad when you’ve committed to mastering your own personal power. Our biases are that you only truly get access to your own superpowers in really unique cool and consistent ways when you are committed to using your powers for good. That’s when they appear and we really are pushing the envelope on what that means.

We’re working with things like time manipulation and you know I’m leading the pack right now with the multi-dimensional mastery and those people who want to kind of play in that space. We have to self-recognition story crafting, the implications of story crafting in some of these higher levels is, AMAZING! I have been getting a lot of downloads about what happens when we start rewriting the past, and timelines and all of you Flash and Arrow and CW fans. There’s a reason why a lot of that information is coming forward so all the fun stuff. So I am super excited that you are playing with us and that you are showing up. I love what we’re creating together and what we’ll continue to create together. I really love you emulate what the journey looks like. So thank you for being courageous in that and honoring what we’ve created and choosing to contribute to it.

Absolutely, and thank you for calling and playing with me as well. It’s awesome to see what happens when minds meet.

Absolutely. Very cool. And so I’m going to go ahead and bid you adieu. if you want to find out more about Isobel you can go to at “About” page and she’s featured in a number of different places and her articles are up there in the “Topics” section and until next time for all of you out there. As always we appreciate your loyalty and go out and uncover your superpowers and change the world. Take care of everyone!