The Superhero Journey Begins Where the Hero’s Journey Ends!
Step on the Path and Master Your Power
Master Your Power Course
Full Course Includes MYP Levels 101, 102 & 103

MYP 101: Introduction to Personal Power
- Welcome and Introduction: Examine the concept of power and the difference between understanding and mastering it. Discover your superpowers and the superhero journey.
- Self-Discovery: Explore your beliefs about yourself and the nature of the world. Learn to access your intuition and become an observer in various situations.
- What are you in Service to? : Understand the relationship between your superpowers and your contribution to the community, emphasizing the importance of living a life of service.

MYP 102: Evolved Evolution
- Constructed Reality: Differentiate between traditional mindset, evolved consciousness, and abstract frequency to better understand yourself and others.
- Effective Communication: Go beyond basic communication to align with your higher self.
- Inside Out Game: Use internal and external processes to expedite personal development and understand collective consciousness.
Master Your Power Today!

MYP 103: Advanced Mastery
- Five Steps of Manifestation: Learn the complete process of manifestation from conceptualization to reality.
- Triggers and Communication: Develop advanced communication skills for alignment with your higher self.
- Collaboration: Integrate all lessons and collaborate with others to create something new and impactful.