The Power of Presence
How can we embrace the power of presence? Do we need to practice awareness in our lives? In this episode of the IM Series, host AngelaMarÃa shares the power of being present, staying aware in the moment. It is pretty challenging. However, we get to master our actions and bring full awareness to the center. If we can do this, we will be able to take our lives to different levels. Tune in to learn some exercises to let you feel the power of presence.
Welcome, everyone. I am AngelaMarÃa, your messenger today here on The IM Show. I’m so excited to share with you The IM series content of all of these fascinating topics that are related to this human experience and how to make it better. Because you know what? Life doesn’t happen to you, you make it happen. Did you already listen to our past series Miracle Maker? That’s one of my favorites and maybe it’s because I’ve been experiencing and verifying a lot of this information lately in my life.
Let me ask you some questions that I will suggest before you have something a piece of paper, or your notes, your journal, whatever you need to be able to connect to this information, to make it real and present for you. But also find yourself a quiet space, a sacred space for me, a glass of water, a glass of wine, a cup of tea, a cup of coffee, some water, some juice. If you want to have some essential oils, crystals, any delicious incense, your candle, anything and everything that you need to make this space perfect, this moment is special because this time is just for you.
Let me ask you, from 1 to 10, how easy has been for you to change the perspective of that challenging situation in life? After listening to The IM series, Miracle Maker, you may have found, that a miracle is just a matter of seeing with different eyes. I’m having this challenging relationship with my mom, or with my partner, with my husband, with my girlfriend, how could I see it from a different perspective? Be grateful for whatever that person or relationship is bringing to you. What would be your life without that person or that relationship? What you would miss? Any learning experience maybe? Something really cool? Did this series guide you to a specific action? Because they did for me.
The specific action that I was called to take every day is, at end of the day, to go over my day and realize what miracle or what miracles I manifested that day. I have found something like, wow, my husband came, I had my kitchen organized, and he just used a cup, a spoon, a dish and he just left everything there. When I went to the kitchen, I saw that it was not in the same condition as I left the kitchen when I left, and I knew it was him. I just smiled and say, “Oh, my God. This is so cool that he needed something, maybe he was hungry or thirsty, and he was able to satisfy the need that he had.” I’m thankful for the water and the soap, but I am also thankful because even in this situation, I can choose to be fine and in peace, but I also choose to express how I feel.
I went to him, I kiss him, and I say, “Hey baby, what were you drinking?” “Oh, I was drinking some milk with a doughnut.” “Oh, how was it?” “It was delicious.” “Great, baby, I can tell. Amor, I just organized the kitchen. Next time, could you put everything in the sink? Just in the sink is fine. Now, if you would like and wash them, I would really appreciate it. But at least in the sink, that would make me happier.” “Oh, I’m sorry.” He stood up, he went, and put everything in the sink.
He was going to the living room and then he came back, washed them, and I created a great miracle. Because in the past I would be angry, either I would express it or I would create a discussion. Well, where we were maybe not so happy and just trying to defend ourselves and maybe in resistance because we don’t want to listen to what we need to do according to the other person, blah, blah, blah, blah. Or I would just be quiet. I would just put everything away again, wash it, dry it but in anger. Could you share one of those experiences? Could you write it down in your notes? You can even pause the audio and write it down.
I also created another miracle. I have a neighbor in front of our house and he or his wife, never says back to us. “Hey, good morning.” Ignored. “Hi. How are you?” Ignored. And I was always so mad, I said, “I’m not going to talk to them anymore. I won’t say good morning. I won’t greet them. I’m just going to ignore them, that’s what they do to us.” But maybe it’s my personality, I forgot. I went outside and I was watering my plants and he walked by because he needs to walk right there by my house to go around to the mailbox. And when he walks around at some point, our eyes just cross each other and I say, “Hey, good morning. How are you?” “Fine.” I was so happy. I didn’t complain because he wasn’t as sweet as he should be because he was rude.
I was so happy and I smiled at him and I say, “I’m so glad that you are fine. Thank you. Because I think that is great to be fine now in the middle of the chaos.” He just laughs at me and say, “Yeah, you’re right.” Oh, my God. I was so happy. Could you share one of those experiences right now with yourself or maybe with your husband or your kids? Could you even maybe write us an email and say, “Hey guys, I was listening to The Miracle Maker and this is my experience.” I would love to listen to your stories, [email protected]. I would love to listen to your stories.
Today let me share with you our latest series, The Power of Presence and I want to begin this series reading to you a piece from a book that I love, is The Power of Now but is Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings, Meditations, and Exercises From The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.
It says, “When your consciousness is directed outward, mind and world arise. When it is directed inward, it realizes its own source and returns home into the unmanifest. When it is directed inward, it realizes its own source and returns home into the unmanifested.” I need to confess to you that when I started this spiritual path, I already had some courses and seminars and I was already a Reiki master. I was remembering one of my meditations or maybe it was prayer because I was in fact talking to God saying, “Hey, I would like something that makes this spiritual path more alive.” I love things that are practical, maybe because I was a teacher. But I love things that are practical. I love things, courses, seminars, and programs that guide me through actions. And I don’t mind if the actions are out there or inside, I don’t care. I just need actions that I can verify that are working for me.
Some months later the book The Power of Now came to me and it took me like five years to finish the book because it’s not like a novel. It’s not the kind of book that you read one day and then keep going with the next day. I needed to read it again and read it again. I read it in Spanish and then I read it again in English and that one, I think that I haven’t even finished it. That’s what I want to share with you today. Because Tonya is sharing with us The Power of Presence. The present moment awareness is challenging. Staying in the now is one of those master actions that I feel we need to take in life when we want to go and take our lives to a different level.
“We can all relate to the undeniable difference, impacted on a situation when we bring our full awareness into the center.” Says Tonya in the description of The IM series. I personally want to invite you to listen to this episode, of course, here with me, but also go to The IM series and listen to this series or episode with the intention to be present in your body, your emotions, and your thoughts. Let’s do the exercise with this episode.
Right here and right now, stop what you’re doing. Stop writing. Take a deep breath. Right here, right now, where is your body? How does it feel your body right now? Is itching? Is any part of your body in pain? Maybe uncomfortable? Maybe you are just looking at some part of your body that you say, “Eh, I would like this part of my body to be so and so.” Take a deep breath.
Right here, right now, where are your emotions? How do you feel right now? What do you feel, right here, right now? Write it down, could be just one emotion. Right now, I feel at peace and excited to be sharing this with you. And right now, I feel that my leg is uncomfortable. What about you? Right here, right now, where is your mind? What thoughts are going on in your mind right now?
This is funny. I love to do this exercise once in a while. Because I was talking to you and I was telling you that my leg was uncomfortable and immediately, I thought, oh my God, and I need to finish packing. Right there in the middle of nowhere, like really? I am recording an episode talking about The Power of Presence, and just after I was aware of my emotions and how my body was feeling right now, this thought comes to me. Right here, right now, how are you? How are you in your body? How are you in your emotions? How are you in your mind? How is your spirit? Where is your spirit moving to?
I’m going to invite you to join us for this exciting IM series and to learn how to start being more present. This that I just shared with you is a great exercise to start with. Learn how to harness the four levels of connection to empower your awareness ability. In this episode, I’m just going to talk in general, but I’m going to invite you to go to listen to Tonya because she goes to all of those four levels specifically. Also to explore the expansive world of immediacy in multiple layers.
Our topics today, being present, observing the now, radical, immediacy. When we come back from this short break, we are going to talk more about The Power of Presence. But before our break, let me remind you that the IM series weekly videos are our gift to you here and each and every week. And to get access to the IM series library, MasterClasses, events, and much, much more, join the SuperPower Experts community. Go now to superpowerexperts.com and join us today. We will be right back.
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